So is he basically a parody of infowars...

So is he basically a parody of infowars? I've heard several things from his dialogue that sound like references to Alex Jones

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Yeah sorta.
Which is funny because Jameson is actually right about a lot of things in the comics at various points in time.

He's a tabloidist. He was this way in the 70s.

Yeah, any fictional journalist that isn't shown in a good light can't be represented as a member of the standard press and instead has to be "alternative" press like Alex Jones or some other youtube talking head.

Pretty much
And he's right the last podcast was pretty based

If you say so sperg

He has a webshow now, and not a newspaper.

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He's also right about a lot of things in the game and he speaks out against injustices like when the paramilitary guys start with all the martial law stuff

He was not entirely wrong for half the things he says.

He Alex Jones again in the new movie

So is Alex Jones IRL.

It's an interesting way to use the character since newspapers are much less relevant today.

The medium doesn't change the quality of his journalism.

He's a jew agent?

They didn't even give Simmons a toupee or anything.

That's irrelevant to the point though. A "bad guy" journalist can't be represented anymore that runs a normal newspaper, he has to be a carbon copy of Alex Jones, because showing the standard media in a bad light isn't okay anymore.

The thing is that while he's right about some things the vast majority of what he spouts is not only unfounded but he literally shuts down arguments against him by "dropping the call", and some of his complaints make no sense.
>Spidey goes to Fisk Construction.
>Demons are attacking it.
>Tries to stop them.
>They fire magic RPGs at a crane, at which point he has to stop it from killing hundreds if not thousands of people and destroying countless skyscrapers and therefore jobs.
>He also goes to keep up with the Demons in the helicopter.
>Jameson's rant about this consists of complaining that Spider-Man didn't call the air force to come in within the three seconds he had finding out they had a helicopter and then in a couple other seconds when it had the "wrecking ball" on it.
The majority of his rants are just straight up complaining Spidey isn't showing his face, that he does more harm than good, that Spidey should never have had Fisk arrested and let him do crimes because he had a code, and so on.

But your example here is a character who was always a trash journalist. He ran the National Inquirer of Marvel.

He was right arresting fisk did male things much worse

>here we have a brave soul who survived encountering spider-man
>lol actually jameson you silly retard spider-man saved me

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Dude let's copy the video games. Nobody will notice.

Yeah, so instead we should just not arrest him and let him smuggle weapons and drugs on top of killing people he needs killed. The power vacuum would have happened regardless if Spidey did it or not, except Spidey was actually able to get evidence on him AND weed out corrupt cops in the process. That argument is one of Jameson's dumbest on top of "We didn't have threats like this until Spider-Man appeared" as if he's the catalyst and not the Avengers or even just random people like Vulture and Electro who literally happened by serendipity and Scorpion who was his own fault.

Really does feel like it is satire of republicans lmao

also Yuri was in the middle of leading the raid on Fisk at the beginning of the game, it's not like Spider-Man started any of it
all Spider-Man did was save the officer's lives and aid the arrest that was already going down

In the game, Jameson is right about pretty much everything not involving Spider-Man.

That's kinda funny
Wonder why everything he complains about related to Spiderman is nonsensical but when it comes to other things they are alot more coherent. Feels like Peter is a mary sue when he sometimes gets hurt by what Jameson says

True. Republican pundits have been using nonsensical anger to broaden their reach for decades. Alex Jones isn't an outlier, just an easy example.

He uses Spider-man as a catalyst to win any argument. He saved lives by stopping a chopper = he should have left it up the professionals that would have limited property damage, for example. He’s just a point of contention that will be milked for every single dollar possible, no matter how outlandish the fallacy. Jones picks a view point, then sticks with it, building a narrative. Jonah can flip from issue to issue and “find new evidence” because the story is always Spidey=bad.

Doesn't Alex Jones just play a character though

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JJJ is the canari in the mineshaft for Spider-Man if he's bad every thing else is to

so is spider man a threat or a menace?

No he's not, he's just a con artist.

Oh so the Alex Jones is just an actor portraying an idiot like he said to a judge in court?

>alex jones
