GOOOOOOD EVENING, Yea Forums! Yes we're another day closer to Morris (yes, THE Morris from the hit indie game "Rolled Out") being announced for smash ultimate! Then I will be the FIRST Non-binary video game character to be announced for smash ultimate! Banjokes are the first for nothing!
With just a couple hours left on my indiegogo and already %250, this means that I WILL be in smash!
Also, make sure you respect MY pronouns of "They/Them" or else I might have to fire you if you slip up even once. You wouldn't like me when I'm mad, or else I'll have to release my inner hamster power!
GOOOOOOD EVENING, Yea Forums! Yes we're another day closer to Morris (yes...
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he cute
>I will now buy your game
I hate this place.
>inner hamster power
imagine fucking up so bad so early in your game companies career
they will literally never live this down with a certain crowd
all they can do is hope this factoid falls into obscurity but it likely wont
lucky for them most consumers are mindless sheep and dont give a shit tho I suppose
still must suck to have such a black spot on yourself right out the gate
I'm usually one to get slapped as an SJW just cause I dont hate gays and shit and I gotta admit it even put me off a little
okay, this, dare i say, is based
>b-but Rafa drew children, it's not fair, we're the good guys, WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS
make sure to donate the bare minimum, and when they ask for your name for a "special thanks", make your name the most sexually explicit combination of racial slurs that they have to type out.
>make sure to donate
Y'know it's a real shame because while I hate the levels of autism that the speed running community seems to attract, I can't think of any other community who would be better suited to make classic-style monkey ball levels
Or you could, y'know, just make a game without a political message? It worked fine years ago, pretty sure still does.
You know that they're gonna blow those few dollars on bubble tea or a JUUL pod anyway.
I'm probably gonna pirate it when it comes out.
Non-binary? He looks pretty masculine to me.
That's what rafaknight said before she got fired
Unless sega makes a new monkey ball game, it'll probably be successful, literally all it takes is for a moderately popular e celeb with rich subscribers to get you kickstarter funded
So anons, are you gonna buy it, pirate it, or skip it all together?
bumping for morris's non-cis bod
It did, and I wish they did. But damnit I want my monkey ball and sega can't seem to deliver anymore