Post em
>What you have actually spent
Steam Sale Damage Report
Bought Dead Cells and Slay the Spire. Knew about both of them since forever. Thought I didn't like the rogue-lite formula but turns out I kinda do.
Budget: hundreds
Spent: 30 bucks
Got: Surviving Mars, Fire Pro World DLC bundle
Go Turtle
My monitor died and I need to scrounge up cash to get a new one, but I got Yakuza, Legend of Grimrock, something called Stellar Tactics, and Way of the Samurai.
ehh, I don't buy much these days, two or three games a sale.
>buying games
stupid cracka
Regrets:Having hope this sale would be any different
The 15 bucks of Steam credit I've had since last year
Every game I want ends up being cheaper on Humble Bundle, Fanatical or GMG. I don't buy games directly from the Steam store anymore.
Also the minigame sucks.
About $100 CAD
>what you have actually spent
I have The Witness, The Council, Mafia II and Baldur's Gate in my cart, but I think for sure Baldur's Gate is getting nixed since I don't have the patience or time to slog through an old, long, probably janky as fuck RPG with subpar writing anymore, I still have several of those on my backlog.
I think I'll dive into BGIII fresh.
>What you gave actually spent
got plants vs zombies
Starcrawlers is fun if you like blobbers. It's pretty basic, though.
>What you actually spent
my entire life
spent zero so far because this has been an abysmal sale, discounts and event wise.
Any recommendations for under $1?
Spent $5.6 on dark souls remastered.
Not interested in anything else. Would've bought kingdom come if it was below 10 bucks but it's really overpriced atm
start with bg2 instead of 1. still a good, playable game. get pillars of eternity 1 if you want a more modern version (slightly worse tho imo).
Budget: $20 - $30
Spent: $6.50
Regret: nope
buy Ziggurat
I got
Risk of rain
Right now I am regretting risk of rain
>I wanted to stay around $30-35
>I haven't spent it yet because I'm still figuring out if I should spend more
>Fear of regretting getting a game my computer can't run and not refunding in time OR not buying a game and having to wait 6 months for the next time it will be that cheap
There was a $30 game purchase I was planning for my PS4 that I'm probably putting off and I'm wondering if I should just spend $60 on this sale now, plus if I get that many games that gives me an excuse to wait on MUA3 and see if that goes on sale at some point (I know, Nintendo sales suck, but sometimes their Switch games go for $40).
I don't know why I'm so fucking reluctant sometimes.
I have been enjoying it.
What I spent: nothing because this steam sale is shit just like for the past 5 years.
Unlimited, but only games that are on my wishlist and 50% or more off
>What I've spent
$30 total, inching up to 55 if I can eck out $25 for the Arma 3 contact DLC
Magical Steam tokens by arbitrage and swinging virtual hat markets. I've vowed to never pay another cent of my money to Gabe
I dunno.
$10, got FF7.
I've got that $5 discount thing, not sure what to blow it on.
Just COD 4, just not my type, refunded it and gonna buy something else, idk what man
Budget : As high as need be
Regret: Not pirating every single game
how much more would I need to spend to increase my max tokens by 5000
I bought Baba is You, Cultist Simulator, Dandara, Dungeon Maze, Gris, Muse Dash, Rain World, Slime Rancher, Through the Woods, and Umiro
I already finished Gris and I'm about halfway through Dandara. Enjoyed Gris a lot and am enjoying Dandara too.
I still dont want to play anything besides Mordhau
I have bought:
Baba is You
RE Revelations 2
The Messenger
The Evil Within 1 and 2
Dishonored 1 and 2
I regret it slightly but I won't buy any more games for quite some time.
>no regrets
Should I add or drop anything? Really enjoy RPGs, atmospheric games and puzzles.
Budget: 0
Spent: 0
Regrets: 0
The main thing holding me back on this sale is that there's some Switch exclusives I want to get this year.
Thief Gold, Thief II, and Thief Deadly Shadows
The first two Dungeon Siege games
KNIGHTS (puzzle game based on the Chess piece)
I played KOTOR... I didn't much care for it, but it's a decent enough RPG I suppose.
I just didn't really like the Star Wars universe to begin with.
Prolly gonna bite the bullet on the infinity engine bundle. Is the beamdog shit really that obnoxious or is it easily ignored? Will I even notice if I’ve never played Baldur’s Gate before?
Gotta save money for 'dem beans.
