Honestly, what are some of the most iconic shots in video games? Example: pic related for sports.
Honestly, what are some of the most iconic shots in video games? Example: pic related for sports
There aren't really "shots" because games are not movies or something you just watch(or they didn't used to be). I'd say levels or general moments are the more accurate equivalent.
Starting with an obvious one
Also this
This for sure. Or at least one of the variations of it throughout the years.
Even old ass games have "shots". "Your princess is in another castle" is a shot.
Had to be me user..
Who was in the wrong here?
Evo moment
The door
The most kino is the red shirt guy in Blizzcon, post it
When you exit the vault for the first time in Fallout 3.
Not that one, the original lore red shirt guy
this one?
The fatass one
Mgsv when you kill your men to stop the disease
huh. didn't know there was another red shirt guy
No, the guy they put into the game for correcting them
I fucking hated the story of this game but the gameplay was so good I dealt with it. The second-to-last boss and the RESIST prompt were good shit, but then the final boss and ending were just kind of there. Thankfully you can mash A through 90% of the story.
Thats the one!
>Entertained entire lobby
>Only cost them a round
>Door-stuck guy took it in stride
>Back guy wasn't planning to create the situation and can choose to stop wherever he damn well pleases
Only thing at fault is wonky door programming
the gigachad hero against the darkness
el bootlickero
Only people with shit taste think there's no good shots in videogames
Here's one
>literally tells Blizzard they're wrong
Someone explain this one to me.
Outside of cut scenes games don't really have shots since everyone sees the gameplay from different angles as they play it. Most iconic shots in vidya come from scripted animations that aren't really actual vidya, or from recordings of other people playing vidya.
the door got stuck
But it was on a competitve enviroment?
door stuck
This is literally the most equivalent to yours OP.
>Not posting any moment of the Farming simulator world cup.
Up there with Tank Man and Che Guevara's portrait.
It's top tier, but not the most iconic. Not even close.
I don't even like or play fighting games and this is correct.
interior like suicide wrist red
Literally the most iconic moment in gaming history, don't even bother trying to argue with me because you are wrong
drew this myself
Grahf vs Weltall
I don't even see Sea Raiders anymore. I just see captive, hand axe, shield, denars, denars, denars.
Couldn't find a screenshot of the jump on google but you should recognize this part of the game if you've played it anyway
S nami bog
and yet, I don't know who or what the fuck you just posted. literally ask any joe blow off the street who op pic is, and they will fucking know. ask them the same about your pick and you'll get blank fucking stares.
Is a good example of out of cutscene. In a cutscene you can't beat early Blizzard games.
most iconic bullshot, either this one or the Red Steel one
liston took a dive
>tfw got this once but only once
>tfw TO PLAY THIS DISC, PUT IN AN XBOX 360 CONSOLE was what I got non-stop and it drove me fucking insane as a 12 year old
How the fuck does that actually happen? It still makes me fucking angry. How do I put a fucking game in an Xbox 360 then have it tell me to put it in an Xbox 360? The absurdity of it made me so mad.
>Your Princess Is In Another Castle
>opening moment of Super Mario Bros.
>Mario's face at the beginning of Super Mario 64
>opening shot of Doom 1
>opening shot of Doom 2
>Evo Moment #37 (or whatever it was)
>opening screen of Zelda 1
>opening shot of Contra 1
>Sepiroth descending in Final Fantasy 7
>Samus coming out of the ship in Super Metroid
Can I get a rundown?
I dont get it one, explain?
Boxing is worldwide, so no
not this one in particular, but any Aria of Sorrow screenshot featuring this boss battle
>Not posting any moment of the Farming simulator world cup.
Fucking krauts, I swear.
>doesn't know Y.A. Little
That's because you're a zoomer who is addled on porn and probably unironically uses the term "sportsball".
Sports are irrelevant outside the United States apart from soccer.
