Launch Control reports foreign objects in the launch tube. Would YOU happen to know anything about it?

Launch Control reports foreign objects in the launch tube. Would YOU happen to know anything about it?

Attached: mission control.png (390x444, 225K)

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Yeah, I chucked that annoying-ass M.U.L.E in there to force you to invest in some better equipment.

Is this guy a Dwarf or a hooman?


Looks like a dwarf to me


What kind of Dwarf would get rid of his beard though? That only happens if a Gobbo scalps you.

Just got this thing a day or two ago, it's fun to fire into a crowd of glyphids but I've never been glad I brought it instead of the launcher. Am I using it wrong?

Attached: 1200px-GearGraphic_LineCutter.png (1200x887, 888K)

Post your favorite:
>Primary (Doesn’t matter what class)
>Secondary (doesn’t matter what class)
>Song from the soundtrack
For me it’s:
>Crystalline Caverns
>Thunderhead Auto-Cannon
>Zhukov NUK17
>The Shadows Are Moving

It two-shots Praetorians if you angle it right.

Yea Forums Steam Group when
Love me some DRG

Case and point having a beard is kinda the whole deal with Dwarves. I really hope the mission control guy is just a fat human.

Attached: 1548907298957.png (435x645, 556K)

You know not all dwarves are from the same company-made fantasy setting, right? They aren't all fucking warhammer dwarves.

>Crystalline Caverns
>Scout's Garand thing
>Engy's Launcher
>That one that plays during swarms sometimes

The default Driller is beardless too.
Though he probably accidentally burned his off.

The default Driller has no beard.

But those are the best dwarves though.

Attached: 1551997238152m.jpg (1024x448, 50K)

He probably had it burned off having the main weapon be a flamethrower which goes,to show how irondrake beard protection is very important incase wind sends some ember or fire backwards.

>Sand, because it's easy to dig and I like the warm colors.
>BIG pistol for gunner.

It's cuz Management is a bunch of elves and they enforce a dress code.

>get onto drop pod
>everyone immediately starts mashing the 'disgusting dwarf noise' button
this game is hard to listen to

Stop talking such nonsense you stupid asshole.

>Salt Caverns
>experimental plasma charger
>waltz of the autumn leaves

The Leaf Lover is sold to "satisfy management". Could mean Elv*n influence.

Satisfy management as in not let teams go down planetside with double vision and aiming skills of a dead cat so they don't get disembodied by Glyphids and waste expensive gear and a Molly.

If they don't want to lose dwarves and/or gear, then why doesn't Deep Rock invest in some better equipment?

Because it's expensive.

They aren't encouraged to drink it or anything, though. It's just there. You can stumble through the caverns blind-drunk if you want to.

Why would Dwarves give a single shit, or be affected, by double vision on missions? That just means double the valuables!

Scout (Already Promotion 2)
Sandblasted Corridors
M1000 Classic (The ping is so fucking satisfying)
Exit theme

What's the fastest way to level up? Aquarq missions with Bosco?

He's Karl.

Probably because it would be realy uncomfortable to have a beard full of chunks of dirt from all the drilling.

You wear beard protection then.

beard needs to breathe too

Attached: damndirtyelves.jpg (1000x1882, 538K)

Bubblegloop Swamp
Bigger Iron
Attack of the Glyphids

Lore has it I've been told that elves are extinct in this universe. It would be cool if they added rival races to act as aggressive competitors like goblin pirates or something so it's not always bugs or rogue mules.

Not gonna happen. Ghost Ship they don't want bipedal enemies because of pathfinding issues. That's why all enemies in the game can either crawl on walls or fly.

Attached: glyphids.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

It's a SJW joke, obviously

It'd be cool to find old shitty goblin tech down in the caves rarely or something like that. I don't know about fighting pirates though, the dwarves are just supposed to be miners who can take out bugs, not tactical soldiers.

It's early access they always have the potential to find ways around that or add more content. They're putting a lot of detail into the ship for something that's basically a glorified main menu it would be cool to be able to go from one planet to the other and get raided where path finding will be a lot easier. It's a solid and fun game either way so far.

The in-game explanation is that going beardless is a "progessive" trend. He might have shaved his beard to please the elven management.