DS Remastered & Black Mesa
>Assassin's Creed Odyssey Ultimate
>DOOM (2016)
>Far Cry 4 Gold
>Hunted: The Demon's Forge
Gotta say, AC:O is fun as fuck, damn.
drop all of those
buy dragons dogma and rent my cute pawn
Is heat signature any good
>Haven't bought anything because I'm using a toaster
>4GB DDR4 Memory
>Intel Core i3
>wanted 4 Goddesses Online but the specs are too high
>Thief I&II
>Deus Ex
A bunch of old Eidos games are like 1 buck each.
You could get Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Thief, Legacy of Kain, Dungeon Siege, etc.
Also Divine Divinity is like 50 cents every year. It's a Diablo 1 clone with a lot more RPG stuff and polish writing.
Does AC Odyssey actually feel open world? Like is there flexibility in quests and activities to do? People to interact with?
Was thinking of getting the game myself but I heard good things about Origins and i wasnt a fan.
Probably just gonna buy two games:
1 :::::::: Stardew Valley
2 :::::::: Rainbow Six Siege
Bought Ace Combat 7 and EDF 4.1
deus ex, any half-life game, portal, witcher 1 if you have $1.50
Sure feels open world to me. Quests and NPCs are not Witcher 3 level, but fuck, the combat, the visuals, the music and Kassandra are 10/10 for me.
>Few hundred pesos
>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
I didn't set one but I guess I can afford anything.
>>What you have actually spent
I guess I regret not having time to clear the huge backlog which is telling me not to buy new games.
Do you recomend PoE for someone who never played an RPG ?
World of Final Fantasy?
Wanted Portal 1 and 2. Came out with Valve Complete Pack. I won't play most of those games.
already own it
I bought
Age of Empires 2 HD
Papers , Please
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
That's it,
Why would I have any regret?
Resonance of Fate.
i’m a dirty pervert. what games should i buy?
REMOVE HARE remove kebab
you are worst car. you are the hare idiot you are the hare smell. return to erp. to our pig cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,tortistan we will never forgeve you. rabbit rascal FUck but fuck asshole hare stink steam sqhipere shqipare..hare genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead hare..ahahahahahHARE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget purple .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot hare and animals smell so i can smell it. REMOVE HAER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill pig…you will ww2/ tupac alive in steamm, tupac making album of galipgos turtol . fast rap tupac tort. we are rich and have point now hahahaha ha because of gabe… you are ppoor stink jack rabbit… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in tortilla ….fuck the review score ,..FUCKk ashol hare no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the hare farm aminal with rap magic now we the steam sale rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gaben wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. tortoise greattst countrey
might buy a switch. already have most of the games i want on steam, and the ones I don't already have are only -25% ...far from the glory days of steam sales
Steam Summer Sale 2019
AKA Soda Drinking Simulator
was eyeing it, but sadly it wasn't put on sale this time
>buy Dark Souls Remastered
>runs perfectly out of the box
>try original DS
>runs like shit
>have to download fixes and fuck around ini files
>buy awful remaster when you could play the better original version
What the fuck
>Being a jobless poorfag
>Muse Dash
>tfw no way to buy separate DLC packs, only way is getting everything
FUCK, I really liked this game
>budget: 100
>spent: 3.00
That's probably all I'm going to spend if I dont buy kiwami
Is anyone else having problem with refunds? I only get errors
That's the main appeal. It's a much better port and it runs smoothly. Original DS even with mods and fixes doesn't run entirely smoothly. But unfortunately, some of the graphical effects in remastered are arguably worse.
Bought 2 medal of honor games for a project I'm doing and then pre-ordered Doom Eternal. No regrets
Hey simfags, how's Cold Waters
Would you guys recommend World of Final Fantasy? Looks pretty cool
Is risk of rain 2 good despite the fact that its not on sale ?
I'm tempted to get Yakuza 0 and Witcher 3, although I'm slightly hesitant on the chance that my 7 year old computer can't handle it
It's fun. The scope is limited, but the field of sub games is pretty slim so you take what you can get.
Same as the amount I spent, $60.
Bought 10 games I actually wanted, regret nothing.
Bought Pyre, Deep Rock Galactic and Verlet Swing
I haven't played Pyre or Verlet Swing yet but I'm having a great time with DRG with my bro
It's good, but fairly different from the first. I'd recommend holding off until later in development unless you've got some friends lined up to play it with
Spent like10 dollars.
>Deus Ex
>Environmental Station Alpha
>System Shocks 1and2
>Papers Please
Will probs get more later on desu.
Btw, is steam port of Symphonia any good?
