Did you take the lion pill?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
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What's the most kino moment in the expansion?
Can't wait to raid this city. not
>What's the most kino moment in the expansion?
Hard to pick since the whole expansion was fucking awesome but I guess the last boss and ending were just incredibly kino.
I took the lion pill before this expansion.
I challenge you, Emet-Selch.
a few questions for a guy who quit 4.2 and is ~i361 ilvl
>how tedious is it to gear up for shadowbringers
>how is gunbreaker
>how is ninja now
>did they ever improve the tomestone "grind"
>and of course, is the expansion worth it
glasses name?
>mommy yshtola will never take you over the knee and spank you to tears in front of all the scions
why even live brehs
It's like she suddenly realized her biological clock is ticking and suddenly become much lewder
The part with Hythlodaeus.
Receiving the barbed lion knot on the daily might do that to one, yes
>that cutscene after when you fight the last boss of the first 80 dungeon in outer space
I shouldnt feel as bad as i do for these birds, but i do
So what jobs are better/more fun with expac and which ones are worse/boring?
fuck off, it's different for everyone
I sure did. Need to find a good Black Mage set to put on him though.
How do you guys have the will to spam dungeons until 80. I'm at 77 and I'm already starting to feel burnt out of dungeon spamming.
>You buy ~390 poetics gear in Rhalgar's reach.
>No idea
>Hahahahahahahaha no. Expansion actively makes fun of this.
>What are you looking for? Story? Content?
The writing is really good. But I have to say the voice acting and voice direction is really fucking well done. Bravo
someone want to explain to me how this gremlin isnt getting its ass eaten by the sin eaters but everything else does?
1. Story roulette gives about 3/4ths of a level bar in the mid 70s.
1.5 Story -> Leveling -> Alliance raid roulettes in that order, ignore everything else.
2. Occasional fate.
3. Aether currents & some exploration.
Do msq. Get flying in zones already done and spam the quest there. I got the last two levels today by doing that with some dungeon runs that also always drop a piece of gear for your class so win win in a way.
>What are you looking for? Story? Content?
something to play and have fun with. i had no fun with SB but enjoyed ARR/HW a lot
Arbert and Lyna's breakdown was really well done. Lyna's voice actor was fucking really good. She sounds so familiar.
It's an ascian.
So are there actually any downsides to playing with trusts besides dungeon length? People earlier were saying less exp and loot and then other people were saying that wasn't true. Which is it?
I'm going to be autistic and not finishing MSQ until I finish every role quest so I'm using roulettes to level up my healer. Might change that though.
It's a mid/late 90s jrpg done as an expansion pack with some of the best writing in the genre. A definite improvement over SB.
>how is ninja now
Having two kassatsus on a 60 second cooldown has done wonders for the job
Is there a way to see the flavor text of an item in Japanese somehow? The Aerith windup toy has "This guy are sick" but obviously that isn't in the Japanese.
Stop anime posting.
Less loot is true because you only get 1 per chest instead of two. Less XP is a lie perpetrated by a nigger.
I've only heard less loot and the AI being absolutely fucking slow because they refuse to AoE half the time. Not sure on the loot bit but I've seen streams of Trust and player runs and can confirm the AI is slower.
pretty sure lynas va is in castlevania
>Stop anime posting.
thanks for the info though
No fucking wonder why. I was scratching my head really wondering on who she was. She did a really good performance here.
anime website
getting less exp is true if you consider it takes twice as long to get it
looks like a show for people that don't understand physics
Can I try a fantasia without using it?
i mean... you could just make a new character to test it
yes. you have the 'use' of a phantasia until you confirm what your character will look like.
>join titania ex as sch
>outheal/dps ast by miles
Is AST really that bad, or was this dude nothing but a living furniture?
just make a new character
You can't. But it'll keep on asking you to change your character on relogs until you finally do so there's that.
I challenge you, Emet-Selch
holy FUCK the whole last part of story was kino
yeah by making a new character and previewing whatever you want
It's called making a new character and then backing out once you're done
After long and careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that the German VA is officially the best one nowadays. Alisaie always had a cute voice, infinitely more so than the English one, but most of the new characters are also voiced really well.
Is the only way to get a phantasia by purchasing them?
living furniture
It's not her.
Sounds really similar though. I guess we'll see in the credits.
DNC buffs when?
Complete ARR's MSQ
little do you know the gremlins control the sin eaters
AST does no damage. Most of their heals have shit potencies too. Playing cards is really clunky and clips with everything. Sleeve Draw is basically 4 gcds of no attacking.
So most people should be done with MSQ tomorrow or Tuesday right? I see a lot of people 77+ now.
I've only run a dungeon where the other DPS was DNC once, so maybe I'm wrong, but the idea I got is that they suck in ST so on the bosses but their AoE on the dungeon packs was decent.
This has the charm of a ten year old korean MMO.
>make dnc's category throwing weapons so they don't always have to do chakrams
>shb only has chakrams
How so? AST is a broken piece of shit right now and has it much worse than SCH.
>been in queue for dying gasp for 40 minutes now
man this is fucking gay
>mfw skip potion faggots complain they didn't get a free fanta
Are DNC or MNK the worst jobs now
Wait until reset. It's in trial roulette so you should have better luck tomorrow.
They could still use a 50 potency increase on their single target proc abilities.
What’s wrong with MNK now?
