You are the bridge between our species

We need to know if you see us, like ACTUALLY see us.

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get your greasy burger king stained hands away from you fat fuck


What a terrible fucking ending

I hate it because I was expecting and hoping for a similar twist throughout the entire game and then they executed it in the lamest way possible

I kinda liked how almost every character in this game was ugly.

Also I'm tempted to do a wrench and gloo gun run, seems like it'd be really strong.

It felt like they ran out of money, also the final decision felt completely irrelevant.

Amazing game, but that ending is trash.

Is this the guy all of the ugly bastard doujins are based off of?

the real kicker for me was the shitty fucking cinematic at the end. Like something from 2006.

eh i enjoyed it. it expected nothing and had fun for 30+ hours on $1. not bad

It's a shame this game was so unpopular, shit actually has some really solid abilities and enemy designs in it.


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it is indeed.

remember to rush the organ harvesting perk first however, you wont regret it

> *coughs* M-MOhRGAN
> *burps* *sucks in air* THE- *falls asleep* *wakes up*
> THE NEEYUROMOHDS *sucks lips*

>focus on getting perks
>perks perks perks
>end of the game
>i fucked up and used all minerals on perks. have no minerals left for 9mm and shotgun ammo, my favorite weapons
what have i done

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Ranking the following:

System shock 2
Prey 2017
Deus Ex 2000


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Deus Ex > SS2 > Bioshock > Prey

But the gaps in between are relatively small

I loved the twist in concept, but the buildup was too tiny for the sudden and poorly executed "aha" moment.

Unironically one of the best games of this decade.
Felt like playing HL2 for the first time.

Deus Ex > SS2 > Bioshock > Prey
I liked prey but it does not stick out in my mind very much

>Enter the Bridge
>See giantass Nightmare appear immediately in front of me
>No cover anywhere, just one big hallway with Nightmare standing in front of me

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Underrated game

Exactly. I took the escape shuttle and cringed when it just said it's all a simulation, shut it off LOL let's try again

>99% of players will save and try the escape pod regardless just to see what happens

What the hell else would I expect now?!

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>get out of the main elevator into the main lobby
>nightmare staring at me through glass
>he crouches down
>his head clips through the glass
>he kills me

I liked that mechanic, but the Nightmare was largely easy to deal with. Was still a big as fuck shock the first time I saw him.

Prey > SS2 > DX > Bioshock

SS2 was always the most interesting to me but it's really difficult for me to get into it again anymore because of how dated so much of it is. I have always deeply appreciated it, but I feel like it would benefit exceptionally well from a faithful remake more than most games would. For that reason alone I rank Prey above it, because I think it did most things roughly as well as SS2, but with all the benefits of 20 years of technological progress and QoL improvements. Deus Ex is a classic, of course, but I've always liked the setting less than other, similar games. Bioshock is a very good game but not quite a truly great one. It shit the bed in the third act harder than even the others, and most of these types of games are already infamous for third act bed-shitting. I wish it wasn't so streamlined. I prefer BS2 because of its gameplay. Probably my favorite setting out of those four though, it's just much of the rest of the game was more limited than the others. I think one can gain a lot from creative usage of limitations and streamlining but BS1 wasn't really that.

i enjoyed it

they definitely could have used a bit more time
to develop though

I hope death loop is an immersive sim

>I prefer BS2 because of its gameplay
Bioshock 2 is so underrated, it really is fantastic

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doesn't alex just say he's disappointed you took the easy way out if you do that? i was hoping for something cool to happen

How can such an ugly bastard be the good guy?

MORGAN! I built a life-size simulation of your apartment building, a helicopter ride, and a testing lab in a SPACE STATION. Totally worth it. I'm smart right?

>But sir, the typhon keep escaping captivity.
Keep torturing Morgan!

It feels so rushed like they just ran out of development time.

Because you can't go wrong with Benedict Wong.

