Smash Leak. HE'S IN

Smash Leak. HE'S IN.

Attached: BANJOKAZOOIE.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

he's owned by microsoft, retard. There's no way he'll ever be in smash.

Fake and also gay also not nintendo ip faglord

>blurry screenshot
Every time

i had to take it fast

Don't do that to me user
Don't give me hope

Wish he wasn't people don't actually like Banjo. They just think they do.


Attached: BIG MARRING.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Keep on seething, shitlord.

>"hey user you should play banjo"
>"but not Tooie that one sucks"
>and Banjo Kazooie is ok if you dont mind music notes resetting after exitting the level
>"grunty's revenge?, I've never played that one"
>"Nuts and bolts sucks"