Bloodstained Switch Version Sold the Best!

Despite being the worst version, Bloodstained on Switch sold more than both Xbox and PS4 version sales combined.
How did this happen?

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A lot the weebs and Jap consumers that Sony had jumped ship to the Switch, that's how.

I'll accept your apologies now sony-niggers

Curse of the Moon sold overwhelmingly better on Switch too. Castlevania is mostly a Nintendo-related franchise despite the popularity of Symphony of the Night.

It's the version I chose specifically because it's portable. I was originally opting for the Vita version but they made me change when that got cancelled. Portability is king for me, I can wait a little longer for patches.

Switch consumers are doing so much damage to quality control standards.

Switch owners will buy anything, even if its obviously the worst and shittiest version of that anything.


It's the kind of game that people legitimately want to play on the go. Not me, but it's what it is.

And now you remember that Bayonetta PS3 is the best selling version of that game.
Quality never mattered

Xbone and PS4 players only care about AAA games

PC and Switch are the only platforms that matter for everything else

Even though its on four platforms, there's really only two choices: PC (highest quality) or Switch (portable). PS4/Xbox are the microbrain choices.

While this might just be me but I really only play indie games while I'm on the move. Especially with the switch and its portability. Of course from what I've heard, the framerates are absolute shit on the switch and I could only imagine how much worse it is in handheld.

Switchfags really have zero standards huh

>shit performance even when docked
>switch is a legitimate choice because portability

imagine coping this hard lmao

I can't blame them. The portability is a nice function. I personally would have gotten it as well if not for the poor optimization. Maybe I'll get it later if it gets patched or during a price drop for the PS4.

No point asking questions about platforms because the absolute spacks on this board live in a bubble and think everyone agrees with their opinions

All the indie shit always sell the best on Switch, that's how starved for games they are

This is good. It will reinforce how important it is for them to get it patched up.

Despite having 13% of the graphical quality, Switch Bloodstained made up 50% of the console sales

If you were to get the game. Make sure it's either for PC or PS4 Pro as for those 2 have the best consistent 60FPS framerate.
PS4, Xbone, and XboneX runs terribly

But you can play it anywhere! Nevermind the fact that Bloodstained is a toaster game that you can easily play on any 8 year old laptop.

>worst version sells the best
I actually waited the week to buy it on switch until I saw it runs like absolute shit. Then I just bought it on steam.

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It's actually worse docked from what I've heard. The dock does not enhance power.

That's what happens when you're so game deprived.

Xbox and PSNiggers have better options

it's legitimately mind bending to me how many people choose the switch for certain games over other platforms. Like I know somebody with a PS4 and a PC but they won't play a hat in time until it's ported to switch for some reason.

Like it's more than just portability, it's like some kind of psychological association thing where they only want to play it on the switch for whatever reason, like it makes the game any different.

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it's what happens when you have a consumer base that largely only buys things if they're on Nintendo systems, or doesn't care about games until it's something hip.

They value brands more than they actually like video games.

I wish the switch was more powerful. Maybe a a dock with a gpu in it. The concept of it is so good

"A cartoony 3D platformer feels more right to play on a Nintendo system" might be the thought process.

Nincels are masochist

I just checked the guys twitter. Literally a shill for Nintendo. Not official numbers.

The Vita version got cancelled so they moved to Switch, and with the addition of Sony fucking up on censorship issues, many don't want to support Sony at all and actively avoid associating with their products now. I'm not surprised it sold so well.

>dock with a GPU in it
Can't happen because Nintendo cheaped out and didn't use a thunderbolt port

Any hope of a more powerful Switch would be its successor, and you better pray they choose an AMD embedded chip and not do the ARM meme again

It is official data for the UK.

there's literally no signs in the market that any significant amount of people gives two ships about the Sony censorship stuff. Their sales haven't dipped really at all outside what can be expected of a system of its age.

[citation needed]

Games will sell poorer than usual on Xbone because of Game Pass. I haven't bought a game since the service came to be. Too many games in the service taking up all my gaming time.

It have to be backwards compatible with Switch games for me to be into the next one.

I don't nerd it to be ps4 pro or one x strong but a game like bloodstained at 720p res should be able to run at 60fps. 30 really hurts the game

So bloodstained sold more than ps4 and xbox one combined in the uk. How is this noteworthy.

Now shut up.

Oh no no no

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>Power of a home console

Why wouldn't you buy for the Switch if you have the option?

PC+Switch is the most obvious setup.

