FUCK YOU VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>fellow cockfag
Based my man. I don't know how this shit works but anyone who choose meme animals should die
I should've picked Corgi, I knew reddit would do this
It also doesnt make any sense to join corgi sense even if they do win there are so many people on the team you have like no chance of actually winning a game.
This race mini"game" is boring as fuck anyways, I liked that it used your achievements cause I have a fuckton of achievements thanks to being an OCD retard, but other than that it sucks balls.
Purely luck based, they could've done something better
Better than nothing.
One in tens of millions chance of winning a free game.
Nothing will ever beat the 2011 winter sale. Never forget the coal farming.
>people getting mad over this
>begging valve to rig it so the popular team cannot win
Team Corgi is for Chads and Stacys only, first was never an option expect for that one day, second place may be decided, it's now a race for third.
Cockatiel vs Pig vs Hare
Not with that atitude.
Valve didn't meddle with the race today, so Corgi is naturally winning thanks to overwhelming population advantage again.
Still have more chance than you bunnyfag
based corgi poster
corgi team was nerfed, idk if it happened to anyone else but my max points were reset to 100 all of a sudden
Valve already rigged the race day 4
Pre-ordered game not included.
I know
And I won't win any thing on any other team faggot
Turtles are ironically the real winners so far.
This whole thing is fucking stupid because you know when there's free games on the line people are just going to go for who's winning. Either have a chance to win something or choose not win at all.
>used 15k to buy discount + 100 tokens badge
>11k left
>You've earned 32,541 tokens total
How do I upgrade my max points?
>Day 6
>still only collected 9k points
I'm not even gonna get the discount am I
>instead of making chinks have their own separate region locked steam client
>fat jew gabe mixes them with us and shits up everything including steam sale
>1 billion+ accounts total because of chinks
>compared to 100+ million accounts prior to chinks being on steam.
cause fuck you that's why
at least cock hasn't been fucked over today
Corgi team discovered the Soda exploit, that makes us the better team, fuck the other teams
Whats soda exploit?
I won't tell you faggot
starbound give you 10 points if you drink a soda
so you download a mod that makes sodas cost 1 dirt and set up an auto click
Bam you've got thousands of fucking points and since corgies are the reddit team they've got thousands of people fucking doing it
theres a grad prix quest for starbound to drink soda for points. There is also a mod that makes dirt turn into soda in that game. You can grind thousands of points in a few minutes.
what do I do after I spend all my autism points?
But does this soda thing increase your max points? That's what I want, I already have more than a million points in achievements, I just can't cash them in
You can’t use points without spending money to increase your cap you idiot.
>for Chads and Stacys only
>by far the most popular team
stop kidding yourself
Because all the other teams are out of attacks. The only time corgi didn't win was when everybody spent their attacks on it but now it isn't even the most attacked anymore.
buy csgo keys and then sell it
no you have to pay to play, Gaben is merciful.
Corgi master race, here. Just for your insolence I've used 3 slow downs on cockatiel.
So where are the princesses?
So uh, do you get points for retroactively getting achievements, cause shit I wouldve held off on finishing some games if I knew about this earlier
You become the autism.
yes if you play them during the even. But you cant more than 100 points at a time unless you spend money.
FUCK YOU VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>do you get points for retroactively getting achievements
Just play the game for 30 minutes during the sale and all the achievements you got will be converted to points.
you still need to increase your max points booster purchasing games during the sale though to claim those points
you should be happy, it vastly increases your odds in the lottery.
from 0.01% to 0.10% hahaha
What side you on boys?
>TFW Starbound is played again only because of an exploit for a steam minigame
Get chucklefucked Tiy.
11 + 15 + 8 = 34 you brainlet
bunnies have smelly -unnies
>tfw even if our teams win we wont get any free games
Pretty much nobody is getting free games anyway.
still dont know how valve didnt see this coming
They did
corgi for the free games, but after this day i'm switching for the 1000 points
i hope it places me in pig.
