ITT: Games you're not allowed to criticize in any way, shape, or form

>ITT: Games you're not allowed to criticize in any way, shape, or form

Attached: FromSoftwareSekiro.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

I'm sure if you make an honest criticism you can criticize any game, even on vee

>pretentious game hard = game good #25374
Noone thinks you're cool or cares because you have nothing better to do all day than play an overly hard game

have sex

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A lot of games I play for the challenge and feel I get from improving at it, Sekiro is very hard but it's not hard in an unfair way or hard because of bad controls/performance

too many reskins

People have criticized Sekiro. You just want to shitpost Sekiro.

Loved it and also loved MGSV. Good thread for me, thx.

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Any criticism of Sekiro is promptly met with "git gud".

>Unblockable system could have been implemented way better?
git gud
>some boss arenas add to player frustration
git gud
>jump punishing and mikiri counter are absolutely wonky at times
git gud

You legeitmately cannot say a single bad thing about Sekiro, you have to pretend it's a perfect and couldn't have been better than it is.

Just like all previous games
That’s how it goes with souls fans


If you complained about useless prosthetic tools, useless weapon arts, fights being way too strict, then sure. But you're clearly emotional and complaining about getting your ass kicked.

new vegas

>useless prosthetics
>useless weapon arts
Weird how this happened when they didn’t have any other balancing issues
>strict fights
How so? I only felt the headless were ‘strict’, in a ‘make sense’ way

>sekiro is hard

Don't mind me, just posting the greatest boss ever made

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Any game where Yea Forums praises it for it make peepee hard

Even Avellone said it was sub-par and unfocused compared to the original

You want my criticism of Sekiro? I just beat it for the first time so heres my fresh opinion of it.
The posture system is fucking dumb, enemies can break your posture in one hit but god forbid you do anymore then 10% posture damage to them, this artificially inflates the difficulty for no reason.

The unblockables hitboxes are somtimes fucked which leads to cheap deaths.

It suffers from Dark Souls syndrome, where a fucking level 1 zombie can do half your health because "lmao games just hard bro"

The parry system ranges from "as forgiving as MGR" to "Lmao it's like you didnt even parry bro!"

Attack Power does nothing meaningful when the game lets you 1 hit KO anyone from the get go, so you might as well upgrade vitality all the way.

The mini bosses literally only exist because the devs couldn't think of anything else to break up the monotony, and they range from "you were a boss?" to "HOLY FUCK THAT WAS A MINI BOSS?!".

The entire game can be cheesed with Fire Crackers which makes the game literally easy mode.

still a fun game though, I look forward to a sequel

There are tons of valid critcisms that have been made repeatedly.
>prosthetics are shit 90% of the time
>lots of reused bosses
>every playthrough is exactly the same
>most areas look the same/use the same assets
>parry is way too strong after you figure it out
>most fights play exactly the same
>no special reward for beating tutorial genichiro
>the four moneys
>all that weird npc stuff in the middle of the game
But the real worst shit is that the game just feels like a side project the way DaS2 did. Which of course means it's the second best of the series now.


it's like talking to Dark Souls kids in 2011 all over again.

>20 post in

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How the fuck can you be filtered by chained ogre? you just have to jump on the side and maybe dodge one or two time, and you can even have a free health bar by attacking him on stealth.

>post (singular)
based ESL retard

Any Metroid game, especially Super.

t. filtered casual

This entire post gave me cancer.

>overly dramatic delayed hitbox attacks: the boss

If Isshin just got progressively crazier with his first phase move set I would have liked him a lot more. His 2nd / 3rd phase are fucking boring because every god damn attack is the same delayed swing combo.

>most areas look the same/use the same assets
Every area in the game looks completely different from every other area in the game. The issue is there aren't that many areas. It's really just Ashina, Ashina Depths (literally just a cave), Mibu Village, Senpou Temple, Sunken Valley, Hirata Estate, and Fountainhead Palace. Each one of these areas looks distinct.

I just think its super stale and couldnt even be bothered to play more than 20 mins because i played 3 dark souls games already and everything feels the same just with a different coat of paint.
I cant even imagine the fags that also played DeS and Bloodborne on top of it.

Too obvious. Won't even catch the summerfags with that

Those are my honest feelings with the game though, fromdrone.
It just has nothing substancially new to lure me in.
Feels like playing Dark souls but without anything that made dark souls fun, and the uchigatana being the ONLY weapon in the game.
Quite literally a game made specifically for the dexfag crowd.