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The large majority and target consumers don't. However, this game and games similar to it are more niche and have since been affected by this.
Ultimately it won't make a dent in Sony's money flow since niche titles have only been a drop in the bucket, if anything.

I wonder why

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For me it really is just portability. Not portability in the way that I can play it anywhere, but more just that I can play it anywhere in my house at any time. Granted, I’ll only buy the switch version of a game if there aren’t any drawbacks, so it’s mostly just indies.

Some people seem to feel that certain genres feel better to play on a portable system. I've seen this sentiment several times, and those genres seem to vary from person to person too.
Hence the "it's perfect for the Switch" meme.

The only consumer niche affected adversely so far by it is essentially Japanese tiddy games and this isn't one of them.

Handhelds are just better to play games on. Being able to put down a game then pick it back up and continue from where you were like a book trumps graphics

Everything else is so cumbersome in comparison

It's somewhat noteworthy because Nintendo isn't all that big in the UK.
But it's not really relevant to a global perspective.

>Power of a home console

>UK sales
Who cares?
Why do people keep posting the stats from one small market as if it means anything?
Give us the global, US, EU or Japanese sales or stop making these worthless console war threads

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I've seen the "it's perfect for switch" line said about every genre ever. Even ones that blatantly suck on the switch, like fighters, non arcade racing games, MMOs etc.

What does the Luck stat do?

>muh portability is all that matters

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The PS4 has a huge shadow over the UK.
If Bloodstained Sold better on Switch in UK. Chances are that other regions are the same since Switch has dominated Japan, and has a big presence on US

Drop rate, including for shards.
Not sure if anything else is affected.

>>Power of a home console

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Because Switch is the defacto weeb console now that Sony censors things that make your mommy mad.

Also indie stuff has always done well on Nintendo systems, the Nintendo crowd likes that stuff.

If you're concerned about quality, there's no reason to buy it on anything but PC.

As he said, Snoystation and Bone are smallbrain choices.

some people leave the house sometimes you fat fuck

sony twats don't buy games. even sony as a corp are abandoning support for smaller indie devs.

Ouch. Switch wasn't even part of the initial kickstarter.

Switch did better than the versions that were hyped up and promoted from the very beginning.

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If you have even slightest amount of self respect you wouldn't waste your time and money on such a shitty port
Sure the ps4/xbone are lower quality than pc but come on, the switch performance is atrocious
The ps4/xbox version is far more playable than the switch

It doesn't say it sold more on switch than pc. Just xbox and ps4. It also only covers the uk.

Whoever thought it's a idea to give doppelganger a flamethrower is a fuckhead.

Based. So much for snoybois actually buying games. Maybe if it had Ronaldo on the cover, it would have sold more.

too unethical

A consumer base with no standards continues to buy games like they have no standards.

Not surprised after seeing them defend 15-22 fps ports before.

Could've ended the thread here.

The consumer base for a game like Bloodstained falls into the category of "non-normalfag" and if you fall into that category, chances are you own a switch or PC and avoid supporting Sony wherever possible since they decided to decry Japanese games.

Fan service games are only a small part of Japanese games, but okay.

Rondo and Symphony are the only mainline Castlevania games not to release on a Nintendo console, so that makes sense.
It's a shame it's such a crappy port, despite a potato pc still being able to run it on max settings.

>tfw this could possibly mean record sales for other games like Terraria, which also just released on the Switch
>mfw Nintendo fans giving 30 bucks a pop to one of my favorite devs

It's basically a win/win.

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You will still never see Persona 5 coming to Switch.

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I'm really upset by how much switch fans are willing to pay relative to the rest of the market, because people are going to use it as justification to raise prices elsewhere.

Performance on Switch is actually okay, it's the only console port to hold a solid framerate even if it is 30 instead of 60.
It's the pitiful resolution, terrible AA, crappy textures, and missing effects that makes it so bad.

Yeah, shame it's not just fanservice games getting content altered otherwise there might actually be some rhyme or reason to what Sony's doing. Weird how it also excludes western games.

if you're going to get on some paranoid conspiracy thing that a Japanese company has some sort of vendetta against Japanese content then oh, well I guess you belong here

well not shit. nintendo fanbase are the ones that kept castlevania alive until DS

Castlevania is a Nintendo franchise

Usually I think 2D platformers are better portable. I think it's entirely association with the "old" Nintendo handheld days. Likewise, I prefer console 3D platformers

I'd rather get the digimon games ported than this overated harem shit for virgin losers

Good for them, hope they patch it soon.

