What are the best licensed games based on western cartoons?
Hard Mode: List more than just the usual answers like Battle For Bikini Bottom and Night of 100 Frights.
What are the best licensed games based on western cartoons?
Hard Mode: List more than just the usual answers like Battle For Bikini Bottom and Night of 100 Frights.
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13 ghosts was sick
This one is pretty good. Graphics are basically identical to the show, just with less fluid movement for the sake of gameplay. Also Brave and the Bold was based as fuck, arguably the best capeshit cartoon (and there's some serious competition there).
It was certainly better than the early 80s by a mile, but only because it was a desperate attempt at throwing a totally new formula at the wall and hoping it stuck. It didn't, even with Vincent Price on board.
What the fuck is with the artstyle for Be Cool? Looks like the kind of parody crossover thing you'd see in Family Guy or somesuch.
Batman TAS on gameboy was excellent, I bring it up all the time in capeshit vidya threads and never get any (you)s.
Mickey Mania was great, and I remember Mickey and the Magic Wand being good too.
Supersponge was pretty good too.
I played the shit out of Rugrats Search for Reptar as a kid but in retrospect I'm pretty sure that game was garbage.
I don't know why it looks like that, but whoever is responsible should've gotten canned. It's one thing for a bad show to look bad, but Be Cool is not only the funniest series in that image, but actually animated pretty well (there's a handful of confusingly fluid scenes in the series), and it tried new things with the old formula like a blueprint-style look for Velma's explanations and making Daphne more comedic by having her pick up a new hobby every episode.
Everybody dropped Be Cool before Episode 1 aired because the art style was garbage, but it was otherwise pretty good. A really good conversion of Where Are You to the 2010s, as opposed to Mystery Inc. turning the whole thing on its head (which is why it was so good).
Sheep Raider and basically every other Looney Tunes game on the PS1.
Little Nemo is pretty sick
Sheep Raider is an absolute marvel of a game, especially for the PS1, but I've not really heard much about any other Looney Tunes game from that era. Were they by the same developer?
Legend of Korra and Transformers: Devastation were both by Platinum and as such were fun beatemups
>13 ghost was from 1985
Wtf?! It was so well animated I thought it was from mid 90s
Also, 2019 show having the good ol style; it was about time they get a clue and dispose that horrid numale animation.
Emperor's New groove btw
I haven't played it in forever so it could just be childhood nostalgia but I remember it being pretty good.
Devastation is incredible. I'll always defend it as one of the best action games ever released despite its clearly limited budget because its mechanics are well-designed and there's this weird Diablo-like element to it with the weapon drops and stats that give the game a ton of replay value via running the Challenges with different characters and loadouts.
Korra was alright. It probably had 20-25% of the budget Devastation got, because holy shit that game can be beaten in like 3 hours, which includes like 30-40 minutes of Temple Run-style filler sections. That said, it plays fine and the final boss was legitimately very good.
Press F for Devastation being only available physical these days and press F multiple times for Korra because it got pulled also but was digital-only.
stick of truth
fractured but whole was okay too
I didn't get to see much of it but I do recall enjoying it, may have to look into it since my favorite superhero show at the moment is probably Spectacular Spider-Man
I always feel like there's something wrong with me when people discuss platinum games since they're usually talking about how great bayo or nier automata are, and I mean those games are fucking amazing sure, but I personally prefer Metal Gear Rising and Transformers Devastation to them. I'm not even sure why, I think there's something that just clicked with me in those two.
It was by Wayforward when they were getting a ton of licensed contract work and had the team making the show working with them on it. It's nothing amazing but it's a good conversion of the show to vidya.
You're okay in my book, user. Both of those games took a unique approach to their action (Rising tried to keep to some of Metal Gear's conventions while adding mechanics that fit Raiden's particular abilities, Devastation's mechanics are a weird combo of Bayo/Vanquish/Rising/Diablo with Transformers inspiration in things like Overdrive as a mechanic).
Both Revengeance and Devastation were directed by Kenji Saito, a Clover veteran that was part of game design for both Viewtiful Joes and Okami that left with Kamiya, Mikami, and the others. He's become one of my favorite directors just based on the merits of those two games. I'm really excited for whatever his next project is; if it's Babylon's Fall and he takes his experience on Devastation to make a full-on dungeon crawler with quality combat I'm 100% in.
I've never seen that 2006-2008 versiona nd I'm glad I haven't.
Granted the 2015-2018 one is much worse.
>the good ol style
Almost, but there's two very important differences.
Yep all same dev
Didn't watch much of Get a Clue but coming off the heels of What's New it was ass, even the theme song (but theme songs for Scooby-Doo peaked at What's New anyways)
>Also, 2019 show having the good ol style; it was about time they get a clue and dispose that horrid numale animation.
It seems like it could be good but I'm a bit skeptical about literally every episode being the "special guest star" episode. They weren't bad or anything in the original series but I don't think it being 100% of the episodes will be a good idea.
Wasn't mystery inc supposed to be really good?
It was pretty good, yeah. Missed most of season 2 but loved the first one, and Derrick J. Wyatt's style fits the cast surprisingly well
Get A Clue was fucking horrid. Shaggy & Scooby live in Shaggy's deceased uncle's mansion with a robot butler or something like that, and need to use spy gadgets and Scooby Snacks that give Scooby temporary super powers to stop a generic German supervillain whose henchmen are bad ripoff of The Monarch's from Venture Bros. The art style is almost as bad as Be Cool's too, in my opinion, and you're right that the intro was garbage.
