Do you have any delisted games?

Do you have any delisted games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Alice Madness Returns
Some of the Telltale ones


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But user...she's already taken by her girlfriend that came out of nowhere with no foreshadowing.

I do, but unlike you I’m not a subhuman frog

well i didn't chosed my nationality user.

Korra was an okay series.

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>The spoiler
user please

Atleast 10+

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution
God Mode isn't delisted but can't be bought
H1Z1 - Just Survive

metroidvania ikaruga

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I have a gift copy of what might be the last remaining unused copy of Human Revolution Standard Edition rotting in my steam inventory. I got it to use as a christmas gift right before the enhanced one came out.

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I altered the timeline to prevent that.

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>Alice Madness Returns
this confused me, I remember seeing it up on PSN just a few weeks ago
apparently only the steam version is delisted
still on Xbox as well
a huge red flag though for those that still want it

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Korra was a garbage abortion that did everything within its power to ruin the good series that came before it, seemingly out of pure spite.
And they're still not satisfied, so they're swinging around with a live action remake just to back over the corpse a few more times.

Transformers: Devastation

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Outrun Online Arcade and Afterburner Clumax on 360.

I guess Alpha Protocol on Steam as well now.

war of the roses
although I never played it

I have this game as well. Doubt anyone plays it anyways. I thought the visor system was kimda cool


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Wish I bought that when I could

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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Wan was worse.

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unlike Korra, it was at least on the PS+, so those who are subscribed can still play it.


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One Piece: Pirate Warriors
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2
Tales From The Borderlands
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

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That's fucking bullshit. Another reason all digital future is fucked. Any game with licensed songs, or a movie license, anything like that at all will be removed forever. Marvel vs Capcom whatever it is. Totally fucked.

this, but unironically boys

You can pirate it.
It's abandonware.

Devastation had physical copies, just not on PC.

It's a load of shit that this is the only option now
My ISP is pissed at me enough already

>seemingly out of pure spite.
No just incompetence
Adventure time was ruined out of spite.

tldr me on adventure time and what the hell happened, i never watch it...Can't believe it's already soon 10 years old, it's still pretty recent in my head.

God fucking dammit, this one makes me mad every time I think about it. I own it, but it feels so shitty that they took it down to replace it with an inferior version to make a quick buck.

>God Mode isn't delisted but can't be bought
That was a pretty meh game
But what makes me really mad is that I read a review for it that said the unlockables should have been microtransactions.

I have the older version of GTA:SA and VC with none of the music removed if that counts. Only other one I can think of is Dead Island Epidemic but that game is dead and you can't play it anymore.

You mean like they needed a fortune teller several seasons beforehand to announce that ship?
I wasn't even eager for that ship, like the rest, but at this point their relationship was more cultivated than most other.

kao the kangaroo round 2

I'm still mad about it

>they did not buy the physical copy
i laugh at you.
i also suggest checking out best buy if are in the states. they have tons of these small games that normies and little timmy never buy.
>got Gitarooman PS2 for 9.99 because they randomly had a copy even though the PS4 just came out

I never really watched the later seasons!(or much of the early seasons) but apparently a lot of the writers for those seasons hated the mc and went out of their way to make him miserable.

me too, brother. me too.

>Xenoblade Chronicles HD


I can never ever get rid of my PS4

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The relationship makes people mad because it was blatantly a last second attempt to deflect criticism so that those who called the show out on being so shit could just be accused of being homophobes.

Didn't transformer actually had good sales since it was liked by fans and kids?
Would have love it as a kid...

Scratches and Scott Pilgrim.
Would have been sad to miss out on either.

>he doesn't have uncrowded

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>deleted it 2 days before it got pulled since I was waiting for the full game

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I have a Super Monkey Ball game on my phone that plays like peggle


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Duke Nukem 3D Megaton

I have a gift copy of Poker Night, is it worth anything?

Probably just boots upscaled on dolphin

Nothing of the full game was done user. The designer even said he haven't even the pre planning phase and the designs.

At this point Kojima just used PT to have reedus and del Toro on-board for ds as a publicity stun.

>deflect criticism so that those who called the show out on being so shit could just be accused of being homophobes.
Yeah but that shit always works. Even mild criticism of a game here has a good chance of having some sperg screaming "/pol/" at you.

