Seriously, fuck you if you pirate games...

Seriously, fuck you if you pirate games. People put months or years of effort in them to make money and you go and do that. Its such a degenerate thing when you do it on a game you legitimately want.

Im not saying pirating is necessarily bad. For example some people that arent massive assholes pirate games to try them out, and if they like it, they buy it. Some do that while waiting for it to come out on a specific platform or because the game is no longer purchasable, but its so fucking sad when some disgrace legitimately likes a game a lot, dumps hundreds of hours of it and is too much of a cheap fuck to support the people that spent tons of time working on the game, just to make sure said disgrace will enjoy it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

u mad lololol

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Promiscuous women are rather upset.




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Hoes mad

Rule of Rose is like $300 I'm going to pirate it, Guardian Heros as well.


Get wrecked and stop gatekeeping M Night Fagotron.

I don't get how you can say "fuck you if you pirate games", but excuse it under certain conditions, which just so happen to be the very reason why everyone pirates.

>game looks good
>devs are cunts or mentally ill (Celeste)
Ez pirate

How well does it emulate? Was thinking of pirating it.

go fund MY games buycuck, ill reap what you sow


Go fuck a dog, OP

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I don't emulate.

I may be a pirate but I do have standards.

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game companies deserve to be shut down and bankrupt. everything you play is tailored to give you as little content as possible yet still keep you coming back

didnt read lol
brb gonna go pirate a car

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>Life hack bad

People put months of effort into them to make money, yes. They get paid while they work. Their company gets paid when they sell to retailers. The only thing piracy hurts are retailers like gamestop, but that seems like a non-issue outright.

Who the fuck cares about gamestop.

Also fuck any publisher who only does digital cause they only have themselves to blame when piracy hits them. Diversify the fuckin portfolio.

I Need good pirate sites like 1337, got any?

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I've got so many games in my steam library (that I bought on a whim, or they turned out to be shit, and after two hours playtime good luck getting a refund.) I think I'm entitled to pirate the odd game here and there.


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I made a fucking decade of effort to graduate as a medical doctor, yet i'm not entitled to get patients come to me, nor do i whine when i see people asking for medical advice online, or looking for books themselves. Despite all of that fucking effort, all those all nighters, all those nightmare 36 hour-long shifts, breathing manually for another patient for 24 fucking hours, nobody gives me a fucking job.

No matter how much effort you put into something, you don't deserve shit. That's not how the world works.

still gonna pirate

What for? 1337 is way enough for mainstream games, but you got to be more specific if you want something esle.

ea and konami are not deserving of my money

>make game no one wants to buy
>demand money


>They worked really hard
No they worked hard for a wage that a company would take their effort and exploit them by selling a game, making millions then laying off the developers.

I literally don't give a fuck about a company that wants to make a game.

By that logic, game companies shouldn't care about my pirating of games because I work very hard myself and I have responsabilities and duties to keep to that are more important that gaming, so since I've been a good paying customer in the past they should be fine with me pirating the occasional game or two seeing as I would need to wait until next month to be able to buy the brand new game they just released and I'm sure they would feel bad that I wouldn't get to discover this brand new experience with our great diverse and inclusive online community, surely they wouldn't want me to feel left out over a few dollars wouldn't they?

Or you could stop caring about people that already got their paycheck and stop being a cocksucking whore for a company for free.

how about music?

The thing is that the people who actually made the game get paid the same amount regardless of whether you buy the game or pirate it. Money from sales goes to the publishers.

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Where the PS2 ISOs at? I want to get back into Tenkaichi 3 and maybe other nostalgia.

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I am waiting and hoping for the big crash of the game industry. I don't endorse pirating of small indie games, but all the bigger publishers are fair game.

god-games dot com
fitgirl repacks

Romhustler has some if you dont mind slow downloads.

If you have the space there are complete torrent sets.


We're not allowed to talk about that on this board, you know it user.

If you really want to listen to music, you'll have to pirate a game with nice tunes and play it.

>some dev makes a game
>game looks like it's only half-finished, no content
>cool idea though
>pirate it to see if it's any good
>usually it's just a half-baked piece of crap that's only worth playing for 1 or 2 hours.
>delete it and be glad I saved myself dropping $40 on it
>once in a while get a good game that's fun and real potential
>see the steam workshop has good mods for it
>wait for a sale and buy it then.

