Always remember. No matter what. No matter how bad things get, Doom exists. And you can play it whenever you want...

Always remember. No matter what. No matter how bad things get, Doom exists. And you can play it whenever you want. Doom will always be here for you, whenever you need it to be.

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okay but what if i like thief more

Guess I'm booting up gzdoom. What are some good wads that add new guns and maybe some map packs that work well with them?

Doom has aged like hell. The only thing that makes it playable is screwing around with the cheats.

thanks doom

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Sorry, faggot. Your Basic bitch FPS just doesn't cut it anymore. You might as well just play Mazewar

You're out of luck.

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Pls respond

gun mods are all shit because they often fuck up the games inherent balance. there's loads of wads. just look at the cacowards.

Scythe 1, Scythe 2 if you are a masochist
Epic 2


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I'm more of a duke guy,and thankfully Randy can't take it from me no matter how much he tries at this point. I own it three times over.

I'll take a look. thanks user!

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You playing it with a overhaul or something? Its simple by today's standards mechanically but you cant deny its design and gameplay loop is sublime, even considering its weaker parts in Inferno and Thy Flesh Consumed.

>hdoom is Canon

Im playing world tour right now and its my first time playing 3d dince i was like 5 or 6 on the n64 and didnt know what was going on. Iv played doom since before then and holy hell duke nukem is hard compared to duke nukem and im just playing it on lets rock.


>fireballs and hitscan: the game
woah so sublime

Doom only has one disappointing sequel.

Duke takes some getting used to because it requires a lot more 3D spatial awareness than Doom. It was a proper 3D game, and they wanted everyone to know it.

Not to mention it has enemy types specifically meant to fuck you when you go to open doors (drones)

You'll get the hang of it, but you just gotta keep pushing through it. If you're playing world tour, consider getting eduke and playing with eduke32 instead, because the world tour sourceport is garbage, very buggy, and has a frame lock (because gearbox, lol). You might like eduke's customization and looks better.

Good Morning Phobos + Dakka or Combined Arms is kino.

Duke is right up there with Shadow Warrior when it comes to classic FPS difficulty. Even Blood isn't nearly as punishing. It's the Dark Souls of classic FPS games.

Bit more to it but ok. The hitscans are not even that obnoxious in 1. Final Doom yeah but you know why.

What? Duke is much easier than Blood

Are you sure? I just finished Fresh Supply a few weeks ago, and I was surprised at how fast I went through it, while Duke's made me ragequit more times than I'd like to admit.

>fireballs and hitscan
thats every shooter literally
like theres nothing else; every ranged attack in anything is either a projectile or instant/hitscan
i never got why people complained about so many chaingunners in plutonia when theres just as many revenants shooting homing projectiles
i suspect way too many people just run out into the open and stay there, dying like retards

Woh hold on.
Blood is straight up hard mode Duke. The people who made it specifically set out to make it because they were disappointed that Duke was 'too easy'.

Hitscanners in every room should be a hint as to how much more punishing Blood can get in just its first level than any level in Duke 3D.

>Scythe 2
>mfw Whispering Winds

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Most people don't know running directly doubles your bullet evasion, that's helped me in some desperate situations.

amen, brother.

Plutonia 2 is really fun. I'm only on map 8 or 9, and I'm doing pistol starts on death.
I'm sure I'm going to hit a wall sooner or later.

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sick map. i reached map 30 and just dont' have it in me to finish it yet. tried taking a break by finishing off other wads but I've reached yet another slaughterish map in Unholy Realms map 30.

>playing MAP10 for the first time in a long while
man that's a lot of enemy dudes

Been playing Doom 64 off and on for awhile, and I am just amazed at A how many baddies are in the level in the first place B how many baddies there are in individual rooms and C what the rooms look like afterwards.

The last 2 maps of Scythe 1 ruined the entire experience for me.

>implying I haven't been playing Doom already
Timeless fun

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I had to quit on the last level, it was taking me days. Doesn't help that I had a no mid-level save policy.

Thank OP
You're a pretty badass dude

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>Hitscanners in every room should be a hint as to how much more punishing Blood can get in just its first level than any level in Duke 3D
Have you not played Duke 3D or something

Same reason why I quit Scythe. The slaughter was fun once, but the second time it just got dumb.

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29 wasn't that bad. design could've been better but it wasn't too difficult. 30 is the type of map to put hair on your chest.

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is there anything more cancerous than a slaughter icon of sin map?

Always remember, if you're sick of playing the same game for 20 years, Dusk exists, Amid evil exists. You can play them for a minor fee whenever you want

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29 was annoying because I had to rebind my usual keys to make SR50 work so I could actually complete the level.

But how can I enjoy this game if I don’t have the bunny?