The only legit and undeniably good part about this game is the level of interaction it has between the player and the world, If you can think about it, you can pretty much do it in some way or another.
Hopefully this will be taken as a standard for the next games.

General consensus is that sekiro is dogshit

Devil may cuck 5

You are making yourself look like the textbook example of what op was trying to showcase.
Thanks for your cooperation.

I AM allowed to critisize it though because I played in up to NG+5 and 100%ed it
I won't though because it's the best game in years

Devil may cry
Anything nintendo

>Old games good
>New games bad

This entire franchise. Yakuzafags are genuinely the most rabid and delusional fanbase on this board. Let's ignore the fact that 80% of every game is actual rehashing and the combat is so dumb that a total numbskull could master it but it's alright because Majima did le WAAACKY thing xDDD

Attached: Yakuza-sega.jpg (266x375, 27K)

Depends on why you dislike it. Shit like the removal of rpg elements and overabundance of swordfighter enemies are valid complaints. But if your problem is "waaaaaaaah it's too hard" fuck off

How about The Last of Us?

People treat that game as the Sacred Cow, but the last level was terrible and the ending was crap.

>not allowed to
This isn't reddit, you can post your opinion no matter how shitty and no one can do anything about it
Check this out:
Dark souls 2 is the best souls game

You mean normies. Non-summer non-reddit Yea Forums rightfully hates all movie games

you understand the yakuzafags you are talking about are faggots who jumped on at 0 and to a lesser extent 5

Attached: 200px-Silent_Hill_2_-_North-american_cover.jpg (200x285, 23K)

The only real flaw of the game is that is pretty repetitive but if you are not into Beat em ups then this is not made for you.
Yakuza series have a lot more than just the combat though (which is incredibly satisfying), the amount of detail, care and attention they put into the world, plus the fun characters and over the top action is what makes the series enjoyed by many people.
Majima and Kiryu are just likeable dudes.
>but it's alright because Majima did le WAAACKY thing xDDD
thats the point, its not meant to be taken seriously.
Its quite literally a game made to enjoy rather than push gameplay to autism levels like, say DMC3.
A game, in the most literal sense of the word.

Sekiro's the kind of game where after I was finally done with it all I could feel was anger at myself for putting so much time into a game I was clearly not enjoying anymore for completionist's sake. Beating bosses like Vergil are satisfying, beating shit like Isshin and DoH just felt like banging my head against the wall until I got lucky and beat them. If the make Sekiro 2 I'll just skip it entirely, while I don't mind a challenging game Sekiro is the very definition of "overly difficult for the pure sake of being overly difficult" which was never the point of Miyazaki's games. Hell, even games like the original Devil May Cry were made for the sole purpose of giving people a challenge yet that game even on DMD is not as absolutely bullshit as some of Sekiro's encounters.

I don't know, maybe I'm too used to games like DMC and Bayonetta where enemies have absolutely crystal clear attack cues where as games like Sekiro, and to a lesser extent Demon's/Dark Souls, visual and audio cues are a very secondary thing. Unblockable attacks were my biggest beef with Sekiro's combat because I don't think the game did a good enough job implementing them. The giant glowing red kanji is a huge attention grabber which is counter intuitive because it makes you take your eyes off your enemy for a split second. And then there's the whole "unblockable roulette" some bosses like Genichiro have. When Genichiro does his leaping attack he'll either thrust or swipe, you basically have to guess thrust ever time and react within a milisecond if he does swipe. Especially in the final boss area where the waist high wheat covers his body. I also often found my Mikiri Counter making me dodge passed bosses like Isshin more often than not. Felt that mechanic could have used some fine tuning.

>critisms are i just can't do it even though everybody else can
Yeah all those things are like literally like impossible aren't they bro? Yeah bro like IMPOSSIBLE I had to cheat xD

the only people who think majima is le waaaacky man are 0fags

>can’t recognize swipe vs. thrust on Genichiro
so you’re just blind and retarded. got it.

>didn't find game that difficult
>people cry it's too hard and should be easy
I don't understand what issues people had. Unless you turn sound off it's really not that hard. Did you not listen to the pings when you block did you go for the health bar instead of the posture? Help me understand why you had such issues when somebody like me who sucks at zoomer shooters goes through without having many issues aside from some boss fights.

It was too short, should've had at least two more areas. Making you go through Ashina three times sucked, especially when the third time doesn't let you open the window of Kuro's room for no reason.