I was so floored that a human could take on a gear
Idk man I got the red ring of death 3 times. In hindsight it’s actually pretty funny how horrible the Xbox 360 was hardware-wise
t. merimutt
>Blizzard teases a new Diablo game that everybody's gonna love
>Blizzcon is the place for the announcement
>a crowd of hardcore PC gamers is waiting to see what's in store
>Blizzard reveals a fucking mobile game
>a man in a red shirt walks up to the mic
You're just being a retarded cunt then
Or maybe he isn't a burger user, there's a world that exists outside of here.
give gestalt
>Interior like fisheggs, exterior like suicide wrist rags
Link the vid
>the greatest
Pick one and only one.
Again, the only sport relevant outside the United States is soccer. If you're hyping up "worldwide" appeal for "most iconic" then it would be a soccer photo.
What the fuck is that
This was my 2nd Fire Emblem game I ever played and this part blew me away.
apparently neither do you, as you can't even spell his name right
It's my first time I see that pic.
But that's untrue you retard
When Bradford gets screentime in Enemy Unknown
The greatest e-sport of all time user
be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody knows what that is.
lmao the fuck is wrong with you if you are being serious
Going in without knowing about it is insane.
Greatest doesn't mean undefeated you dumbass
Keep sucking Floyd's BBC
What the fuck is that?
Regional appeal in India, Oz, and with weirdos in Bongistan.
Only the celtic nations and new zealand really care about it.
Canada, the nords, and the soviets care. Americans only care during Olympic time.
The best don't lose.
Notice how nobody knows who this faggot is?
Australia cares about Rugby as well you dunce and none of that correlates with your point that "only soccer" is relevant outside of the U.S when those are a few clear examples of it not being the case.
eh reh
Rocky only had 49 fights and Ali had all the 61 fights
what a bullshit comparison
Notice how there's nothing but zoomers in this thread and it's on Yea Forums and thus the overwhelming majority of anons here never watched a game in their lives of their own volition? The only time the average Yea Forumsirgin watched a game was because their dad forced them to.
Only soccer has global relevance and it is completely meaningless in the US except with dykes, girls who want a role model, girls who's father wanted a boy and is forcing her to be an athlete, SJW progressives who couldn't tell you the rules of the game, or dudes who fap to abs.
Lol faggot, we college ball here.
SEC pride worldwide. Fuck bama.
And American football has far less global relevance than any of those sports I mentioned.
>greatest bama coach
>only heisman winner was in the SWC
Thank God for Nick Saban, I guess.
It's absurd to argue that the best boxer ever is Ali. That's outright indefensible and is like arguing that Conor McGregor is the best MMA fighter.
Floyd is better than Ali. Robinson was also better than Ali. The best ever almost inarguably has to be one of those two.
the most kino moment during the recent history
It's an obviously out of engine "screenshot" of the Xbox game Amped. Also that model looks exactly like Fatal1ty.
And, as I said, sports are largely irrelevant outside the US excepting soccer which has global followings. Keep watching Hull play Tottenham. Or British Petroleum play Fly Emirates or whatever the names on the jerseys are. It's relevant in your irrelevant country, but it's irrelevant here where sports are still played. For the time being.
>Tittle was the centerpiece of several prolific offenses throughout his seventeen-year professional career from 1948 to 1964.
>from 1948 to 1964
Do you seriously expect people to even know who he was when pretty much everyone in this board hadn't even been born yet? Let alone from a sport only americans give a shit about. Give me a fucking break you fucking idiot.
Um... Mike Tyson is the best boxer ever.
Have you seen The Hangover?
>bitches about americans giving a shit about something
>on an american image board
Go start bongchan, if moot could do it anyone can do it.
>Floyd is better than Ali
that's why Ali keep dancing and Floyd keep running
and nobody said Conor is the best MMA, you sick fucker
>4/5 top sports leagues are north american
The absolute state of the world.
Xbox outsourced almost every piece of the orignal 360 to different Chinese factories of varying quality. When the error message was being made they didn't actually know what the problem was so you'd be advised that the disc would work in a functional console and to contact xbox support. But that advice required a lot of english and the chinese people throwing throwing these consoles together only knew a little and so you get "Put your console in a console to play the disc."
You don't lose points for winning by dodging everything. The fact that you don't find his fighting style entertaining doesn't make him any less dominant.
Sad thing is most of the Premiership revenue comes directly from slapping names on the jerseys and bongers will turn around and bitch about commercials while wearing pic related.