Guess Who's intro is neat visually but the song is a shitty 15-second version of Where Are You's which is a shame.
Mystery Inc. is the best series in terms of being a good series. It turns the formula on its head, has long-term continuity, adds a ton of characterization to the main cast, delves into some wild shit, and has references out the ass you wouldn't expect from Scooby Doo (I'm talking a Che Guevara parody, Twin Peaks-inspired scenes, and Harlon Ellison voicing himself).
Holy shit I've never seen the 2019 one before.
>That artstyle
God fucking bless. Looks based.
Good to know, thanks. Sheep Raider's visuals and music alone make it one of the standout titles on the system, and that's before the Stealth/Puzzle-Platformer hybrid stuff.
>Remember everyone screeching about Be Cool's art style (and yeah admittedly it looks like shit.)
>But the more I look at that Get a Clue image, the more I get some uncomfortable sense of dread and nervousness that Be Cool wasn't capable of causing.
Holy shit. This is why making the comic relief the stars (especially in this case where it has little to no justification) isn't always a good idea
>(but theme songs for Scooby-Doo peaked at What's New anyways)
I rented this game from blockbuster very often.
First episode aired already. It's not amazing, but I want to believe it's because the guest was an athlete who didn't bring a lot of charisma to his parts of the episode. There's 2 or 3 gags I liked, but the mediocre ones tended to last 5-10 seconds longer than they needed to.
On the plus side, Daphne & Velma are both stacked as hell.
I think it's because Be Cool looks kinda family guy-ish so everyone kinda accepts that level of "quality" at this point
Taito published a bunch of surprisingly high quality platformers based on Hanna-Barbera licenses in the late 80s and 90s, but Jetsons for the SNES is probably my favorite. Solid game with a cool Kirby-esque vacuum cleaner mechanic that lets you suck up enemies and objects to shoot back and you also use it to climb walls and ceilings.
It's also one of the few instances of a game I can think of developed in Japan released in North America first then reskinned and sold in Japan later as a game called Yokai Buster with new music and areas.
Looney Tunes and old Disney shit
does this count
>tfw that literal who band did a damn good cover of this song for the 2009 TV movie
>their fanbase is so minuscule and most only know of the original band that did the song
That is the meaning of suffering.
amazing game before simba ages up then it turns to shit
Simple Plan was popular before doing What's New's theme is the thing, and fucking nobody cared about the late 00s live action movies.
fuck off about scooby doo the topic is video games unless you gonna post a scooby game
I don't know about "good" but I certainly had an amount of fun with it.
There was also that weird monopoly game, I can't even remember enough about it to have a solid opinion on it but I remember it being kind of shit.
Looney Tunes Racing was one of my favorite kart racing games ,My second favorite with CTR being my favorite.
It felt so crazy getting the hang of all the courses, unlocking and trying out new characters
Wait did Guess Who start airing? When?
this game was great
I've literally never heard of get a clue until now, maybe it was just that bad
also they give scooby """realistic""" eyes instead of cartoon ones, which is literally the only time that's ever been done
Good point. Shame too because Anarbor is pretty damn good despite peaking in 2013 in my eyes
The tiny toons sport game for genesis.
Tiny Toon Adventures: ACME All-Stars
worst scooby doo is 2010-2013
I prefer SNES. It was a more direct conversion of the movie and it had the classic Capcom polish.
I loved it
Water level was best
Be Cool was actually pretty good.
This. Be Cool shit the bed on its character sheets but it hit just about every other mark of a good series. It literally filtered people away from it because of its art design. Based on the first episode, I'm going to assume that Guess Who won't be as good as Be Cool in any way but the character designs, which is a shame.
except the guess who character designs are the shitty dot eye pandering mystery inc designs
Be Cool actually has soul compared to that
LMAO Scooby-Doo and Guess Who is literally The New Scooby-Doo Movies
Are the 13 ghosts of scooby doo just the collective term for the red shaggy movies?
Part of me thinks they're running out of new ideas, and so are just revisiting old concepts for a modern audience.
I think one of the direct to DVD movies was a successor to the 13 Ghosts show
pic related was unusually pretty great, easily the best transformers game before the cybertron games came out.
I feel like going back to New Scooby Movies style is because the franchise is turning 50 this year and they wanted the series premiering now to be nostalgic in a way.
No, it was a series from that same era. It was a show where Shaggy, Scooby, Daphne, Scrappy, and some weird hispanic kid traveled around trying to trap ghosts in a cursed chest, directed by Vincent Van Ghoul who was just Vincent Price being Vincent Price. It never got a real ending so they made a movie that ended it literally this year.
>It never got a real ending so they made a movie that ended it literally this year.
huh, cool
kys reddit
Oh right, I forgot about that. I'll have to check it out sometime
Best the series has ever been was the VHS movie quadfecta of Alien Invaders/Cyberchase/Witch's Ghost/Zombie island.
Nothing has ever topped those, either in art or writing.
pic related
hard as fucking balls but there is a hack that brings it up to modern difficulty standards called batadvantage
What's wrong with that? Mystery Inc. was the best incarnation in decades.
how was it?
cyberchase is pretty lame
Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo and the movies after that are all pretty good, at least good looking
Does Sam & Max count? The cartoon came later, but it was still a comic book before it was a video game.
I've always really liked this song. It's a cool friendship theme. I remember really liking all those promos Cartoon Network did with it for the (not so great) live action movie. I think it was my first cell phone ringtone too. youtube.com
God I fucking hated what’s new scooby doo. Fucking cut to black on the same scene 4 times in a row is stupid as hell.