Can't decide what DPS to play, help me bros
I'm torn between SAM, NIN and MCH. Maining PLD atm but I want to try DPS. Which is the most fun and least shit?
Someone's coming at you with a weapon do you
A) grab your blade, and slice his throat before he can slash at you.
B) disappear and then summon lightning to burn him alive
C) just shoot him nigga
Pick one.
>consider changing to Viera
>realize I'll no longer be allowed to wear my sexy pimp hat
fuck the new races teebeeaych
Same thing as always. They have no idea what they're doing with it so half of it's new skills are gimmicky jank that have tons of drawbacks for no reason.
Lyna's english dub accent turns me on so much
Her voice is really well done.When she starts breaking down because she couldn't save her men, that was fucking brutal
>tfw waiting on queue for Well to grind to level 79
this is going to be the worst part of this shit isn't it?
My only con for the story is the Eulmore War feels forced and unnatural. It doesn't bother me too much though.
The bunny commander.
No. Hitting the 80 wall with no rested exp and having to grind 3/4s of your last level is.
Just shoot him NIGGA
>the Eulmore War feels forced and unnatural
Not really. Vauthry has a pretty damn good reason to try and prevent you from killing sin eaters.
Rate your role story line for those who finished it.
Magic DPS 7/10
I guess so. I haven't finished it yet so we'll see but it just feels weird we just got out one war and just run straight into another.
>not knowing best girl
filthy cutscene skipper
please help
So how are NIN in this expansion?
Healer 7.5/10.
This, need glasses name
Healer is fine. They have a likable npc and the final quest is pretty goofy.
She's already old and busted. She literally doesn't matter after the war with eulmore.
she matters to my dick
This fucking dungeon and everything that happens after. So fucking kino. The whole expansion is pure, unfiltered kino.
Have you guys done your job quest yet? I heard there was 1 (one) at 80 but I got 80 and I can't find shit. Is it locked behind MSQ progression?
so what's with that? is it a alternate dimension or something?
I was honestly shocked at how good that dungeon was
In space over the planet of the First during the calamity that killed off most of the Ascians
Yes. You have to have completed the quest Shadowbringers. It also isn't blue for whatever reason. It just looks like a normal quest on the map.
So many good moments
Anyone made webm with Yshtola and bunny girl reaction on seal?
neat. is the warrior of light really the 14th missing ascian or is that a meme
There is. It starts where you last job quest left off. I picked it up but haven't run it yet.
that isn't the first. It's the original world before the sundering
The inn in the Chrysthareum having an open window is the biggest fucking upgrade. Why bother having a house.
The first dungeon that you can fall off the platform on the final boss!
>Give MCH a shot
>Bored out of my mind
>Hit 35
Okay this is fun now
>mfw entering the greatwood
Music in this expansion is on-fucking-point.
>log in
>Players in queue: 400
>shower 20 min
>come back
>Players in queue: 400
the zones in general are real comfy, especially under the everlasting light weather, I'll miss having lakeland all washed out and bright.
>Run into Ra'jalt first time
>he kicks my ass and I wonder how he is doing this despite me being able to overcome other godly beings
>start to wonder if he is a Sin Eater in disguise
>finish the assault on Eulmore only to find out the guy is so strong because he is just some oldfag military guy
Am I really suppose to take this shit seriously?
Levels are a gameplay metaphor.
Going by how it is now we should expect the next expansion to not only be filler but aslo be meh
here's a better question. Unless if someone wants to punch something really hard, what reason is there to actually play MNK instead of any other class?
You've already had Zenos to clue you in that the entire setting works on shonen logic, you have nobody to blame but yourself
Can't be meh, we're going TO THE MOON.
>enter new area i've never been to before just to attune and log out
>not even more than 40 seconds
>theme stuck in my head
Sub or dub?
Never not dub.
Allways go with the original language.
Where are my Lalafell enthusiasts at?
About to finally finish the OG story and about to enter Heavenward. How do i get an apartment and I saw a Yokai Watch minion...that shit is limited time only isn't it?
>wake up
>fuck cat boyfriend
>make fun of lizards tiny penis
>slap uriangers fat ass
>teleport into the lifestream again
Girls just wanna have fun.
The WoL can also check her ass.
I didn't think they could do it; they managed to top Heavensward.
>incredible sound track
>incredible character developments
>incredibly story crescendos
>perfect balance of joyous, somber, depressing, all emotions
It's the pinnacle of Final Fantasy story telling.
There are so fucking many good ones.
But really, that part where G'raha Tia stands up and beckons 7 other heroes from other dimensions to fight along side you, peek kino especially if you're playing with a friend
>Please, let it work, please...
Holy shit
let me in
>willingly joining the novice network
Are you gay?
I was honestly expecting our cat-exarch to just go and free us from all this extra light, but 1000 Ascians crying out in anguish just shooting him caught me off guard
Y'shtola becoming a sin eater
Did they fix MCH being bullshit that got a completely new rotation at max?
So we can all agree if you're not SCH, AST, or MNK you came out ahead in this expansoon?
So, my question is:
Who shot the Exarch with a sling shot?
And what happens? I was so tempted to
Yeah, drk is fun to play and summoning frey makes pp hard
I did, and he whines.
Remember to commend your DRKs in dungeons for using all their busted limitless high potency aoe!