All of these from around 2011 or 2012 before Rockstar delisted GTA 1 and 2 while fucking with the others' songs (also have SA and IV).

Attached: steam gta.jpg (250x72, 5K)

Don't know about the others but they replaced GTA SA with the shitty mobile port.

It gives TF2 cosmetics, it might be

Fable 3
It fully deserves most of the shit it gets but I still enjoyed my one playthrough of it. I actually intend to do it again some day.

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This, pic related, and Digital Homicide's games

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Poker night 1 is still on steam right? Only 2 was removed.

Believe it or not, I have 14 days and 11 hours clocked into Fable 3

I don't even remember this game anymore

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Wait, really? Good thing i got it for free on PS Plus

It wasn't has good as 1 and 2, but it wasn't really a bad game.

Nope, it's gone

depends on how you define good sales.
22k units.
at 49.99
they made around 1,099,780.
we can assume less because the vendors selling it take a cut of that 49.99.

for what it was i think it sold well.
but Activision does not see it that way. it was not a smash hit that changed everything and had no way to "touch base" with the consumer post purchase.

Is Korra just a non-Egyptian Pharah?

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for a licensed game those really arent great sales numbers...unless those are just the PC sales

I've got Afterburner Climax on my PS3, but they rereleased the mobile port in April so the game isn't 100% gone anymore.

At least it's available physical, and I have my copy. What a shame, the game is fantastic. Also is right, not only is it delisted but the source code deleted from Activision's servers. Nobody will be able to make money off of it ever again aside from the people who still own discs that want to sell those, but those are for consoles only.

"You gotta deal with it" cringebad
Weak ass villains worse

time does not work that way.
Pharah is a Egyptian Jetpack Korra

Lego lotr
Transformers high moon games
Transformers devastation


10/10 design. /fit/ delicious brown tomboy. Too bad her writing sucks and her series is trash.

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>PS4s hard drive died
And this is why I will never support Sony again

Thanks bro. I was just ranting in a general sense about the next gen push or the gen after push for all digital. I know it's coming sooner or later and that licensing type of thing will always be a problem. That's never going away.

Wait, when was Poker Night removed?

Scott Pilgrim
After Burner Climax
Poker Night
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Alpha Protocol
Alan Wake

I have this in my library still, despite refunding it after playing it for 15 mins. I really don't care enough to check if it still works, it was trash.

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LEGO lotr and Geometry Dash before it was listed again.

>the only place where people speak French is in France

Based retarded burger education

all of telltale *poof*

What are some reasons for games to be delisted?

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God I hate downloaded games.
I get the praise for ease of use but collectible stuff will all die way quicker being stuck on hard drives.

I have hope for AB Climax. The mobile port is back up as part of SEGA Forever, with that Free w/ Ads or $2 Adless model. They had to get the plane rights back for that, so I can't imagine they'll just sit on them forever.

If not a Climax port I hope for a SEGA AGES ABII that expands on the 3DS remaster.

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Wait this got delisted? was the game actually any fun? I kept forgetting to buy it because I was waiting for a discount.

ok looked it up.
the 22k was Ps4 only.

in total we got 51,806 units sold
2,589,781.94$ would be the number pre vendor cut.
this is also assuming all the games were sold at launch price. in reality though they made less.

its almost always licensing issues, either for the theme of the game if its based on a tv show or movie for example, or if the game has a large licensed soundtrack. sometimes games are removed if an "enhanced" version comes out, like dark souls on steam.

You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France

servers die
devs no longer own licenses
banned off steam
arbitrary reason of devs chosing

Licencing issues for the most time.

the usual reason as I recall, is no loner having the rights the IP being used or even music used in it.

It was extremely budget. 3 hours of gameplay, including filler sections between the main levels of riding her polar bear dog through auto-runners. Not bad but even a good studio can only do so much with a miniscule budget. TF Devastation had more that went into it despite still being budget, and that game did a lot to help mitigate its lack of asset variety.

I have an unredeemed copy of Droplitz, a puzzle game by Atlus which has been delisted for years.

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temporary music licensing is bullshit

I got Lego from humble bundle for free

I'll give you pictures of my big boobed exgf for it

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Do you have any games that have been relisted after being delisted?

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The best one

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Pharah is Samus + Korra
Basically why my dick also activates to her

>beeing deleted from the store actually boosted its fame
Was it all a sham?

