These are the worst controls I've ever used in my life. People praised this shit?

These are the worst controls I've ever used in my life. People praised this shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

it unironically plays better with keyboard+mouse

I love it. You'll get used to it.


Yeah, we got used to it and loved the game despite those issues.

RE1 sucks ass

REmake 2 is unironically better in every way. The controls don't feel like shit.

>thew controls are supposed to be bad! dumb zoomers am i right?

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guess u haven't used ur mom lmaooooooooo

the controls aren't bad; you are.

>tfw used to play this game with a PS3 controller hooked up to my laptop
>PS3 controller got borked, played with KB+M
>tfw can't play the game with a controller anymore

They do, though. The mouse input is dogshit and Capcom never bothered to fix it.

Zoomer checklist:
>hates zero because wont drop items from inventory
>1 is bad because fixed camera
>2 is too hard with mr x
>3 hasnt been remade so its shit
>veronica has trannies
>4 its too popular so its cooler to hate
>5 was dogshit so its cool to like
>fuck giraffes 6
>7 isnt even resident evil so everyone forgot about it

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>encounter zombie
>back up a bit, RMB, LMB
>Jill pegs the zombie in his superfluous chest cavity
>continues to do this even as I try to aim anywhere else
>only other options are shooting it in the ankles or firing at the ceiling
>no option to aim at the head as this extremely slow creature lumbers toward me like a jackass
>fuck it, fire once to stagger it and try to run past
>zombie whirls around mid-animation like it's on a character select screen, grabs and then bites me

You are wrong

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being limited isnt bad.

You do know you can blow the heads off every single zombie in rebirth with every single weapon 100% of the time right?
110% with Jill as she gets an extra RNG headshot bonus.

>tfw u have to be a boomer to remember this commercial as well

>Throws the zoomer card for anyone who hates 4
>Babbies first RE the one who most zoomers like and defend
Its a zoomer game

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like I said, you're bad.

The controls are fine if you have a triple digit IQ.

Tank controls = ultimate pleb filter

Holy shit shut the fuck up retard REmake is one of the easiest entries too, you sre just bad at video games holy fuck it isn't rocket science fucking barely apply yourself.

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So you really are just bad?

bro they not only praised it

they claim that it adds to the feeling of tension that the controls were bad


heres my non ironic opinion as someone who was in high school when the game came out....

it was a fucking embarrasment, considering a game where you could rocket + grenade jump came out a year prior

Only actual zoomers think this unfortunately, they dont seem to understand that RE was a BLOCKBUSTER FUCKING HIT on PlayStation. It spawned comics, toys and a then upcoming movie. The difference was back then they presented what they made and we learned.

Bad controls can only be excused when it's "retro". That's just how it is. If this game came out today people would see it for what it is.

Switch to original controls.

>it was a fucking embarrasment

No it was a runaway commercial success that anyone into actual video games wanted to play, but sure you "were there."

>No it was a runaway commercial success that anyone into actual video games wanted to play

hahhaha oh im sorry i was playing quake on the internet enjoying the boundless excitement of the very beginning of video game online play

nice tank controls though :) it was truly revolutionary with its......uh......tank controls. truly hype.

The funny thing is that the "updated" controls are putrid anus that make you change direction every time the camera changes whereas regular tank controls don't have that problem.

Tank controls work fine.

>These are the worst controls I've ever used in my life.
Hahahahaha you can't remember to til the stick up ahhahaa

>RE was not a hit

based retard

Tell me, bros: How do these people exist?

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nobody said it wasn't a hit

i said it was garbage. i know you weren't alive back then and wouldn't have been on the internet/even had a computer if you were though, based consolefriend

This was the first RE I played and I played it only last year and it's unironically a masterpiece.
I didn't play RE before because I always thought it was less cool than Dino Crisis.

Imagine being this retarded

Tou hit the real issue there: todays gamers. The game isn't the problem, todays basic gamer is.

It's either mentally retarded people or people looking stir shit up by pretending to be retarded. Business as usual.

The Alternate controls actually break the game completely. You can just ninja your way through halls full of zombies and Hunters because the character turns around instantly in the direction you're pressing.

>i said it was garbage
Who are you exactly?
>i know
lmao no you dont

>can't even begin to fathom the excitement of the beginning of online gaming because it has always existed in his short life
>"re was revolutionary for its tank controls, 1 minute loading screens and prerendered backgrounds"

i can't lmao

The funny thing is that tank controls are not even that hard to adapt to.