>new player
>picked mnk
>have no frame of reference so I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not
MNK literally needs DNC to function, that fucking crit buff is too intoxicating for monks
god forbid if it aligned naturally with riddle of fire
I did. Currently at lvl 74 white mage, I sort of want to level Warrior to 80 because it fits better with Hrothgar, but I'm enjoying my instant queues for everything.
Someone doesn't remember Nevereap
well thats fuckin ominous
not like everything else in this expansion hasnt been so far though i guess
Those were fuckoff huge arenas though.
How long would it take to get all jobs to 80 if they are already at 70? I only play a few hours daily so roulettes would be the ideal choice.
Too many, especially anything with Ardbert.
It's just the machinist glasses you dorks.
So i just finished, literally the best expansion to date.
It dethroned HW
If you do leveling, alliance, and main story you get a bit over a level per day.
WE are in FUCKING SPACE and then challenge a literal god of darkness
fastest way 60-70 besides FATEs and deep dungeon?
Just kill me already.
Roulettes + whatever the most relevant dungeon is for you right now?
So for anime fans?
You aren't cheating on us with some pixie whore right?
How the hell are you idiots running out of rested XP? Are you just grinding overworld mobs or something?
I had ~3 days rested, dinged 80 with a roulette and had some left over.
You are a healer just fucking insta queue your dungeons onions boy
you currently have the shortest queues, the fuck are you complaining about?
Holy fuck when the music kicked in, this expansion is so fuckin good.
I'm not a healer. King Feo Ul is best girl.
Beast tribes are 1.2-2.1 million exp, double that on days you actually level them
Daily hunts are around 1.5m exp but killing level 66+ stuff can be a hassle
>lvl +50 paladin in Stone Vigil
>does not keep the aggro on anything, I notice he doesn't have his stance on
>"Use your tank stance, man"
>"Whatever generates you enmity"
>let him go through his action list to find it
>after 10 minutes, all he comes up with is Provoke
And here I thought level boosting was more of a meme. I can't breathe the same virtual air as these mongoloids..
what do hrothgar look like with helmets? do they actually have helmet cosmetics? i listened to all the combat voice lines and they all sound pretty bad so the armor needs to make up for it, does anyone have a picture of hrothgar in DRK armor?
Don't know why I keep doing 50/60/70 roulette, its full of wow refugees, one even refered to themselves as a 'specc' when they said they were new to healing.
hows crafting now?
hrothgar and viera don't have helmets because of their heads/ears being weird
Remember that you can queue for 5 dungeons at once, vault+gubal both still give comparable exp to sirensong
Only the full-face helmets like Odin's one are visible
More of the same but a squeak bit less reliant on cross-class and the meme rotations for infinite crafting got cut.
they don't have because ears and horns
Wait, dancers are bad? What about machinist?
it´s funny because it's literally impossible to lose aggro as tank now
>WAR Nothing still interesting/10
>SCH No mentions of pixie and more lalashit/10
>SMN Four dollars/10
It doesn't even give good exp
>Wait, dancers are bad?
Haven't heard anything to that effect, mostly I see people complaining they're on the simple end and I still don't think they're really that simple.
>What about machinist?
Machinist gets fun a lot earlier in ShB now and stays fun up to the end.
queue for bardam's mettle on crystal please i beg of you i just want the bardam's gunblade
>>Machinist gets fun a lot earlier in ShB now and stays fun up to the end.
Not him but thanks, I was wondering about MCH myself
>people were shitposting how gremlinguy from the trailer would be a traveling companion
>he was solus all along
In terms of numbers I don't know about MCH but its probably the most well done job. Buttons are satisfying regardless of performance which is more important.
It gives more exp than leveling if you roll a 50 as a 60 something and a 61+ dungeon on leveling
>Haven't heard anything to that effect
you missed the 3 threads about that
DNC has the lowest dps bar
not even their buffs can save them
I thought it was weird that Y'shtola didnt recognize you but then i forgot she's blind
yeah that hit me hard, i wish they come with a method to restore her sight, ffs we can travel through dimensions
Wait a second, isn't that the default name for Marche & Montblanc's clan
>mfw onions green was people
Time to make an exodus from Exodus.
So uhh, what's up with the final bosses of level 80 dungeons only dropping a single belt as loot?
Think I finish msq in around 2 days if won't work overtime
Which ex drops weapons?
How hard are they they compared to Susano?
SMN is in the fucking shed, why did the damage drop so badly?
They wanted AF4 to last a bit longer. Those dungeons only drop accessories.
SMN is fine
Titania is weapons. She isn't hard, just a few tethers to manage and those 8 directional aoes like Mist Dragon has.
They only drop accessories on par with your AF gear.
Your next upgrade is going to be from Goetia tomestones
I stop healing a paladin for 5 seconds so excog can pop and niggas just start spamming clemency
This expac should've came after HW and not that sorry excuse of an expac that is SB.
>>how tedious is it to gear up for shadowbringers
The initial city tour quest gave me a staff that was 1 damage lower than my 390 one.
>story is kino and Samurai is top tier
Where did everything go so right?
no its not ive partied with a few so far and their damage is subpar to even dancers
It's better.
>start 71 dungeon with trusts at 8.35m exp
>finish at 10.93m exp
are we sure trusts dont have reduced exp
Nah, I think its good that it happened now. Thanks to SB being so fucking mediocre, we've had time to reflect on how good HW was and playing ShB its like the icing on the cake.
Titania, honestly pretty easy but people are kind of retarded right now so find a good group and stick to them like glue.