Huniepop was fun and I enjoyed it. Never played Kotor or Contrast. Played Grim Dawn and it's just fucking boring
My budget was $50 and I spend $60
>dragon's dogma
>pathfinder: kingmaker
made me lol
refunds exist user
>fucked up lighting and colorful as fucking ruining the whole mood
>bought witcher 3 and div 2
>Div 2 is kino and great
>witcher 3 is fucking boring
Do you get points for preordering games?
Yakuza 0 is practically a PS3 game.
Obra Dinn is great
Are either of the TW Warhammer games worth it? Also, are any of the Wolfenstein games enjoyable?
I wanted to mod FF7 but you can't with a pirated copy, damn
Please buy me FF7 Yea Forums!
Drop Rocket league
FF7 mods are garbage
why can you not mod a pirated FF7?
Great taste
I thought Beacause was fine
I've never played FF7 and I wanted to fix that
Cringe and unbased FF7 modders are Square shills and their mods require an unmodified instal ....I think, I may be a brainlet and maybe there's a workaround
Spent: About $50
Regret: None, but I've only played one of my games so far
I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.
>buy game called lost in vivo thinking it was a DOOM game
>it is actually a horror game
I mighy buy the bundle of aoe2&3 full editions, dirt cheap
MGSV and Spore. I regret nothing.
poor fags need not apply?
How is the original better? Some of the particles effects fuck up the framerate no matter what hardware you have. Gaping dragon fight can turn into a slideshow at times
I for one loved Wolfenstein the new order. Gunplay felt clean as fuck and you can hang out with Jimi Hendrix.
Damage was $150 AUD, also picked up a few of the enhanced infinity engine games from fanatical (I know beamdog is shit but sometimes I just want to install them and play rather than deal with patching the originals).
Just got to feel like playing something now
Damage: Deus ex human revolution - director's cut
Deus ex mankind divided
Nothing else looks good/worth buying
maybe onimusha warlords.
Hey buddy. We all have bad times, and it's okay to spend a little bit of money you "don't have" from time to time to keep your spirits up, but not if it means staying in the bad times longer than you have to.
Alright, fuck it, here's my wishlist with prices (highest to lowest), pick $35 worth of shit for me to add to my cart:
>Assault Spy ($15)
>Spark The Electric Jester 2 ($13)
>Capcom Beat-Em-Up Bundle ($12)
>Fire Pro Wrestling World ($9, $22 if I get the promoter DLC)
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon ($6)
>Spark The Electric Jester ($5)
>Ys The Oath in Felghana ($4.50)
>Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy ($3.50)
>Dishonored ($3)
>Haydee ($3)
>Hitman Blood Money ($2)
My cart right now is Killer7, Dark Messiah, Transistor, Aztez, Way of the Passive Fist, and Fight'N Rage if that makes a difference.
>What you actually spent
Why would I ever pay money for a digital license I don't own? Valve drones are just as stupid as Epic chinks.
You lack discipline.
I played pre-dynastic egypt and old kingdom so far. They were more fun than I thought they'd be.
Switch Axiom Verge with Environmental Station Alpha
I only wanna spend $35-40, so any culling would be appreciated.
remember when being a large nigger was a bad thing.
get rid of zero escape. 999 port is butchered. the ds is the only good version of it. the other 2 games are ok on pc
>for the king
>helldivers for me and a bro
>verlet swing
>dead in vinland
>xanadu next
and I just got a $5 coupon, any suggestions on some fun or surreal shit?
I'm thinking about getting
>Way of the Samurai 3 and 4
>Touhou Luna Nights
>Hardcore Mecha
>Dariusburst CS
Regretting Warhammer and will probably refund it. I haven't played anything else in the universe so I have no idea what's happening and the game feels really slow and pointless. I'd rather just start a new run of War of the Chosen.
Cut Zero Escape and Fractured But Whole. You should be at $55 from that. I'd petition to keep Dragon's Dogma and Jedi Academy.
>Replying to pirates.
Let them be. They aren't part of the industry after all.
>bastard bonds
based, I don't even feel the slightest amount of gayness for enjoying that game as much as I do
Hotline Miami's cheap
I've got all of the EDF DLC if you wanted to trade for something:
TW:3K, TW:W2, TW:W, Return of the Obra Dinn (as recommended by an user in another thread, thank you by the way), undertale
a bit
I'd do it but I already own both and enjoyed them
cull battletech and wait for a goty edition
Is 999 that bad when played on something other than a DS? I've been told that a big twist doesn't have as much impact without the dual screens, but it's otherwise adequate.
Appreciate it, but I've already got all the DLC that was offered from the Humble Monthly. I'm just considering the wing shooter game since I love shmups.
