Play Super Monster League

Play Super Monster League.

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>Gacha Cancer.
Fuck Off.

B-but it has Sonic..

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Tell me more

There's a Sonic Collab event where you get to capture Sonic and his friends in the wild, and have them on your team. Here's some footage of the characters.

Attached: 1561866383971.webm (640x360, 1.32M)

I don't give a shit about sonic, but gimme that cunny


Is the game "monster" only in name, with said monsters only being trash you kill with cute girls? Or are monsters actually used AND competitive with the waifus?

How old is that art? I swear they've been using that same running pose for like 5 years now.
In any case it's nice to see Silver being used, but weird to have him and Shadow as a duo.

is it a decent game tho? i only play one gacha game (revue starlight) so i don't know know how it stacks to the average mobage

Her name is Miho.

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I already played it and it's absurdly boring. Evertale and EvoCreo are easily superior. Your cute girls squeaking 'master' can't get me to grind for 100 hours.

It's kind of like Digimon in a sense.

I haven't played it long enough, but cute girls seem to be decently strong, and the story bits use them as bait for the player, with the log-in bonus screen including a cute girl talking like an excited orphan being adopted.

It seriously reads like someone's fanfic about what waifumons would actually be like. An example being Miho, the mascot fox girl, evolving later and expressing concern about how her master won't let her jump on him anymore (Because she's now a voluptuous babe, but still has a toddler's mind).

You take that back!

But user, I'm already playing Sdorica, why should I start playing a different phone game?

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>payed apps that contain ads/in-app purchases
Jesus Christ, why do you torture yourself with this garbage?

I tried to enjoy this game, but the rates are so garbage it couldn't keep my interest.

Ignoring the ugly furry art, the sprite seems like it'd move in an interesting way. Got gameplay of it?


I've never had ads appear in either of those games. I'm not even sure why the ad tag is there, unles it's about how the software handles announcements.

Never paid anything beyond the initial purchase, and have not had to. The games provides solid enough monsters to beat it.

This is a Sasquatch.

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I did. It's boring. PvP was stale at the upper tiers and Clan battles were not engaging. Titan battles 3x (or was it 6x?) a day was a total fucking slog. The 3D models don't look particularly good.

Fire Miho sucks, by the way. Dark Miho is good but light/dark units are hard as fuck to get.

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Post-Midnight Bliss, I'm assuming?

That train girl instantly sold me. That is fucking adorable.

>A fucking gacha have more playable Sonic characters than a Sonic main game
Why is this allowed? When will Sega remove current Sonic Team members to put serious people?

That's a good cun on the right.

Yeah, they've got some fun characters.

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Understandable, but I'm too hooked on getting characters to stop now.

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Come play a better waifu gacha game guys

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But I want 3d models, jpegs don't do it for me anymore.

It's a fucking Gacha game. It's literally just copy+paste with new assets. You act like Sonic games having a fuckload of useless, hated characters hasn't been a major issue for over a decade.

If you say so user

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You know how we can fix this? A Sonic teambuilding rpg with every Sonic character, including villains.

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But user, Ken Penders says some of them are ripoffs of his.

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>Ken Penders

The guy who wrote the comic book for a while. He started copyrighting some of the original characters he made for the comic, and managed to get a settlement from Archie Comics over it. When BioWare made Chronicles, he sued Sega claiming that some of the OCs made for that game were ripoffs of his, and that they were infringing on his intellectual property. The judge dismissed the case, he tried again four days later, same judge dismissed the case, he tried the appeal court, and was told to drop it.

Wow, sounds like Edge sperg to me.

Some of them are animated 2D

>tfw I liked Destiny Child but hated the MC design and eventually got bored of it.

Now I'm thinking about a Sonic tactics rpg.

I thought this was the picture of Sonic with Rin.
And I'm thinking about a game with Sonic and Rin.