>This isn't reddit, you can post your opinion no matter how shitty and no one can do anything about it
Yeah a bunch of zoomer faggots and boomer niggers calling you a onions cuck discord tranny anytime you say that Square Enix doesn't have to cater to horny weebs or you express a left-of-center political view totally doesn't create a de-facto echo chamber.


so the main issue isnt the game but soulfags

>Making you go through Ashina three times sucked
plus the recycled bosses

>attractive women offend me
You belong on reddit loser.

>game with 41 bosses with different stages reuses 2 or 3 of them
Yeah fucking LAZY pieces of trash.

>This isn't reddit, you can post your opinion no matter how shitty and no one can do anything about it
i've been banned twice for criticize bloodborne, at this point i think fromsoft teams are also jannies

I'm like halfway through and I dont find the world very fun. Its fun the first time through but dark souls did a much better job of making everything feel connected and sucked you into the world. Sekiro is fun but i dont find the combat as fun as DMC or ninja gaiden. Those games can be hard, but it doesnt feel as forced as sekiro.

2bh hollow knight is the best souls game. #teamcherry

I just finished it myself and this post is fucking retarded, but in particular,
>Attack Power does nothing meaningful when the game lets you 1 hit KO anyone from the get go, so you might as well upgrade vitality all the way.
Did you somehow think that they use the same resources? Are you retarded?

Oh don’t give us that bullshit. The boss fights were great, which is why it was so disappointing how they were recycled a few times. After Rape Ape I was ready to say he was the best boss fight in the game. Apparently the developers thought so too since you fight the boss a second/third time like 10 minutes later.

I just don't understand how in a game with 41 bosses somebody is upset they reuse two or three a couple times. I would completely agree if it was like 12 bosses or even around 20 but at 41 I was more than happy with what I got. G Ape 2nd time is optional too isn't it? Headless niggers annoyed me but not to a design flaw extent. I would have prefered just the one headless nigger but I get what they were doing with the different buffs they give at least so it wasn't just lazy placing like Capra Demon in DS1. Did you beat 2nd ape first try? Most people do and it's satisfying after all the trouble first ape gives.

>The giant glowing red kanji is a huge attention grabber which is counter intuitive because it makes you take your eyes off your enemy for a split second.
The kanji appears as soon as the windup starts though, so it tells you the attack is coming and then you can determine whether it's a thrust or sweep in most cases. What was actually fucking dumb about the kanji was how the Corrupted Monk doesn't have it in its second and third forms, which doesn't apply to any other boss at any time, yet it also made me notice that there's already a tell in the sword gleaming.
Also the grabs were a bigger problem, as per usual grabs had shit hitboxes which was even more aggravating in Sekiro since they're also lightning fast.
> And then there's the whole "unblockable roulette" some bosses like Genichiro have. When Genichiro does his leaping attack he'll either thrust or swipe, you basically have to guess thrust ever time and react within a milisecond if he does swipe.
You can jump and guard at the same time, so that's what you do if you can't make it out, and then you're protected from both.


Combat is poorly optimized against multiple enemies, the headless are reused too often, we didn't need fashion souls but a couple pieces of different armor as rewards for exploring would be nice, prosthetics should cost less and have more utility, and combat gets wonky as fuck near walls (camera) and on uneven surfaces (hit detection and jumping). It's still their best game. Next shitpost.

Oh, and limiting the player to one weapon art at a time was fucking stupid.

>t. posts on r/kotakuinaction

I've beaten every DMC on DMD, eat Bloody Palace with every character in DMC5 as well as Platinumed it, beat Vanquish on God Hard and I unironically dropped Sekiro at Isshin. Maybe I'll try again next week, but having to run up the same hallway and 50/50 die to Genichiro for another 3 hours does not sound appealing, I'd rather go play something else.

>hey guys pro gamer here
yeah your opinion is so important now

>and 50/50 die to Genichiro
You did not beat a single DMC game on DMD mode if you can't perfect Gen in under a minute with your eyes closed after the third or fourth attempt.

Lol, DMC has clear and distinct visual and audio cues for everything, Sekiro does not. I unronically find Isshin phase 1 easier than Genichiro. DMC also does not have things like Isshin's heavily exaggerated spear attack animations and combos, everything in DMC is quick and to the point immediately. Sekiro does not prioritize visual clarity at all.

>41 bosses
>they reuse two or three a couple times.
You're obviously counting mid-bosses for that number, so if you include those there are 45. Of those four are sword generals, two are Juzou and his expy, two are the apes, two are the bulls, five are Headless, two are long-arms, three are shadow swordsmen, two are spear generals, two are katana generals, two are shichimen warriors, two are snake-eyes, and a further four are just normal enemies with names. So of 45 bosses there are 21 that are just copies of other enemies.