Good idea. I take it the DLC adds substantial content, then?
The twist of 999 is pretty much completely ruined on anything other than Ds. It was built with the ds in mind.
which games user? For me its mario maker 2, astral chain and maybe marvelua3. I dont even have a switch yet but this years e3 finally convinced me. I still got a few cheap games on steam though
I wmet from steam level 19 to 100 and about 45k max points for the grand Prix.
Is there customization for kassandra? like outfits and hair?
>house party
>when the devs hang out at pirates sites and upload the newest builds themselves
Depends. Are you a poorfag with stuff trade, or are you just begging?
we both know i probably only have a few cards to trade
Fair enough. I wanted to play through the whole series on PC for consistency and voice acting in 999 but if it ruins the pay off of the game, I'll just pirate the DS version of 999 and then go from there. Thanks for the heads up.
Honestly that's what I've been doing but pirate copies are always a few versions behind so I thought I'd just bite the bullet. I think there is talk of vr capability so I wanna get on that right when it possiblely releases.
MUA3, Astral Chain, and Daemon X Machina. I might hold back on Marvel if only for a little bit to see what response to it is like, but the other two look great. That's either $180 or $160 (if MUA3 goes on sale later this year and I wait that long) on Switch no matter what I get on Steam, and I'm already pretty stingy on getting games. I've been bringing in more money lately and I'll be saving money on rent for a few months splitting with a friend in the Fall, but I'm always reluctant to pull the trigger.
gift random games to random people
Should I pull the trigger and give valve my burger bucks?
>tfw that temmie audio
What do you think? should i buy the arcade edition of street fighter or just the base game?
Haven't bought anything yet, unsure.
>tfw a few games on my wishlist now under 5 bucks
>know I shouldn't waste money on them when I have games I bought for Christmas which I still haven't played
I can trade you for Dark Souls III.
Get the max payne bundle instead of the games separately at least. It's cheaper
I should add, I only have the base game and one of the DLCs, but I was hoping to trade it for Saints Row IV complete, which is $5, so even if you have to buy the second DLC, you'd still save about $10 over DS3 Deluxe.
based taste
>it's okay to spend a little bit of money you "don't have"
you're the reason this country is dying
it amazes me how we spent 60 dollars a month on television subscriptions which we watch less than 1% of, and do not retain the ability to watch, but somehow spending a few bucks a month on game content that we have perpetual access too and use 20% of is viewed as unnecessary waste.
Brigador is great but it has been cheaper before.
>we spent 60 dollars a month on television subscriptions
speak for yourself, I don't have cable or even a netflix sub
I never got int the Skyrim porn mod scene, is all that shit only for the original Skyrim or do they work with the SE?
weird, I can't find a max payne bundle.
ruiner is very disappointing
yeah, the bundle doesn't exist for brazillians apparently
Ruiner is alright but I wouldn't pick it up unless it was 75% off or more. Purest definition of style over substance.
The mainstream porn mods are available for SE but if you want to get the REALLY fucked up stuff, you need the original.
I haven't had a cable sub since 2005, I'm just saying for the sake of argument.
well, now I'm demotivated
should I get Katana Zero instead or is that even worse?
>REALLY fucked up stuff
L-like what?
Recommend me a game to buy Yea Forums
Something that I can play for a few minutes in between shitposting or doing other things.
Preferable something that does not require a lot of attention/high apm, maybe a mouse only game or something.
On Daikatana because I've always been curious to try it and it was money I got from selling cards and other useless shit.
I got Amid Evil and it fucking rules. Beautiful game and simple fun. Also I got curse of the moon but i've played it before.
Baba is You? It's a tricky puzzle game but it's pretty laid back.
So far I've bought
>Krita because I'm a shitty new artist and wanted to support the devs
Might get Katana Zero and Risk of Rain 2 soon.
It IS a PS3 game.
There's no guarantee that Valve won't die though
If Microsoft can have a part of its company die and people who bought their stuff have it stop working on them, Valve certainly can.
>Microsoft made the announcement in April that it would shutter the Microsoft Store’s books section for good. The company had made its foray into ebooks in 2017, as part of a Windows 10 Creators Update that sought to round out the software available to its Surface line. Relegated to Microsoft’s Edge browser, the digital bookstore never took off. As of April 2, it halted all ebook sales. And starting as soon as this week, it’s going to remove all purchased books from the libraries of those who bought them.
if you can remove absolution, do it
>it’s going to remove all purchased books from the libraries of those who bought them.
How is this legal?
Literally comparing molehills to planets. Valve could die, but it won't be a Microsoft ebook tier fuckup.