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Getting this fucking mad over a person simply posting reaction images

Doom 3> the rest

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If by Doom 3 you mean Doom 64 the real Doom 3

It too easy

Doom 64 is good with keyboard controls

what'd you need that for?

Dusk took a bit to warm up to but its fun; absolutely needs to be played before quake and arcane dimensions so as not to be spoiled, though
Amid Evil, meanwhile, seems like the least appealing shooter ever; it looks like it has a worse art direction than fucking Reboot. Weapons look boring and the enemies just as much but more blotchy.

Genuinely don't understand the praise Dusk gets, it looks visually like Quake but as far as how it plays it feels even more technically limited and it's a brand new fucking game.

The timing on that map was so tight that there wasn't any other way for me to finish it.
Dusk needs to fix Intruder Mode so it resets your health & armor between levels along with taking away your weapons. There's no reason to play it that way when you have to back out to the level select screen every time.

you doing pistol start?

I like the way the levels transition from wide open to narrow, back and forth, everything in between.
At the same time, if I had to recommend someone play Quake or Dusk for the first time it’d be Quake - especially so if it leads fo Arcane Dimensions.

>All these fagbook pictures
Doom-boomers are the biggest bunch of faggots.

Imagine being this upset that someone doesn't like your point and click casual game.

That's funny. I really like Dusk. But I think Quake is boring, and the weapons are lackluster, at least that's my impression of it by late episode 2, which I'm still on because I'd rather just keep playing Doom, Duke, or some new retro-like.

Final Doomer + has classes to choose from that are themed around certain map packs, and their weapons are variants of vanilla weapons so they don't radically alter the gameplay.

GMOTA is very different from vanilla but has arcade speed melee combat and completely new monsters to accommodate it.

Which version of Doom should I download for the PS Vita? Its hacked so it can run pretty much any pre 2005 emulator but the variety of options makes it hard to pick one, especially since I haven't even played vanilla

On death, yeah. Am I misremembering? Map29 is the one where you only have 30 seconds to complete the level? It's not the map from , is it?

High Noon Drifter bucko
Also GMOTA like that other user said

>But I think Quake is boring, and the weapons are lackluster, at least that's my impression of it by late episode 2
That’s odd as hell with the weapons being switched out faster, on the same par of originality, with combat that’s still speedy. Dusk gets quicker though; playing below the second hardest is a big disservice to its speed.

I've never played any of the Doom games and I've been stressed out lately and it seems like in a satisfying "take out my pent up agitation on enemies" type of game. Which Doom to get? Eyeballing the 2016 one.

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that's 28. this is 29. i tried to get the most memorable part imo (cybie up in that white cavern)

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Not that user, but Quake's largest problem for me was that all the good weapons had such limited ammo. I never felt like I should be using the Nailgun because I won't have enough to feed it in the next encounter. This leaves me with the boring Shotguns. The single shotgun is fine as a pistol replacement, but the SSG feels terrible.
Alright, well that map was pretty good. It's been over a month since I last played Scythe.

I agree 3 sucks shit
>graphics suck shit and dont tell me they were great everything looks like plsstic or clay or something
>unsatisfactory killing, bodies disappear
>boo haunted house! For 8 hours straight

>tfw never completed Doom
>always been a Duke guy
>Duke doesn't get nearly as much love as Doom as far as mods are concerned

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>The single shotgun is fine as a pistol replacement, but the SSG feels terrible.
Yikes, see I love it; great sound, quickload, satisfying as hell for me

At least try 1 before hopping into the new stuff. Especially since you can get it for free easily. 2016 is good too, though it took me until the third or fourth level to really get into since the first few are pretty slow. Don't play on anything below UV unless you're legitimately bad at shooters.

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I'm in the process of compiling a package with a lot of mods. It's aim to look and feel like that one webm that's been floating around with TC and Brutal Doom. Personally I'm using project reality with a handful of other files to fine tune it


>Don't play on anything below UV unless you're legitimately bad at shooters.
This. Seriously. The lower difficulties exist for a reason and plenty of maps can be a nightmare if you’re not familiar with them.

Doom 3 is the best game in the series. Fight me, faggots.

E4M6 sucks.

>I just finished Fresh Supply a few weeks ago,
You can't judge Blood if you haven't played Blood and what you played isn't it, it's made up bullshit that uses the same assets and level data.

No I can't, my power supply died a few days ago

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Build Engine isn't as easy to work with as Doom.

It could be if people smarter than me would take the time to create better development tools like Doom's
All Duke has is a bloated source port and no Dukematch whatsoever

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Whatever you're posting from can run Doom.
Unless it's an iPhone but then that's your own fault.

