Are you going to play his level?
Are you going to play his level?
Literally who? Fuck off with your shitty eceleb screencaps nigger
>Literally no challenge and impossible to die
He might as well have just made an auto-play
everything needs to be a painless hugbox with him
Sjw male who makes bad comics
>I dunno who is dobson
if you knew then you'd understand, don't be retarded
>Yea Forums no longer recognizes dobson
probably for the best, I don't think he's done anything majorly stupid in a while
But Mario Maker 2 doesn't have the P-Balloon.
either newfag or baiting, in either case gtfo
t. dobson
>there's people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who dont know who the Son of Dob is
Fucking newfags I swear
Also OP, kill yourself
>those comments
autism vs autism at its finest.
I haven't heard from him since he made fun of Zelda Williams for missing her dad
he's a lolcow you stupid nigger
he just posts a constant stream of similarly stupid shit so everyone stops caring after awhile
>let's make a level where Mario can't be harmed by fire obstacles
Dobson is literally retarded.
>you make levels the same way you write and draw your comics
He got BTFO lmao
If you're gonna fucking dox Dobson just do it, make a video instead of this bullshit
That's just at the start to show how the fire works
It's like he watched one of those game design videos on how a mario level is made, then applied it without actually thinking about if his "mechanic" is actually interesting or while doing anything creative with it.
It's essentially the same obstacle repeated a few times as the entire level. It's shit.
>play level
>”ALL OF THE DAY BRO” comment at the end of the level
Which one of you faggots was it
Lol nice
jesus christ he's so fucking pathetic
this. there's no need to make it blow up or inflate the problem, he's a load of hot air.
>first screen has enemies that can't even hit you
>pls apologize here is my email
Someone send him porn
um sweaty did you miss the memo? etikas suicide sticky confirmed ecelebs and lolcows are Yea Forums culture
What next? A way to show you how jumping on goombas works?
> dobbson's email
you know what to do. rev up those clown and pizza.jpgs fellas.
I feel bad for Dobson. He's just some overweight balding manlet who clearly can't get laid and takes out his frustration by white knighting virtual women. You know he's hurting inside and nothing he does seems to fix it.
Someone post his Skyrim video where he walks around at 2 frames per second while his Mac is screaming in the background.
Every Yea Forums lolcow is pretty transparently just the community projecting
>yfw you're NOT Dobson
Has Chris-chan made a level?
somebody post a webm of a runthrough I wanna see how easily someone can beat this this low effort shit.
Sign him up for tranny porn
whats the point. it will be sent to his spam folder
did he deleted his own comments? lmao
Imagine being so fat that you think about food when you look at a computer
wait but he didn't say anything about his comics. Does Dobson think his comics are all those things?
>Literally nothing except spinning fire that you'll never touch as long as you just keep moving forward
>Only "challenge" is like 3 jumps that are piss easy to make
Fucking dobbo
>alex_corral.catc: This looks awfully easy
>adobsonartworkc: Cuz I make it look easy
>Newfags outing themselves by not knowing dobson and calling him an eceleb
sweaty, keek