What's games where I can transform into a more powerful form?

What's games where I can transform into a more powerful form?

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DMC technically

Are there any toku themed RPGs? Or even just anything that isn't a fighter or beatemup.


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Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001

Chroma Squad, but that's about it.

Oh, Ultraman is in.

Again, Zettai Hero project.
OST is outstanding too, why has no one ever heard of this game?

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there's a bunch of characters from Rider, Ultraman, Metal Heroes, and others
Problem is the game is fucking boring like all SRW bullshit

Viewtiful Joe.

It's on the PSP, the genre isn't a popular one, and not many people outside Japan care for toku. It's a shame since it's one of the PSP's hidden gems.

Breath of Fire.



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it came out at the very end of the psp's life span and it's a niche game with a weird weeb title. it's not very surprising why many haven't heard of it.

it's a great game though and i'm at least glad it got two spiritual sequels, even though only one of them was decent.

Wild Arms 2

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Is that time again?

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Why the fuck is pirating toku shows so fucking hard?

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It's absolutely not. Go to /m/ if you need help.

How do I get into Toku? Which show should I watch first?

I've always though Black was peak aesthetic for the franchise.

Two months left for Yea Forums to go full Toku.

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That's not Faiz

time for you to get butthurt OP used an image of not-zoomer approved characters again? What's stopping you?

>Mystery Dungeon
Hmm I wonder why

Pretty much every single Hideki Kamiya games.

It has the same problem as all post Showa riders, too over designed or bulky. Of all Showa riders, Alternative Zero was the best looking one. Probably because it's aping Black's aesthetics too.

>most powerful form is the ugliest

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I was under the impression it was pretty popular

Viewtiful Joe

I'll have to load it on my PSP. Does it have transformation as an actual mechanic?


Fairy Fencer F

How about a more Yea Forums variant?

Its kind of sad there's no actual successor to Freedom Force these days. I would totally play a general superhero themed RPG or tactics game that didn't rely on DC or Marvel. One that allows you customize your hero and even import your own designs - you could even make your own kamen rider.

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Kunihiro Fujioka!

I will always play the Sega Saturn.

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>How about a more Yea Forums variant?

How about no?

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Why can't anyone stream these shows? We're getting older Super Sentai now. I had a portable hard drive full of Kamen Rider but the damn thing stopped working. Lost all of it.

Not him but you're an actual retard. How the fuck do you look at the Showa riders and Heisei riders and say that the Showa riders are the ones overdesigned?

one of the more popular anime streaming sites has a sister site thats dedicated to Asian drams and they also have toku

You need to raise up those reading comprehension skills next time you level up, user.

You look at the main suits of each series and pick whichever looks the coolest.

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he said POST Showa you dumb shit, as in, AFTER Showa ended

>AFTER Showa ended
How the fuck are ZO and J too over designed and/or bulky

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Watch the openings and pick up shows that look interesting.

I must be Max because you are Monica.

best game

What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes and no.

You get one proper henshin to start the game, but you unlock form changes, like ULTRA SPEED or ULTRA POWER modes.

I got this
Its slightly confusing because its bonus character costume stuff is all anime related and I don't actually watch that much anime
I understood who Dokuro was though

How about, yes!

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>Most powerful form is rad as hell
>Later on another show introduces an even more powerful version of that form and it looks like dogshit

Good thing they're not acknowledging Rising Ultimate's existence anymore.

>Kuuga is over-designed and bulky
ZO and J are grouped with the Showa riders despite not technically being from that era. Maybe it has something to do with just being movies.

why do Yea Forumsmblr trannys need to invade and attempt to fucking ruin as many threads as possible

They're all faggots, that's why.

You should have seen /m/ during Drive's airing, when they would force their garbage in the Rider generals and try to pass it off as being legal on /m/ because it's just 'American toku.'
Yea Forums needs to be quarantined.

godzilla unleashed

If you want a real answer and not just a toku discussion, I guess Xillia 2 counts. The final version of your henshin looks pretty cool.

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>ctrl + f "Dragoon"

Yea Forums is dead

Because they see Yea Forums as a problem.


what do you expect from the ''''people'''' who brought us such great posts as this

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Made me start with Faiz and it is still the best kamen rider

Fourze gaim and ex aid are the only good kamen riders.
Gokaiger is the only good sentai.
All Garos are good.