>Sekiro does not
This is why no one will take you seriously.

>Combat is poorly optimized against multiple enemies
Holy fuck this, the bosses were the easy parts, the hardest parts by far were any time there were multiple enemies to deal with at once, especially the purple ninja fucks in the late game. You either use the finger to pull them away which is tedious and boring or you get absolutely raped because the combat system just isn't designed to work for multiple encounters like that. And the final general mid-boss at the reservoir at the end with his additional enemy can go fuck himself.
>and combat gets wonky as fuck near walls (camera) and on uneven surfaces (hit detection and jumping).
I don't know about hit detection and jumping but in some arenas, particularly the Hirata estate boss one, Wolf would keep getting stuck on the pillars when trying to run near them. And the camera also makes it incredibly difficult to see any obstacles behind you which exacerbated this.

Nigger what, he's one of the easiest bosses in the game. Just fucking parry him and then hit him back before his next attack. Literally only took me two tries to beat them.

Compared to DMC? Absolutely it doesn't and you're insane if you think so. DMC has distinct audio cues for everything, Sekiro only gives you audio for unblockable attacks and there's no differentiating anything out of it as some enemies attack you with the unblockable a good 2 seconds after the audio cue plays.

Compared to DMC Sekiro does not prioritize any sense of clarity for the player, especially Sekiro's love for enemies with overly delayed attacks with hyper armor.

>I don't know about hit detection and jumping
When you fight Isshin on the hill, his cross slash can go right over your head, and trying to jump punish his sweep can get really bad.

You're simply lying about being DMC on DMD if the visual cues and patterns in Sekiro seemed unreadable to you. Literally everything can be parried except for dangerous attacks which literally give you a giant warning sign.

>Sekiro only gives you audio for unblockable attacks and there's no differentiating anything out of it as some enemies attack you with the unblockable a good 2 seconds after the audio cue plays.
This applies to every enemy hence you should be used to the unblockable audio cue being an advance warning and not an immediate one.
>especially Sekiro's love for enemies with overly delayed attacks with hyper armor.
That's ironic because almost all enemy attacks can be cancelled with your own and the ones that can't are typically very slow and give you plenty of time to avoid them, or they're from a few of the beast bosses who are slower and easier to read in general.

chrono trigger, don't like the game that means you don't like jrpgs, how about fuck you

>jump and guard at same time
Jesus Christ I didn’t realize people were too casual to properly counter the switch up this is deeply embarrassing

Correct, do not say anything bad about this game

>When you fight Isshin on the hill, his cross slash can go right over your head, and trying to jump punish his sweep can get really bad.
Oh yeah, I didn't have trouble with Isshin but when fighting the Demon its overhead slam would just whiff if it was on higher ground than I was. And the swordsmen in the fountainhead had a double-slash that never once hit me even though it always went right through me.

>so that's what you do if you can't make it out
He's obviously too incompetent to read it properly, hence the safer advice.

>last miniboss
Everyone QQs about this because they’re used to FAQ fagging through environment puzzles and no journalists seem to have caught the solution here. There’s a corpse you can backstab -> smoke -> smoke the add -> deathblow the miniboss then you have a one deathblow spear miniboss who’s a little buffed from the others in the game to deal with. If you worked harder to puzzle solve the way you would have had to to do blind Soulsborne runs, you would have figured this out. But you all are too busy fucking whining about how unfair it is instead of being observant

(almost) nobody is trying to look cool by playing a fucking playstation game; it's Fun to be challenged and improve at something

Zoomers literally don’t know how to criticize. They think pointing out games have sewers is a form of criticism.

>There’s a corpse you can backstab -> smoke -> smoke the add -> deathblow the miniboss then you have a one deathblow spear miniboss who’s a little buffed from the others in the game to deal with.
Or you can just use the finger to call the minion away and then backstab him when he turns around, which is what I eventually did. I think you missed the point of what I was saying entirely, because it was that you either have an unfair fight the combat system isn't designed for or you abuse braindead AI to make it simpler by eliminating enemies one at a time.

