Just feels better playing it on a nintendo console, you know?

Just feels better playing it on a nintendo console, you know?

Attached: Bloodstained Is Brilliant - But What's Up With The Switch Port_ 1-23 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

I really fucking hate the existence of consoles

What's the res and framerate on Switch? Haven't watched the DF video yet.

was at a friends place so i played some Sekiro and holy shit it was bad on Xbone in some cases it must have been high 20s and its loading screens were unacceptable my piece of shit $180 PC ran it better also couldn't turn off the motion blur

Typical switchfag larping this game like it's their own just like Hollow Knight.
This game was made on PC first and foremost, without PC this and hollow Knight would have not existed.

720p docked. 576p handheld. 30 fps with some drops.
They toned down the asset and shader quality a lot but I think they're not very well optimized and designed for higher resolutions so they look like shit.
The main issue is the input lag, which is 120ms and the loading screens all the time, especially the menu.
I caved and just bought the game on Steam despite being a backer. The game suddenly feels playable.

>horrible input lag
>30FPS with drops
This is the problem with charging full price for new Switch ports, they're just not worth the price bump and quality loss for the novelty of being portable.

>they're just not worth the price bump and quality loss for the novelty of being portable.
i think it's just the devs being shit at optimization.

There's only so much you can "optimize" when running vidya on a tablet SoC

I'd be fine with Consoles existing so long as console exclusives were outlawed.

Switch is for Sony ports.

It drops less frames than all other console versions, which is rather funny considering the PS4 Pro is running this at 1080p 60 fps.

>Switch version outsold the Xbox and PS4 versions combined
>The Switch version is the worst by far and feels like an afterthought
What were they thinking? Why are they scrambling to fix it after release like this?

>he fell for the thread
it's UK only

Me too. they hold back video games so much.

It's about time Nintendo release a Switch gen 2

i've only ever seen it in handheld mode
whats the switch version look like when its docked?

Yeah I hate video games too. Fuck video games

Might as well could have been released on the 3DS, what the fuck

consider quitting the hobby, consoles are the best and most important platform.

Dude this game ain't no super crazy high graphic game with lots of stuff going on.


> Dragon Quest 11 looks amazing on switch has more stuff happening on screen too

> bloodstained on switch nerf's it's detail and scenery in favor of a fuckfest engine that is unreal and effect particles sometimes spaz out the more you play

who the fuck ported this shit

thanks for the screencap

Attached: pcuck.jpg (674x585, 94K)

Reddit opinion

I wonder why this thread was made.

user, games with higher system requirements than Bloodstained run better in Switch


anybody god the zangetsu side by side comparison between the switch in-game and the eshop bullshot?

Fucking nobody has an Xbone
How does it look on a normal PS4? I fucking hate kusony, but it seems I have no other option

1080p 60 fps.
Drops to 50 fps during gameplay.
Honestly all console versions are shit in one way or another. Just get the PC version.

Don't get the PC version, it's just a rental. As always wait for the goty edition that comes with everything added to it for free and all the updates.

Alright, thank you guys.
Sadly my pc is shit, so I really have no other option. Or else I'd have pirated it eons ago.

Based Switch. The less I see of this shit art style, the happier I game.

Why is it called the Nintendo Switch? Because it's shit!

nigger what

Attached: 200.gif (341x200, 204K)

Unless it's literally 10 years old it should be able to run 1080p 60 fps locked which is already better than consoles.

>576p handheld. 30 fps with some drops.
This is worse than SOTN which atleast was 60 fps. That was on PSX. What a blunder.

Attached: t1larg.judas.gi.jpg (640x360, 88K)

>scenery in favor of a fuckfest engine that is unreal
DQXI is also Unreal.

yeah but square actually knows how to work with it, as hard as it may be for the switch.

i'm saying the people who attempted to port it did jack shit in optimization for the switch version

Yeah I agree. The Bloodstained devs give a general impression of incompetence.

I love how Igarashi is only rushing now to patch that bullshit after this shitstorm


i played and beaten the switch version and i just wanna warn you guys. (if you even bought that version)

dont go past level 40
enjoy particle effects getting huge and stretched

If your 2.5D metroidvania runs worse than any open world game on the Switch, you are doing something very wrong

It's a very lazy UE4 construction with minimum adaption of UE4 code.

More like Nintendo SHITCH!
Also, Switch fags shall be known as "Shitcheaters" from now on.

