Why dont i enjoy playing games anymore?

why dont i enjoy playing games anymore?

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Usually it's because you've outgrown the medium and desire something more challenging and thought-provoking. Since you're a pepeposter, it's probably something else.

Too much masturbation probably


no other hobbies
playing games to sedate yourself

Same. I only enjoy it while i'm high otherwise i'm thinking "what the fuck am I doing with my life." Now I watch movies in my free time.

For me, it's the will to stop existing

find a new genre>see if it's still not working>start getting into movies/books>show/movie/book gets a vidya adaptation>think why not> it's been a while and vidya is exciting again>repeat

Because you need more than just games. Also you should try challenging yourself with a new genre. I recommend learning to fly a plane by instruments.

You can't enjoy games because you are running away from responsibilities that needs to get done. Studying/Advancing careers/Getting GF/Having children/Growing up

The Jews got to you.

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because you post frogs all day you bitch

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Just give it a break and try something else like books, music, drawing, etc. And come back to it when you feel interested again.

I took a 4 month or so break from Vidya to try and learn to make music. Now I'm back to Vidya with a vengeance and I seen to be able to focus better.

You’re likely forcing the matter out of habit.
>I’d normally be playing something right now so I guess that’s what I’ll do
Instead of firing something up because you actually want to play it. Just take a break for a few weeks or even months, it’ll come back. Or maybe it won’t. Either way you’ll be better off.

Subconscious realizes you're a Frogshitter and is trying to depress you into killing yourself for the better of humankind. Better listen to it.

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Also too much 4channel

>Studying/Advancing careers/Getting GF/Having children/Growing up
That all sounds stupid and boring. Who would want this?

Our attention spans, we've destroyed them

fapped 3 times yesterday and played crash for 5 hours, so no.

I just want to cook and garden and hold hands with cute grill all day but I don't have the time for any of these things
I'm so tired

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usually it's because of depression, dumbfuck