You seriously don't play DMC if you think it's comparable. The way DMC handles enemies is two fold: Enemies have distinct audio cues per attack (enemies generally only attack once) as well as visual cues. Even Vergil on DMD has very distinct sound and visual cues for everything, I actually don't even know how you're trying to compare them. Sekiro HIGHLY values visual cues over audio cues and then does everything it can to make visual cues harder to read on tougher enemies while giving you know audio cues. Just look at the final bosses Vergil does not rely on anything even remotely close to Isshin. DMC is audio+visual for enemy attack "turns", meanwhile Sekiro is heavily visual that makes bosses like Isshin delay combo over and over with no audio cue for it. Sekiro cues compared to any DMC game save 2 are absolute shit.

>unfair fight if you brute force
>or you can solve a puzzle
Wow so it’s like it’s a video game with dynamic problem solving omg it’s so horrible

Camera is absolute cancer.
controls are slow clunky and unresponsive
can only equip one combat art
combat has little variety and the whole game was just basically just parry spam.

>Using the tool you have to call enemies away to OHKO them when they turn around until there's only one left is ingenious puzzle solving

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It's not you lying fuck. Sekiro discussion is usually very productive. It's the souls trilogy that attracts the git gud fags.

>massive aggro ranges so enemies will fuck you up for Souls running
>no shield so you can’t Souls turtle
>sidestep punishments so you can’t just play it like Bloodborne
>HP scaling to attack power so you can FAQ fag to a dragon mask and still be unable to stat abuse bosses
>skill based fights that require you to understand the combat system instead of just reading a guide
>no summons
>plebs filtered in every single way, so much so that redditors who cheat in Souls whine about it
Yeah I’m thinking it’s kino

in your previous post indicates to me it took you a bit to figure it out. it’s a fucking mini boss signaling to be sure to keep an eye open and think about your arsenal before you go into a final boss you can’t brute force. it’s subtle signaling, the best part of Soulsborne since they stopped doing good interconnected world

>Sekiro HIGHLY values visual cues over audio cues and then does everything it can to make visual cues harder to read on tougher enemies while giving you know audio cues. Just look at the final bosses Vergil does not rely on anything even remotely close to Isshin.
I can only assume you're trying to claim the reeds in Isshin's arena somehow make his attacks unreadable, despite the fact that they don't even cover half his body and all of his attacks except for his low sweep attack which is warned by the kanji are drawn from above his waist and are clearly readable.
If you somehow still have trouble you could always just walk him over to the areas without reeds, but apparently that's too high IQ for you.

I honestly enjoyed senior Isshin a lot more. He felt like more of a fun and balanced boss than glock keeper Isshin. Also much more thematically relevant.

If you do you have shit taste. Sekiro is a masterpiece of 2019 the only 10/10

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>in your previous post indicates to me it took you a bit to figure it out.
No, it's that I wanted to try and fight them properly instead of doing that, and I eventually gave up because it just wasn't viable.
>before you go into a final boss you can’t brute force
The fuck does that random miniboss that isn't even mandatory have to do with Isshin? Isshin is a completely different fight. I tried about 20 times to kill that miniboss and his buddy before giving up and doing it the easy way (and succeeding on the first attempt of which), while Isshin took me two tries.
>it’s subtle signaling
There's really nothing subtle about it, you either do the obvious thing to make it easier or you don't.

There are legitimate criticisms of the game.
It's just that there's also a lot of really fucking stupid criticisms that only mouthbreathers upset at the lack of lackstab PvP would make.

to be fair I feel most players including myself didn't capitalize on using the jump at that point of the game. it doesn't feel very safe until you learn it has i-frames.

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

console exclusives

Any FOTM game at the time. I would say a good recent example that is just getting to the point where some productive discussion can be had is Hollow Knight. I mean fuck, there was a time on this board when you could not dare say anything bad about Mass Effect 2 and now people rightly call out it's problems and 1 is seen as the best of the series. Then you have the contrarian brigade protecting any of the slightly-less-mainstream titles in a popular series, like Dark Souls 2 or Majora's Mask.

And it isn't that none of Yea Forums can see the flaws, it's that Yea Forums as a mass is so fucking casual that any productive discussion of the games is just drowned out until all of those people have moved on. In the latter case though, sometimes those people never move on.