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>using your strongest attack on a low level enemies

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It's true though. I fell for the meme and started watching the /m/ recs

All shit

can't fault you for most of those honestly

>Gokaiger is the only good sentai.
gokaibabies are insufferable like usual

I'm just convinced Kamen Rider is the weeb approved autism version of Power Rangers. My weeb friend back in college was obsessed with Kamen Rider. He had seen EVERY fucking Kamen Rider season and collected the games, figurines, posters, etc.

I never got into it or got the fascination with it and I'm weeb as fuck.

Easily the most elaborate Karmen Rider costume of all time (no pun intended).

Is there really someone who looks exactly the same?

Sit down. Be humble.

Toku owes some of its origins to Yea Forums

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What will 01's gimmick be?


You mean super sentai, Spiderman was the one that introduced the idea of the zords.

Go dilate back on Yea Forumsmblr with this meme show

Toku owes it to Spider-Man, not an imageboard full of flaming fairies from tumblr.

Kamen Rider predates Toei Spiderman

is Zi-O another anniversary show like Decade was?

LMAO the original Kamen Rider's FIRST TWO ENEMIES EVER were 'Spiderman' and 'Batman' who he killed savagely, in the manga literally impaled one with a giant cross. Kiss my ass you degenerate freak.

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This meme show is part of our shared heritage. Along with pic related. Never forget your history.

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Yep. They brought back a lot of old characters for cameos. Also Decade is a major character and shows up a lot.


ultraman happened all the way back in '66

Holy fuck, get the fuck out already. Nobody wants to share anything with your cesspool of a board no matter how much you claim ownership over other media.

>sentai is good because it's mature stories for mature people like me

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>all this butthurt

Just get along guys.

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You're wrong though.

I didnt realize /m/ was that gay

Some, not all.

This is true.



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No, Super Sentai is the weebed approved Power Rangers.

Blade isn't THAT gay

>posting sneed


Ah, damn. You're right. I get them confused because he was also a huge sentai fan as well. He talked about both of them so much I always mixed them up, but I never got the appeal of either of them.

Super Sentai seemed more interesting than Power Rangers I will admit that, and Kamen Rider just never seemed interesting to me. This dude fucking collected nothing but Kamen Rider shit though, never understood why.

This game was the only reason I even bothered to charge up my PSP beyond installing CFW on it.

No user, Kamen Rider 2 has red gloves and boots.

This is the Masked Rider.
He will protect this thread and defeat all invading Yea Forums scum with his powerful Rider Punch and Rider Kick, but ONLY if you post 'GANBATTE KAMEN RIDER' in this thread.

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who are you quoting?
i know sentai is silly and ridiculous, but that doesn't mean only gokaiger is good you faggot

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I'm pretty sure AB has them conveniently sorted for your piracy needs.


uhhh sneed? based!

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Yep, nothing upsets those Yea Forumsmblr city slickers more than a Sneed

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So was that guy a robot like Rudy? I never played 2.

Wait, how is mine butthurt? I was just pointing out that japanese spideman introduced the concept of the zords.


Blade is based though. Hands down the best ending if any Rider show, too (Kuuga could have beaten it had its finale setup episode hadn't been censored to the Shadowrealm)

If you disagree with Yea Forumsmblr they assume you are not only butthurt, but /pol/ as well

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So far i've only watched/ truthfully watched from beginning to end opposed to watching every weekend and just hit and miss some episode. How well does 000 powerlevel scale among the other kamen rider, his split full combo medal seem OP, and the transformation is very cool. Also for some reason i can't get his transformation song out of my head. What else kamen rider that have a cool armor and transformation so far i've watched W and OOO.

>Yea Forums is dead


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are kamen riders worth a watch? is it better than sentai series? i watch dairangers a few years back and i was pretty surprised how much people people died and blood on screen. you don't see that shit in MMPR. there was only one good part i really liked in dairanger and it was the rivalry with the red ranger and a dojo killer. oh and action was alright i guess

Easy, OOO is balanced by the fact any use of Gatakiriba completely kills the budget so they never use it.

Also I think the only other Rider to take the idea of mix and matching multiple suit pieces tied to collectibles into various forms like W and OOO is Build.

My bad bro. I misquoted you

Accidents happen. Not everything is your strawman boogeyman.


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show me your axe wound pussy, formerly a penis.

>Not everything is your strawman boogeyman.
>Blames /pol/ for everything

sure thing Yea Forumsmblr

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Formerly the chemo of this world

>ad hominem

>bringing in /pol/ when it was not even mentioned

Sames more about you lot, coming to think of it

>bringing in /pol/ when it was not even mentioned

You mean like Yea Forumsmblr does every single time?