>emulating ps2

also archive org has pretty much every one, also slow downloads but faster than my net

if you think I would buy it if the pirate option didn't exist you're wrong
hell most new games look so unapealling that I don't even bother to pirate them

Why do you give a fuck?

>game is only available in a full-price bundle with shit I don't want
yeah nah fuck off cunt

Just use emuparadise.

Why do some people feel empathy for a fucking company of all things, especially when they don't necessarily give a shit about you, and only your money?

I only buy games from based dev.
Nier Yakuza Dragon quest etc.
I pirate almost every game from western devs because of the political bullshit.

>Rule of Rose
Remaster when?

>literally a 20 yo game
who care

I don't have money to buy games. Whenever I see a game I like a lot very cheap on Steam, I buy it. But it is not often. Am I supposed to refrain from enjoying simple pleasures of life, like playing a nice game, for the rest of my life, just because I am poor? It's not like I would pay for these games if I weren't pirating them. I'm not subtracting anything from anyone by pirating and I'm not actually making them lose money in the process, because I wouldn't pay for it if pirating wasn't available.
Imagine you could multiply food and distribute it to everyone who needed it for free. Would you think it is unethical to take this food if you have no money to pay for it? Obviously not. Only a heartless fuck would argue this. The number of people benefited by such a technology would be by far bigger than the number of people impaired by it. So why is it different for entertainment? Is it less important for a person to have access to art, movies, media of all kinds? Isn't the democratization of videogames a positive thing if you look at the whole? Isn't pirating making the gaming community grow much faster than it has ever grown before?

>only two games in steam library: CsGo and Dota
kek this is too real

>Yea Forums
>"pirating anime and manga? here's some suggestions..."
>Yea Forums
>"pirating comic books and cartoons? here's some suggestions..."
>Yea Forums
>"pirating music? here's some suggestions..."
>"pirating rule books? here's some suggestions..."
>Yea Forums
>"pirating tv shows and movies? here's some kino you should watch..."
>Yea Forums
>"Seriously, fuck you if you pirate games. People put months or years of effort in them to make money and you go and do that. Its such a degenerate thing when you do it on a game you legitimately want. Im not saying pirating is necessarily bad. For example some people that arent massive assholes pirate games to try them out, and if they like it, they buy it. Some do that while waiting for it to come out on a specific platform or because the game is no longer purchasable, but its so fucking sad when some disgrace legitimately likes a game a lot, dumps hundreds of hours of it and is too much of a cheap fuck to support the people that spent tons of time working on the game, just to make sure said disgrace will enjoy it."

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It really goes to show that anti-pirate shills are brainlets.

>Isn't the democratization of videogames a positive thing if you look at the whole? Isn't pirating making the gaming community grow much faster than it has ever grown before?

Definitely. Great outlook.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, I think maybe they don't understand that the company and the developers aren't necessarily the same thing.

any sites for music?

Well lets see on the one hand I can BARELY afford to pay my bills and am struggling to save money by eating the cheapest food I can find so I can put it into passive income and live above the poverty line eventually.

On the other hand billionaires are putting loot boxes I mean "surprise mechanics" in there games that are so predatory that calling them gambling is unfair to casinos.

Buh buh buh think of the billionaires!

I haven't actually pirated any games since I have a fuck huge back log of old games from back when they were made by people who actually played games.

just because you make something doesn't mean your entitled to my money

seethin corporate shill

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Most games emulate pretty well. Alternatively you could google it, like a sane adult instead of making others do it for you. “Rules of rose pcsx2 compatibility”

>caring about what others do

The only persons 'business' you should care about is your own

Didn't read.

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Yea Forums would tell you to fuck off, albeit for different reasons. They do not take kindly to people wanting to be spoonfed.

Fuck you fag I pirated the same game over 1 million times and sunk the company that made it into bankruptcy

>about to buy a game for full price on steam
>look up the price it's been over time (sales/etc)
>find out it was 90% off just a week ago
>find out it was $1 on humble bundle a month ago

I might buy it when it goes on sale on steam again, but fuck paying full price when steam is willing to sell things at bottom dollar pricing randomly?

>not pirating

I unironically pirate starcraft portable last week


>pirates free game
>tfw pirated Cave Story
I may have gone too far.

get a credit card, user