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For saying the n-word? Never. You apologize for bringing AIDS to America and I'll consider it, boy.

Sorry, Mr. Freeman

I won't apologize for saying you're a nigger hack who cobbled together his horseshit setting from the tiny little scraps of shredded Gibson novels you used to wipe hot sauce from your asshole. You're not an author, understand? You're a stupid fucking nigger who made one of the worst tabletop games of all time and happened to be the cheapest shitty option CDPR was willing to go with.

However... in 2019, you've been pretty based and meanwhile Gibson turned into a raving fucking lunatic so what do I know? I'll buy your game nigger

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Now, with that out of the way, I apologize

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Holy cringe incel man.

OH look, the libtards have arrived

I'm sorry you are a nigger.

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Where to cop some shades like that?

He could have stolen them from literally anyone

for what? i suck the collective cyberpunk dick regularly. i'm so happy for more games in the genre that aren't indie shit


i'm pretty sure he said he got them last e3 while just around venice beach at some random vendor

>muh based black man I can’t wait for a based black man to fuck my sister and churn out more half breeds in an already 56% country xD

Nah, kill yourself.

t. Half breed spic

>No wojak

Im sorry I say racist things on the internet sometimes.
Irl I believe every human bean is equal.


The south could have elevated them to a race of geniuses after several generations of selective breeding, sad they only focused on short term economic gain.

Sorry, dude. You're alright and I was in the wrong.

I will apologize when the game releases, for all I know they could end up hiring Anita Sarkeesian tomorrow to "fix" Cyberpunk 2077.