What can the Build Engine do that ZDoom can't?

amid evil is pretty boring

I hate its graphics even back then quake 4 has same problem

Remember leaving a trail of visible destruction as you rip and teared through the game? Well enjoy not having that anymore

Its a shit remake d4 is better and even then i dont care for it (another story nevermind i just dont find it fun or satisfying but its sure as shit better than 3)

boo! For 8 or so hours

Expansion ripped off halflife 2

Time splitters 3 came out same year right? 2005 or was it 04? Better game there by a million and its even got ea's grubby hands on it

If 04 then halflife 2 > d3 and im more of a hl1 guy honestly

I could play doom that way but I don't wanna deal with touch controls, it's cool I can wait a few days

>he didnt play d1 on his iphone during highschool

I don't play games on my fucking phone reeee

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Anyone knows if there's a good way to play Doom Rpg. Doom 2 Rpg and Wolfenstein Rpg on pc? I tried countless roms and java emulators yet i can't get them to work


So why does everyone hate brutal doom so much? looks pretty fun

Doom is available on the iPhone app store

It’s very mindless fun and that’s fine. People condemning it like crazy aren’t too fine.
The group worshipping it and considering it “THE way to play Doom!” and saying its gameplay to be objectively better are the most fucked in the head, though.

Based. Everyone should try Project Babel after their first playthrough of D1 or D2. It is a small modification that mixes up gameplay and improves AI, but on the surface it looks exactly like vanilla.

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The fanbase and their general unwillingness to try anything that's not Brutal Doom, mostly.

the true redpill is realizing that almost all gameplay mods for doom suck and you should only play custom maps

>gimme good lookin vanilla
Smooth Doom, Beautiful Doom
>gimme vanilla gameplay+
Project Babel
>i like the way this sucks
Hideous Destructor

If you want Doom while keeping it ‘DOOM’ this is the best list.

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SgtMark and the obnoxious fanbase behind Brutal Doom claiming that it's, "better than vanilla," or, "the best way to play doom," or begging mod authors to add Brutal Doom compatibility are what I've usually heard as the primary reasons, those and feature bloat. Haven't played Brutal Doom, so I'm not sure how it's bloated. In Project Brutality, bloat is stuff like enemy HP bars, voiceovers, and some other stuff you can either ignore/delete/disable. Reloading keeps some of the stuff from being too broken, but I wish you could easily disable it on a weapon-by-weapon basis. There are a lot of weapons and enemy variants in Project Brutality, but I think you can mess with settings to cut down on those too.

back to saturn x e3 FUCKING WHEN

>We'll have had 3 Golden Souls in the time between BTSX 2 and 3

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c'mon, user, at least try

Yeah, because doom 1 and 2 totally didn't have monster closets. Fag.

Fuck off. Doom 3 was absolutely enthralling and captured the horror. I played it for days when it first came out.

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doom 3 is a good game on its own
its just not DOOM

Some wads have such terrible balance that a gun mod actually makes them better

You should fucking kill yourself.

Doom Eternal looks fun.


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I'm a little ashamed to admit that I pre-ordered that collectors edition because I REALLY want that wearable Slayer helmet

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Yeah it does. Hopefully it won't be as bloated as D44M. I really don't want to download a 50gb game that could of been 20-30 if they turned down the graphical enhancements.
The game did look really good but I hope they dial down on the orange. Felt like I was going through kel's wet dream of orange soda.

Huge fan of Doom 1,2,Ultimate but never played modern doom. Is the switch port any good or should I wait a few months until i get a Ps4 and buy it then?

I wish original doom was on the switch.

reminder that people who think games age don't actually enjoy video games
find a new hobby

I like these positive Doom threads. They remind me why I still play this game.

The few “platforming” sections could be interesting but I’d really rather just be fighting demons instead.
I just don’t want any faffing about this time.

>playing it right now.

Sometimes I am on a killing spree and then when I run out of enemies I feel a great sense of disappointment.

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In Brutal Doom v21, type "give dsweap" into the console

switch ports all struggle to hit 720p at 30

would Doom look good in 16 colors like Keen was?

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>Brutal Doom

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might get a caco plushie lads

Disliking Brutal Doom doesn't make you patrician you elitist boomer cocksucker

Would be great to find a way to play classic like this

I enjoy plenty of games older than Doom, but it just doesn't hold up anymore without mods.

>it just doesn't hold up anymore without mods.
that is pure bullshit.

All you do is point and click. It's a casual game.

Doomguy is devout Christian.

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I'd argue with you, but I don't argue with people who are completely out of their fucking mind

Always remember. No matter what. No matter how bad things get, Thief: the Dark Project/2: the Metal Age exists. And you can play it whenever you want. Thief will always be here for you, whenever you need it to be.

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quake is better

This is just a straight up lie

for me quake's largest problem is the graphics looked like ass compared to Doom.
everything was just brown and blocky, plus the gameplay went from slaughtering hundreds of enemies to just fighting 1 enemy at a time.