If Heavensward is a 10/10 then Shadowbringers is a 13/10.
lvl 71 exp is a joke
I did it like 7-8 times with randoms to get just a level
I guess you're right.
Imagine going to SB after this pure unadulterated kino.
Whats the fastest way to 72?
Grinding the dungeon or quests?
>that fucking perfect music sync up with the highs and the low points of that whole cutscene
Marche confirmed villain of next expansion
It shat on HW
HW was my favorite expansion
So same as normal?
How is dps check, tight or can have even 2 dancers in party?
The dub has some good voices in there but the bad ones are SO fucking bad that it turns me off english audio completely.
It's a real shame because I'm really tempted to just bear with english so the subtitles actually matches what's spoken, and fuck me some performances like Arbert's are really good.
But then Alisaie talks with her middle aged soccermom voice and I'm turned away completely.
just do the dungeon a couple times and quests / fates during queue if you're a DPScuck
better, much much better.
That's not saying HW is bad, it's just that SHB is SO fucking good
>tfw running trials right now again and again because they're so kino
Its better than hw, despite having sb style garbage like alphi VS giant toddler dialogue
Something has been bugging me.
Is Arbert actually supposed to be "Albert" and the localization team just goofed it here? And then they just ran with it? I mean the nips would have no way of knowing they messed it up because that's how they pronounce Albert.
Unironically better, which I know sounds fucking crazy but ShB really nailed it. The 80 dungeon/Trial blew me away with how good they were.
when Elidibus actually translated to "huge jobber" in ancient Ascian
Pretty low. As long as people aren't constantly dying and at least partially understand their rotation they should be fine. I went in with at totally blind group of randoms and it took us like 3 pulls to clear.
fuck me I was not ready for this sudden zanarkand-like bullshit
How fucked am I if I haven't played XIV since 4.1 ~ halfway through 4.2 (I think?)
I want to burn through the MSQ of SB because it was a fucking snore fest and ever since my friends told me Shadowbringers feels like HW, I definitely feel like resubbing again. How many raids/dungeons do I have to go through?
Or rather, how long would it take to catch up to speed.
The one time, I wish I didn't have to do something.
But yet, his city lives on.
They all have different name in the first.
The PLD guy is just called Branden instead of Brandenasdkjashda in true Roe's fashion.
Unironically buy a boost so you can enjoy current content with your bros. Fuck SB.
not at all fucked
You always will be behind
You can easily finish up SB in a few days of casual play even if you don't skip any scenes. Each patch is about 2 hours if you're only doing MSQ.
>do the 65 dungeon 5 times
>get every piece of gear except the weapon, chest, and legs
Mother fuckers
>spill coffee on keyboard
>get lore friendly roegadyn name according to Koji
I just watched that bitch turn into a sin eater.
I thought Taro yoko was only doing raid design for dark apocalypse.
Not too bad, our party cleared pretty quick. Deaths from getting jebaited in phase 2 mist rune can fuck the run immediately but you have so much time to get to the circles that if everyone focuses on dodging Titania it's literally fine. Rest of the fight is cake.
welcome to the suffering expansion.
You haven't seen anything yet.
Keep going fellow 'hero'.
He does
Taro can do only boring shit like dick girls and rape
Fuck paying 25 dollars for that shit, I would rather suffer and go through where I left everything instead of giving in to SE.
Good. Do I have to finish the god damned alliance raids? Because this content always seems to draw the worst players/takes too long to queue. Now I don't have a problem if it's necessary but whatever, more cosmetic gear I guess.
That's what my friends thought back when I bought ARR and HW three weeks before SB's release and managed to catch up on two weeks and a half by playing nonstop during vacations.
>people expected Alisaie to die
>it's actually Alphinaud
buns a slut
Where are the new tomestone vendors?
entirely optional but the alliance roulette gives a good chunk of exp
TItanias theme is fucking groovy goddamn
just walking around the place makes me kinda sad.
It took three fucking expansions but we finally made it BLMbros
wtf why not crystarium
fuck yoshi
Eulmore, southwest section at the big counter.
>Tank queues are back to 5 mins
Seems like plenty of folks just cant stand the rigors of tanking
delet this immediately
most gunbreaker suck dick
I can't commit to my rabbit design. Keep starting over after a day or two of play.
Seems like most of the new GNBs couldn't hack it, even though the changes to tanking make them pretty effective. They're better than I thought they'd be just from looking through their tooltips.
Someone give me the story on this guy please.
i would have seriously considered it if they were using the highlander body rather than the r*egadyn
Same, that atmosphere is pure melancholic bliss
>drops hp to 1 at the start of a big pull
All of them
Just play the game. Literally half the expansion of focused on him.
Its one of the worst CDs in the game
>ralgh reach doesn't trade in for GNB and DNC lv 70 weapon
uh what do I do now? please help.
Im too poor.
Play FFXII and XIV 4.4+
I'm still getting used to tanking and gunbreaker, but is there any feasible reason to use superbolide if you aren't about to die or in anticipation of a heavy attack?
They do, they just don't have Ala Mhigan or Lost Allagan weapons. They have ryumyaku and Scaevan weapons.
There's scaevan and omega ones you tard
Redpill me on DRK in this expansion
Nah not really, Superbolide is just to pop if something is about to kill you and give the healers a chance to get you up again. It's kind of a combination of Holmgang and Hallowed Ground.