I really liked this game. Might do another run. Hope they make a 2

Morgan consented to the whole neromod thing, so that's a pretty grey area. I also imagine the Typhon are pretty hard to contain.

Goddamn this game has an A+ opening though.

True. His voice makes me diamonds

I don't want to seem like THAT GUY, but I feel the game focused too much on diversity than actual gameplay. The game sometimes felt either total bullshit or unbalanced in your favor. The ending was total cop-out.

And here you have an African doctor with vitiligo and a sassy Hispanic lady who is on a quest for revenge. Also, a lot of characters are gay and a major transcribe plotline is about an annoying bitch lesbian who overreacts to everything, but is still an important scientist in a space station of the most important corporation in the world.

Please tell me I'm not crazy.

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The opening is so good. Never forget.
>yfw checking your emails for the second time
>Break the glass

I hate virtue signaling but it never even crossed my mind when I played this game, none of the characters seem like Bioware-tier token characters to me.

>I don't want to seem like THAT GUY
sorry dude, you are being that guy. If the mild, mild shit in Prey triggers you I don't know how you function unless you live in hermetically-sealed farm in West Virginia.

It's all simulated, there's nothing saying any of these people other than Morgan actually existed. Everyone else might just be falsified for the project.

You're not crazy, it does have a lot of that stuff, but I don't see how it directly detracts from the gameplay

MORGAN, I didn't show up to our meeting again. But I will now explain another 1/10 of the plot to you. Now stand still and listen for 5 minutes straight.

It's because developers can either:
- the developers are diversity-hires who are overall less talented in making games because their only skill is manufacturing fake diversity in games
- development time heavily prioritizes virtue signaling and diversity in-game instead of refining gameplay elements, character development, or writing story.

Some games suffered from this problem already.

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unlikely, it sold like abject shit and was a critical mixed bag.

>mfw "We'll shake things up, just like old times"

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You're absolutely >that guy, user. The game had a lot of diversity in a really good wya because they were actually well written and not pander-bait. You can thank based Avellone for that.

Post your reaction when you escaped your apartment.

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Is Mooncrasher worth buying? what am I in for exactly?

"fuck, they were watching me jack off every night!"


The use of a diverse cast is clearly subtler to the writing of most media. Regardless, it stank of purpose.
Yes, these characters may only be creations of the simulation but this raises two questions: (I) was their diversity inherent to the simulation's purpose; and, if so, (II) was their diversity a training element for the player as well as Typhon-Morgan?

time to kill my brother

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Mooncrash is probably the best DLC to come out in 2017. Buy it, you wont regret it.

Dood Sex > PREY = SS2 > Dishonored 1 > Dishonored 2 > BioShock

You're crazy, user.
TRANStar literally took in people no one would care were missing. Dayo's a pariah in scientific circles, for instance.
>Total bullshit or unbalanced in your favor
A huge part of the game is that there's a shift from you creeping around every corner, hiding from fights to you having learned the whole map and mastered not just how to fight enemies but also pumped yourself so much with neuromods that you're no longer human anyway.

>the fate of humanity lies in Alex's hands
>he has to teach a Typhon to be compassionate and empathetic
>he can choose anyone in the world to have the Typhon experience
>he chooses Morgan, his now-deceased sibling

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If this sort of thing actually occupies your attention when you're playing a game, you're probably going to get less enjoyment for no real reason.
The game definitely didn't focus "more on diversity than gameplay". You did.

the typhon are so fucking lame


oh, so you're just a faggot. Christ don't you have some poke thread to shit up instead?

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It's got pretty heavy roguelike mechanics, which works shockingly well with the Immersive Sim gameplay. It was really well-received and I think it's fantastic, but if you don't like randomized elements and doing multiple runs through the same level then it might not be for you

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>You can have diversity and a good story/gameplay
Gonna call bullshit on that one, man. It takes like two fucking seconds to melanin slider someone black and no difference in time to hire a different VA for the slot.

soiboi faggot

Watch some reviews on it. Its worth the price tag for sure.