Prosthetics are shit only and ONLY because of the emblem system. They should have had unlimited use and a limited cooldown bar for certain ones.
There weren't that many reused bosses
You can do certain things differently each playthrough
I kinda liked the four monkeys.
What do you mean by weird npc's stuff

What does that have to do with DMC clearly valuing visual and audio cues above Sekiro's heavily skewed visual cues? DMC is objectively easier than Sekiro because it gives clear information to the player what is happening on screen. Vergil compared to Isshin cannot make this point any clearer. Everything Vergil does against you comes with an audio cue as well as a visual cue. The only thing Vergil has even comparable to Sekiro's shit is his AoE Judgement Cut. If Vergil tries to grab you the game gives you crystal clear information of what Vergil is going to attempt through two senses. Isshin has so many delay combos with no audio cues, it objectively makes him a more difficult boss because the game purposefully withholds information from the player. The one audio cue Sekiro does give often betrays you, both Isshin and Genichrio have delayed unblockable attacks that basically go against everything the game has taught the player about reacting to audio cues immediately.

what the fuck are you talking about? only his charge attacks are delayed. you sound like a huge shitter

Sekiro sucks because there is no gray market keys under 20 bucks yet.

He didn’t say it was hard.

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>the game purposefully withholds information from the player.
That's a funny way to say "I don't consider the visual cues that every attack has to be sufficient because I can't read them well enough to not die".
>The one audio cue Sekiro does give often betrays you, both Isshin and Genichrio have delayed unblockable attacks that basically go against everything the game has taught the player about reacting to audio cues immediately.
Except that's wrong because as previously stated almost every single unblockable audio cue comes in advance of the attack and thus you never react immediately.

user, there is giant fucking audio cue for every dangerous attack. You can't be this stupid.


most of the criticism is stupid and people bitching its too hard and not talking about actual shit like how 90% of the arm tools are useless or how annoying it is fighting a boss with a cutscene in front of it again and again.

It’s actually easy though. The story is by far the worse part.

>Prosthetics are shit only and ONLY because of the emblem system.
I never found emblems much of a problem, I'd only run out when using the flame vent and by the time I did the fight would very near be over anyway. On the other hand the umbrella was incredibly useful against the Demon and there was no worry of running out of emblems there so long as I kept in mind which attacks to dodge and which to block. The bigger problem with the prosthetics I'd say is how slow a lot of them are and how weak they are at the same time, it makes them rarely worth using over just using the sword except for the flame vent and shuriken, the former for its burn and the latter for just picking off a few unarmoured enemies.
>There weren't that many reused bosses
Yes there were, see

why else would he straight up lie?

Silky smooth 17fps

I'm complaining there's a definite lack of replayability as a whole.

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You know audio cues are probably the most important cue, right? It's a fact people react to sound faster than sight. Sekiro banks so hard on visual cues, and then puts delayed attacks and delayed ublockables in the mix. You're also not understanding what I'm saying about the delayed. Generally when a normal enemy does an unblockable thrust you can basically input mikiri counter immediately once the audio cue and kanji have come up and it will work all the time. Both Isshin and Genichiro have unblockables that punish you if you hit the response immediately. The spear generals also have this type of unblockable where if you input mikiri counter too early you''ll eat a thrust.

It's the same sound cue across the board for every "dangerous" attack, it doesn't tell you if it's a thrust or side swipe. If Sekiro was made by the DMC devs there would be a distinct cue for thrust and one for side swipe because the DMC know how important DISTINCT audio cues are. Even down to the most lowly enemies in DMC they have audio cues that will let you know exactly what attack they are going to use. Mooks in Sekiro just yell in Japanese and flail around. There is a very different approach to player information and DMC clearly does it better.

this shit is so false that no one even replied.
MGSV was great from an emergent gameplay perspective anyways. Didn't feel that way since Deus Ex tbqh. Shit story, awful pacing etc. aside, this game and BotW gave the industry the right nudge in the direction of user-created fun it needed.


you're proving him right

>doesn't tell you if it's a thrust or side swipe.
You fucking idiot, you use the cues in tandem. How can you be this stupid?

ok incel

Not a criticism because of a lack of defined terms and based off normal standards it totally does.

>You know audio cues are probably the most important cue, right?
With a claim like that I hope you could play DMC blindfolded.
>Sekiro banks so hard on visual cues, and then puts delayed attacks and delayed ublockables in the mix.
The former of which is easy to react to if you look at the sword and react when it gets near you and the latter you have explicit warnings for. I beat Isshin on my second try, so clearly he isn't that hard to read.
>Generally when a normal enemy does an unblockable thrust you can basically input mikiri counter immediately once the audio cue and kanji have come up and it will work all the time.
That's not even remotely true, in almost all cases you will be dodging too early and you'll take a hit. I know because I did this all the time until I learnt to look at the actual animation instead of just relying on the warning.
>Both Isshin and Genichiro have unblockables that punish you if you hit the response immediately.
Just like almost every enemy, yes. How dare the final boss punish you for fucking up the timing?
>It's the same sound cue across the board for every "dangerous" attack, it doesn't tell you if it's a thrust or side swipe. If Sekiro was made by the DMC devs there would be a distinct cue for thrust and one for side swipe because the DMC know how important DISTINCT audio cues are.
It's funny how you completely fail to realise that this is wholly by design and you're supposed to actually pay attention instead of it just being like Nier Automata where red flash = hit dodge = become invincible.