Original language. Second hand dub almost always find something to fuck up spectacularly enough to undo the efforts of the good ones. Though English text with English voice in XIV is one of the rare times it's justified because the voice actors were forced to read Koji's heavily alternated script anyway.
To force you healer to respect the content instead of cheating with Benediction after spamming holy.
Seto is good boy who did NOTHING wrong. I only wish he and Ardbert got a chance to talk proper.
Pretty similar to how it was before but you don't *PSHEEWWW* spam *PSHEEWWW* Dark Arts *PSHEEWWWW* anymore. Lost some stuff, gained some stuff, became kind of like a dark knight-themed Warrior that can dump its MP. I'd liken it to a mix between Warrior and Paladin in general gameplay.
Dub, the localization work is really good and there's un-subtitled background chatter you'll miss.
How are Warrior and Summoner?
Anyone else have a really hard time seeing the AoEs in Mt. Gulg? The yellow markers on the pure white and yellow backgrounds was really fucked up.
I can't stand how some parts of it resembled Nignogg's theme, but that's samey epic orchestra for you.
All the tanks are really good but Warrior's kinda the most boring of a four-man parade now. Summoner's way more engaging than it was in Stormblood.
Yeah. Just look for the outlines and movement.
So fans of Castlevania then?
Well lads, it's been awesome. I probably won't be able to do it like this next expansion, since I'll probably have kids by then, it's been great NyEETing a whole storyline for three days straight with no distractions.
What a fucking bang to go out on.
>the ronitt sidequests
Trying to get to the new expansion. How long is the post stormblood quest line to get to shadowbringers? Please tell me it is roughly the same as Heavansward.
Much, much better.
thanks bros
Depends entirely on the expansion, unfortunately. ARR dub is fucking dogshit, HW is hit or miss, SB is like 80% good, and ShB is stellar from what I've heard.
I'm pretty sure Koji knows how to spell Albert
>Played AST from HW launch even when it was undertuned and not all that good and loved it
>This expansion rolls around.
>look what they did to my boy.
The only thing i have not liked about this expansion is my fav class was ruined.
Having Ardbert as your ghost tour guide was the best decision in the entire expansion
It's been 15 years since I played ARR but I don't remember it fistfucking you with bong accents as much
When our AST found out you only get seals in combat, so prepull divination is actually impossible he straight up boosted a WHM to play through the expac instead.
ARR was when the dub was at its bongiest, unfortunately.
Does anyone else here think the RDM AOE rotation is wack ?
It bothers the shit outta me to see my Mana unbalanced.
>play BLM
>get Dance Partnered, Dragon's Eyed, and AST buffed during trick window and 3 xenoglossy ready
my fucking DICK
Honestly after leveling it to 80 I don't mind the new cards that much. AST just needs Play fixed and their numbers buffed and it should be fine.
And they didn't even eliminate AST needing time between pulls with their changes. They still want 30 seconds for draw to come off cd at the start of a fight.
Everyone in Clan Nutsy is a fuckin weirdo
Just finished msq and holy shit Shadowbringers is kino
My fuckin brother. Titania EX with the static earlier same thing happened, the damage is actually retarded.
Fuck the haters honestly, I'm having more fun with level 70 new DRK than I ever did with SB DRK, jesus christ. My self sustain, AoE, and rotation all feel so much better especially with dark arts gone
The class is saved.
God fucking damn 80 mch is so fucking fun
>koji localization is really goo----
>WoW's expac
>ruins the game entirely, absolute slog to play
>XIV expac
>the best the game has ever been
How much damage we talkin here bros? BLM is my main DPS but I've been DRKing my way through the MSQ and haven't gotten around to BLM yet.
fucking absurd
>750 potency single target nuke with no cast time, that you can charge up
>perma 15% damage bonus too
Hows samurai 71-80? Literally no other dps are catching my attention. I played everything up to 70 last expac
I'm cool with gnb and whm but I need a dps
Then play when you can afford it and actually enjoy the story
How was this expansion so good after SB? I was trying to keep my hopes low but gave in to the hype and it was all worth it. Now if they'd just nix the pixies and the Near A Tomato raid, we'd be golden.
>with no cast time [...] can charge up
what the actual fuck
i'm dropping nin
Fucking stupid, as in I finished the fight sitting around 13k DPS, and next in line was the DRG at 9k
It's fine as a long as you can actually communicate to your healer "hey stop healing me I'm gonna use superbolide", but with pugs it's actually useless.
so ascians are the jews?
I don't know but it's Final Fantasy as fuck, that's for sure.
>dark, depressing msq
>24 man written by yoko taro
uh oh
samurai looks like an un-shedded job with more more MORE potency and double iaijutsu. can't tell you how it fares compared to the rest though
Not at all.
>Elidibus jobbed to Zenos in fucking rando Garlean body
Can this guy do anything right?
ARR was still bongs, except it was bongs phoning it in which is ten times worse
ShB ninja is so fun
Zenos is just that much of a chad
To be fair Zenos is a fucking beast though
You seem to be missing a "d" at the end of your statement, don't worry bro I've got you
How about the job quests, is DRK as good as it was in SB?
Ready for a new remix of
Question about a quest near the end of the story
do we seriously need to do the whole role questline to turn in the MSQ quest to Grenholdt? i.e. do a level 80 quest to turn in a 79 quest. It seems so janky.