Nintenlards have such low expectations they buy inferior quality ports to support good goy nintendo

You will see a shit port in 3+ years for $60+
And they will smugly buy it thinking they "won"

OP is a stupid nigger for cropping out these being UK sales. Irrelevant

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They're California based now, happened exactly the same time that the censorship happened.

Because UK is the only market to publish sales. With everyone else you have to wait for the publisher, if they announce it at all.

>Japanese company
>Sony Interactive Entertainment San Mateo, California

Help, how do I best farm gold

Not money gold, material gold

Having an office based in California didn't suddenly make the company not Japanese you dumb asshole.

>An office
ok retard

To be fair, XboneX is the better version if you don't mind the odd frame dip. Full 4k, without the PS4's gross upscaling.

Head office in California user

Honestly wouldn't surprise me, like aren't a bulk of Igavanias handhelds anyway, with SotN ironically being the exception?

>unironically supporting censored weebshit
That's going to be a Yikes! from me dawg.

It's noteworthy because Nintendo never does well in the UK

What I don't understand how the Switch version looks significantly worse and is still 30 fps. I get it, the Switch is less powerful, but Bloodstain isn't that intensive. It should be pretty close to 1-to-1.

Suck because I want to get it on Switch for portability but Bloodstain is just hot garbage on Switch.

Head office of a subsidiary of a Japanese own and run conglomerate.

Anyone able to help me out and point out what I am missing?

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That requires all submissions to be in English because nobody on staff knows Japanese

>I don't know how corporate structuring works

absolutely based how much are switches anyway

That's because the Devs didn't optimize the game at all. Even the PS4 and Xbox versions run like shit.
The only systems the game runs well is PS4 Pro and PC

The Switch is literally phone/tablet hardware. Old phone/tablet hardware at that

Why would anyone buy an up-front ripoff of an established game series to begin with?

So again, no reason to buy on Snoystation or Bone.

If you want quality you buy PC. If you want portability you buy Switch.

What reason is there to buy anywhere else? There's none. Higher quality than Switch is meaningless if the PC is still better.

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Yeah we know you don't, thanks for your insightful input.

$299 In the US
You can get the system. For $250 if you buy with bundle

Probably a quick port of an old Vita build or something. Remember that the Switch port was announced right at the end of a very, very troubled development where Iga had to fire the original developer and near enough start over.

wasnt persona 5 a desapointment compared to 4?

The Switch version was a last minute addition handled by another company.

Most of Yea Forums hasn't even held a stable entry level job. It's not surprising that they don't know how companies are structured under a conglomerate.

There's no such thing as a PC that won't set it self on fire if it tries to handle anything even slightly graphically intensive. They weren't made for this.

>hurr durr NO U!

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You leave the house to play games? Okay then. When I go somewhere I actually have things to do and don't have the time but I guess if that's the story you're going with more power to you.

because the original production company of the established game series hasn't made a game in that series in nearly a decade now. They subsist entirely off re-releasing it, or releasing mobile game style cashgrabs that have no semblance of the gameplay that people enjoyed.

The thing you should be asking it "Why has konami not tried to capitalize by releasing a new castlevania amidst this hype"



Because Konami only cares about pachinko machines now. I already know. I just think this whole Mighty No. 9 style "Marchio and Februigi" horseshit is incredibly embarrassing.

Bear in mind I got the PC version. It's been a while since we've been able to watch console niggers duke it out to see who has the least compromised version to this extent.

do you honestly think the switch has better air ventilation than any pc? The switch is a peice of shit.

Only buying games from the original IP holders, huh?

55fps in one or two areas > 30fps
This is some serious coping.

I've lost 2 PCs to melting components and 0 Switches.

excellent troll

>What is frame pacing?

>happened exactly the same time that the censorship happened.
No it didn't, it happened a year or two beforehand. If anything, the censorship happened as preparation for the Olympics began.

Go find a full map and compare them, retard. If you go over it methodically it takes maybe ten minutes.

>posting small version
pleb, you may have good taste in platform choice but you still anger me.

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Farm flame mails from the lava dudes in inferno caves. Dismantle one for the gold then dismantle the gold to remake it so it shows up in shop for 15k each. Otherwise just keep farming mails and dismantling them for more gold.

No games on Switch.

Wrong. It is better in handheld. I get crashes and glitches when docked, also overheating. While handheld has no problem at all, not even slowdowns. I don't know why.

Thanks m8

That stopped being an excuse 40 ports ago. I think this is becoming something of blind brand loyalty at this point.

