Beart(STR) vs Gorilla(DEX)
Who wins?
Beart(STR) vs Gorilla(DEX)
Who wins?
a bear would murder a gorilla
What about 5 gorillas vs a lion?
superman vs goku, no items, final destination
>Bear (Str)
Gorillas are stronger than bears as well as faster, Gorilla fucks up the bear almost every time and only utter morons think other wise.
bear wins, but idk why you'd say gorillas is DEX
gorilla is (INT)
place your bets ladies and gentlemen
You need to look at vids on youtube about this. Turns out bears are more powerful than gorillas.
Male lions traditionally don't do the hunting themselves and a lioness would be retarded to engage a 5v1, lionesses are the ones that do the 5v1. Lioness would get merked bad.
It depends on the species of bear. A grizzly or polar bear would destroy a gorilla, but a black or brown bear would probably get destroyed.
Is there evidence of a bear or gorilla losing to anything based off strength? I feel like neither of these guys have much to worry about other than food and shelter.
And I say based off strength because of the whole dominate species thing we humans have going for us.
I don’t get people who say a bear would win. I honestly want to get into the monds of people who vote bear so I can understand why they think this way. A chimpanzee can effortlessly stun you with a little slap to the face, hell you guys remember that old lady who kept one as a pet and her friend had her hands and face ripped clean off? If just a chimpanzee can do that shit to a human can you imagine the type of shit a Gorilla can do to a bear?
This fight will always devolve into Radical Larry vs Trip, because its in Trip's apartment. All the other characters are fodder when dealing with these monsters.
>Battleground: Trip's Apartment
Trip won but only because God doesn't participate and Jackie Chan doesn't want trabble so he will just leave
you sir are and idiot, a bear would kill a gorilla
t.brainlet doesn't know bear is fast too
it's trips apartment in space though, anyone able to breathe out there is fair game
Power-Man simply convinces Trip that the didn't actually say 'melon' and then when Trip isn't looking, he puts him out of his own apartment and wins.
Depends on the bear and the Gorilla. Also in what world do you think that Gorillas are not prime STR with some dips in INT and DEX
It's all about mass. Bears are fucken massive and would totally outpower a Gorilla
how weak do you think a bear is?
How weak do you think a Gorilla is?
Underrated post.
I can't help but root for the Gorrila. It feels kind of like rooting for a cousin. Yeah, he's a little slow and plays with his own shit, but damn does he have some serious retard strength.
Can 5 Brock Lesnars without weapons take down 1 gorilla?
>A chimpanzee can effortlessly stun you with a little slap to the face
this is your problem, he is not figthing you he is figthing a fucking bear
Bears have been seen IN NATURE Decap'ing MOOSE FUCKING MOOSE with a single swing of their claws.
Gorilla gets fucked
Bears can just about lift their own weight (450 kg)
Gorillas can lift 3-4 times as much.
Add on top of that gorillas are more aggressive, faster, built for combat, smarter and built more for a fight than hunting which a bear is and everyone that ever said bear looks like a brain dead chump.
Bears have a more powerful bite but not by much (1200PSI to 1000 PSI) but is also more likely to run than fight where as Gorillas are honed into the idea of going all in. Make friends with a Gorilla and enjoy your sweet but heavily blood stained bear skin rug.
Bear (CON+STR) beats Gorilla (STR+DEX)
Brown bear's STR is much higher than Gorilla's, even if Gorilla is pound for pound stronger. Maybe against a black bear the gorilla would win, but against a big brown it stands no chance.
Can 1 gorilla with weapons take on 5 brock lesnars
He'll eat him too.
>Male lions traditionally don't do the hunting themselves
most adult male lions are nomadic and, hence, do do their own hunting. also, he said 5 gorillas vs 1 lion. the lion would lose.
>Implying a Gorilla that's four times stronger couldn't do that.
Which is more strength, a bear, hippo, elephant or rhino?
Could a bear beat a hippo, elephant or rhino?
Simon, but that's kinda unfair, since his whole gimmick is that he can overcome literally everything.
Man, some of you guys take your Bear vs Gorilla threads pretty serious. It's like you're rooting for your favorite sports team.
A bear can break a deer's neck with a bitchslap, dude. I'd love to see a gorilla try that.
1 gorilla could probably take on 5 brock lesnars blindfolded and the brocks all have folding chairs.
>replacing Gregor with God
Is it really? Because there are lots of predators that kill animals bigger than them, also size doesn't equal streght, a chimp is smaller and has around the same weight as an adult human (156.2 lbs), but they are still 4 times stronger than the average person.
IT doesnt matter if a Gorilla could, its could a Gorilla defend against it, the answer is no.
Grizzly Bears have cutting power to do deep wounds, A Gorilla would be primarily using blunt force, which Bears could potentially tank better due to their massive size.
A Gorilla would probably get the first hit, but the Grizzle would get the last. If the Grizzle can take a chunk and get on top of the Gorilla, Its Over.
Grizzles are just so fucking massive and strong, and have the tools needed to actually combat a Gorilla. Not saying a Gorilla cant win, but the Grizzle has a clear advantage and higher win chance.