>The Typon-Morgan ends up being nice to everyone but is a total racist to Dr. Igwe every time.
>Alex: "wow he's just like the real Morgan"

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>Is mooncrash worth buying
Absolutely yes.
>What am I in for?
Roguelite with more interesting pick up and play gameplay than the base game. Several unique characters with their own plots to discover that interlock in neat ways and also have specific roles so you are not just some god of everything but instead hyper-focused into certain 'builds'. Same sense of progression and learning from the base Prey. Requires some thinking to 'solve' a 100% playthrough.

not him, but it's a very well-made challenge mode. The story is slight, but it's fun seeing some different character perspectives play out as well as getting a look at TransStar's even shittier corporate scumbag rival.

The gameplay itself prioritizes different types of builds/abilities, which the main game doesn't really do (as you, or at least me, tend to buff EVERYTHING instead of a particular path). So each character is going to emphasize and play different ways. The item/enemy randomization also keeps things fresh. I love how random things can go wrong in a run that will force you on an entirely different path you didn't expect, which makes for hectic experiences.

I will say that like Prey, it gets a little too easy at the end, but at least it gets easy only -right- at the very end as opposed to 2/3 through the game like Prey.

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Sorry but you are that guy user. At no point did I ever feel, "wow this just feels forced, and not real." Who woulda thought that some of the greatest minds in the world, are from different countries and ethics, truly mind boggling.

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>it's a mass of black stuff shaped like a headcrab
>it's a mass of black stuff shaped like a vortigaunt
>it's a mass of black stuff shaped like a sac
cool enemy design, bro

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> TranStar
Real subtle

Whoops, i meant 2018.

Regardless of Race, fuck Igwe


>an annoying bitch lesbian who overreacts to everything
If she wasn't you would've complained she was a mary sue.

>Immediately go back inside to see how the windows worked
>Holy shit, the TVs in the future must be awesome.

Fuck Igwe

To be fair the lesbian bitch and her logs drove me fucking crazy. I wanted to kill her myself but i couldn’t (game won’t let you).



this game was a perfect 10/10 in every way(imo), fuck the haters

>Stand in doorway nightmare can't enter
>Throw boxes at it until it's dead

more like Doctor NIGWE!

>fuck the haters
Just those who are still fucking mad about the Other Prey teaser.

Do you insult me for the asking of such questions or for the answers that you arrived at on your own?

man i loved feeling like a little bitch and hiding till he left me alone, then finally fucking him up when i was strong enough

LOL gamers amirite?

Somebody link that doujin where the fat bastard is the loving step-father and the other guy is the pedo.

Sorry, user. It was there so I took it.

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>shotgun weapon
>you can upgrade Damage on it
my primary weapon in every game, sweet

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just bought the game, so what am i supposed to think when playing this game, tried going straight up cementing niggas with the goo gun and bashing them or shootin them, realized immediately this is not the right approach
so stealth? and are you supposed to move slow?

Running makes noise. You gotta crouch down and go slow if you wanna stealth it.

You eventually get upgrades to be speeding through the map while destroying everyone.

Early on, though, you can just juke mimics and hit with Wrench and save your ammo and gloo for Phantoms.

That is the correct approach. The gloo gun is really great. You can even use it to trigger the exploding mine enemy things.

Stealth is only good when you upgrade wrench damage and sneaking to the max. After you get plans to craft Neuromods, you can plow through normal enemies with just sneaking and a wrench.

Shotty and double tap everything in base game.

For moon crash nullwave or pistol and burst fire them.