>but the SNES didn't have portability? Neither did the N64 or gamecube

This logic hurts to think about.

>Bloodstained on Switch sold more than both Xbox and PS4 version
Most backers were on actual platforms. The Switch was never a backer platform until they cancelled he Wii U one.

And the port is absolute dog shit, typical Switch garbage.

The Switch is useless though.

You're really going to play the drought card when Mario Maker 2 just came out?

It's really unfortunate that it sold best on switch because of how terrible the port was.
How many more sales would it have had if it wasn't shit?

So like every other multuplat?

Most people don't actually research games before they buy them like the good consumerist whores they are.

>Overoptimized for the voltage when undocked
>Overprocessed the power when docked
It's one of the weird cases of it being undocked being better.

Honestly though it's a 3DS w/o a second screen that you can stream to a TV set if you put it into a dock. The switch's only downside is the fucking 4 hour battery life being total shit, making the damn thing beg for a battery pack.

This is like Game Gear levels of battery life but we're in the era of rechargeable battery's so it's a bit more bearable.

I would have bought it if it weren't a disaster. I'm tired of so many switch games running like crap.

I'll save that one, thanks

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I have no idea why people bought it anyways. At least do cursory research.

The main reason people like ports on Switch is because it's a console that you can play wherever. You can't do that with PS4 or Xbone and it's more cumbersome to do it with a laptop if you're even willing to make that compromise in the first place. Switch might be a weaker console but its main gimmick makes it a god tier candidate for ports and that's why you see so many people wanting that out of Switch.

What I'll always remember are the looks of palpable disgust on the faces of all the shareholders present at the Switch's unveiling in 2017.

What other games have been like this as of late?
CTR honestly runs rather well with only some graphical loss docked, and some slight up-scaling when in handheld mode.

Have my full map user

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>games that aren't shooters, sports or cinematic experiences
>selling on ps4
pick one

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That doesn't explain why it's unplayable on other platforms. Every Nintendo fan swear that ports on other systems are literally shit with zero redeeming traits, as if NOT being portable makes them bad games.

Explain that to me. Especially since this implies that the PC version is bad because it's more optimized, and that 60 FPS is evil according to Nintendo fans.

>b-but I'm an idort
Don't give me that. Half this thread admitted that they refuse to buy games on the PC because they hate anything not portable. Therefore anyone claiming to be an idort is sorely mistaken.

That's just delusion, be it fanboyism or legitimate insanity. I just get why someone would want to play on Switch over other platforms, it largely comes down to that "play it anywhere" prospect. Shitting on other versions because they aren't the Switch version is a whole different can of worms with rare exceptions like Senran Kagura Reflexions, which was designed specifically with the Switch's HD rumble in mind.

PC? More like PP

Sony fans only buy sports games and cinematic games.

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Don't censor and try to estrange your fanbase next time Sony, like what literal galaxy brain fuckwit thought this would go well for them?

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Obsessed, seething, cringe and bluepilled.

I haven't bought the game yet, I want to get it on Switch. Are they going to fix the problems? They have to surely.


How hard is the Switch Hardware? Unreal 4 runs pretty good on it (Travis Strikes back) and Darkest Dungeon custom engine too so.

Is just a hard system to port shit or they butcher the port?

no wonder. switchfags are thirsty for games since the switch doesn't have that many good games. even a garbage version of a game will do good on that console

This is just going to be a narrative for the Switch's entire lifespan, isn't it?

Saints row the 3rd is one. It can hit low teen fps in action.

Switch version was decided upon at the last minute and given to some outsourced fucks. It's still never going to hit 60fps though no matter how much they fix it.

It's the only narrative needed for it, so yes.

When people stop knocking themselves over for low quality ports and multiplats it'll stop.

So, yeah, it'll go on forever.

Devs came out and said they're going to be working on several small updates over time to try and fix it best they could. Who knows the timeline for that though.

>god, I'm so ANGRY that more people bought this indie game on this console I DISLIKE than the console I own, EVEN if it's WORSE. FUCK I need to vent and take that console and it's fans down a few notches on the internet.

Nincels are a bunch of retards. They deserve the worst version.

Classicvania is mostly Nintendo titles
The best MetroidVanias are released on Nintedo devices (AoS and PoR)

Found it, It's beside the save room in the Cathedral.

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they basically said that they're focusing all of their resources on the Switch to try and fix it. And that instead of 1 single Big Update, its multiple smaller updates in a row
So with this, means that any type of content updates are going to be delayed for the Switch's sake

>content updates are going to be delayed for the Switch's sake
Say it ain't so. Fucking yikes.

