I thought comfort her meant talking to her about her issues or giving her a hug or something

I thought comfort her meant talking to her about her issues or giving her a hug or something.

Attached: screenshot0536.png (800x600, 367K)

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How. I'm a virgin and even I understood

No more hugs, Will

OP confirmed for shut-in virgin retard. People don't ask to be consoled verbally. If they have to then you're a horribly autistic moron who can't read emotion.

I thought she was a lesbian too

It was badly written.


This, me even if you don’t get that comfort doesn’t mean comfort when someone asks for it, just look at the fucking scene beforehand, it was obvious what she wanted

>cuts off her drills before you get to fuck her

into the trash

Came here to post this.

Attached: daa.gif (500x273, 3.29M)

She was. For one person.

This was a crime.

Fun fact the sole reason for her doing that was because the artist couldnt draw the drills into her h scene well enough

Comforts you after glassing and shoving you aggressively

Attached: 1471706843613.jpg (363x495, 142K)

I would've rather her keep her drills and not have a h scene then. It wasn't worth it.

For me it was plainly obvious she wanted to fuck, and I happily delivered the dick. Fuck the consequences.

Attached: 1559777899257.png (489x654, 407K)

Why didn't she just ask to be fucked?

Why did the best girl have the worst route?
>Shizune's cunt dad ruins the pacing and drags down every scene he's in
>Misha gets de-drilled and tempts Hisao to cheat
>The trap was completely meh-tier and would be utterly forgettable if he wasn't a trap
I've read some shitty nakige, even other western ones, but that route sucked ass.

She is cute without drills.


Attached: 1327649999400.jpg (802x602, 104K)

>She is less cute without drills.


Attached: 3879.png (500x725, 189K)