>re was revolutionary

Who are you quoting from this thread?


the last of us is a blockbuster hit too

>it has to be a failure to be a good game look at my false equivelency as proof!

just use the alternate. It may be rough on angle transitions but its easy to react to and worth it to be able to move realistically and appropriately from zombies

>criticism of the best RE game is that it's too hard
get good you fucking faggot

>false equivalency

how? a game being a hit is the most irrelevant shit ever

Quake and Resident Evil have different design goals. One is a fast paced FPS and the other is a slow paced survival horror game and use different game mechanics to achieve their purpose so holding one as better designed as the other is retarded.

>does a 180º in 1/4 of a second
It's even faster than the quick turn maneuver they introduced in RE2. You can even run towards a zombie and then run in the completely opposite direction in an instant. No transition.

based user, absoultey based i wish it had failed so much then we could all call it a good games as long as the normans dont like it, again outstandingly based. I see now, it sold so well because it was muh casual movie game.

>push forward to go forward
>push left and right turn left and right

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Remember mastering this concept as a small child to top it all off?

>veronica has trannies
Zoomers loves trannies.

I used to play Goldeneye when I was a kid and compared to that, tank controls are barrable

‘realistic’ in the sense that when you see a zombie you can push the stick in the direction opposite and you still stick to heading in that direction.
silent hill 2 and 3 also provided this same alternate control scheme. tank controls make sense but so does an analog stick controlling something on a 2d plane

I played this for the first time early this year right after RE4. There's legit nothing wrong with tank controls. It plays just fine its more so a problem on your end because you probably never played a game with tank controls. I'm grateful as fuck I had a PS1 as a kid so I could get accustomed to these sorts of games.

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>playing REmake first and missing out on the cheesiness of OG RE
>not playing as Chris

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How will this scene make it in the remake?

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>Rarity: 1% of players
>"REmake is one of the easiest entries"

>Alfred... You fucking tranny!

Settle down Raimi

The controls worked alright with digital movement, it's why it plays better with kb+m. Once analog controllers were introduced there was no reason to use this control scheme anymore, though some games still did. Onimusha was a good example of a fixed perspective game with good controls.

Wannabes praise the game because they are desperate for oldfag cred from people they've never met. Maturity is realizing REmake 2 is the proper way to remake one of these titles: by throwing tank controls in the bin (where they always belonged), adapting old puzzles and themes into a much better control scheme and making it enjoyable rather than snore-inducing. I feel bad for anyone who buys this based solely on praise. Maybe now you will learn that Yea Forums likes horrible shit and you should ignore their opinion on everything.

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They don't. It's a faggot looking for (you)s.

You can kill yourself now.


>considering a game where you could rocket + grenade jump came out a year prior
FPStards are the fucking worst. Nobody cares about your gay genre except the kind of retards that fall for the military service meme. Doom 2016 was the first good fps in over a decade, that's probably sad

but user, you are Yea Forums.

Case in point. This poster is probably 300 pounds, unshaven and smelly, and his folds glisten with viscous rage at the thought that someone doesn't enjoy an extremely dated game from his childhood; a phase of his life he never left, at least mentally.

>can't do headshots
>your options are feet, chest, and the fucking ceiling

These are Steam-tier replies. Third worlders who wouldn't make it in an American public school type like you do, and they needlessly hold this game in high regard as well.

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>i am too stupid to grasp simple controls but really everyone else is wrong

The only RE game i played (and finished) is 7, and i have this one because of PSPlus. Should i play it?


>caring about steam discussions

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damn bro, I played it on ps4 and it was fucking awesome. One of the best games I have ever played


4 is second only to 2 for “my first one so it’s the best”
At least 5 has something to do with the overarching story. 4 is a pointless side story.

op tajkes a shit pushing fromtheir father ever night what this thread about?

play REmake 2, and then if you liked that even better than RE7, you will finally be ready for REmake 1

it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the pointless side story is fucking awesome and fun.
>playing RE for the plot

whys it illegal to murder zoomers?