Did people forget how Yiik was completely hated on all platforms except on the Switch because they literally eat up whatever they can get?

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>All the indie shit always sell the best on Switch, that's how starved for games they are

Ahhh, there's the weasel logic words

Just admit you are jealous the Switch is a success

why are snoys so obsessed with metacritic

You guys are stupid as all fuck. These numbers have nothing to do with some Sony censorship boycott. Indie games always sell better on switch.
Have sex

Truly the special snowflakes of gaming. We all have to wait while they fix the borked fisher price tablet version.

Don't even own a POS4 but alright. Pull the wool over your eyes.

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>>dock with a GPU in it
>Can't happen because Nintendo cheaped out and didn't use a thunderbolt port
>Any hope of a more powerful Switch would be its successor, and you better pray they choose an AMD embedded chip and not do the ARM meme again

Do any of you anons think a probable "pro Switch" with comparable specs as the PS4 will sell at a cost $500+?

the "switch owners are just starved for games" excuse starts to become self-defeating when you've used it for at least 50 games by this point

No? 4 sucks dick dude. It blows massive cock on all fronts aside from music.

Thunderbolt 3 is Intel tech. You asking them to choose an AMD cpu makes no sense.

you can't falseflag as xboxfags because they are none to make fun of

Seething Xtranny.

he's right though. the sales figures prove it.

The "ARM meme" was a necessary compromise unless you want a Switch with a one hour battery life that gets hot enough to grill a burger on the back. x86 is only suitable for large devices with plenty of space and ventilation. That's why the Xbone and PS4 are so huge.

I hope you also got your Gebel's glasses for max fucking arround

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I hope Gebel comes back. Or at least we somehow see flashbacks of him and Miriam

and even then was better than 5

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess Iga should have hired a competent company to handle the Switch port in the first place so they could have avoided this.

how do you change her color?

Why do people get SO mad when third party games sell well on Switch?

>Why do people
nobody gets mad excepy sony-ggers

Not yet. Still getting the last of the Shards.

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Nigga PC runs it at whatever your monitor's vertical refresh is. Got a CRT? Crank that shit to 120 and it'll run at 120. What about a nice big GSYNC IPS display? Enjoy your 144fps.

>can beraly run the game at 33fps
>with drops if im doing anything on the background
man i got fix my toaster

can someone post a download link to latest pc version? Or at least the one without the headless bug?


If they release a Switch Pro Nintendo can unironically suck my dick. I'd be furious.

>plunder ring
Uh, I never found that ring. Where you get it? Also I just found the last hair book, its in the ship at the star of the game, you need super jump or inverse to get it

I have to go mind my sick 90yo Grandad, the Switch is the best way to pass the time when he's sleeping

>shitting on Xbros
Why? All the retard normies jumped ship to ps4

I only own pc and switch, honestly, and i just rarely play on pc or even on switch, so i prefer to play on bed sometimes.

Bloodlines too, but point still taken.

Switchfags have much much lower standards. And I say that as someone who only owns a Switch. You have Nintendies who'll buy dumpster fire versions of Dark Souls and DOOM and Skyrim, just because.

I’m often still “home” I’m just outside on my porch swing
Physically alt tabbing between Switch and iPhone

this game is for balding boomers

Of course it did what else are switch bros gonna play?

>still consolewarring

Serious what else are they playing everyone else got sekiro re2 judgment days gone dmc5 risk of rain 2 the switch is just not getting that 3rd party support

Have you realised it's only the Sony fanboys who are the ones consolewarring? Really insufferable.

I am pretty sure I got the Plunder Ring in the boat. It's in one of the areas where you need the super jump or inverse. or at the top-left of the ship. Can't recall which.

I can't tell whether to blame ResetERA or Neogaf. Because I keep hearing that either those places are Sony fanboys or Nintendo Fanboys.

On a Pc centric Mongolian dog breeding board. Ok

>physical version
there's your answer

Of course, people didn't know the switch version ran so poorly untill they bought it, sales probably slowed down a lot later in the week when news got out. People wanted the portability and had no reason to believe it was so shit at the time.

PS4 and Xbox didn't get physical versions?

>ten thousand BoTW console war threads
>constant shitting on "Sony movie games"
>but it's just Sony
you have a victim complex

Right, so all that’s left now are the brain jacked Xbox cultists who deserve their mocking.


beats me i don't play shit like that

I always felt that the movie game complaints were hypocritical.