I remember watching Kamen Riders when I was a kid and to be quite honest?
Looking back, Kamen Riders are real cringe and I'm ashamed for any adult who still watch this shitty show aimed to sell toys for young boys at the age of 10 years old.

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>every single time
>anti-Yea Forums poster brings up /pol/ first in this thread

Yes. Just avoid Kiva, Wizard, and Ghost since those three are widely considered shit. Also Decade and Zi-O are anniversary riders so it might be best to leave those for later.

Nice try Yea Forumsmblr rat, as per usual all you have /pol/ on the brain

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Yes, Kamen Rider is mostly great overall (of course, quality varies from season to season and sometimes even throughout the season depending on who's writing it, for instance the first arc of Blade is a fucking mess but everything else about it is great, the second half of Hibiki takes a nosedive in quality due to a complete retooling, etc.)

The general consensus is to start with either Kuuga or W, but really you can just start wherever, as long as it isn't Wizard or Ghost (because those are the only truly unredeemable shitty seasons) or Decade or Zi-O (because they're anniversary seasons and most of their cameos and callbacks will fly above your head at best or ruin/spoil other shows at worst)

I feel like Kiva has one saving grace - the first 20 episodes, and the movie. The series goes to absolute shit once they introduce the whole Fangire queen subplot. A part of me theorizes that the Kiva movie was the original intended plot for second half before some rewrite. Which is a shame, because the movie had a lot of good ideas, honestly. The movie has its flaws, undoubtedly, but, if it had more screentime, it was the perfect way to end Kiva.

Kabuto was pretty cool

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Megaman Battle Network 6

>trying this hard

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aren't all of decades raider cameo alt versions? up until the w movie? would't that make w the only required watching for decade?

>deflects with a lame gif

EVERY time


i can't believe we got all of JAKQ subbed in 2 months and we will be getting flashman subbed too

Yep that too, please, just call me racist and sexist next so you can complete your programming algorithm and go back to Yea Forums to recharge

>all this TATAKAE
Damnit, we don't get Toku threads on Yea Forums that often, quit it.

Yes, but they still contain spoilers from the actual shows, like
Takumi being an Orphnoch
Souji's sister being a Worm
The whole Joker thing in Blade


Things always go to shit the second Yea Forums shows up and tries to take over like the parasites they are.

I'll just say, think about your life, wishing you a good evening, and hope you have a pleasant week ahead.

Holy shit, this game
thank you user, it was one of my fav psp time killer game.
Does it emulate well?

so far i've seen build faiz and enough of ex-aid to know emu is a bugster, so is it really a spoiler that a particular rider also relys on whatever group he's fighting's power?

Actually, this happened because you over-reacted one post. Which means (you) started it, actually

Anyone got Grand's transformation? Shit was IWAE

It's always this same kind of passive aggressive smugness from you people. Literal NPCs.

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It's always this same kind of pointless anger and hate from you people. Literal NPCs.

ZHP was such a fucking good game.
>turns out your Henshin belt is a plastic toy from a store and you never even needed it, anyone can be a Hero as long as they have JUSTICE IN THEIR HEART but the belt is cool and being cool is also important
>befriending the dark and brooding not-Kamen Rider
>getting your mid-season final form ability which allows you to CLOCK UP and other shit

>a particular rider also relys on whatever group he's fighting's power?
That is just Kamen Rider's central theme. All the way from the very first.

Post the Hazard Finish webm, you know which one.

Yes because there’s only 3 seasons where that actually happens. Also Emu isn’t a bugster.

>screeches about white people and the 'alt-right' all hours of the day
>um sweaty just calm down with the pointless anger

>predicts his strawmen would make a certain post
>gets proven wrong
>tries to show another copypasta to prove his linear worldview

That is some goalposting there.

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that's what i figured

Nobody was even talking about white people in this thread.

How was the plot and atmosphere? So far i am dissapointed in W by the end of the season everything become messed up and complete chaos. But i liked shroud redemption and the detective episode. Is there a kamen rider where it is a dandy serious old man instead of this wacky 20++ or teen?

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you sure? I started den-o recently and it's like that too

This. Literally every single Rider gets its powers as a direct or indirect result of the bad guys and its power source is always linked to the bad guys in someway. Gaia Memories, Medals, video games or the power of God within us all, doesn't matter.