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I just noticed Evolve is no longer on steam

What a random fucking studio.

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More than a few,

Afterfall InSanity - Extended Edition (Delisted for unpaid Unreal Engine royalties)
Alice - Madness Returns
Bloodbowl - Dark Elves Edition & Legendary Edition*
DarkSpore (Always on DRM servers shut off)
Dead Island*
DiRT Showdown
Metro 2033*
Walking Dead

*(Supplanted by some sort of deluxe edition)

Also, The Void: delisted, but later relisted after a contract dispute was settled.

007: Legends

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Already got em

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Probably. We must miss an huge part of the drama.
You don't get fired of Konami like that, especially for someone as big as Kojima, and Konami actually are quite friendly for the majority of those who left on their own like Iga or Ito. They even got some old mg developers back in 2017.

does anyone know where I can download the Lego Lord of the Rings games?
I heard they're really good, but rip

I'm a retard with pirating so preferably something you can just click then play, like a fitgirl repack. but fitgitl has every lego game except Lord of the Rings

yeah but I bet you don't have the pics of her hairy pits

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How big will this bomb honestly?

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My abandon ware probably has it unless there is still some way to actually purchase it

and I though video games were fucking jewish but I am always reminded of the music and movie industry. Disgusting desu.

It never got finished.

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There are a billion little studios everywhere that make nothing shit games you've never heard of. I remember having friends who interned at a studio that made DS versions of AAA 360/PS3 games. I have no clue if they're still around.

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>creator of scott pilgrim said it's his life goal to get the game relisted
>his old twitter account is gone now that stated it
>dlc added online features and two more characters that most people never had a chance to buy.
For all the hate Scott Pilgrim got a lot of people missed out on an actual fun 2D side scrolling beat em up game.

I wasn't that original guy anyway. I just wanted to make a funny.

Dark souls prepare to die edtion if that counts

Based on a website I just looked up with a complete list of delisted games:

The Walking Dead
Metro 2033
Dirt 3: Complete Edition
LEGO: The Hobbit
Alpha Protocol
Sniper Elite V2
Poker Night at the Inventory
Dead Island
Poker Night 2
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
The Last Remnant
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
Darksiders 2
Dear Esther
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Metro: Last Light
Shadow Warrior (Classic)
Clive Barkers: Jericho
Deus Ex Human Revolution- The Missing Link
Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD
The Legend of Korra

I’ve stopped going through the list about a third of the way through because it’s massive and these are the ones I know I definitely have.

Alpha Protocol: Removed due to music rights problems.

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Badly I hope and it helps that America has bad infrastructure.

doesn't. you can still find physical copies of the console version on things like ebay, but i don't have a console

Oh hey, I have a similar gift item. You can no longer buy the non-remastered versions of Bioshock 1 and 2, but this pack was modified to add the remastered versions in addition, so that's cool.

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The original version of HITMAN 2016, if that counts.

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shadow warrior classic is still on steam. it just has Redux in the title now for some reason

I have Playable Trailer on my PS4. Isnt it worth something now or something?

Is the 2 remaster any more or less stable? The original version crashes constantly

He doesnt fuck the gay out of lesbians with his chad thundercock

lmao omega incel google lesbian bed death

There was a whole season of foreshadowing
Writers don't just do things for no reason. They threw in so many little flirty things

No idea, this was the only copy I bought, I used to put games into my inventory until I wanted to play them in case a steam trading thread popped up here and I decided to trade it for something else.

>holds hands with her friend since season 1 at the end
go back to Tumblr, fag. the show sucked anyways.

Undertale, an actual bad game and an embarrassment if people see it.

anybody want a copy?

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That game was fun. SAD

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But you can emulate it.

Stubbs the Zombie
Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena or whatever the remaster is called
Alice Madness Returns
Alpha Protocol
probably a few others

GRAW 1+2
Prey 06
Dark Souls PTDE
Bioshock and Metro OGs

It was an amazing game, but too ahead of it's time. The average person just couldn't run it well

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I have many games. Observe.

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I didn't even know this existed

And another one.

Attached: Steam Delisted 2.png (1158x920, 67K)

yeah they killed it about 2 months after the beta keys went out.

the foreshadowing has been there since season 1
shes been such a slut she had to go out with everyone

Last one.

Probably others in the hundreds of unredeemed keys I have lying around....