>buy a game to "exploit" infinite points
>or you can just redeem maximum points from already owned games achievements for free
Sounds more like a scam than an exploit
Brainlet here, why not make a just make a mod that makes you drink many sodas at once, or makes them cost zero dirt?
I'm feeling lucky about this race, Corgi Chads. I think this one may be the one I get Cyberpunk 2077, I can feel it. When I wake up in the morning I expect to have a beautiful email from Valve in my inbox thanking me for my service. I think this race is going to be the one.
>there are people so irredeemably retarded they dont know corgi is zero change of games
math bro, learn some.
Why do you do this to yourself?
the truth is all the free games went to chinese accounts.
>1300 people win 1 free game
>300 people win 3 free games
>steam has over a billion registered accounts
still one in a million
i used SAM day one to idle 100% oj in the background for 30 minutes, unlocked every achievement, and now i have all the reserve points i could ever need for the entire rest of the sale. you'd have to be retarded to be wasting your time on some gay exploit, which makes sense because you joined team reddit.
>believing any person has any chance at winning games at any team
didn't i just say i was jumping ship? if i was a pure corgi fag i would just stay on it retard
Where are the surrender threads
>tfw use SAM to idle for cards
I'll get me those free games you fucks
idlemaster is way better for that
>only get 100 points per day unless you keep buying shit for entire sale
Cuckatiels will remain delusional until the very end
Hope they ban everyone using the exploit.
i'm on ggn i don't care about that
it's just fun to laugh at people seething about the team i happened to randomly pick constantly winning every time
how did you idle with SAM did you have the game installed?
damn kinda feel like jumping ship from corgi to tortoise
it's only 100 less random winners per day and corgi has 10 times as many users in the prize pool
Why is my max boost now only 100 when previously it was 1k+
That's assuming tortoise places every day.
1. I think bare minimum the sodas have to be 100% vanilla or it wont register. Modifying how quick you consume them breaks that, I think.
2. I don't think Starbound supports crafting anything for zero resources and dirt is stupid common. They could do pixels, but that's likely to add up.
>Imagine not pirating
Valvefags are so fucking ridiculous
>I-i might get a free game
You could any game for free anytime.
its just some fun user, cringe post desu
Nerf or not, the whole game isn't worth it if people can outrun everyone else that quickly.
Then again, having one of the choices be a dog breed that even remotely looks like a Shiba automatically sealed the deal, since every living soul from every third world shithole is going to pick the meme dog.
They should've handed out those max boost things to 50% of Corgi and just be done with it.
If you join a losing team then you definitely have no chance.
>t. Turtlecuck falseflagger trying to demoralize Corgi Chads with lies
Because your capacity is based on how much money you've paid Valve, during the event or since Lunar Sale.
Your 1k+ capacity was reflective of that.
Now you only get 100 capacity refill per day and have to pay for more
The entire reason this whole stupid race is so confusing is because they tried to obfuscate how it boils down to, "how much money have you given Gaben lately?"
who gives a rats ass if some retards can make thousands of points a minute in Shitbound when they don't have the CAP to USE the points?
you only get CAP by PAYING GABEN. POINTS are meaningless without having the capacity to USE them.
>Being a hare be like
....This is fine...
On the last day, 1000 users from every team get 3 games, so it's worth
Cringe and niggerpilled. Also that reddit spacing lmao
Please explain
i'd be taking bloodlines 2 before cyberpunk
its cheaper but it will be better
Don't as a tort we are always the most or second most attacked
it's 'coming soon' so not eligible
read the rules nigga
go to the actual store page though
Whatever, anything but corgi or hare will do
Based and tortisepilled
oh shit you're right
People who call birds “birbs” are almost as bad as those reddit fag who say shit like “I’m gonna boop that heckin pupper”
bloodlines 2 looks more janky than the first one.
yeah, and then there's you at the very bottom, typing all that shit
stay mad faggot. who else /bestanimal/ here?
why don't they just reset the race every morning so other teams have a chance at being first place? Why am I smarter than Valve?
ok this is epic
hehe you like cock
Cuck team isnt goint to pull a Requiem at the very last second user.