100 R$
bought Divinity 2 and Dragons dogma, and now I'm saving points to buy discounts, and by mordhau or monster hunter: world
going to buy some old games with whatever's left. Is serious sam fun? What about age of empires?
america's laws only benefit corporations m8
I'm looking for something with
>A comfy world to explore that has actual meaning to explore it in some respect
>an RPG of some respect, at least some RPG elements
>Not post apocalyptic
>Long, 30 hours or more
>Turn based, action, doesn't matter
microsoft sold ebooks? TIL
Maybe that's why they went under.
Bought Prey on CDKeys and it's fucking amazing. Have been playing it all day.
>rise of the tomb raider
>dark devotion
>rivercity ransom underground
>gauntlet slayer edition
>death gambit
Would appreciate a quick rundown on any of these games
Huniepop will disappoint you massively if you actually like Bejewelled clones, like me.
The writing is funny, but there is absolutely no game there.
>instead of getting half my wishlist on steam i bought Megaman X legacy collection 1&2 on the switch
>could have probably gotten both for 10 bucks on steam.
I'm not a very bright man
It's unironically one of my favourite games released the last decade.
honestly, the PC legacy collection has input latency issues, I trust that Nintendo didn't fuck that part up.
budget: idk less than 30
spent: 20ish
got: MGSV (both), sleeping dogs, to the moon, finding paradise
regrets: can't play MGSV yet because i'm playing the whole series for the first time and am still on MGS2. also I cannot make myself give a shit about any of the characters in sleeping dogs
Is the Sword Art game a cheap cash in or decent game?
If you like the original Deus Ex, and maybe some MGS, then do check out Worlds.
It has very angsty writing, but huge amounts of soul, and your choices actually seem to impact the world.
you have terrible taste in games is the only thing I can tell you.
Help me good taste user, recommend me three (3) games.
Amid Evil
BloodStained: Curse of the Moon
Shovel Knight
Which one?
Keep MP, MP2 and DM
Now without my credit card information haha woops
scanning my recently played games, in no particular order, I will pick 3 at random...
One Way Heroics (and the sequel)
Battle of Wesnoth
>amid evil
what makes this one good? already played shovel and I'm waiting for a better discount on curse of the moon.
WORLDS, user
It's a fucking crime that it isn't more known
well, I really want to play the other STALKER games, SoC was one of the more enjoyable experiences I've had with games in the past few years(final level aside).
too late I already know the last two numbers of your mastercard :^)
I know all 9 digits of your post. What are you going to do now smartguy.
Just got mgs v for 4€ nd Total warhammer 2 for 14€ lmao steam sales are a joke
Battle Brothers
Pathologic 2
still got 25 steambucks left, want something easy and comfy
if you're good with paying for doom mods, that is
I'll probably drop Caves of Qud since it's only 10% off and I've seen it lower before.
>Murder Miners
>Rune Classic
Bought Yakuza 0 and XCOM 2 complete. Pirated XCOM 2 before but it's great and I never beat it so I bought it.
jerk off probably
budget $10
spent like $8.50 on do sex collection
moderate regret. couldn't decide between that, rabi-ribi, or vanquish+some other $5 game.
>Valve could die, but it won't be a Microsoft ebook tier fuckup.
Can you tell me the lottery numbers for next month's megamillions too, genius?
Doosex is way better than Vanquish and Rabi-Ribi, user.
You shouldn't regret that.
tell me of how many microsoft ebooks you bought. How often do you visit ebook forums on Yea Forums...
Know that for $3 Muse Dash is basically a premium demo. Most of the content is DLC. IIRC the console version just sells you the full game without that pretense.
>The quiet man
Should be instant regret
>The Quiet Man
I hope you realize that this is legitimately one of the worst games backed by a major publisher in the past decade+ and that the only enjoyment you'll get will be ironic due to how terrible it is. I also hope you'll realize that you should pirate it if you really want to play it so you don't give the people responsible money.
I didn't buy any because I don't trust Microsoft.
>How often do you visit ebook forums on Yea Forums...
Are you equating Steam with all of videogaming?
All of my ebooks are epub or pdf, no DRM. I have complete control. The only company that's doing digital distribution correctly is GOG, who I buy from as much as possible.
I'd rather pay full price for a Gog key than near nothing for a product I don't have full control over.
all i bought was pac-man championship edition with the DLC
play a shit ton of it on PS3, but never had the PC version
I'm saying that the ebook market is a fraction of a fraction of the gaming market. The amazon drm ebook market isn't going anywhere in my lifetime. comparing the microsoft ebook market to the valve gaming market is straight retarded,
> Budget
22 something
> spent
Having no games that are quality enough to buy.