Attached: Steam Delisted 3.png (1160x891, 59K)

Are you that dude that won all Steam games for life?

Reminder that The Lion King is delisted on Steam but not on

Nah it was more than 2 months. I got my beta in December 2013, game went down October 2014. It had potential...RIP Epidemic.

Alpha Protocol
Deus Ex: Human Revolution original version
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link original version
Metro 2033 original
Metro: Last Light original
probably some others too

Also Alan Wake until recently but I guess that got re-listed

God I wish. There's been a few dudes actually, but alas I am none of them. Just tons of sales, lots of gifted keys, and 11 years on Steam.

Side note: Fuck you for reminding me that I've spent 11 years on Steam now.

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>It had potential
you're right, it could've been a monument to terrible publisher decision making

>Alan Wake

And good thing too. Fantastic game. The writing, the pacing, the acting was all perfect for what it needed to be (Cheesy acting, phenomenal pacing, fantastic writing)

11 years and get ready for 11 more years user.
Nobody escape Yea Forums ans vidya. It's too late for us now.

From the top of my head, basic stuff like original editions of games before re-releases replaced them, and Douk 3D Megaton Edition. I also have a gift copy of the original Binding of Isaac soundtrack, since the original musician had a falling out with Steakmond.

>Have to have at least 500 games to even sign up to that website

You're not kidding.

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Only ones I know of off-hand as being delisted are
Sword Coast Legends
Dark Souls (not remastered)
I probably have several more if I were to look them up.

I see it go for 300+

Unfortunately the studio went under. This game is a fun tower defense/FPS mix.

IS WHEN I'M getting fucked by lawyers apparently. too bad, great game

oh hey, one of the other 40 people who own iron grip

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You're right, there was no foreshadowing at all the the only people who disagree are Yea Forums dykes who shipped them. I didn't even know they were a pairing until the very fucking end and only then did I notice the writers snuck in bullshit crap like Asami complimenting Korra's hair as "shipbait". GIRLS DO THAT ALL THE TIME THAT DOESN'T COUNT WHY WOULD THAT CONVINCE AN AUDIENCE BOTH THESE PREVIOUSLY HETEROSEXUAL CHARACTERS ARE BOTH GAY NOW???

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Nice. I wish I had a chance to play a full multiplayer game.

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Here's what I got on Steam at least. There's also Scott Pilgrim on muh 360 and Simpson's Arcade on PS3.

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I mean thats just 11 years on Steam. I spent the 6 years before that mostly on WC3, TF2, WoW, EQ, EVE, HoN, Starcraft, and America's all the myriad of console games...

is it any good

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>500 games minimum.
Rookie Numbers senpai.
Don't forget I have like 150-200+ game keys unredeemed from bundle sites cause im a lazy shit.
Lost a couple dozen/hundred more when indireoyale went under cause fuck desura. Wasted money RIP.

Also, to be fair I'm almost 26, and ive been gaming since I was 2 or 3 so...yeah....I remember Red Alert 2, Beavis And Butthead Hospital spit demo game, all them OG PC n PS1 demo discs, some first person blocky 3D fighter jet game over a desert n tons more.
Ive been hooked since before Clinton got his nuts off in a Jewish girls mouth.

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I almost bought that game once because I played 3 good platinum games in a row. Glad I never did.

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Again, it's a fun tower defense/FPS mix. You can switch between two perspectives in real-time: a top down view to buy/place structures, and the "normal" FPS perspective, so one moment you'll be putting down a turret to attack a bunch of infantry, then you'll be actually shooting at that infantry yourself. On harder difficulties they start throwing tanks and more complex stuff at you but there are ways to deal with those too.

>mirage arcane warfare
>alice madness returns
>marvel ultimate alliance 1 and 2
>lord of the rings war in the north
>original versions of games like sleeping dogs, metro, bioshock, etc
>telltale shite
>duke nukem 3d megaton edition
>the stomping land
>of kings and men
>lego lord of the rings

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What site?

If you got 500+ games, you can compare your library with this list.

I searched and this is my list
Super Monkey Ball Bounce (Phone game)
Metro 2033
DiRT Showdown
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
LEGO The Hobbit
Transformers Devastation

The online was really fucking bad so you didn't miss out on that much. Knives was the shit though.

yeah tons

that's untrue. it's horribly boring. i thought the same thing until i played it recently. it's shit

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>Pokernight 1 and 2 cant be purchased any longer
Doesnt that increase the price of their TF2 cosmetics?

