>cd project red is bas-
Cd project red is bas-
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I hate this cucked age we live in, can't wait for the complete 180
fuck chinks they ruin everything
let me guess the water being green is next
>the leg from the chick on the right is still there
What did they mean by this?
damn the new card is literally soulless, he's just some dumbass standing in a vat of red water now
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one card in a digital card game had its artwork changed. That sounds really hard.
that's just his incredibly long penis
1/10 bait
I've seen this exact post before
Did he chop it off to become a trannyfanny?
the same happend in hearthstone, people still belive theres no sjw agenda or anything :^)
>LITERALLY ERASING awareness of the risks faced by sex workers and representation of women
Name one other franchise where a womankilling character was do prominent in the story in the first place to warrant it being censored.
You can't because as cucked CDPR is, they are also the least cucked studio currently existing.
Sounds like they were doing God's literal work. Jesus bless them
Looks like he finally was able to pass... on.
Daily reminder that the only cure for dysphoria is suicide.
>even the incel on the card isn't allowed to have sex
>Laughing after commiting suicide
absolute mad lad.
>objectively worse art
>girl is removed, but leg is still there
This is fake, right? It has to be. That tub of blood itself looks like it was made by someone with zero experience with art.
here's your (((YOU)))
do you have pictures of her? i need something to fap to, preferably when the body is still fresh
>friend dead
>is really sad
>lll just shitpost on Yea Forums
This is such bad bait that it's actually worth replying to for being so funny. Truly genius.
That is unfortunate but it is completely unrelated to a discussion about changing art to appease people.
whats the context?
How did your friend laugh about committing suicide after she already died?
yeah bro, tell me about it
Best post in this thread
>censorship apparently now has to have political meaning behind everything instead of simply there to keep ratings and be present in markets with random rules like china
I hate politics obsessed faggots
This is genuinely hilarious. You can still see the obvious smears where they tried editing out the goblet too.
the chinese version of old gwent covered half the cards in beer froth to censor the contentious content, just let them be stuck with that shit rather than everyone else having a shitty in between
based anti-sjw's
>simply there to keep ratings and be present in markets with random rules like china
Oh wow so politics.
>Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide
>It's mean words and bullying that caused my weak, limp wristed coward of a friend to kill himself (herself?).
Fuck you, you fucking faggot. "13 Reasons Why" faggot logic.
I wholly expect this exact same comment to be posted almost every thread now and it will always get over a dozens yous. so goddamn predictable anymore
its not fair bros
What's the point? Were some vocal(?) femcels really worth appeasing?
That should be the ideal but I'm guessing they change the whole thing to please the millions of changs outside china
>random chink nonsense
Choose 1 or explain
If that were true, what kind of person are you to use that as ammunition in an argument about a card game?
put me in the reddit screencap
Is it a bait or something? What's the fucking point of removing them? Make it look shitty?
Eat shit faggot
>better remove women
nigger what?
well children are starving in africa by the millions heh guess your friend killing her (male) self doesn't matter
imagine being so emotionally fragile you kill yourself over people you don't know
no it looped around the tub then bent out the water.
they shouldn't have fucked with gamers then, snowflake.
Does anybody actually play gwent still?
You should follow suit.
Fuck off billy
You're going to be waiting a while.
>dead bodies
>partial nudity (mostly this one)
You blind?
they left her leg
>We looked at the art of Cyprian Wiley aka 'Whoreson Junior' multiple times and weren't sure about it up till the last minute of release. While we wanted to stick to the lore, we've also felt that a bathtub filled with blood and dead bodies was a bit too over the top, especially in a card game with our rating. Yes, I know that it ties to a quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but that should not be the sole reason to use the art. Taking all things into consideration we made a last minute decision to alter the art. I believe that in the future we'll look at this characters art again and if possible will substitute it with sth different.
What a retarded company
Are you a retard?
The Chinese government censors Western media that doesn't comply to their standards.
It's doesn't get more political than that.
>calls women thots and scream about degeneracy
>proceed to scream about thots being removed and dressed up just like alt islam demands
Billy is deranged
absolutely embarrassing
They still want to communicate that he's killing people
In other words they don't want to risk the teen rating.
This card is more important than your friend, and you know it.
too soon
Are you the retard? Their standards are mostly cultural, just because they're regulated doesn't mean it's inherently political.
>porn girl says she doesn’t want to do porn with an aids diseased faggot actor
>sjw’s harrased her into suicide by calling her a bigot/nazi/homophobe and laughed about it on twitter
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Ah, Whoreson Junior, the man CDPR turned into full blown maniac for no reason. I guess, the fact that he was a traitorous cunt wasn't enough for player to kill him.