What's the point of "increasing your max points" when you only get 100 every day if you buy nothing?
I spend money days ago, yet every day you don't get a fresh amount of points based on what you spend in the sale, you only get what, 100? The only way to even get more is to buy shit or play a specific set of shitty games that you probably don't even have.
Why don't they reset the race after it ends for a day?
Why not also randomize people rather than let them all pick their teams and snowball the outcome?
>Why not also randomize people rather than let them all pick their teams and snowball the outcome?
Why the fuck didn't they do this
Anyone with a goddamn brain could see how letting people choose when one of the options is fucking Corgi would turn out
? we're still on the podium and our team is way smaller, you have a bigger chance of getting free videogames now.
Boosting once a day enters you into the daily draw, which the daily cap allows you to do. Only matters if you finish at least 3rd place.
Games are given for placements on top of winning, retard
OK so post all the free games you won from not picking corgi
I said post the free games you won with our team pick...
Since you say everyday that you have a better chance of winning.
Go ahead champ
Closing in on that 2k badge
So fucking stupid.
gaben's trying to tempt me away from corgi bros for a measly 1000 tokens
i'm not giving up my free chance at sekiro for 1000 fucking tokens
are you actually buyfagging your way to 2k or is there an exploit that increases the bottleneck?
Hare bros what do you think? Do we have a chance on getting the podium at least? It really seems like we're stuck for good in 5th place.
I purchased the index the moment it went up for pre-order in may. I'm assuming it counted for my points because I've only spent ~70 dollars on the sale.
Valve should have learned a long time ago that they should have just automatically assigned people to teams instead of letting you pick.
>not playing starbound for the vore mod
>not playing starbound for the BBW/Weightgain mod
no fucking way this works or everyone would be doing it.
i refunded my purchases and realized that valve still let me keep my steam level but down leveled my badge.
who cares, pal, let them corgi have their empty victory, the other teams have the moral highground
Nigga I just want the winner badge. I have enough disposable income to buy whatever fucking games I want
>people already bought all games they want
>no more refills besides the daily 100
>not enough to get attacks
>no attacks means Corgi just win every race from now on because 70% of Steam are in Corgi and therefore generate the most points
Genius event Valve.
What comes next? Everyone gets free daily attacks EXCEPT corgi? Can't see that resulting into a backslash at all.
I'm hare with a team switch to use.
I actually like hare, I'm just scared of ending up in team pig.
guess I'll die then.
>be corgi
>hit switch
>get corgi again
Whatever happened to the user that stole a credit card to paypig turtle?
I have a switch item too but i won't use it, If team hare is going down in last then i'll be there with them till the very end.
>Be piggy
>Switch teams
>End up joining team corgi
Oh no no no, this wasn't supposed to happen.
That's what you get for being a turncoat, at fist you choose to be a chill swine but you've decided to desert us, enjoy being stuck on team yellow belly
Because you are so dumb, you vastly overestimate your intelligence.
>cant switch teams because Steam had to fuck up the split second I chose my team and so it think im both in one and not in one
I probably dont even get entered into the raffles, fucking steam.
>ITT: ass blasted incels mad that other websites have more clout than their SEKRET KLUB.
Stay salty virgins. Corgi all the fucking way day one and if you didn't know it then, you only have yourselves to blame.
>corgi wins again
Why did i lose like 3,000 max points from yesterday? This event is retarded
have any faggots on Yea Forums won a free game? post proof
A team shouldn't win just because it's popular.
is everyone's friend activity blank or is it just me?
I wouldn't worry about it.
>that starbound cheese