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New Vegas was amazing from an RPG perspective, but I had a better time with 3. I even found the roleplaying more engaging in FO3. Not even being a contrarian.
New Vegas is a landmark and a cult classic, but I'll be damned if it was more fun than the themepark FO3 was.

I like 5, 6, and 7 more.

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have sex, nincel

My casual ass can't beat the burning bull, even using the firecrackers when I can. Is it better to try and dodge all of his attacks? Seems like a tall order either way when he two shots you.

That's because you have taste. 0's plot is retarded and it's too short with little mission variety, yet it somehow became revered because of Pixy's catchphrase.

Yeah just use the all encompassing audio cue to deal with attacks that require different solutions. You clearly do not understand the importance of audio cues, DMC does and DMC is easier than Sekiro because of it. You know what would make DMC a lot harder? If every attack had the same exact audio cue, but thankfully the DMC devs aren't the C team and realize something a game from 2001 did, how important distinct audio cues are.

Remember that you can sprint while locked on and then use this information to stay to his side and take zero hits.

>you use the audio and visual cues in tandem
By using the visual cue in tandem with it.

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sprint to stay on his ass (literally, don't get near the head) and jump over his charge

Yeah, I love it, but the lack of mission variety is the main reason I prefer 5.

>With a claim like that I hope you could play DMC blindfolded.
You could fair far better in DMC blindfolded than you could in Sekiro, without a doubt
>The former of which is easy to react to if you look at the sword and react when it gets near you and the latter you have explicit warnings for. I beat Isshin on my second try, so clearly he isn't that hard to read.
There are no 'explicit' warnings when Isshin decides he wants to delay swing combo 5 hits for hit you once
>That's not even remotely true, in almost all cases you will be dodging too early and you'll take a hit. I know because I did this all the time until I learnt to look at the actual animation instead of just relying on the warning.
I sincerely do not know what game you're playing if you think you can't do this, you beat Isshin in two tries yet think you can't input Mikiri on reaction to the kanji and have it work? Alright then.
>It's funny how you completely fail to realise that this is wholly by design and you're supposed to actually pay attention instead of it just being like Nier Automata where red flash = hit dodge = become invincible.
I can concede it's by design, sure, does it make it better? Not at all. I don't even know what you're even arguing at this point, I'm telling you DMC is EASIER than Sekiro because Sekiro does not put player cue clarity at the top of its priority list like DMC does. DMC has one audio cue per one attack, Sekiro has virtually no audio cues (by design yes) and enemies can attack in quick succession numerous times and you don't get an audio cue until they decide to use an unblockable.

By the time the audio cue finishes and the kanji starts to fade an enemy is already half way done with their attack in most cases. In some small cases the kanji even covers part of their attack animation. But uh, just use them in "tandem" I guess. I unironically believe unblockalbes would be far easier to deal with if they got rid of the kanji all together and just kept the audio cue.

>Hear audio cue
>Look at enemy's stance
>React appropriately
I don't see the problem here outside of you being shit at games.

>hear audio cue
>look at enemies stance
>giant red glowing kanji obstructing my view of enemy stance outside large enemies like Chain Ogre or the generals

just react bro

>There are no 'explicit' warnings when Isshin decides he wants to delay swing combo 5 hits for hit you once
Please try writing this again in a way that actually makes sense, and also keep in mind that the explicit warnings was referring to the unblockables which are not part of any delayed combo.
>I sincerely do not know what game you're playing if you think you can't do this, you beat Isshin in two tries yet think you can't input Mikiri on reaction to the kanji and have it work? Alright then.
Yes, because you have to do it in response to the actual animation, which is different for all enemies, and for most enemies you will be getting hit. Feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.
> I don't even know what you're even arguing at this point
That you're retarded and you keep blaming the game for your ineptitude, mostly.