>thread has devolved into a circlejerk over which sportsball is better
Pretty sure Tottenham is called the Hotspur. You see a Hotspur on here anywhere? Might have to zoom in.
I guess it just depends on your level of intellectual honesty in regards to commercialism.
>only cares about revenue
It's a cancerous amerimutt alright. You're the biggest brainlets. Yes.
>soccer split up into regional leagues instead of all of them under fifa, because you'll lose otherwise
What country are you from?
>Sent him a friend request
>This would be reportable in current year
What went wrong?
Story is not meant to be taken seriously, like listening to Gloryhammer.
>Amerifats talking about handegg players and unga boonga boxers like they matter on the rest of the world
Behold burgers, the best sportsman of the world and probably of the history too
The rest of the world is irrelevant. Soccer is for females and sissies. I'm in full dad bod need a knee replacement mode and I could bend Messi over and fuck him until he loved me, the faggot.
dont see any World Cups on his name tho
Literally irrelevant outside of Spain.
t. Argentinian
You'd get destroyed by an even semi-trained and inshape manlet you fat fucking invalid lmao.
>All these posts in
>Not one mention of Daigo
nu-Yea Forums is officially full of zoomers and redditors.
Posted way earlier in the thread you absolute fucking retard.
>t. bong who got bullied for being too short when he tried out for goal keeper
I'm an average height Burger though.
The fistfight intro to SF2.
The first zombie turning to see you in RE1.
Snake waiting to pull the trigger in MGS3.
Travis on the toilet in NMH1.
Red Falcon's face hovering over the nuked city in The Alien Wars.
This one's actually nicely staged. When they tried to recreate the shot at the end of the first trial in DR2, it didn't work.
>average height
So you're a manlet who got bullied when he tried out for the basketball team.
You have to add together premier, bundesliga, la liga, ligue 1, and serie A just to tie NFL.
no game will ever be able to capture this emotion
I never had any interest in basketball to begin with though. Even if I did my average height wouldn't allow me to participate and that doesn't bother me.
Posted in the thread TWICE
Well, no shit. You're talking reality vs fiction. Did you actually have a point to make here?
Came here looking for Luigi floating on an egg over the sea and I was let down. What a bunch of fags.
my granny had Lou Gehrig's Disease. It's tough.
>Getting paralyzed but not even getting the benefit of being numb to the pain and having to be in excruciating pain until you die as well as being unable to move
Sounds fucking awful.
>no mention of moment 37
>countering a literal who picture with a literal who picture of your own
no one gives a shit about soccer
you are stupid
>watching poorball
>playing poorball
>liking poorball
Peleposting coming thru.
Joe Louis is the GOAT though.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Came here to post this
Who said this was limited to sports?
lose weight
>Floyd is better than Ali
They're not even in the same weight class.
when you saw the 3 green dots you already knew what the fuck was going on.
Assassination of Andrei Karlov
I weigh 105 pounds and need an IV drip just to continue living.
it's better on the Genesis
inb4 muh graphics muh sound effects
What was that one image of the two former friends shaking hands after a match? The backstabber loss and the wronged won. I don't remember the game.
The door was just following its nature
>not the snes
>when shepard shoots ghost
>retarded Yea Forumserg derails a thread
No one cares about handegg or divegrass cunt
This is literally the only iconic vidya shot in the whole thread.
Nicely done to this guy. The rest of you are disappointing.
Tbf however, most iconic moments in vidya are audio stimulation, not visual. E.g.
Hey, wake up.
>t. amerimutt
i'm a diamond dog now
Wow, the gamer life is for me!
kill yourself.
what's the frame timing window for a 3rd strike parry?
the fact that people continued buying xboxes and supporting the brand despite all of the fuckery involving the first several years of red rings is one of the strangest things in gaming history.
why are so many of you guys so fucking retarded?
id holding up the yggdrasil is easily way more iconic than that
meatheads btfo
Sounds like dota, Fly and Notail.
Yellow light of death too then.
it was ESEA, which basically means a community-run competitive server with certain rulesets enabled
and l i t t l e m o n e y