Do you think Sony is right when they said this?
Next gen
This has been proven for the past 15 years.
>Nintendo: (man)childern
>PS: betas
>Xbox: Chads
Wow big bad Sony using the Nintendo is for kiddies argument for th like 7th year in a row who saw that coming.
But for real I hope Microsoft with all those bought studios really steam roll them this upcoming generation, PS4's peak was its mid life but towards the end Sony really started becoming what Nintendo was after how much the Wii sold.
They honestly should be more concerned. They're definitely getting cocky again. Arrogant Sony is bad Sony.
pride comes before the fall. That kind of attitude will end them.
Reminder that the 360 had more jrg's than the ps3.
Nintendo has literally said the same thing in the past about Sony and Microsoft.
Sony: We must censor any sexualized content, especially from Japan. Think of the children!
Also Sony: We don't consider Nintendo competition due to their younger target audience. We don't actually think of the children.
I see this as troublesome :(
And they're both right, when the average console gamer thinks "next-gen" they definitely don't think "the next bing bing wahoo machine with last gen graphics", only Nintendo fans think that. Different audience.
Nintendo targets gamers
Sony targets mindless drones that watch the latest marvel movie
>Sony targets mindless drones that watch the latest marvel movie
So most gamers.
>Nintendo targets gamers
Not since the gamecube
They target mobile shitters and 3 year olds
Who the fuck cares about shitty consoles anymore? Now with PlayStation Now and the Xbox crossover, my PC will play ALL your precious exclusives.
>PC for grown ups and serious gamers.
>Xbox for children (literally, 75% of Xbox player base is under 18).
>PS4 for douchebags and dudebros
>Nintentdo for pedos and weebs
Jup, Nintendofags Play Games, Sonyfags Play movies, normalfags play FIFA
Nintendo still is stomping Sony hard, kek.
>"N-Nintendo is moping the floor with us? But but w-we're not competing with them, those kids, right? heheheheHEHehEHEHE"
>Nintendo still is stomping Sony hard, kek.
>>Xbox: Chads
reminder that xbox lost every gen and is more appealing to 3rd world shit stains.
That sounds more like PR talk than what is actually happening. Switch looks like something they would love to have for themselves and it obviously managed to take a great bite of sony's turf in some genres and territories.
They probably dont see them as competition in the sense that the strategy nintendo follows is so different they wont bother to address it as something they need to actively counter, as opposed to microsoft, which has a very similar offer. But boy they must be kind of salty about the weebs jumping the ship as to say they dont need them.
You do realize Shigeru Miyamoto was the first one to mention this back in 2006 right?
Sony is bad Sony. Arrogant Sony is the best, because I will never not find some of the shit they've said funny. Shake and bake snoy.
Playstation is too western now. Like it became normie garbage.
Yeah, I get both consoles from Sony and Nintendo since I don't see them as the same thing.
>no god of so y
>no spider cu ck
Not my bad taste my brotha.
3 inch penis
Of course they are right, movie goers out number gamers.
not bad taste*
It's true thought, you buy nintendo consoles for kids they got stuff like Pokemans and that paintball squid game that kids like whereas adult play mature games like Detroit become human, TLOU and GTA.
Obviously they pander to differing markets
The god of war reboot is mediocre the old oned are better
Dont care for spiderman games
I legitimately liked the gow 2018. And have spiderman installed but haven't touched yet.
inb4 manchildren insist that Pokémon, Splatoon and Mario isn't catered for children
More or less.
Sony makes the lion's share of its profit from multiplat AAA games like GTA and COD and those games will never get proper switch releases
Yes. Their main competitors are Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, SlingTv, DirecTV, Dish, etc.
>inb4 manchildren insist that PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendos aren't catered for children
the nintendo - sony conflict only exists in the mind of boomers and shut in neets
they both know they're not competing with each other
Judging by the best selling games on the platform, no it doesn't.
Nah, Nintendo fanboys play bright happy kids games because they get uncomfortable at being reminded that people die in videogames.
Have sex
Both sony and ms try to pander to casuals who only like "adulty" games and despite shit like the Doom port on the switch being a great way to get some of that audience what's the point of buying something so increadibly weak compared to the other 2 consoles for about the same price (at least where I live). Unless Nintendo finally stops cutting costs and invests on an actual console for once they might pose a real threat because it will def bridge the gap between the nintenfags and the rest.
The entire console war bullshit is just 90s fags trying recapture that time when buying a certain console's version literally meant getting an entirely different game because hardware capabilities used to be much more divergent. Nowadays it's just fellating one company over another because you own a box with their logo on it.
>PC for grown ups and serious gamers.
Anyone who considers themselves this are very likely pretentious 12-24 year olds as real adults come to embrace some of the immaturities that we possessed back when we were 9. The rest are more or less right though
xbox literally doesn't sell anywhere outside of americas and uk. switch also mainly sells in usa and asia especially japan. sony literally sells best in subhuman 3rd world shitholes in europe like poland and romania as well as being the best seller in the middle east.