> BRUH it's the future with super futuristic technology
> the primary weapons are still manually aimed projectile throwers using explosions
> not only that but the weapon is the same as the one centuries ago but with some wires and a digital ammo counter
> you still have to pump it manually

stealthy until you get mind control and or super speed running and jumping.

my approach, brute force. Mimics are easy to take out with your wrench (no need to gloo em). Phantoms are easy if you know their individual weaknesses.
Telepaths too, just Emp em and fireblast them.
Turrets are easily pushed away with the qbeam.
Use your shotgun with most enemies up close, but be conservative.
Dont waste ur time with the nightmare, and just wait it out. You'll save a lot of ammo.

why do some of the people look like sucked up husks?

They explain that guns can only be 3-d printed by qualified personnel. So 3-d printed guns can only be so complex and only be so durable.

face-fucked by mimics

Loved this game, the DLC was neat. Sadly got a bit too easy at the end for both. Liked the ending, never really understood the hate for it. The idea that your enemy exists outside of your dimension, and doesn't even understand that you exist as a different type of organism, is neat.

At least they didn't have a katana like every other flavor of the month game

i would have liked the nightmare to get stronger or be able to attack you in vents. Also more human and robot enemies after the 'twist' would have been nice. Was expecting a half life kind of situation.

>this this the big blob that spawns exploding mines, or the big blob that uses psychic attacks?
They're cool and all, but they're all black in a dark space setting, so it's hard to tell sometimes.

I enjoyed the twist too. Was an interesting way to give your actions consequences.

>Sadly got a bit too easy
I like the feeling of becoming the unstoppable alien force, myself. It's fitting.

Game is pretty alright
Quite a few bugs even after all these years
Also stupidly easy even on the hardest difficulty with all the modifiers turned on

Any mod recommendations?

>Something bad will be printed in the Operator Dispenser
>Just lift and place some huge thing in front of it
>"Cannot print, please clear area in front of dispenser"

>Go Purely human mods
>Become an action hero with 1000IQ

>Go purely alien mods
>Become a shapeshifting wizard

>Go no mods at all
>become a rat in the walls of the ship/horror movie protagonist/scavenger

pretty neat

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>tfw we'll never get a Prey 2
>tfw we'll never get Dishonored 3
>tfw Death loop will get the same reception all Arkane games do
>"eh yeah that was pretty fun I guess"
>tfw Arkane will make one or two games after DL and be shut down
>fast forward 10 years
>tfw whatever the fuck comes after a zoomer will make threads about how good Arkane games are

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that reminds me, i still have to play vampire the masquerade before the sequel comes out

congraturations, you've convinced me.

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>mix mod types
>Play DOOM mode

benedict wong

My biggest suggestion is to experiment a lot with everything and don't overlook any of the powers the game gives you because they're all quite useful.

Less important, but also try to always have a means of curing bleeding on you. Always have some means of doing electronics damage, like the stun gun. You DO NOT want to get caught on the wrong end of those typhon gates.

I did all 3 of those, and all 3 playthroughs were amazing.

Ss2 > prey > Dude Sex > Bioshock
Bioshock was too paired down and dude sex was too clunky.

Can someone explain the "increased life span" thing from the Toughness ability?

Alien space goo magic

It's because the brain regulates the whole human body. The brains of very long-lived people probably work differently than short-lived people. Could be preferences for certain lifestyle habits and foods. Could also be certain very efficient functioning and prevention of Alzheimers. Probably includes gene manipulations.

But why does it matter that my character now lives almost 200 years?

That's what happens when a mimic eats your brain.

not the character. you, you now have a lifespan of 300 years


still so disappointed this game wears the prey name

Insider here. Deathloop is the France studio's game. Arkane Austin is working on something else, heavily influenced by how well-reviewed Mooncrash turned out.

It's a neat setting detail. There's also some description where other powerful individuals in the setting got the same treatment. JFK lived to 120.

Pretty solid when you're first playing it
but then you get better and quicker and then it's just repetitive in a way
still worth the coin on sale thou.
ending was fucking shit though, i wasn't done with my run

I agree.

adds to some of the cyberpunk unease/horror of the setting as you realize all these awful sacks of shit that casually throw away human lives, like the Transtar CEOs (including the elder Yus) all live to be 300 years old and suck up all the benefits of the neuromods while everyone else is up to their ears in debt or can barely afford to scrape by.