SAM is Stormblood 2: Storm Harder, which is a good thing because it was already mechanical perfection in SB. The only thing different is Ikishoten doesn't let you eat sens and instead gives you a flat 50 ki so you're back to building up to Midare and being stuck with how many sens you've got.
Does anyone have a spreadsheet that calculates Skillspeed?
I think MCH might be incredibly broken, and no one seems to realize it yet.
>we reworked potencies for shb
>also we kept reduced pet potencies because fuck you
Thanks Yoshi
Yes. Also talk to him again after you finish his quest for some goodies.
No job quests, only role quests.
Tanks are kinda like Paladin's 2.0 Job quests, pretty boring so far.
There is job quest at level 80.
There are Job quests at 80
oh fuck im retarded
The tank master trait is a fucking placebo.
This nigga looks like he's about to start throwin down some dope scat man noises.
>implying the story will be the thing that fucks with people
Taro is going to make mechanic nightmares that will haunt players for years to come
I can tell seeing how they removed almost nothing. I'm really not a fan of katanas but whatever I guess I'll play it oj the side
As an 80 SAM, it's pretty boring now. Yeah we got done high potency skills but removing hagakure simplified our moveset so much. I might move on from it, I'm not sure yet.
It's so fucking good it's actually much better than HW
Yes, then immediately talk to him for AF.
Most braindead job?
>skill you always press every X seconds turns into skill you always press every X seconds
what the shit? you aren't one of those grays who think they're clever for using haga on
I wish that fight wasn't so slow. It feels like those lasers take like 10 seconds to fire.
>tfw raidlet that only got to eyes and sigma just recently
Is this a side dungeon or should I go finish those before I hit 80?
It's a level 80 dungeon.
Jesus, all he had to do to win was not get pushed back by a line of ice. He could jump it by the end, why not the start?
Physical dps 2/10
This shit was garbage and I didn't care about any of it.
>Me use Hagakure to fix me terrible Sen management skills
>What you mean plan rotation around no hagakure? Me UNGA
Without hagakure, you simply midare over and over unless you need to reapply your DoT. At least sacrificing your sen at the end of your combo broke up the rotation a little.
Obviously, I mean is it MSQ or not
you can overwrite your 3 sen following ikishoten for the same sensation :)
Unironically where the fuck will the story even go post MSQ? Jesus christ they blew their load early.
There was no management, unless you were reapplying your DoT, you only used it at three.
Very funny user, but not the same and you know it.
We're hanging out with Lyse and Tataru for 5 patches to make up for the time we missed together.
Well, based on that post credits Elidibus speech I have to assume into nostalgia bait. That or Eden will be which honestly works too.
Well they said Eden was going to be pretty heavily tied to the MSQ
except it is. the only different thing about ikishoten is you get a free midare on top of 50 shinten juice.
Thanks. Guess I'm just used to seeing a red quest marker indicating I've hit a level wall.
god the exp drops for this level 71 dungeon are pathetic
The other four remaining shards to become the Captain Planet of light, the moon to bitchslap Elidibus, and back in time to prevent everything from happening in the first place
>No exp buffs
Just run castrum
X1 dungeons are only ever good for glamour or being stingy with poetics anyway
Update: I can get 8% at 72, assuming SpS and SkS work the same.
>trying to defend 15k exp mob drops in a dungeon with low mob density at level 71
>You get to Amaurot
>it's populated by actual mystery niggas
i want to get into this game...
It's not about the skill, it's about breaking the tedium a bit. It wasn't much but it was a bit more complex than what we currently have, I feel. I am also not fond of the new meditation skill, popping it between GCDs when I know it'll be up for downtime and hoping it happens to be on a server tick is not very fun.
just buy it bro
Is Dark Knight an appropriate posterboy for the expansion? Explain your reasoning please.
>trusts are unironically more competent than every DF group ive been in so far
the runs take 8-10 minutes longer on average but fuck it at least i get flavor text and teammates who arent complete retards along with instant queues
Reason: because it is.
You get to come off your job quests full of suffering and go into the expansion full of suffering.
Not great not terrible.
Dark Knights are dark, which is the opposite of light. Dark Knights use shadow stuff, which is the opposite of light. That's about it and is all you really need desu.
Just hit this, and so far its hit me harder than most of the rest of the story.
>explain your reasoning
I tire of this charade
I feel like Divination feels worst than a expanded balance/spear in terms of satisfaction, defination is on a 3 minute cooldown yet expanded balances/spears could easily be preped back to back. I also don't like how you need to use an extra oGCD to convert AND play a minor arcana, half the time the 2% damage increase doesn't even feel worth it but I'm forced to do it when I have my seals arranged.
Why was every scene with Ardbert so good?
>there used to be 14 members of the council
>one of the members was going to 'leave soon though'
>Hythlodaeus recognizes you, or specifically your soul, as well as Ardbert's
>what Emet saw and his reaction
So not only are we the fragmented soul of one the Ascians inner council, but we're literally the reincarnation of the person who summoned Hydaelyn.
Unironically no, you're the "warrior of darkness" only because you drink the light's milkshake
He's a wuxia/cultivation MC, of course he's retardedly strong
Because I'm a fatefag and he's literally CG EMIYA
and as i said, you can still simulate that tedium breaking by refusing the free sen the game kept for you. it would simply be less optimal.
i thought people concluded the gain from shoha did not justify fishing for meditation procs.
is it true you get less exp from trust?
>popping it between GCDs when I know it'll be up for downtime and hoping it happens to be on a server tick is not very fun.