Attached: zed10.png (489x564, 225K)

PC has more video games, cope zoomer.

>consider quitting the hobby, consoles are the best and most important platform.

Attached: 11B6FD28-C61F-41BD-BBA7-4BD023FEAA2E.png (1258x884, 385K)

Dude, the Switch is strong enough to run The Witcher 3 and Skyrim SE, this is just bullshit and you know they fucking phoned in this port.

can they even upgrade and give graphical improvements via update?
i meant technically since it was originally on pc, it would of have the data for the graphics settings.. right?

I gotchu senpai.

Attached: switch-vs-pc.png (2560x720, 2.66M)

holy shit that looks terrible side by side

I don’t think you understand. What you see on screen isn’t necessarily indicative of the true processing load, whatever that might be. As for bloodstained, it’s a game that was designed primarily for PC/Bone/PS4 before being ported - key word - PORTED over to the Switch. Had it been built from the ground up for Switch like that unreal engine Yoshi game it’s very likely it could have turned out better but the bloodstained at its core is simply not desired with the Switch in mind.

You can run literally anything on any hardware provided you’re willing to make the necessary concessions. Remember Wolfenstein running on the Switch at a literal 240p? Some victory!

And yet CTR runs comparable while also having way less drastic visual cutbacks

This but unironically

Yep welcome to help brother

They knew that there was a lot of interest in the switch version going by how curse of the moon sold you can even see it by their release date which is a week later. And they didn't even give the porting job to someone good like Panic button but to some no names instead. Now they're even have to get Way forward to fix this shittastic release they call a port. To me it looks like incompetence on the managements part.

Doom 2016 wasn't as well but there we have it, at a pretty stable 30fps too
Look I love Bloodstained myself, but this is what happens when you have like 6 different developers working on your game

How much does it cost to hire Panic button?

The capraisons is more a stain on the Switches capabilities than the game itself, so to speak.

Not when they botch the other console version and the best way to play is on the PS4 pro and PC and even then there's crashes.

Imagine being stuck with the switch version. Kek.

>the Vita version died for this

Attached: 1528315375793.png (476x477, 256K)

why the fuck is there no vita version

>switch user like to eat poo

nothing new

left: souless
right: soul

Because Sony abandoned it a long time ago

Going by it would run like shit on the Vita too.

It's perfect for the Switch!

Bought ps4 version 2 times

Sony wins again

Attached: 679765453546.jpg (1440x1440, 600K)


>1/4 the power
>textures are 1/16th the resolution
This doesn't add up.

Give it back, Jamal

So, this game is just poorly optimized, right? I mean, even putting Switch aside (which imo underperforms even for switch's low standards), the game doesn't look nearly as graphically impressive as to justify PS4 etc not running it at butter smooth 60 fps 100% of the time.

Yeah the optimization is shit, as I saw on my PS4 version
Solid 144fps on my machine but that's PC for you

Right unironically looks better, taking sharpness away makes it much smoother and easy on the eyes.
joke I'm not a retarded nintenbaby

>Switch is for uncensored Sony ports
There you go

I hope no one was stabed when you got your hands on that

Atleast Vita had OLED to offset shit resolution

you basement dwelling faggots would not be able to afford good pc hardware if it wasnt for consoles holding back requirements

You are reddit

No they don't you fat shit. Consoles are necessary to atleast force devs to optimize for a certain standard. Without consoles, PC would be even more fucked.

Devs can choose to optimize a game for a certain video card. Consoles aren't needed.

How incompetent are these devs? Even the One X/PC versions look like PS2 games. It's not doing anything visually demanding, or demanding in terms of AI/Mechanics. Why is it so ugly and why does it run like shit? It could literally have been developed 20 years ago.

Let's not forget that the new Yoshi game was a test run for Unreal 4 on Switch as well, overseen by Nintendo no less. Sure, tl being a Yoshi game they farmed it out to some cheap hack developer, but it's still noteworthy.
To make the game run at 60fps, they needed to crack down the resolution by a lot despite the super simple geometry. Switch is unable to run Unreal 4 decently, it's more or less on par with reading "Unity" as far as warning signs go.

is this thread responsible for those wojak threads in catalog

jesus are people really this fucking stupid

Attached: i dont know.jpg (600x614, 37K)


Is it possible to improve the visual fidelity through updates? I got the switch version a week early from my local retailer but had no idea it would be this far behind

I like my games as blurry as my saturday nights