They call me the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around
They call me the wanderer
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't Alma still a minor in FEAR 2
Switch port when?
He's probably talking about modding tools
I don't think they cared back then.
this cover looks so bad, I keep thinking of Bam Ham GOTY boxart
just wanted a fallout thread 2bh :(
here's your bump
Fallout 3 just looks... dusty
Ok. What your thoughts about Vault Tec.? I'm pretty sure they built vaults in Chinese soil too (under other brand), like General Atomics International and RobCo computers (mainframes for submarines).
The cancelled fallout movie script suggests that it was the Vault-tec CEO that launched the first nuke, all in the name of profit. Seems kind of counter productive though, more people still alive means more potential customers
I miss that youthful punky edge gaming culture had back then. I mean, it was still corporate shilling but at least it was fun corporate shilling.
>literal airbags
50s rock music is underrated as fuck.
>Draw out fears of nuclear war to milk funds for vault construction contracts and reservations, cheap out on construction for extra profit
>Kill all potential customers with actual nuclear war, devastating the economy so nobody has money to buy things even if they're alive
That's a tough one. I think he made the right choice
>it was still corporate shilling
Depends on the magazine. There was a VERY different corporate culture back then. It WAS corporate, but not necessarily in the way that you associate with the word "corporate".
I used to work for some z-list publications back in the 2000s. Things began to change dramatically after social media started to blow up. Quit doing games journalism because I couldn't stand the way things were becoming. Much more insular and much less tolerance of disagreeing with the narrative that the publisher was pushing. It used to be that you could shit all over any game that you genuinely hated and could praise any game that you genuinely liked. Then like 10 years ago suddenly we were getting all of these "we don't want to risk professional relations with the game's publisher" excuses from editors. That was a massive shift in the way things were done. It's not a coincidence that 15-20+ years ago there would be dramatic differences in review scores, but now they're all the same.
What is that gif from?
anybody know what was written in that article?
>Play Left 4 Dead in full 3D
Yes, the author.
Like IRL, I believe the governments, US & China, are mere puppets of corporations. The main goal was maximum profit, but as we see, the things got out of control.
Mothership Zeta suggested that zetans hijacked the warheads of both sides, but on FO4, Vault Tec. knew the exactly bombing day
>mmo supertest 8 worlds beyond warcraft which ones should you be playing now?
what's the chance than any of those 8 are still up and running?
>IRL, I believe the governments, US & China, are mere puppets of corporations
nigga you are delusional as fuck
I like to pretend that Mothership Zeta doesn't exist.
>that wish list of games
That doesn't make any sense. Vault-tec is under control of the Enclave. The entire point of the experimental vaults is to test humans reactions to various things while in a confined space. So after the war, Enclave can get data on how to survive and eventually send people to space.
Considering the Enclaves obsession with pre war America and how great it is, theres literally no reason why they would nuke it all for profit of Vault-Tec, purely to get research on surviving space to find another planet like Earth that they just destroyed.
I love FNV but I absolutely despise bethesda games, I tried fo4 and it was absolute garbage. Should I even bother with 3?
>pre-war enclave controlled vault tec
Wishful thinking. Vault tec directors had other plans. However, the hypothesis of space colonization by vault tec system was confirmed in Nuka World dlc
Fallout 3 is fun in terms of raw exploration. I've beaten it around 5 times and every time I discover new things I've never seen before. As opposed to New Vegas where almost every single location (in the base game) is in some way connected to a quest, Fallout 3 has tons of areas which exist purely to be discovered and explored. 3 lacks the storytelling and character building of New Vegas, but the world it immerses you in makes up for it.
Oh so it's just another silly bethesda theme park, alright then, I guess I'll pass.
Wait this is real?
I miss it Yea Forumsros
Dismissing it as that is a shame. Don't forget that without 3, we wouldn't have NV.
Probably the reason I liked FO3, despite all its flaws, more than NV. Simply exploring DC, scavenging for supplies or equipment, unexpectedly running into a booby trapped raider hideout.
NV may have better game design but the wasteland didn't really do it for me. Too cramped and full of live to be convincing, nevermind my disappointment when I discovered the size of the strip was so small.
FO3 managed this better, the contrast between DC and the surrounding wasteland was just right.
Well guess what, I heard the same argument over Fallout 4.
>"The game sucks but if you like exploration you're gonna love it!"
not again, but I do appreciate your honest reply though.
Weren't the results of the vault studies sent to the Enclave oil rig?
>sexually ambiguous raiden
>Fictional gamer waifu from the mid-2000s has better taste in vidya than most of Yea Forums
Anyone else get turned on when the deathclaws would grab you in 4?