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Inefficient coding/poor optimisation. They're used to more powerful systems where they can shit up the code as much as they want, because those systems can handle the increased load easily, then they go to switch which can't handle all the useless extra processing and suffers for it.

Are you saying said games aren't designed to have a cinematic story based narrative?

>It’s a shame it's such a crappy port, despite a potato pc still being able to run it on max settings.
Max settings? What do you consider a potato PC? I have a thinkpad from last year with integrated graphics and I consider this a potato PC and bloodstained is a fucking slideshow. It’s literally and objectively unplayable

Not if you're the only one allowed to decide what counts as "cinematic".

>giant boring JRPGT with 500 billion hours of cutscenes and dialogue (and objectively terrible gameplay, because all JRPGs are trash)
>no complaints

>sony game has hours of cutscenes with weak gameplay

AAA or intensive games on other consoles or PC, the rest can be on switch if it looks good and runs well

>seething Sony Cuck

Come back when you actually have games. At least Nintendo makes games not femdyke interactive netflix shows.

Speaking of potato PC, did you check the system req's on steam?

Attached: bloodstaind system req.png (616x224, 13K)

All but one IGAvania has been released on a nintendo console.

SMM2 specially since it released on bloodstained's release week.

That's why I love disgae, story is completely skippable

>3rd party support.
Well have fun with SMM2

>check the system req's
Not that's something I haven't done in a while.

I think a big difference is the story structure and it's relationship to the gameplay versus the actual cutscene/dialogue ratio in a game.

Whether you like Undertale or not, I think it's a really good example of a story based game that isn't a movie game, because of the way it structures the story. Player input is a factor. A lot of story exists within the context of the gameplay instead of just being played in the intervals between it.

This isn't saying God of War is a movie game or not, or saying if that's a good thing or not; I'm just saying it's a little more complicated than that.

I'm actually going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're a falseflagger.

No mentions of PC sales huh? I guess I can see why, that would defeat the narrative that its sold best on the switch. Typical.


>Whether you like Undertale or not, I think it's a really good example of a story based game that isn't a movie game,

>a game that literally discourages replaying the game because "think of the feelings of the poor pixels, just let it go, stop expecting a video game"

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indie kickstarter trash sells the best on the switch, who knew?

What? You think pc is the only platform you can pirate on? Fuck off.

The only good Persona game is 3 senpai

Now this is some cope. Bloodstained runs equally fine on all platforms that isn't the switch.

Typical switch niglets larping this game like it's their own just like Hollow Knight.
This game was made on PC first and foremost, without PC this and hollow Knight would have not existed.

>a game that is able to tell a story dependent on what the player is actually doing is a movie game

>runs equally fine on all platforms
The 60fps ship set sail a while ago.

>a game that is able to tell a story dependent on what the player is actually doing
>it does this by removing your choices half the time, and making both choices end exactly the same, leaving replayability in the dumpster

10/10 kino right there.

60 fps is fine.
>the 240 fps ship set sail a while ago, it's all about that 480 now faggot


>>it does this by removing your choices half the time
it is entirely your choice if you want to murder everyone or not and the game changes significantly

Iunno man, I wouldn't say that the game changes, it just fucking removes content with a meat cleaver.

It's like if you killed too many goombas in Super Mario World and the game just decided that you don't get worlds 4 through 7 now.

There's still different bosses. I'm not even arguing it's good, just that it's not a movie game.

Snoyniggers already coping super hard. The time in-between new FIFA installments must be hard to deal with.

I'm not talking about that part, I'm talking about when it gives you an obvious choice, but pulls a fakeout. Like with dates for Undyne and Papyrus. No matter what choice you make, it's nothing but cosmetic and the date proceeds exactly the same. That could be said of every dialogue choice in the game, to be honest.

really? i found 2 of them

user I'm unironically glad you still think this. I took the hertzpill and now I'm fucked. Once you see 144hz you'll never go back so enjoy life while you can.

It's portability. Even people without a life can benefit from it, as you can multitask much easier while playing a portable game, take it on the shitter, in bed, etc.

coping with what? that their version of bloodstained is at least playable?

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>that their version of bloodstained is at least playable
I believe that the PC is the only version of the game that actually runs




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Because Switch is the console for indie games, and nothing else.

The PS4 and Xbox One versions are alright. The one truly fucked is the Switch version.

It sold the best on PC.