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>Tfw played Kim and Knives exclusively

They're untradable, and untradable items can no longer be traded even with gift wrap.
Unrelated, but apparently Mirage Arcane Warfare is totally gone now, as well. It was shitty, but I had fun with it for a couple of weekends. RIP

they are untradeable

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Shadow warrior non-redux was actually free to add to your account for a while, redux is another version. There's also a Duke 3D version that's neither the world tour or megaton editions and runs on dosbox that you could get in a 3d realms pack some years ago

Those games were in so many humble bundles they're worthless, not to mention untradable

I should've fucking bought it when I had the chance. I remember seeing it during like every sale.

Hey goyims, wanna know how much money you gave steam in total?

Look here

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being from quebec isn't any better

i played up until you kill that black lady with no crashes. havent gone back to it in awhile now though

I want to play this so bad.

I forgot this show got a game

Why can't he get it back up?

worst platinum games title closely followed by bayo 2. it is one of the only games that nobody cares is de listed

music rights are some chiptune band, and konami published it, and he owns the characters. similar shit to what demons souls has going on

Who's gold?

>Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
>The Walking Dead

I bet you don't have one of these suckers.

Attached: 06-30-2019_102.png (362x471, 71K)

Alpha Protocol
Deus ex: Human Revolution
Duke Nukem 2
Duke Nukem 3D megaton edition
Indigo Prophecy
The Last Remnant
Mortal Combat Collection
And a whoole lot of apogee games when they did that bundle.

Not him, but I got three of those.

Got one of these?

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If it's on PS2 or ps3 or GameCube you could just emulate it.

You can redownload it you fucking idiot. I upgraded my ps4 with a sshd and you use your pc as a download center for the ps4 to install it.

It sucks more because the band even made it clear that they weren't the ones that pulled anything and they even wanted the game to stay up.

Lots. E.g. Alice Madness Returns, OG Prey, Cleve Barker's Jericho, The Last Remnant, Deadpool, Amazing Spider-Man 1/2, Mortal Kombat Kollection, OG versions of the first 2 Metro games etc etc.

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alan wake is back

Lol this domain-less page comes up when you click on the Steam link

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I had the RE2 demo and deleted it

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NWN2 Platinum Edition

I don't have a Wii U.
What's wrong with Bayonetta 2? How did they fuck it up?

alice madness returns
dark souls ptde
probably a bunch of shit i've never played

>AIDS Treatment
Was it really that bad?

I could have bought a 72 gram bar of solid gold for that


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Really regret not grabbing NWN2 and Duke Megaton back in the day.

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Along with Simpsons Arcade and pic related

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based delicious brown bros.

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I don't want to know.

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>for 266 games
Eh, now if only I could calculate how much I spent on my physical collection.

How many games have you bought?


Assassin's Creed 3 got taken off of steam 3 months ago

Yeah a ton, too many to paste.

Also got the original soundtrack "DLC" for Mafia.

$1500 for 300 games
yall niggas payin too much


594 games

$302.00 and yet I have over 4000 games on my account. I bet you're wondering how I did that.


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DaS1, I guess. I'm sure everybody has that though.

and ordered by G2A price

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Didn't they ruined the series by JK Rowling her as a dike at the last minute?

Holy shit she even looks like a waterbender
Also how old is she

I do still myself, I believe (im the bloke that posted the near 900 library.
Plus a myriad of other similar shit.

>im the guy with the massive library
>my results:
TotalSpend 2019-06-12 11:33:17.403 $3,364.30
OldSpend 2019-06-12 11:33:17.403 $1,510.72
>mfw this doesnt include the $ people spent in gifting me shit nor does it take into account $ spent on bundle purchases or GMG/other digital retailer sales.

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Then why are you financially rewarding it by paying for digital distribution?

Nice to know I remain the king of library size. Might even be king of library cost, but that shit doesnt know/calculate costs paid for external bundles n shit...

It's back.

I have Alan Wake

The chiptune said they specifically want the game to be relisted time and time again, they're not the ones causing the issue

A proper physical release would make this is a non-issue. Just pirate it

Alice: Madness Returns
One Piece Unlimited World Red
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Tales from the Borderlands
Dark Souls
Lego The Hobbit
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition

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The Last Remnant

To this day, I still haven't booted it up. Am I missing out? I can't even remember why I bought it in the first place.