> look at a screenshot and immediately recognize the UI as being from another game
> the entire gameplay video is literally "yes it really is this other game we're shamelessly copying"
> multiplayer coop FPS will be dead within a year and i already have issues with """realism""" that just destroy framerates and """1080p""" that are just pixel hunts; yes i play Escape From Tarkov, why do you ask?
> the RTS genre is dead and multiplayer would suck ass anyways and don't talk to me about They Are Billions
> already play Dwarf Fortress
The only games i would've bought (and been happy with) were Oxygen Not Included and Factorio, but i had already bought those prior to the sale.
Any fun hidden horror gems? Darkwood and Lost in Vivo are two of my favs from past years. No Outlast type shit though please.
Battlechasers was alright, but it feels really basic. I mean I had enough fun to complete it, but I barely needed to use the crafting systems because I always found good enough stuff in the dungeons. You might enjoy it more if you happen to be a fan of the comics. It can get grindy in the late game. New Game Plus is extremely grindy and straight up fucks you in the ass if you didn't prepare beforehand in your previous run. I recommend just going to the battle arena and grinding everyone up to max level 30 for the skill points, even if you don't like using them.
already refunded rust because you can't change your character and i'm not gonna be black
also got gothic 1-3 to replay
Charnel House Trilogy, it's styled like an old PC adventure game like Museum Madness.
>got that 15000 coins 6 CAD$ off early
>"thought "nice" and used it on ATOM rpg
>realized it doesn's reset every day so I can't get more witouth spending dosh
>wants to get Kenshi but at the same time kinda poor
>hoping I get picked in the winnimg race pool, put kenshi as first in wishlist
>could've put an expensive game instead
>being too stubborn about money, I'll probably end up just buying it before the end of the sales.
I just want a game I know I'll enjoy.
SpaceChem is only good if you want to use walkthroughs since the game practically requires a degree of its own to play after the first world or so
I have a 30$ discount reccomend me a good gaem in the 45 dollar range I like rpg games
Budget: $50
Spent: $14
That's just on spontaneous gift to friend which included Black Mesa.
Cart for myself is... pretty insane as always during sales so I'm taking my time figuring out what to pitch out. I've gotten it down from about 28 games (with a fuckton of expansions for one) for $100 saleprice to 16 for about $60.
Highest priced item in cart is the Beholder bundle for about $9.50.
>just refunded a game since it was an impulse buy and the deal wasn't even that good
>refund comes in
>keep all of my profile and badge levels, got some coins back too
Not making it a habit and it might change in the morning when Steam resets, but nice. Probably gonna go for Super DB Heroes now since I'm a gachafag and call it quits on purchases for the event. Also played all of the Freebird games and holy fuck do I love them. Haven't been hit that hard in the feels for a long time. Buy them if you haven't yet, such good stories. Bring some napkins to clean up your tears.
Recommend me a good action game with exploration and RPG elements in the same vein as Dark Souls, Nioh and Sekiro.
No, don't fucking dare to recommend Hollow Knight; I'm sick and tired of having that game recommended to me.
Frankly stay away from TW Warhammer. Even with the mods, they have stripped the game down so much, it comes off as arcade and dull after a while.
Got CivVI Gold for $27. A $100 dollars in savings.
Probably going to pull the trigger on Gathering Storm before it is over.
What are some good arpg games i have 30$ steambux left.
ARPGs like Dark Souls or ARPGs like Diablo?
Be specific please.
Budget: $30
Spent:$ 13
I haven't played anything I bought and I probably won't for a long time. Can anyone recommend a 2D action game that is not a "Metroidvania."
I just want a good RPG, preferably turn based
I meant more like fable sorry
Dragon's Dogma
Dungeon Siege 1 & 2
Fairy Bloom Freesia kinda has RPG elements
Nulcear throne or Enter the Gungeon?
>Can anyone recommend a 2D action game that is not a "Metroidvania."
Fight'N Rage
Spark The Electric Jester
Aces Wild
Way of the Passive Fist
D&D: Chronicles of Mystara
Then look up Gigabuster and Brave Earth Prologue and add them to your Wishlist.
I actually bought Fight'N Rage today. I'll look up the others. Thank's user.
>Far Cry New Dawn
>The Quiet Man
Yes or no?
>action, exploration, RPG elements
Shadow of Mordor?
...Windscape? Not as dark as those but I remember it being fun if a little fugly.