>Mentally fragile thot kills herself because of Twitter
>It's the rest of society's fault
One brainiac among a a sea of brainlets. Yea Forums is truly a living laughing stock of retards flinging their own shit at each other.
>man ass
This card turns you gay.
The fact that a person does this mad lib shit every single time and the fact it generates this many (you)s every FUCKING time says a lot about how you fucking idiots have the memory of a gold fish.
This pretty much. Imagine being offended by text typed by some rando online.
>Gwent is full of gore and sexuality
>more so then other online only """t"""cgs, most of which are as clean as disney
>they go back on replicating one of the nastiest and most disturbing scenes from w3
>"wtf cucks!"
>Destroying someones livelyhood and bullying them into suicide because she refuses to fuck a walking aids dispenser is okay because she’s not a part of my political spectrum
she still has big tits wtf are you on about you fucking sperg
God's work.
>implying this isn't fun for us
We'll never stop
>they censor the tits
>implying i wasn't here to fantasize about cumming all over her exposed tummy
That looks edgy as fuck lmao only incel future shooters would defend this.
Isn't that everyone?
Maybe you should pay attention to the context in which it's being brought up, friend.
fucking owned lmao
CDP are a bunch of cucked polish faggots who ruined one of the best fantasy novels series of all time. The only based company left in Europe is Warhorse.
gwent doesn't have a psychical version does it? Why would they care about the age rating?
It's getting a mobile release soon
>the least cucked studio currently existing.
Warhorse exists.
do apple/google reject any mobile game above the T rating or something?
She dead
I wish this was true and you'd follow her lead.
If this headline was instead about Guerrilla Games removing the fucking pee-and-filth incrusted panties from Aloy in Horizon Zero Down I'm 100% fucking positive that not a single one of you cunts would call it censorship. Go on, prove me fucking wrong.
Are poles even capable of not failing at everything?
Not that poster, you have zero understanding of what causes suicide.
The leg is still there! HAHA
Never played or followed horizon zero dawn. Is this legitimately a real thing? They modeled crusty panties for a video game character?
hahaha leftist faggots btfo
>the false equivalency
h0ly shit sjws are mad
That's fucking gross and if it were real I would think that's a good call. It's almost as if people can pick and choose their battles.
>following OneAngryGamer
commit cunt
he looks so lonely on the new card. At least the first one establishes that he's a serial killer. couldnt they just changed the positioning of the corpses or something?
who cares
81 people apparently
drink bleach, shit stain
I'm not sorry that your crusty panties fetish isn't defended by the general populace, you degenerate.
what's wrong with laughing at someone's death?
Sorry to hear it, I wish it had been you instead
I mean, she attempted to do the same to that man. And you're defending it because that fits your political spectrum.
guess selling shit games to kids is too lucrative
I'm surprised the game has a Teen rating, considering how adult the Witcher games are.
Interesting you left it at that and didn't elaborate, like you have no argument and just want to make others feel dumb without putting the work in.
I'd like to know what causes it, in your opinion.
>no no it's all about censoring the creepy pedo content they will never touch legal mature pictures
Damn lazy niggers couldn't even finish filling it in.
Gotta wait for the rebellious zoomers to get into power.
Overboard censoring is just plain weird. Whoreson is a ruthless women slayer. The game portrays as a bad thing, Geralt gets super pissed at his massacre and beats the shit out of him.
So what does it mean when they try to erase this? Are they pretending this never happened? Are they covering up his crimes?
Its the same with Nazi imagery. Most games that have nazis show them as pure bad guys. But when your censoring is so excessive that you wont even show nazis symbols or reference them by name like in Germany, its as if you're pretending the 3rd reich never even happened, which is equally fucking shameful.
>Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide
is it actually censored in the game or just on twitter?
SJWs have harassed several people I know into suicidal depression. Ironically they were all minorities SJWs lie about supporting.
in game as well
Doesn't matter. She fucked niggers. And was Canadian.
So, she commited suicide and laughed after that?
Oh come on, man. That was a good show.
>that guy is a rapist
>I'm gonna go to his party and try to seduce him
>oh no, he raped me, how did that happen
>it's everybody else's fault
It's not fucking fair, user. Kate Walsh anc C. Lee Navarro were really good; too bad they were in this shitty TV show.
CD Project Red has went down hill insanely quick, god damn. Scifi Fallout 4 is going to be horrible.
doubt. this is pure weimer.
I am waiting on their non niche game
>we've also felt that a bathtub filled with blood and dead bodies was a bit too over the top, especially in a card game with our rating
They have card art with dead children, a man immolating another man's face, a unit called "poor fucking infantry" as well as a shitload if other gruesome stuff, it's not a PG13 game at all, how is this "a bit over the top"?
This is completely retarded
>discharge fetishist calling anyone a shitstain