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This game has a publisher other than the developer. Not indie.

the switch version sold more physical copies because it's the only platform where it's easier to buy a dvd than to buy digitally

The thing is every year you have 50 of those fanservice games and they have their public, one thing is Sony relying in expensive products that need long years and another thing is treat like shit part of their fanbase.
They are so ashamed of their japanese products not even Kat was included during their Women's Day. They REALLY need to get rid of trannies who are triggered by any iconic design and japanese games, losing rheir personality.
Hell not even /u/ is excited by TLoU2 because the lesbians are fucking ugly

Or it's because the fanbases of those systems don't buy or play games.

I haven't seen much from the game other than mostly DigitalFoundry
I don't know if true, but these are the points he makes
>Switch version runs 30FPS and lowered Textures, but because of this, its able run much smoother in some areas that PS4 and Xbox struggles to run
>Switch version has long loading times oppose to other versions
>PS4 and Xbox One run 60FPS with almost 1080p Graphics, and some areas of the game dip to low 40's or something
>PC and PS4 Pro are the only systems worth getting since they're the smoothest areas
>Xbox One X even struggles because of 4k while PS4 Pro don't run 4k
>Crashes happen across all platforms

u wot

If Switch owners are constantly buying indie games than how are they also starved for games?

PlayStation isn't Japanese anymore. PS5 will be an absolute flop on the level of Xbox, possibly even worse. PS4 is still getting some Japanese games because of its userbase, but with PS5 it's a clean slate and I doubt the Japanese will buy them for the SJW moviegames. Developers develop for the console their audience has and it sure as hell won't be PS5.

>but a game like bloodstained at 720p res should be able to run at 60fps.
It's more shit optimisation than the switched hardware

Doesn't make sense.

>horrendous optimization
>looks and runs worse than games made for the wiiu
>most purchases at least for console got a version of the game that was gimped more than it needed to be to run on that hardware

It's not even like strong Switch sales were some kind of unknown, Curse of the Moon sold overwhelmingly better on Switch too.

Are you always the attention seeker who always puts those ham hands in their pictures?

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>200ms input lag


Why are there so many black people on Yea Forums?

What are the nips going to buy for their big JRPGs and shit now then? PC gaming is still dead as shit in Japan and the Playstation was the weeb machine until fucking Sony went full SJW and started censoring literally everything that wasn't two el goblinas tribbing because it's so stunning and brave.

6,217 reviews.
26,000 players max
16,000 players at any given time

I want to think this means 500,000 on PC alone. Very solid numbers.

The publisher likely sunk a few million inot this game, so they needed at lest 1 mill sales to get it back.

How the fuck does Bloodstained run poorly on the Switch? It's not like it's a very graphically intensive game. It looks good but it's not like Breath of The Wild's rolling meadows and fields or Hyrule Warrior's hundreds of different enemies on screen at the same time.

Is the optimisation just for complete shit?

Unrel Engine is a generic "you can do anything" engine which means it's super inefficient.
It's also the worst version by a long shot.

500k at 30-40 bucks is already at least 15 million.

>What are the nips going to buy for their big JRPGs
Playstation, it's still the primary platform for devs and players, and this isn't going to change anytime soon, even if they make games for the Xbox first they will still make more exlusives for the PS4, just like the PS3, Switch isn't even on the radar, it's a non platform where you stuff your old ports, or lazily port indies.

They probably made their money back at 200k sold mark.

>500k at 30-40 bucks is already at least 15 million.

You're assuming 100% profit. Distributor like steam gets a cut, publisher gets a cut. There's costs and fees as well.

>niche franchise sold well on the console where all the nichefags are
People forget that the Switch is the Nintendo WiiAboo, and Vitafags like me all moved to it. Not to mention I bet all the Bloodstained Vita backers probably moved our pledge to the Switch version.

I would of bought it on Switch if it wasn't so laggy. What about PC sales?

UE4 games on Switch dont typically run above 30fps with Travis Strikes Again being the only game I can think of that targets 60fps. Then again this if it has severe drops in that one boss fight and struggles on Xbone it could also be just not as optimizated as it should.

Honestly, people are so focused on the Switch's performance issues that they are forgetting that some of the shit like crashing is a universal problem across all the versions.

It's an Unreal game on Switch, it will never be anywhere near as optimal as it could be, just compare it to Tropical Freeze, 900 @ 60fps, and textures and geometry are higher detail.


I seriously wonder what kind of black magic Nintendo uses to get most of their games running as well as they do.

Does that bug affect progress? It seems pretty weird how that managed to slip by completely.