>By the time the audio cue finishes and the kanji starts to fade an enemy is already half way done with their attack in most cases.
That's totally backwards, the kanji usually starts to fade when the attack is coming out from its windup.
>But uh, just use them in "tandem" I guess.
Yeah, because the sound and kanji appear with the windup, which is before the attack.
>I unironically believe unblockalbes would be far easier to deal with if they got rid of the kanji all together and just kept the audio cue.
I mentioned before how the Corrupted Monk uniquely does this in its second and third phases and that then made me notice that the enemy's blade also gleams along with the kanji and audio cue, so I can agree. If people weren't so focused on the kanji they'd probably pay more attention to the gleam on the weapon and thus the attack animation.

>giant red glowing kanji obstructing my view
Post a screenshot.

All the Souls games have a decent amount of replay compared to Sekiro which offers literally nothing new in subsequent playthroughs besides a few useless sword techniques. BB at least had Chalice Dungeons to make up for its overall short length.

>TFW Had the patience to learn how to beat every boss
>Didn't have the fucking patience to do the bullshit grind required to get all skills

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>BB at least had Chalice Dungeons to make up for its overall short length.
user please, I agree the other games were more replayable but the chalice dungeons were fucking garbage and the worst part of BB by far, the game would've been far better if they scrapped that shit idea and spent those development resources on something else.

fastest way is actually just rushing bosses on high NGs and not grinding the same few enemies

You're allowed to criticize it but you're also allowed to the scrubs what to git

>Please try writing this again in a way that actually makes sense, and also keep in mind that the explicit warnings was referring to the unblockables which are not part of any delayed combo.
Isshin routinely decides in phase two and three to continue his spear attacks in a combo or not
>Yes, because you have to do it in response to the actual animation, which is different for all enemies, and for most enemies you will be getting hit. Feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I know, which is why I said it works for MOST attacks. I at no point said it worked for all attacks, I even gave you several examples of when it doesn't work.
>That you're retarded and you keep blaming the game for your ineptitude, mostly.
Glad we finally got name calling out of what way.
>That's totally backwards, the kanji usually starts to fade when the attack is coming out from its windup.
This is the issue entirely, the kanji can visually obstruct the wind up. And while some swipes are clearly different from thrusts, this is not always the case. Isshin is a great example of this, when he clutches his sword during a string with an unblockable he can either thrust or swipe.
>Yeah, because the sound and kanji appear with the windup, which is before the attack.
Yes, difference is time and tested action games give you more information about an attacks audio cue rather than "here's the noise"
>I mentioned before how the Corrupted Monk uniquely does this in its second and third phases and that then made me notice that the enemy's blade also gleams along with the kanji and audio cue, so I can agree. If people weren't so focused on the kanji they'd probably pay more attention to the gleam on the weapon and thus the attack animation.
I'm glad we can finally see eye to eye on something and the giant red kanji is entirely one of my biggest issues with Sekiro's unblockable system. It's far too "noisy" visually and is a distraction if even for a moment.

>This is the issue entirely, the kanji can visually obstruct the wind up.
Except the kanji appears above him, so how the hell are you managing this?
>Isshin is a great example of this, when he clutches his sword during a string with an unblockable he can either thrust or swipe.
As said way back at the start of this conversation, you are able to jump and guard at the same time to protect yourself on both fronts if you're too visually impaired to tell the difference.
>Yes, difference is time and tested action games give you more information about an attacks audio cue rather than "here's the noise"
Yeah, they also do crazy stuff like having animations for you to respond to visually.
>I'm glad we can finally see eye to eye on something and the giant red kanji is entirely one of my biggest issues with Sekiro's unblockable system. It's far too "noisy" visually and is a distraction if even for a moment.
I've never felt it impaired my visuals but since the gleam on the sword exists there isn't really that much point in it. Kind of feels like initially they just had the gleam and then they added the kanji later to try and make it more clear for people that aren't paying as much attention. They should've made it an option.

Sprint constantly, slashing him a few times after he finishes swinging his head. When he runs you up into a wall, wall jump off of it and sprint away. The firecracker doesn't even stun him very long.

both versions of this boss was absolute samurai kino, and the sword-saint version was a great final boss to a game

I find Sekiro really boring and shallow. Yeah, it's a quality game, but I'd love a better moveset or something, it seems to be so reactive rather than proactive.

i mean ya eva's fps int that good but i can forgive it since its so good

That's because it is, you can sometimes damage an enemy by walking up to them from the furthest extent of your sword range and slashing them when they're not doing anything, but for the most part you can't do anything to them unless you're deflecting an attack or there's an opening in their combo to slash them.

>every TLoU thread is full of fags who pretend it's a literal movie with the worst gameplay ever made
What did he mean by this?

He means he spends most of his time on Reddit.

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