Do you actually gain from this?
I mean with every Meditation usage you can potentially delay your next auto attack.
XIV is hot garbage. Soulless weeb world, soulless weeb ui, soulless weeb classes, soulless weeb endgame content.
Even GW2 is better than that crap.
nope ive tried with and without trusts and the exp is the exact same so im probably just going to use them whenever possible.
I got like 3m ish exp per run of holminster and 4.5 or so in fuath land every time I used trusts
I think the dungeons themselves just have low exp totals in contrast with your exp per level requirements
Try and stuff a few more buzzwords into your post next time user, this isn't peak meme material.
Divination needs to be 2 min instead of 3. That way you actually have to try to build up a full power one instead of having all the time in the world.
I simply preferred hagakure since it was both efficient AND broke the tedium a touch. Even if it's not "worth it", it's still 50 free potency that I can squeeze in when I have the opportunity if I know the fight well enough to know when to save it for longer breaks. No real reason not to.
About a 50/50 for a free oGCD.
>the scene when you tell him he's ruining your dinner and he says that he had to get ingredients for a stupid dinner like just like we did
easily my favorite character this expansion
how do we make shoah a better skill for samurai?
Get stack from Third Eye proc.
>SAM gets the Shoah
Oy vey
Activate your Windows, user, you don't want to make Lyna sad.
>buff all the classes
>then make all the enemies deal more damage
Balancing the game like a pro
Guess they blew all the load into cutscenes.
That sounds excellent. Someone get this user a designer chair.
Single cards at 7%, minor arcana back to its original functionality and divination at 3(.3)% per seal with a 2 min CD would probably be enough to make AST look viable rather than a contrarian parsefag choice
How come materia 7 seems worse than materia 6?
Because it's literally just tier 5 for higher ilvls
>buff all the classes
boy do i have some bad news for you
>Cascade: 200 potency
>Windmill: 150 potency AOE with no falloff
What the fuck? At that point might as well just have single target skills cleave.
You can overmeld 7
7s are specifically for overmelding. In general you'll be using one 8 and one 6
I don’t count scholar it’s for gays
Everyone but SCH, AST, and MNK are pretty much better now.
SCH is actually super close to being perfect. All they need are two changes. The first is a way to burn the third stack of aetherflow. The first two stacks can be spent on excog and sacred soil but if you aren't spending it on those the second you get all three stacks you are going to have one leftover when aetherflow is off cooldown so let us either eat the stack for mp or give us a pure shield to spend it on. The second is letting us build fairy gauge with dissipation because that skill has been garbage for four fucking years and it's still garbage since i'm just using it to refresh aetherflow before a pull ends and then spending none of it while the fairy is gone.
How are the tank classes looking, fellow tankchads? I’ve got all of them at 70 but can’t decide which one to level to 80 first. Which one is the most fun? I finally get to start playing tomorrow.
Any level 70 side quest that offers a hq wep?
PLD, DRK, and GNB are all right.
Dunno about War.
I think it's from the MSQ. You can probably buy one for cheap on the MB.
gnb is very fun
drk is very fun
i've capped both but can't really speak for the other two since i only have them at 70
for what it's worth i have the easiest time on drk in dungeons, healer friend has told me gnb seems substantially harder to heal (lol camo)
Just buy a scaevan one with MSQ roulette tomestones
ShB gives you HQ crafted weapons at every even level
I’ve only leveled warrior but I like the changes, we deal much better dps now. I remember checking after the patch and bring like huh they increased the potency in most of my abilities cool
Just buy a 400 one with poetics. It only costs like 500 or so.
DRK's simple, PLD made out like a bandit this expac, GNB is closer to a DPS than it is a tank. WAR I haven't tried yet, not really interested in it this expac.
>2/3rds of one of the most important roles if not the most important have been nerfed
>lol its no big deal
Camo is good in dungeons compared to what PLD and WAR have.
TBN is just too good.
Eh Camo's pretty decent when used in rotating out tank cooldowns. Depending on severity of incoming damage I'd either ignore it in favor of Nebula/Rampart or stack Aurora on top of it though.
Healing is for gays and women anyways let them have their nerf
Healers have been ridiculously overpowered for years, eat shit.
Late as fuck to this but if given a choice which would be more fun to go through the new expansion, SMN or BRD? Planning to level GUB alongside as well
Do bard first. Summoner can level as scholar and you never want to do a healer or tank through the story since they can level faster through dungeons.
glad they got Alexander faggotry out of the way, that means there's a good chance we get Ultimate Thordan and Ultimate Nidhogg
Well, tank used to be able to level faster in dungeons :^)
The ironworks Alex fight is pretty good.
>The 30 minuets after the last MSQ dungeon
how do the fuck do you top it? The amounts of hype and levels of bad ass your character feels, the way the sound tracks perfect fit in. How the Scions all step in to lend a hand. It's too fucking good, I literally don't know how you can beat it.
>Did you take the lion pill?
She did
Y'shtola is just a major league slut. She lusts after every nearby cock.
>tfw it wasn't just PR speak when they claimed ShB would be their best expansion yet
nigga its a show about a dude who fights vampires with a magic whip. get out of here with that whiny physics crap.
>eat shit
its not like i play healer either you little faggot but that still doesnt make nerfing 2/3 of the healers the way they did a good idea.
>haha, they are WoD now so I guess I will sic wol against them this time
Jesus christ this shadownigga never learn huh?