>forward is forward
>backwards is backwards
>left is left
>right is right

Ok, im taking your word over those 1 word responses. Thanks for the help

too hard. bad game design.

whats bad about the controls? they are perfectly functional and simple to understand

Except the part where it isn't. REmake 2 is incredibly rushed, missing integral parts like the Marshalling Yard and enemies, no shaking off zombies and instead they lock you into a 20 second animation that takes forever, they ruined Mr. X to push more Jack Baker style Outlast shit. REmake 1 didn't take stuff away, it added more to the original and it makes it a much more substantial game.

It's not an FPS so I don't understand it.

people probably don't like how slow it ts

My first RE game was Revelations 2 and I didn't even get the following episodes past 1 after getting it at launch until earlier this year followed by 6 and 7 and I still love the classics more, go fuck yourself OP

they are*

Are you not using a controller? Just use the analog stick nigger, it even has auto run.

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Then it’s the same fucking game as 5, only without the ability to play it with a friend.

What percent of players get the platinum for any game? Nevermind a rerelease of a game that came out nearly two decades ago. It is an easy platinum too, you just have to replay the game a good bit.

shut the fuck up you goddamn retard.

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>it’s the same fucking game as 5
If you think 4 and 5 are the same quality as games at all I'm afraid you might be retarded or you didn't play either of them. 4 has done things 5 and 6 have tried to do but never could get right, and 4 isn't even my favorite in the series.

yes. 7 is like a very simplified version of Remake, both in terms of scope and gameplay. if you enjoyed 7 you'd love remake

>unironically shitposting on steam discussion

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Parasite eve managed to do horror without god fucking awful gook tank controls you mong

They didnt need to exist what so fucking ever

We were past tank controls, we were in the wave of peak fucking anything BUT tank controls

But because RE turned into such a fucking meme, EVERY fucking game from there on had to have the god fucking AWFUL tank controls

We as a society, video games as a medium of art, regressed thanks to tank controls, and unironically were it not for fucking Halo making everybody realize
>Holy shit, tank controls feel like taking a 15 inch hard erection to the fucking eye, and being able to move and shoot at the same god damn time feels like finishing no nut november in an amateur porn star pussy, raw
And CoD perfecting the feel and control scheme, we'd probably still be fucking using it considering RE2 was a hundred times more successful than RE 1 and 2, and has been ported into about 70% of what DOOM has been

4 has the same exact beats as 5, only with worse graphics, and a pointless story, and no co-op. There’s literally nothing 4 does that 5 doesn’t do better.

>IQ of a Resident Evil fan

>There’s literally nothing 4 does that 5 doesn’t do better.

The setting. Checkmate.

also the president's daughter comes equipped with ballistics, which is pretty cool

This is the only sensible post ITT. In fact I bet most of the posters ITT would defend menu-based fighting in JRPGs as well because "its Japanese" or "its from my childhood so that means it never ages." There is a very good reason they totally abandoned tank shit for the latest REmake, every sequel and every sequel in the future.

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fuck you made me lol

The co-op elements of 5 and 6 are part of why they're so shitty. RE4 was a singleplayer experience first and foremost that it doesn't feel like an afterthought like 5 does. RE5 does enemy encounters and setpieces much more poorly than 4 did and the "story" is fucking boring outside of Wesker's insanity so those things it definitely does worse.

The worst part is that 5's co-op may have only become a thing because of one journalist's cries that the game was racist for having Chris running around shooting infected black people in the face in Africa.

yea there is a reason they don't make games with shit controls anymore

I played REmake and RE2 for the first time this year and they were some of the best horror games I've played. Tank controls might not be the best but fixed camera is good shit, REmake 2 looks fun but I'm a little sad that there won't be a part where it looks like something is watching you through a window and you go down into the sewer and see a big ass spider right in front of the camera.

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I 'member this

>mfw even that 9 year old in the commercial probably beat RE six times, and OP can't walk through a room

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yes these were amazing controls and im pissed asf kids dont like them. you kids need to learn what gaming is about.

Imagine pretending RE is difficult for epic gamer cred

Sorry man, but these games get the nostalgia bonus so any criticism about the bad parts is negated.

The only trophy I'm missing is pick up every single item in one playthrough including invisible ones. Pain in the dick. Dont think I'll do it

Zoom zoom, happy summer vacation!

nope, theyre Good. you can even turn on easymode controls if youre a pussy

truly, truly an embarrassing post

there are games with a similar fixed camera that don't have tank controls; nearly every time you switch camera angles you do a little whoopsy-do and suddenly start going the wrong direction. tank controls are Good.