Are there any secondary riders that aren't jobbers? Nito/ Beast is the only one I can think of, who literally ended up saving the day while Haruto went MUH KOYOMI. I'm still laughing at how badly Geiz is doing, his only actual wins are against someone that means him no harm and doesn't want to fight him.

are they gonna kill Kazumi's boys again?

I was proven right the minute you spewed your vile, biased ignorance all over the place with , the response of which I assume you're going to claim is all one person because nobody would dare disagree with you.

Agito is great.
>the dark half of God is the villain
>certified gigachad G3 has no magical powers and just a regular, conventional human-made gun
>loads a rocket into the gun and shoots literally God in the face

How do you defeat?

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games for a goranger feel?
i most riders have their powers coming from the same source as the enemies they fight
ryuki's riders need to make a contract with mirror monsters, W using the gaia memories to fight the dopants, etc.
while it's not always 100% clear it's one of those things that is quite frequently there

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God, the karma from that episode was great.
>haha that sento is too nice, he will be easy to kill and we can kill his best friend in front of him before we kill him

There was not vile about it. Biased perhaps, but not vile. Perhaps you do need to rethink things a bit more. Take it easy, you'll hurt yourself if you keep getting angry over the smallest of things.

Go literally finished off the big bad, Drive only killed some pointless CGI abomination. Also I don't recall Meteor being a jobber?

What is the best Kamen Rider game?

Yea Forums is always vile. You illicit nothing but revulsion in all who cast eyes upon you.

You faggot are the same kind that screech that every new rider introduced would be a fucking girl to satisfied your weird fetish for diversity.

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Hikawa is the fucking best

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>Take it easy, you'll hurt yourself if you keep getting angry over the smallest of things
Says the person intent on shilling Yea Forums on a Toku thread. What happened, Yea Forums chased you out for not being politically correct enough?

>Is there a kamen rider where it is a dandy serious old man instead of this wacky 20++ or teen?
Outside of that Kamen Rider G special, no.

Technically, Drive had three big bads
>First big bad was Banno, which Go finished off
>Second big bad was a Helios AI ripoff which was Banno's real goal, and Drive had to defeat
>Third was Heart, which Drive had to defeat by showing "Fighting was not the way", followed by Blade Runner "Tears in Rain" ending

I really liked Drive more than Gaim, now that I think about

yeah this too, every time in /krg/ when there's some fucking faggot whining about how 'overdue' it is for a female Rider it's ALWAYS a Yea Forums retard. And again the same utter scum who pushed Arrow and Flash as 'American Kamen Rider' several times in the past.

It's been a while since I watched some of those, thanks for reminding me. Mach Chaser was absolute kino, I fucking loved that. Also Meteor Storm existing makes me want to forget about Meteor. God damn why is it so ugly and why is it's weapon so stupid, regular Meteor has the coolest henshin.

>not many people outside Japan care for toku
Such a shame.

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Viewtiful Joe is the best Kamen Rider game.
Also The Wonderful 101 is the best Metal Heroes and Super Sentai game and the best overall tokusatsu game.

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you posted this in /krg/ because nobody wanted to deal with your shitposting you utter cretin, at least change the filename you piece of shit

Kamen Rider Black has the best opening

It's true though, Yea Forums was basically /lgbt/ before /lgbt/ existed, it's always been the reddit board on 4chang even more than Yea Forums sometimes is.


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IIRC, he wasn't shilling a Yea Forums, he was shilling a Yea Forumsidya based on Yea Forums On on a vidyaboard. And last I checked, toku isn't Yea Forums, its /m/

Which means his post would be okay, but this thread wouldn't be.

even though wizard is shit, it had that one good idea for a villain in one of the movies.
they couldnt defeat him specifically because of this one fact.

>everyone replying to me is the same person


My man.

Oh i thought you meant “main riders that turn into the villain”

Same filename
Same white knighting Yea Forums
Don't kid yourself retard, nobody can stand you no matter where you go

>you can literally STANDO POWAH on regular human criminals and they can't even see what kicked their ass
God, I can't wait to be Standcop.

I considered it a blessing in disguise really, since everything popular will be infiltrated by hipster and sjws, beside the few c/o/mblur element it's relatively quiet beside the Subgoku war of course.

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Hey bigwes

Its a file easily found on google images. You're overthinking this way too hard. Not everyone is your imaginary enemy

Nigger at least get a new image if you want to samefag and not just change the fucking filename.


Don't worry senpai, LoD is forever