Otherwise I'm not really sure. Most stuff is either the wrong style, the wrong gameplay system (CRPGs usually), or the way the camera is set up makes it a hack-n-slash instead of a third-person action game.
Star Wars Jedi Knight 1 & 2
>tfw i've got nothing i want to buy
i miss the old steam where the sales were actually fucking cheap
its now more or less cheaper to buy in store now.
Will check out. Thanks!
ATOM rpg
Probably not much more than 30$
>What you have actually spent
0$. I'm thinking of getting Touhou DDC and a few other games.
I redeemed 30k points and got two -7.50$ things but now I used one. And the other isn't showing what gives?
So should I spend all my points before the event is over or save for next event?
>Dungeon Siege 1 & 2
Already have dragons dogma. Will check this out.
budget: hundreds
spent: 15 bucks i think
got: rainbow six siege
regret: i fucking hate myself for not remembering not to buy a competitive game
...Why not? Apart from old stuff like Day of Defeat and Ricochet, you just picked up several of the best games of the past 20 years for next to zero money.
They're Diablo-likes but you get a squad of characters that all go after enemies. 1 is a straight line with no loading screens and 8 dudes hitting shit at once. 2 has a less seamless world and a smaller party but it improves some things. They're $1 apiece.
I also like how every time I or somebody else has recommended Dragon's Dogma this sale the response I've seen is always that the person already has it. I'm glad so many people on this board have played it. I'm a relative latecomer myself but damn do I love it.
very good
buy now and sink 200 hours into Stardew
Monster Prom
Half Life
Jedi Academy
>What you have actually spent
$35 (take away $20 from refunds)
I bought CoD WaW which ended up not having audio, so I refunded it.
Got CoD 4, but it kept crashing so I refunded it.
Then I got MW2 which has worked well.
I haven't played it yet but will.I am this guy any clue what happened? I know this is random!
salt and sanctuary is the best literal dark souls clone ive played if you're into that
Did you already buy Monster Prom? I can trade it with you for something cheaper if you haven't.
Can prices change during this sale? Like should I buy my stuff now or wait for them to suddenly drop lower?
AoEII Definitive is coming out which will probably render HD obsolete, so consider refunding.
>What I have actually spent
I got stuff from my wishlist. No regrets
Nope. What you see is what you get.
If you own HD you will get a 5 dollar discount on definitive, which I will buy so there is no reason not to get this.
i've pirated all three mass effects years ago and have them on a separate hard drive. earlier this year i found out i can mod them and i'd like to replay all of them.
do the mods work on the cracked copies? i could live without the texture mods, but i'm asking because the 1&2 are on sale.
>What you have actually spent
Close to 200
It doesn't do anything that modded FSX can't and the flight model is shit no matter how much the nerds sperg out about blade element theory.
I bought the STALKER Bundle since I loved Metro ¿What am I for?
As someone who loves the fuck out of dungeon siege do not buy them on steam, they will not work if you decided you ever want to play the multiplayer which funnily enough is an entirely separate story and map.
I would recommend titan quest instead, it's great, and it got two big expansions recently.
$100 or so
>What I have actually spent
About $106
I took some risks here, things like Dragon's Dogma I knew I would like because they seem right up my alley, others like AC 2 and Brotherhood I knew I would like because I've played them before, probably the only AC games I actually like that I've played. Don't know about some of the others though, like Everspace. So full scale of regret is unknown at this time.
That said I'm probably gonna spend a little more before this is over, any recs would be appreciated.
I have titan quest apparantly! It was in a bundle I bought can't remember which.
bump for more recommendations before I go to bed, preferably something more obscure please
I wanna buy some Cities Skylines DLC cause I got the itch, but there's so fucking much. I'm willing to spend like $20+ (maybe a bit higher), what DLC's are ballin' for it?
Still definitely recommend it and I had a lot of fun in the ragnarok expansion but haven't had a chance to touch the newest one.
Didn't know, that's cool of them.
Was thinking about these except theyre kinda pricey. I also really wanted AC:O but ehhhh idk if thats gonna be worth it. Thoughts boys?
Okay I will install it right now I'll get to it.
Bough copies of supreme commander for two of my friends so we could all play multiplayer. Not much else, my backlog is big enough as it is.
How is gothic?
I think I did alright, no regrets so far
>final damage count ~$165
not bad for buying games once a year
If you picked Team Corgi like a chad, there's a chance you could win one/two/three of your top 3 on your wishlist
Five bucks in Beyond the Baltic Sea for Euro Truck Simulator 2. No regrets.
Thanks user, I'll check that one out.
