I’m okay with Nintendo doing this

I’m okay with Nintendo doing this

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Still want a shirt

Translation: give us your money homos

This was unofficial and all these people got disciplined.



>all these people got disciplined.

Seriously? Might buy a switch now

>no Japs

Not Nintendo

They need to be "disciplined" with a fucking execution.


lol u mad

Have sex before to shoot up a McDonald's playplace.

Why would having sex give you the power to shoot up a McDonalds?

more like trintrans


Attached: D-Wpj-nU8AIEQW-.jpg (3276x2185, 2.59M)

>people who happen to be homo act normally
>hai guise look how faggy we are!

Do i have to go to mcdonald to have sex ? When i have sex will i acquire the weapon to kill people .So i become i serial killer if im not a virgin ?

Pride before the fall.

I see these threads pretty much daily on Yea Forums . Can someone explain to me why is it an issue? Gay people exist. If they want to play video games then what's the problem?

If being gay is natural and part of someone's life that they change, why is a corporation flaunting it around to sell consoles? Isn't that degrading, taking a lifestyle and reducing it to a commercial to sell to people?

how do these people not realize they aren't holding signs of acceptance, but ads?

Weird, considering I've personally blacklisted any company I've seen doing this shit.

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I have no problems with gay people except when they're the ones that are really in-your-face about it like the pride shit promotes. Pride parades giving the impression that all gays are all cock gobbling homos walking around practically naked seems way more fucked up then just calling someone a faggot.

Attached: 1513424110748.jpg (340x308, 24K)

>There is nothing wrong with being gay
>10 years later
>Your child should be a sexy drag queen and here's how!

can't find anything about it on their official twitter

>my favorite company's gay parade wasn't as gay as your favorite company's gay parade

They're just bait threads.

>favorite company

Tick tock gaybois only a few hours left before your precious companies stop giving a shit

Attached: gays btfo.jpg (480x380, 16K)


I bet some will try to score extra brownie points by keeping it a bit longer

On one side
>noooo boobs are bad sexuality is bad
On the other side
>yeee gays are ok and homosexuality, homo-pedo and zoophilia is cool 4 all the players yas queen whatever

You can smell that this decisions were made using polls that were took from proxy companies for the sake of a wider audience.

the mustang is a nice touch cause it's a faggot car.

What's with all of the gay pride being pushed everywhere all of a sudden? Is someone killing all the gays or something for them to do this?

Remember when everyone said the slippery slope wasn’t real


Joke's on you I think it's all bad.

If you have a stand with no double standards its all right.
Not what they are doing and much less the back pedaling when those characters along with good stories put those games in a position to be remastered-remaked.
Not much people bought tomb raider for the gunplay back then, even some PC magazines came with "sexy" posters.

How do gay people feel about this? Seriously, I'd like to know. For one month it's all about gay people, what about the rest? Why have a fucking pride month in the first place? "Hey look at these special people!" If I were gay, I'd be upset. Using our lifestyle as a marketing ploy. Retarded. Same shit with charities and shit. Oh 1 month for breast cancer shit everyone care about it for that one month? Fuck that, it's a year-long thing. I don't know man.

>Pride parades giving the impression that all gays are all cock gobbling homos walking around practically naked seems way more fucked up then just calling someone a faggot.
I agree. I don't care if you're gay or trans or whatever, but this shit is just so weird. I've met a lot of gay guys who I wouldn't know were gay because they don't flaunt it. I remember in High School, lesbians would openly show that they were les. Same with the bi kids. Literally came off as attention seekers. Ah fuck, hate to get all /pol/ and shit.

The gay community is a toxic cesspool and should unironically be purged and anyone identifying as LGBTQ or whatever the fuck they're calling it now need to fucking die. Most people are fine with individuals who are gay but when it comes to the gay community as a whole the only people who like them are those who are in the community themselves

>imagine being this insecure