>Only a small part of japanese games
Fucking lol, no.

Something I wanna know is what's so special about DQ XIs version that they waited on UE update to get it working on the switch.

why is bloodstained being used for console war shitposting, what did Miriam do to deserve this

>I seriously wonder what kind of black magic Nintendo uses to get most of their games running as well as they do.
It's the same "black magic" Naughty Dog used to get graphics like the ones we saw in Uncharted 3 and TLoU on a fucking PS3 with 256 MB of RAM: development made from the ground-up to a specifc platform in mind. Programmers can do all the black magic they want that could only work with that set of hardware exactly because the game just have to run on that hardware anyway. This also is important as level design, enemy placement, and other things are tailored specifc to fit the constraints of the system. That's why a multiplatform game made with a multiplatform engine is never going to perform as well as a exclusive first party game. Unless, of course, a good amount of time is dedicated to optimize the game for that specific console, which can improve things, but not that much. Just see that new Yoshi game, a first party UE4 Nintendo game that only managed to get 60 fps with an incredibly low resolution for a first party game.

By selling more on the switch in UK even though it's the shittiest version around. God know what those consolewarring fags will do when the console their supporting sold less than a Fisher Price tablet they like to shit on.

It's really just having the option. I have Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight on Switch mostly because I consider it my "secondary" system; it's what I pick up a lot of non-intensive indies and the like on unless they're objectively inferior there while I associate triple-AAA movie games with PS4. If this is what Sony wants, then it's sure as fuck working because I don't wanna buy anything on that system anymore unless I absolutely have to.

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Faggot's own a switch, it's a game for faggots, of course it sold better on the switch.

>it was shit anyway

Engine optimization and having standards. Tropical Freeze was ported to Switch, the hardware difference is significant, but the port could have looked and ran better with additional optimization, the visual quality didn't scale like Mario Kart 8 did, there was definitely more power in there.
Nintendo tend to have standards,even though this isn't always true, but they make their games for Switch handheld and the produce a docked version based on what's left over.
Dev Laziness is something that is the biggest factor, imagine the Bloodstained devs actually modifying all the level geometry, and character models, and rescaling textures properly like Square Enix did with Dragon Quest XI S, Echoes of an Elusive Age, Definitive Edition, but there isn't any need to, ignore that this game is going to sell significantly more on Switch, that's irrelevant, because it was going to sell significantly more either way, may as well ensure that the versions that people will be screenshotting look good over the one they will be playing.

the version of UE it was built on didn't support Switch so they had to port it to a newer version that did, they also went over the whole game and reduced the geometry and texture detail everywhere, it's the third best port that the Switch has ever seen, but Square Enix know what they are doing, they want this game to sell 2 million units, then they shat the bed and fucked up the additional quests.

>all those consolewar buzzwords

Objectively the best setup to have would be PC + Switch + base PS4 if you really want exclusives since Windows gets everything Xbox does eventually. Also remember to buy all PS4 games used if possible so you don't give them money.

user I'm stupid what are you implying. No really I have no idea what you're trying to say.

What did they fuck up on the additional quest.

I only see Fisher Price tablet there? What are the other buzzwords?

>What did they fuck up on the additional quest.
Games not out yet but I've read that they aren't additional storylines just audio dramas.

>it was shit anyway
is the excuse snoyfags will come up with to cope with the fact they it didnt sell well on their console

Like you.

They made a full 180 on this shit huh

Indies sell better on Switch because Switchfags are't elitists and actually play videogames.

>2.5d game
>consolefriends worry about performance
Comedy gold.

Bloodstained, Mario Maker 2, Mana Collection, FFIX and VII, Okami, Capcom Beat'em Up Collection, and FFXII for me the past 3 months. Plus continuing to play Splatoon 2, Smash, and Wargroove. I heard Cadence of Hyrule is pretty great, and I have been thinking about grabbing CTR.

its staggering how fucking popular the switcherina became and how anti censorship it is

>ten thousand BoTW console war threads
And every single last one is a sony player calling it shit with the rest of the planet laughing at them for being so wrong.

Oh you mean the audio drama. I think that's different from the additional quests for that version. We know that you can "Marry" more people so there has to be more on that additional quest not to mention there's already the 10 DQ world quest that's in 2d. We'll know when it comes out.

Fuck off ACfag.

hat in time is banjo kazooie with a loli, its not surprising boomer switch users want in

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Bloodstained graphics legitimately remind me of that one elaborate Aria of Sorrow skeleton photoshop.