Management isn't Elven, god why do autists keep perpetuating this?

>The Leaf Lover is on this chart entirely to please Management. It kicks like a mule, except it does so in the wrong direction. The Leaf Lover will kill your buzz faster than a pay cut, and leave you with the same empty feeling in your gut. Still, it can be handy on Inspection Day. Just don't tell anyone you drank it. Buff: Removes drunk status effect

Now given we already have Dwarves, what fantasy race could be called Leaf Lovers? Use your noggin, user.

Management could be human though stupid and are pleased because it sobers dwarves up before they go planetside, any Dwarf that goes drunk is Glyphid food.

You can literally do missions completely sloshed and come back fine

Leaf might be slang for money for all we know. Management might even be tree ents in business suits that need minerals to make like magical miracle grow or some shit.

Make a versus mode
One side is a team of extremist elves who have to try and sabotage the dwarves' mining operations
Meanwhile both sides still have to fend off the glyphids

I hate the big fire cunts that walk around exploding. Thankfully only seen a couple of them.

Sounds gay.

It happened, the elitists came and ruined hazard 4/5.
>get kicked if you don't have [arbitrary number] of promotions on your dwarf
>get kicked if your profile level isn't at least [arbitrary number]
>get kicked if you're the first one to go down in a mission
>get kicked after the host runs into your line of fire
This happened to L4D2, then to both Vermintides, and now this. I shouldn't have to host just to play haz 4.

Attached: 1541546057066.jpg (960x960, 100K)

I get yargum Bargum vibes off this guy, like his lower half is like some spider contraption

Attached: open_graph9034117779154137218image.png (525x525, 374K)

Play with friends you can comfortably screech with as bugs drag you across the map for the 3rd time in a row. Never play with random faggots that take achievement hunting seriously.

>Salt Caverns
Jazz music from the jukebox

What is the best grenade type for engi?

>Attack of the Glyphids

Attached: D815ihfUEAABSbX.jpg (1200x1020, 202K)

Whichever you find most fun.

Thankfully that shit hasn't happened to me yet, maybe cause I'm playing with Aussies and NZers and they're really chill 90% of the time. I recall Vermintide 1 getting pretty shit due to levels, worst I ever saw in Vermintide 2 was fights breaking out over friendly fire and one guy not being able to handle Plague Monks.

I rarely play Engineer and I just got his dual smg/pistols, should I use that over the shotgun? I plan on using the breech cutter over the grenade launcher when i can.

>female dwarfs in DRG
>it's just the same voice clips but pitched even higher
>yfw rich atmosphere

Attached: 1559334074262.jpg (120x126, 3K)

Salt Pit
Breach Cutter
Zhukov NUK17
That one when you run for extraction

Yeah but imagine a game mode set in a cavern, Goblin Vs Dwarves. The team that kills the most of the waves win

Why does every fucking game need gender option? Can't there ever be a male specific game with male roles?

>no shields modifier
>dreadnought arrives

Attached: 1545405178597.jpg (304x374, 21K)

have sex

I miss when it penetrated dreadnought armour

What if xe is asexual? That's not very tolerant of you xer.

Will they ever add new boss creatures? Dreadnoughts are pretty shit to fight

>fem dorf
>no beard

Attached: Under_the_eyes_of_your_superior.jpg (499x544, 24K)

Haz5 I can get, but 4 can be done with a group of chimps

The previous roadmap said new boss encounters might be possible.
I'm betting it's going to be a mactera boss since they're one of the few enemies with more than one variation.

I've gotten kicked from haz4 because I "didn't use my flare gun fast enough."
Maybe I'm just getting unlucky with groups.

Chill out, its rule 34

Not sure if it's intended to be a boss, but it's big and scary looking at least.

It seems big and boss-like but I don't think it'll appear in anything other than Extermination missions unlike the dreadnought which could sometimes appear in Point Extractions.
Back to my Mactera boss idea. It'd be called the Mactera Broodqueen. It looks like the goo bomber but with the grabber's longer legs and will fly when given enough room. It also periodically shits out spawn.

get the fuck out of my pod you fucking tree hugger

You are both unironically fucking retarded. Dwarf-Elf rivalry is probably one of the oldest fantasy tropes considering it literally came out of tolkein