That's why you should only listen to reputable anons when inquiring about the quality of games. Someone who's smart and knows their shit. Dare I say, someone like me.
Why does the entire fucking game look like it was coated in non-stick cooking spray
Ambiguous enough to fool the president
Exploring Boston's downtown was really nice, too bad on [current year] we can't enter in every building of a massive map like the concept art.
It's supposed to represent todd's spunk
It's rainin' in the screenshot. You can see the water droplets in the background.
of all the things I hated about this game I think this plastic look is probably the most egregious, that and how everything looks roundish and toylike.
That's not the kind of sexuality they were referring to
Nice experience, you got the good times. What's your job now?
Ironic how that the character models are more realistic (barely) and the combat system is more polished yet everything feels more cartoony and animated. Probably because all the firearms in the game look like they're made out of legos. Might also be due to the way that enemies comedically squirt magenta blood everywhere whenever you tap them.
Game is put in a weird middle between a very specific art style and at the same time striving for realism
It works great for buildings and the like but makes everyone look like action figures
>Mothership Zeta suggested that zetans hijacked the warheads
>t it was the Vault-tec CEO that launched the first nuke
Both retarded ideas.Fallout already has a perfectly functional first striker on Chairman Cheng.
Fallout was clearly at its best when it's ambiguous who shot first
>a fallout thread on Yea Forums
lmao. Unless you make a dick riding New Vegas circle jerk thread, don't even bother.
We’ve had this thread a hundred times!
This faggot blew the first load!
No? She already an adult when she died,if I remember correctly. She was inseminated when she was still a teen though.
It's only ambiguous if you're not paying attention.China attacked because they were trying to get the last reservoirs of oil while America was starting to mass produce fusion reactors.
You should make a thread about your in-character journal you're keeping for your character, with little doodles in it.
I really liked that thread. I should have bumped it before it died. Shoulda woulda coulda. Another thing that will haunt me on my death bed.
I only mentioned it because I saw your thread around when that thread fell into the archive. I, the OP of that thread, feel bad for not replying for the last third of it. I was out with my wife, shopping. I could see it on my cellphone, and suddenly everyone was asking me pertinent questions, but could not reply because my cell carrier is range-banned or however you phrase that.
You should make a new thread after you've completed some of the DLCs and made some more progress. People really liked it and I saved all the doodles.
>starting mass production
You mean fission cores? Energy by fusion was in final tests when the bombs dropped.
Well that one guy who replied, saying I should use the Caesar meeting as a wake-up call to have Richard Harkoen realize the Legion would be pretty bad for his degenerate lifestyle, was pretty helpful with my dilemma. So now that I'm done moving around AND being worried about how I'll proceed, I can actually hunker down and actually play through.
I'll try to time it so the first DLC I hit, whichever it is, comes at the subject page.
>Mothership Zeta suggested that zetans hijacked the warheads of both sides
I'd love to hear a justification for this theory beyond "guy being vivisected was screaming launch codes because he thought that was what they wanted, because it was the most important thing he knew."
Shit, if that audio clip was of Colonel Sanders being cut in half and he was shouting the 11 herbs and spices, would you surmise that the aliens wanted to know those herbs and spices?
Doesn't Fallout 2 suggest that AIs that controlled the nuclear silos on both sides got bored always staring each other down so they fired anyway, with no call for it? Like, an inverse of War Games, the only winning move is to flip the board over!
im sure everquest was recommended
Is it really that farfetched?
The way I see it, Vault-Tec never thought the war would start. Who started it is incidental. I scry that it was some kind of ponzi-scheme. Military Industrial Complex passing money around, back-and-forth, building useless infrastructure that they could then sell at an exorbitant price, but at the end of the day they never thought they'd be used.
I remember reading this.
That info is unessential for the narrative' sake, it's doesn't matter how A or B pushed the button. However some obscure elements knew when it would happen.
What's your first reaction talking with Capt. Zao? Would you forgive the past acts of a soldier, that just followed superior orders?
Retarded dialogue made it difficult to feel any emotion regardless of the circumstance, so none of these things stuck with me.
>a soldier
>a fucking commandant of a commie nuclear vessel
>killing millions of lives without think twice if their HQ's orders was really correct
Killing him and sinking his submarine isn't good enough
That sub looks terrible
best song
>Read these stories, or your PC will EXPLODE!
Oh fuck, what do we do?
I guess it could work if Vault-Tec main goal wasn't to make money, but to get enough people locked in the vaults to experiment on. Of course, you would have to count on the Vault-Tec ceo being completely insane for that to work
Runaround Sue was better, would've been great in the game