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me too

Its a good JRPG, but I dunno that I'd say perfect. Might even be great.
It tried to bring high strategy n heavy tactical focuses to turn based JRPG gameplay, and I think it did well, but i never got quite to end game. Its actually been on my list of games to return to.

Fights are usually often far far larger in scale, scope, and size than fights in vast majority of JRPGs; can reach EASILY 20-30+ units in a fight across both your side and the "enemies".

I also personally enjoyed the world and aesthetic of it. Very Ivalice-esque in some ways while being original.

Probably because of that guide pic which shows how "complex" the game is. By that, I mean it's a SaGa game.

The game plays well, and to be honest I enjoyed it more than MGR because of a real dodge button, but as the other user says it was very low budget, so you fought the same few enemies over an over. If you ever find a cheap key to buy the game you may give it a try, I guess.

$4,981.27, for 353 games.

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Or just pirate it.

Which pic is this?

this pile of shit

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Can't find it

lol i had that turd too

last time i ever got suckered into a dino game

This is only a little bit of what I have but I wish I could un-use these expensive keys and sell them if they go for this much

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Stomping land

>you can't buy PTDE anymore
What the fuck? Are newfags forced to buy the Demastered?

Yeah? Old as fuck news senpai.
Its why PTDE n Remastered both died (mostly).

Dont get me wrong, Remastered has some definite downsides (beyond being a glorified paid DSFix). But it has some nice additions too...just wish its improvements had been added to PTDE n both were inter-playable :V

Good show, fun game.
Wish the Pro-Bending was more developed

I have gifts to games that never even made it out of beta or hit the store. Come at me.

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still waiting for someone to figure out some way I can get this on my ps4.
it will get hacked on day right?

I miss this game :(

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Wish I owned Blur.

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They were literally like "we hate men now, let's scissor!"

Mirage is delisted? Did it really do that badly? Holy shit, poor Torn Banner. I admired them for trying something different and not just making Chivalry 2, then they gave up because the competitive ballerina chiv fags didn't like it and now they're trying to cater to them while not putting their game on the platform that fucking made their company. Tragic.

Yes, I have many. 139, to be exact.

this cuck lmao, literally mako

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$520~ USD
Most of my steam crap I got from external stores, though.

Agony. There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation. I, Nosgoth, was to suffer the fate of traitors and weaklings: to burn forever in the bowels of the lake of the dead

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Well done... HOWEVER

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So many people have that, you're nothing special Chief.

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Why the fuck is it delisted?

I bet thats not even your profile.

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I don't really buy games anymore, lost the excitement. And I've also been busy this past year.

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It's impossible to fucking criticise nuwolf now.
Especially if you do actually point out how overly focused on the enemies being nazis the marketing has become, that shit at e3 was painful to watch but you say as such and you get swarmed with accusations of being /pol/

It's back now but I had the void before it first left steam.

First season was the only good one. Two is passable, rest is trash.

Hat I don't get is when the void came back they added new language options but they never bothered to fix the instructions for the doner glyph.

That was during the time when EA is going for their future titles Origin only.

It's going to bomb so hard they won't even be able to sweep it under the rug like most of their failures
It's going to be the butt of jokes for decades and shatter the self estem of the few people who have been loudly proclaiming that it will somehow do well.

Don't you understand? They were pen pals, that means they're romantically interested.

Seriously though I get if they were going with a tasteful subtlety, but the ending broke that. Shoulda stayed zoomed out and their hands touch just before the cut away. Alternatively they coulda built up to it through the final episodes. Middle of the road failed in both ways.

Holy shit.

Now i'm curious if we have any steam mutuals....

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>not recognizing the patron saint of JAV

It's fine, she's retired now anyway.

It goes for good prices but ebay removes listings for it, Google really likes to do whatever other companies want even if there is no legal requirement for them to do so but then on YouTube they lie and claim things are removed for copyright

Looks like Ai Uehara I think.

Speaking of dead websites does anybody have that side scrolling half life game that was removed because the link to the developers website died and went to an advertising page

>20$ Original game gets a DELUXE edition that's just a full price "rerelease" (that's release just a shitty port of the gen 8 console rereleases) with DLC included and downgraded performance and optimization
>Original game gets delisted

I think I'm most mad about sleeping dogs, because that DELUXE edition ran like fucking ass when I bought it, but also fuck Dark Souls remastered for basically doing nothing but fragmenting the community on an old dead game.