>yfw Kasma is even worse, somehow, than fucking Transtar

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Wow, he is LITERALLY me

Not a 10/10 (needs more enemy variety) but god damn is it a game that deserves a sequel.

It didn't feel like the game was forcing anything and I'm usually a stickler for that.

Stealth let's you neatly take care of enemies fast and safe but you can 100% go through the game in doomslayer mode say fuck stealth and its still great

>when test the game to see how much quality there is and accidently kill yourself on the helicopter
That's when I knew this game would be good

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was it supposed to be a twist? I'm kind of a retard but I had figured it out by the time I reach that fat guy's house


>thinking about how human neuromods can let Morgan yank open doors and lift heavy objects
>it's just affecting the brain after all
>notice that when you're opening a door, Morgan's hands are covered in psi effects

It's mind over matter. Neuromods let you be superhuman because they make you KNOW that you're superhuman. The universe bends its knee, just like it does to the Typhon.

Deus Ex > Prey > SS2 > Bioshock
System Shock 2 was good for its time, but is bogged down in what basically make it the closest thing to a Sierra game that isn't a point and click adventure game. Didn't invest in all the right skills? Fuck you, here's turrets. Bioshock is largely a linear experience with no real replay value. The story twist was good for the time, but it's simply not compelling as a game. Deus Ex has aged like wine, and Prey does everything that SS2 and Bioshock wanted to do, but better. The only thing SS2 did better than Prey was its villains.

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>there's an achievement for it

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I kept running back and forth, doing a lot of quests, didn't put goo in my brain for superpowers either.
So naturally my ammunition deleted and I started getting in good with the wrench all the time.
Kind of irked my that there was no other melee weapons

Because it still works? There's a reason one of the most popular handguns in history is nearly a hundred years old. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.

Make more of these types of games, come oooon! I've played just about everything

Prey 2017 is galaxies better than fucking BioShock. I’m on the fence of whether SS2 or Prey is better. I like System Shock 1 better than either one. Deus Ex 1 is incomparable to SS2 or Prey though.


no need to go hi tech when your targets are just meat bags.

It's kinda uncomfortable to think that in my ending scene, Phantom shapeshifted in his sister, who was naked.

Also Morgan's moon cousin wants to fuck him/her.
It's really weird family if you ask me.

user, it's a corporate space station a hundred-ish years in the future. Most of the crew are either white or Asian due to the USA, China, and Russia becoming the three major superpowers (like, ultra big superpowers) in a world where the cold war never really happened. Plus, there have been quite a few african american astronauts, and if we're going to be technical, it was just a way for them to reuse the same models, only with swapped hair and slightly deformed bits here and there. Like, 95% of the crew is dead, they weren't about to model each and every one individually, but they didn't want them all being identical. Most of the diversity came from resource management, and was a good way to appear modern without people accusing them of being racist. Last thing Arkane needed was to have controversy around their games, they don't sell very well already.

You are probably not going to like prey if you don't like rifling through all those logs.(I personally like this, I don't mind most information being conveyed that way at all)
Deus Ex had a bunch of books/logs/emails too, but it told way more a story with actual characters talking and doing things.
I discussed this with a friend of mine, and he said he totally hated it, for no particular reason but it being "boring"

What I mean is, I think that may be a very subjective way of telling a story, hit or miss, rather.
I imagine a lot of people will just not enjoy it

That's literally the endgame moral choice of using the Nullwave or the Self Destruct: do you allow humanity to continue using the neuromod technology to gain superpowers at the expense of literal human sacrifice to create said technology.

ending was shit
I loved Mooncrash mostly, but I'll agree with you on that one.
That you were going to bring a mimic with you was a twist that everyone could see coming from a mile away.

Get laid.