The dude got himself owned by Zenos, of course he never learns.
Except you, little sun.
What was the deal with this boss, exactly, lorefags?
Honestly I think he's just pretending to be retarded at this point.
I stand by it. Healers have been poorly designed for a long time. I understand the whole Healer DPS thing, but they've swung the pendulum too far in that direction, to the point that using a GCD on healing was frowned upon and considered a waste. I mean they've went about it in the wrong way but I respect the effort to direct healers back towards healing just a bit.
Don't skip the cutscenes. It was obvious what it was just from the MSQ alone.
>this entire cutscene
fuck, it was so fucking good
It's funny that he was/is the reasonable or intellectual of the Ascians and now he jobs left and right and makes stupid decisions.
Does anyone know where do I unlock the other ex dungeon? The one that's not crystal tower.
In notRhalgr's Reach
Other city on the lowest level.
You mean the slums?
So I guess this is peak in term of story?
Only downhill from here isn't it?
Why do WHMs get wings? Do they become angels or something?
Not sure which healer to level up
>Crystarium night theme when the vocals kick in
Mmmm yeah that's the good shit
i almost did, but the pompadour roegadyn main i made in preparation to take the hrothpill grew on me too much and now i'm sticking as a roegadyn despite being a total furry
>not ultimate triad with Kefka
This faggot is the only reason I refused to skip cutscenes for once, and I fucking love myself for not skipping a single cutscene since 4.3
Ideally we'll have another worldly eh expansion with 6.0 then megakino moon adventures in 7.0
So what's the deal here? Are we looking at team A vs team B? Team A worked on HW and team B on SB, then team A on SHB? Because SB was pretty shitty compared to HW and SHB.
>absolutely beating the fuck out of this old grandpa
>lol you lose anyways even though he barely could half hp you with his ultimate attack :)
Where is the MSQ music video?
I've never skipped since 1.0
I'm giving them benefits of doubt and assume they just wanted to get SB portion of the story done as soon as possible.
Because 5.0 felt like it was supposed to continue from 3.4
SB was obviously filler since if they released this right after HW it would feel like they were blowing their load too early
so was he the cat fucker all along? he said no in the beginning when i asked him
I have this weird thing that makes me want to skip cutscenes to reach level cap asap and watch CS later, for once Ive not done
*oneshots u*
Cat fucker from parallel universe.
>grandpa fight as Thancred
Fuck that boring drawn-out shit
He was just going easy on you and let you think you we're winning.
What's the name of this song? It's the same one from the cinematic trailer.
so the cat fucker in source is still inside the tower?
Yep, Exarch even tells him to wake the fuck up at the end of MSQ.
I like the part where the story implied WoL actually does look like Ardbert.
ty, gonna finish my levelling later during the year
So whats with the lightning on samurai attacks now
What do I say?
>curious gorge
staying out of these threads until I clear the expac MSQ, goodbye xivg
>really hype moment
>now use the duty finder to queu into this trial
>sit around for 15 minutes feeling the hype dribbling away.
god damn it, I am having a fucking moment here and it comes screeching to a halt as I see the average wait time go up and up because I guess I'm the fucking one pushing the average up.
It's fucked dude
>just do MSQ on dps dude, why waste those exp on tank or healer
Lmaoing at you niggers.
My wife Alisaie is cute and did nothing wrong during ShB
implying tanks have good queues, every dps dungeon run I've done all expansion has been sub 5 minutes, while I see tanks shouting in crystaltown offering to pay healers to party with them.
friends is the content after the post ARR stuff better, i'm trying to get through this stuff but it's really fucking boring.
Not on my data center.
Every 5.0 content have been sub 5 min queue for me.
everything post 50 until you hit ishgard is fucking boring id recommend skipping it.
what's the context of these answers?
on the kino scale
ARR 2-5
HW 8-9
SB 4-5
ShB 8-9
alright that's good news, thanks friend.
Where do I exchange red scrips?
Am i autistic, what he fuck does this mean?
By and large yes. If you start skipping cutscenes, start paying attention again around the time Shiva/Lady Iceheart is mentioned.
yes, the patch story quests from ARR is widely considered the worst part and many (myself included) hope they rework/get rid of most of it
The only good level 50 content is Coil and everything after/including Silvertear Lake
Crystal Tower is probably the only really decent AR and it's still just OK, don't let Matsuno writing RtI fool you
Notes on 10, probably.
Those are ratings out of 10 based on highs and lows
I'd give HW a 7 on the low end just for how shitty the post expac was and fucking moghome
Fuck I'd almost forgotten
How did you grind for your level 80?
Doing the dungeon gives babybitch EXP.
why is this quest 79 when you need to be 80
I only need to do the 79 dungeon twice. Everything else I got from MSQ, hunts, and couple of Fates.
>Doing the dungeon gives babybitch EXP
It's the fastest way tho. I also did a little of everything like hunts, FATEs, exploration, roulettes.
You can do it at 79. You just need another job at 80 to do the role quest with.
So you rebuy your relic and AF at notGerolt instead of CalSal now?
So all of the primals being summoned has something to do with calamities on the source, right, with each corresponding to a specific kind of aetheric flood?
Ravana/Bismarck are dually aspected iirc (given the kinds of crystals you dig up doing beast tribe quests) but were Tsukuyomi/Susanoo/Lakshmi supposed to be as well? Or are they just Dark/water (again)/Light?