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The rarest game of them all.

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>One Piece: Pirate Warriors
>One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2
Were they taken off PSN? Why?

The show should have been delisted in the first place.

>from a MMO to a fucking worse version of Space Marine's multiplayer

I had midnight animal on my wishlist but since it got removed I have a permanent listing now

Still pretty good for a 40k game.

Shit I brought the physical pc copy of this and never opened it
Think I could get a good price reselling it?

There’s still plenty of keys floating around G2A.

If it were good, the game wouldn't be dead now.

You could probably contact steam support to get it removed.

i hate korra

Man, this thread makes me realize what a fuckload of delisted games I've got. I haven't even heard about most of them. I only was aware of Dark Souls and The Last Remnant on steam because of their remasters, and Scott Pilgrim on PS3 because of some rights scandal.

It's free now. Battleborn probably has a higher resale value. But, if you keep it another 10 years, you can probably sell it to ashens or someone when they make a list of the worst games ever made.

For a 40k game.

Too bad the series is dead

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Shall do

Maybe they are gonna go back to it after the crew 2 was a flop.

I got this baby

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nah I just wanted an actual well written adventure like the first one which had better female characters anyways, not a teen angst romance date sim with no adventure, conflict, villains, or meaningful character development to care about.

looking for Bad Rats
paying $10

They all look the same.

Then why single out one in particular?

Not that guy.

i played the original 1 with physics fixes and the remastered version of 2 with zero issues.

(Dark Souls)
(alan wake)
and marvel ultimate alliance

It's still on steam though.

>Licensing issues.
>Dev or Publisher die and decide to delist their games.

What demons souls shit?


Then shush.

Neah, Korra was awesome

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Stay mad, yellow fever fag.

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I've got a physical copy of Too Human

Gomen I don't watch JAV, I just want to sleep on her chest.

prey 06, assloads of games on ps3 including scott pilgrim, ring of red, deadpool (I think it came back at some point though?), last remnant (the good version on pc, not the shit remaster that removes all the fucking qol changes) haven't actually looked in a while though.

Shippers are legitimately unaware of how platonic friendship works, with Fujofags probably being the most unaware.
The fact it reveals how little contact with actual people they have would be sad, if they didn’t keep shitting up fandoms to the point where the word fandom is actually embarrassing.

Does it still have Space Oddity on the credits?
I think they removed it from the store for the song copyright

Actually, girls will not complement each other unless they see other girls as non-threats.

yeah it was all the music licenses expiring as to why they took it out, but it's like half a minute looking through the steam forums to find a 'mod' to replace them all.

>330+ plus replies and no mention of RCT3 yet

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Nah listing price is around 1k but it sells for around 220-300

>1&2 are on the store
>but 3 is removed because of expiring rights

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Im...pretty sure the OG songs are all still in there. Ive not heard anthing about replacements or mods to "repair" them....

Cause its shit. 1 and 2 are better RCTs, and Planet Coaster is a far better 3D coaster tycoon game.

Why was Korra's vidya removed?

Did her perfect body make people jealous?

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I think it would have been better if Korra's story took place in a new setting that wasn't in the ATLA universe even if there were certain similarities. It felt like they wanted to do something like that anyway.

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imagine having a Avatar character be your waifu, but picking from the Avatar series that is absolutely god awful and can't even beat the worst episodes of the first series.

I would pay a lot for the NWN2 copy on steam. It's my favorite game, but i only have physical copies of it and all of it's expansions. It's frustrating that it is freely sold on GoG, but delisted on steam for some retarded reason.

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Christ, I didn't even know that game was delisted. Thank god I got the coupon and picked it up when I did


>well i didn't chosed my nationality user.
I cant wait for you to die so I dont have to share a planet with you frenchmen anymore.

I got original metro 2033
they delisted it and now they just offer the newer redux version
sucks they don't offer any free updates.

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I guess that and Sleeping Dogs.

you really should broaden your horizon.

>Sleeping Dogs.
The definitive edition is on steam, you mean the original.

>Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition
>Duke Nukem Megaton Edition
I used to have Scott Pilgrim on my old PS3 until it broke

Hopefully they manage to sort it out. I have strong suspicions it's Konami that's not budging.

Right, that's why I didn't say "Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition"...

I thought that would be rather obvious.

you can still redownload scott pilgrim so long as it's in your download list. I have the game but not the knives dlc which sucks.

>For 440 games.

Skyrim LE

I have Uniracers for SNES

>Game whose only attractive gimmick or features is being in 3D
>that's made in like 2002 or whatever

No one cares about RCT3 because there's no reason to play anything other than RCT2. Even RCT1 is almost worth playing as an alternative to 2 instead of 3 just because of rides have different behaviors.

Platinum D tier stuff. Just like Transformer, it didn’t do too well.

I have it, that sucks for you though.

P.T was dumped and is on TPB. How new are you fags?

>3 heures

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>tfw dark souls prepare to die version goes for 100+ burgers on keysites

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Wasn't there a time it sold for 5$ on a sale?

>it's inferior to remaster in just about every way
>you can probably connect to the remaining 100 something players through that connection mod with a cracked game
>bandwagoners will still pay for it

Attached: Laughing Darkwraith.png (312x314, 101K)

>>it's inferior to remaster in just about every way

The Last Remnant
Dark Souls PTDE

Ride To Hell Retribution

Having fun toggling the FPS hack in order for jumps to work?

>he can't jump at silky smooth 60fps

God I have a lot of these, I used to get every single game that was given for free from 2014 to 2016, a lot of those have been delisted like Gun Monkeys and Nosgoth. The only delisted games I have that I like are Poker Night 1 & 2.

This kills the Yea Forumsmblr posters


Fuck Everything

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I own a lot of delisted games like Rambo (which is surprisingly underrated and worth the $1 I paid for it), Judge Dredd Countdown Sector 106, Droplitz, etc, but my god, I wish I owned more like Korra, the James Bond games and the Transformers titles

The worst thing I could imagine owning is dead multiplayer games like Evolve, Lawbreakers, or some real old ones like War of the Roses (if anybody remembers how briefly popular this age of chivalry alternative was)

You can't do anything with those.

People want to own it for the lowered price you get with the remaster I think, but they obviously want it at the cheapest price

When the fuck did this come out

Came out alongside the Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite collection and Darkstalkers collection also released on the 360/ps3 and I swear Jojo only lasted a year up on stores

A ton of xbox 360 games apparently. Scott pilgrim andboth ninja turtle beat em ups to name a few. Lost my outrun arcade when a nigger stole my 360. An ex gf bought it on her account. Still pissed

She's also manipulative cunt jewing everyone around her

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Also have Mirage: Arcane Warfare

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I have a gift copy of Slaughtering Grounds. You want that piece of shit?

>two is passable
Nigga season 2 is hot garbage. You're thinking of season 3.

Guess how old my account is.

Hint: It's older than most Yea Forums users

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>The Movies and expansion Stunts & Effects
>Dark Souls
>Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition
>Alpha Protocol
>The Last Remnant
>og Deus Ex Human Revolution and DLC
>The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
>original GTA and GTA 2
>og Metro 2033
>Poker Night
>Walking Dead and other TellTalle stuff

didney done my boy dirty

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$5,920.32 on 375 games in 15 years as a Steam user.


Better list

Attached: List.jpg (1148x1587, 395K)

Have it on 360 and PS3

On Steam I have:

Line Rider 2
Alpha Protocol
Prey 2006 (I actually just bought the game and got a key for it off of G2A for $3)
Poker Night 1 and 2
Lego Lord of the Rings (got it for free)
Duke Nukem 3D

Alan Wake got its licenses back

I've got a bunch of delisted games but right now I'm playing through Ultimate Alliance specifically

>900 dollarydoos

I thought it would be more, then again I almost always buy during sales except for stuff I really want on release.

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Tom Clancy's HAWX Chad reporting in.

Because the license is owned by Oni Press, Universal Pictures (who did the movie), Ubisoft (who published and developed it), Bryan Lee O Malley, and Anamanaguchi for the soundtrack

214 games

why does everyone say it's Konami who pulled it? It's a Ubisoft game.

>444 games and 673 DLCs owned
I'd expect more, though I guess I've mostly bought games on sales and Russian pricing is already lower than normal.

>$2500 over 10 years
not bad desu