This is NOT a meme. This is NOT ironic

This is NOT a meme. This is NOT ironic.
These three games are considered contenders for "best childhood game ever".
Zoomers have officially ruined gaming.

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the first lego star wars was pretty good though
at least the co op was

Gen xers felt the same as you when millennials began getting nostalgic for Backstreet boys, Pokemon, and n64 (used to be considered soulless because it had pixels). It's an endless cycle.

>wtf why do newer generations remember things fondly
Seethe harder grandpa

This, as far as childhood video games go it is pretty good, and its way older than mineycrafta and fortnite.

Just think, one day the kids who grew up playing Fortnite will be 30 and will complain about how much better it is than whatever the kids these days are playing

I remember reading similar posts on Yea Forums about "Someday there will be MW2 nostalgia". That came true in the end.

hate to break this news to you gramps but those games were old enough that the people who grew up playing them are now adults

thats like some boomer getting mad your childhood tv shows you like aren't MASH or I Love Lucy

thread theme -

What the fuck are these freaks talking about?
Lego vidya are fucking trash, mate.
I played Minecraft for the first time when I was 15 and even then I still remember it was a better experience than the fucking Lego games.
Never played Fortnite though, still, seems pretty soulless to me.

You guys remember when 2008-2014 pop was bashed into the ground by "defeners"/boomers who kept mentioning bieber?

Well now it's considered the golden age of pop, lol.

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>lego games are trash
shit opinion

i'm 20 fucking years old and grew up with castlevania 4 on virtual console. your shit taste is not an excuse to push it on others, please kys zoomer

The difference is that minecraft specifically is an actually terrible game that was never finished. It's like if older people constantly talked about how some flash game on newgrounds is the best game ever.


>Ronald MickeyDonald
>says “go fuck yourself”
>not “go McFuck yourself”
oh come on that’s such an easy joke

user, that's just how time works. One day, those zoomers will be seething at their own zoomers when those 3 games are no longer considered childhood games.

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I never played any of the lego games growing up because they always seemed like low effort movie tie ins. This coming from someone who was a fan of lego and whatever movie tied in.

>Growing up with those faggy games and not GTA3/VC/SA
Fucking mormon generation.

seethe some more that not everyone has the same taste as you i guess. now i know where all those bitter old men come from.

Imagine actually getting worked up about this. Imagine what kind of person you would have to be, what you would have to look like, to feel compelled to post this on Yea Forums while declaring the entire medium of gaming "ruined". I genuinely pity you.


The real way how this works is: some years later, you only remember the time proven top hits from times past. example: in 2002 there was this:
Papa don't preach (The Kelly Osbourne cover) was in the charts for weeks, and not in a bad position either. But it hasn't proven itself standing the test of time. This shit doesn't appear in any greatest hits of the era compilations. Nobody remembers this shit. And it's like that for most of the garbage that makes it into the charts / becomes popular.
So whenever you look back, you're not looking back objectively at all the drek that was popular the last X years, you're looking at "the very best of X years" and compare it to "all the shit that is on right now". And in 10, 15 years it's gonna happen again, with people thinking we just did better songs today than they do in 15 years.

gta is garbage nigger shit.

GTA 3 sucked ass you mong.

20 years from now there's going to be kids bragging about how they grew up with Pokemon sword and shield and how the newer Pokemon games lost their charm.

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Now you know how I feel when you make threads about childhood nostalgia for cowadoody or halo or some other kid crap

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dude I'm almost 30 and I grew up with lego star wars 1, it was a great time

Reminder that the generation before you thought you were fags too

>2005 (Lego Star Wars)
>2009 (Minecraft)
>2017 (Fortnite)
You're all young as fuck.

The solution is simple. Kill everyone younger than me
or should I give it a few years? What's a good cutoff year? '92? '93?

>unironically posting unilad shit, a literal buzzfeed equivalent
>thinking fucking UNILAD represents what an entire generation thinks
god i fucking hate this board

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>1910=music started

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listen to an oldies station that plays the top 40 of that week for any decade and you'll hear shit music as high up as the top 10. but since it never went to #1, or never stayed on the charts long enough to last, we don't remember it

grow up, have sex, get a job, raise kids

this but unironically

I remember the LEGO SW game being pretty good on the wii. Had a lot of collectibles without feeling too grindy. Not even close to a contender though

reporting this to the FBI, have a fun jail sentence

t.12 year old

you have to play a game for three years before it can count as your childhood
fortnite is not old enough to be anyones childhood

I feel bad for gen Z. Every single thing they grew up with is a reboot or a remake of something else, completely disposable and without purpose just like themselves.

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‘94 is preferable, I’d like to live

This is THE childhood game and if you think otherwise, well that's just your opinion then.

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>growing up when video games existed at all

You are all fucking children, holy shit. I can't imagine how garbage a childhood would be if the fondest thing you remember from is a piece of mass marketed digital shit

What the fuck, all of those things happened just a few years ago. Is there unironically a new baby boom? Why are generations growing faster? I'm from 1995 and it almost seems no generation cult bullshit happened from 2000 to 2010.

why should i care about the dispassionate masses and their brainless children? I have my hobbies and they're never going to be normie-core.

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Imagine growing up with shitty 256kbps line internet where even the simplest flash game took hours to load
because i did and hated every second of it

Those games are fucking SHIT and you little faggot fucks should be ashamed, ashamed and DEAD.

12 year olds are not allowed on this board, you should know this. 18+ only.

Just submitted the tip. No one should joke about shooting up kids. If you don't have a noncommercial VPN, enjoy the rest of your days in jail. Pathetic human.

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Even if it did, some songs were just trash and still held #1 for a while. But like I said: if people don't care for it, it just goes under. And so does for sure all the crappy music that only made it to top 50.
Hell, there's actual good songs that never made it to #1 but they STILL are remembered as top hits.

This was 1 on US Billboard hot 100 in 89. When was the last time you heard this song? I listen to a lot of 80s stations and I have NEVER heard it there.

0/10 kill yourself faggot

Ah 1910, the year that John R Music invented music
Good year

I'm sure there are LTTP boomers on this board that got butthurt that people are nostalgic over OoT. In a decade we'll be seeing Fortnite nostalgia threads. That's just how time works. The sooner you get used to it, the better

Why are you here?

True, but Minecraft, even in the state it is, is a game with almost endless re playability that encourages creativity and lateral thinking. Also it's a game that puts a big emphasis on it's modding potential and is one of the only moderen games that promotes the use of private servers, so kids who are big on minecraft atleast gained some technical knowledge in the process (as long as they played on PC that is).

Minecraft has be shunned as a dumb game for autistic children, but really it's a better childhood game than Fortnite and even it's contemporaries like CoD.

You'll resent them when they start claiming the originals are old and busted, just you wait.

Its called nostalgia
As kids we didnt care if it was even that good we still had fun
I mean i still play Minecraft from time to time but lego starwars...Yes it was terrible but i still fondly remember it.


please don't bother

The game came out 14 fucking years ago user, it's in a fair realm for nostalgia considering a kid would be in their 20's now

Don't pretend people in our generation don't do the same shit. I think sonic adventure 2 is the most egregious example where it's a terrible game that everyone pretends is great because they played it as kids.