...is 4K a meme or not
...is 4K a meme or not
I'm so sick and tired of this overused pic
on consoles yes
on a virginity defending super rig no
At this point everything is a meme
A meme in what regard? It makes a very noticeable difference in image quality.
Mostly the PS4 Pro which has very few native 4K games most of it's upscaled 1440p. The Xbone X does have a pretty good amount of native 4K games albeit majority of them are 30FPS.
I don't see new images anymore unless it's a topical wojak
How would a 1080p game play on a 4KTV tho?
Assuming the scalar is decent, it's perfect pixel doubling and would look fine
Check this then
Yes. Just get 1440p
Oh dear lord. I would cover that in sea man
On demanding games only 2 cards run 4k on max settings at 60fps.
Not OP, but what if I'm not looking for a monitor? Not looking for PC. Already have that figured. I'm looking for a TV so I can use my Xbox One and Switch.
4k TVs are good
Doesn't only the xbox one x support 4k.
Lads, would it be worth it to have 4K on a smaller TV size? For example, 32 or 27 inches.
no. i have 40 and that isn't that big these days
I like it, it makes me smile
for PC monitors yes. For TVs no
you got that opposite, 4K is the standard for consoles now and 4K is worthless on a smaller monitor. 2K is the upper limit
4K is a meme for gaming, yes
For watching TV and shit, no
People game 4k on 24 inch screens so yeah i guess.
but is 4k worth it in general? not really no.
these people are idiots, shouldn't bother with anything beyond 2K
Ok, looks like I'll skip out on 4K then. I don't need a big TV. Either 32 or 37 would do me fine. . Thanks
>4K is the standard for consoles now
Maybe when next gen begins, we can talk, but that garbage upscaled checkerboard 4k on PS4 Pro isn't real 4k. Even if the PS5 manages to run games in native 4k, framerates will be the same ~20fps as usual
yeah I meant for ps5/nextbox
I think the Xbox One X does 4K without a problem, but I think at 30fps.
Why? Why do they do this? 30fps fucking blows. Shit, if my FPS dips a tiny bit under 60 I can notice it. Imagine 30 being the threshold.
it is. 10xx and 20xx gen of cards come and gone and still not sufficient
I think 1080p is plenty
Wait for 8K
publishers focus more on graphixxx over performance because it's more marketable
For 240p games 4k is ideal. Can apply a nice 9x scale to 240p and it looks great on 4k TVs
4K is almost a meme. Pretty much all studies come back with people being unable to notice the difference between 1440 and 2160 unless their face is shoved right up to the monitor, depending on the monitor's size.
1440p is the reasonable upper limit for pretty much anything, a small monitor you're sitting in front of, or a huge TV screen you're looking at from several meters away.
It's all about increasing framerate and performance now.
do they even sell 2K TVs? Feel like it skipped from 1080p to 2160p
>It's all about increasing framerate and performance now.
As it should be.
I used to work at Best Buy for a couple of years. The absolute best TV I have ever plaid my eyes on was a Panasonic Plasma TV. Deep blacks with a 600Hz Refresh Rate. The picture quality while watching anything was unreal. So lifelike. I preferred over whatever the latest curved Samsung TV at the time was. Plasmas are dead now though.
For TVs, I don't think so. Never saw one.
I love my OLED TV and 4k IPS monitor. Going back is not an option even if I miss 144hz.
Not a meme in two years when the next gen consoles come out and Nvidia pumps out bigger and beefier cards to keep up with 4k 60 FPS max settings. I'd say buy a decent 4K TV now since they're regularly under 500 bucks (got mine for 350) and decent quality. 4K PC monitors are still super fucking expensive and I'd suggest against it until it becomes the consumer standard
then the jump from 1080p to 2160p is worth it. I think 4K will be the upper limit though, TV sizes would become cumbersome at the size needed to notice a difference between 4 and 8K
1080p is 2k
Don't get a 4k or 1440p monitor. If a game releases that you cannot run at those resolutions or if you want to be competitive and use lower resolutions than 4k or 1440p, then you're fucked because 1080p will look blurry as fuck. Meanwhile, you can add 4k as a resolution to your native 1080p monitor and you will still get a decent benefit of downscaling that will make the image look sharp and smooth - if your monitor is 24".
embarrassing post
>buy 4K tv
Okay this is pretty cool, these movies look really good and 4K scales square with 240p so my framemeister lookin good
>buy 4K monitor
can't handle hmdi KVM because for some dumbshit reason the hdmi ports can only handle 30hz refresh when doing 4K. Tons of compatibility problems. Lots of games that don't support a UI that big so you have to play at a lower resolution anyway.
Great for movies, shit for games.
Yes. Anything above 1080p is a meme because monitors don't have nearly enough pixels to make the differences visible, we're only now approaching realistically priced and available monitors for the average normalfag. Of course, they'll buy 4k shit anyway because they think it actually makes a difference. It doesn't, unless you're running a home theater.
I have a 50in TV, 4k makes a difference compared to 1080p
>because monitors don't have nearly enough pixels to make the differences visible
what the fuck does this even mean you fucking retard?
if you have anything over 45 inches then yeah 4K is a decent boost over 1080p
no, not only are they too small but monitors are also more expensive than TVs despite having shittier image quality
any resolution above 1440 is a meme until 60fps is an absolute industry standard
it's fucking ridiculous to push for 4k when all it'll do is run at sub30 fps
wen mama discovers the brap dirigible
>any resolution above 1440 is a meme
1440 is more of a meme than 4k. It's actually a really awful investment.
7680 * 4320 is the only non meme resolution, because it's the only resolution that can pixel perfect downscale.