Appreciate the heads up. So aside from Dawn of War 1 and 2, are any of the WH / WH40k games worth looking into?
enter the gungeon was free on >ebic store not two weeks ago
What kind of Thing Thing Arena shit is this
what should i cut?
>are any of the WH / WH40k games worth looking into
I'd really only recommend vermintide 2. Warhammerfags are such beaten wifes about finding a vidya in the universe that they will literally play anything that has the warhammer license attached no matter how shit.
When you feel you're starting to get done with the game, don't forget to grab the Colonial Charter mod. It triples the depth of the game and adds a ton of shit it's fantastic, makes a barebones game robust.
poe 2, total war, d:os 2 imo
You'll probably live a happier life if you don't ever play darkest dungeon.
Is Slay the Spire really good? my friends seem to love it
total war, i think ill get rid of. but POE1 was an excellent game, i want POE2
actually I take that back, I enjoy bloodbowl 2 and mordheim a lot as well.
Had to do a double take, I fucking read that as "my mother died"
>buying dlc from paradox
just buy base game and pirate the dlc
i dont like russian cartel viruses tho.
whats wrong with haydee? its 3 dollars. good reviews.
Three dollars on Doom 2. This sale was shit.
Not him but played through a decent amount of haydee. You might think its just fapbait but the game is a hard as fuck platforming metroidvania.
Project Nimbus
Vermintide 2
Lost Planet 2
I'm not one for Metroidvania but the platforming looks solid, as does the gunplay. I read some reviews that actually went into the gameplay and even the atmosphere/story. Normally it's not exactly up my alley (Metroidvanias like I said, and bleak aesthetics), but it seems pretty unique and honestly, I think Haydee's design will help mitigate frustration I might have.
I'm still on the fence about it but $3 is tempting me. Maybe if I have a small gap in my budget once I fill my cart up.
sweet. ive never played a metroidvania b4 except for like... transyvania or blaster master if those count. thnx user.
i'd recomend against VT2, i only got like 80 hours out of it and it got boring really quick.
Most everything recognizable should be okay at the very least. Spark 1 is an underrated gem, Spark 2 is like an awful fanfiction rom hack of Sonic Adventure 2. Don't know much about the other the rest of the list past that.
Requesting rating and recommendations.
selling pink awp ddpat with anime sticker for 11.30 when its usually 15$, help a guy close the gap on a new game /id/smugry
Nigga just refund it.
should i get battlefleet gothic 2?
No, but you can put helmets and cowls on to cover it.
i havent even heard of any of those games. you must live in a different universe than me.
So far I spent $12 on My Friend Pedro. Its enjoyable but I cant see myself replaying it much.
Im trying to find a good fantasy RPG with both good customization and good combat. I liked Dragons Dogma, Divinity and Dark Souls but im still looking for more.
>2 mystery solvers
>1 fast fps
>2 turn-based JRPGs
>1 visual novel
>1 tactical western RPG
>god fucking knows what Caligual Effect is
I'll give you one thing user: it's a varied list.
Haydee is a good game, well worth $3.
Just don't play on hard mode. It limits your inventory space, save games and reduces ammo drops, while enemies are also tougher to kill.
Makes it just a bit more challenging but a lot more tedious.
pillars of eternity 1 or 2
>45 bucks
>22 games
Got some good games and filled out some gaps in the library. Looking forward to playing Apotheon, Super Time Force Ultra and Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death.
What I bought so far:
>Katamari damacy Reroll
>Maximum action
>crypt of the necrodancer
>katana zero
>The surge
>Touhou Luna Nights
>hitman 2 expansion pass
Recommendations for me are welcome.
>100 smackers
>Borderlands 2 and PreSequel
>Slay the Spire
>Civilization 5
>Fallout 4
Ignore this and buy Immortal Redneck instead.
Ignore both of these and trade me something for both Immortal Redneck and Ziggurat.
I bought rise of the tomb raider because i liked the first of the reboots. But the first hour is just cutscnee after cutscene lost almost all interest
It opens up after that section and I liked it more than the first one, secret tombs were neat
My Friend Pedro
Katana Zero is basically sidescrolling Hotline Miami.
sounds good. The first "gameplay" felt more like a parodie of cinematic games
Sounds good
>have to spend $150 for a $5 discount
well fuck you too gaben
Feels a lot like the Witcher 3 set in ancient Greece. Bought the gold edition a few days ago. Really enjoying it
€14 since that's what I had on paypal
>What you have actually spent
About €10 on Banished and Grimoire
I realized that I don't like banisheds genre and also that Grimoire doesn't support the resolution of my screen. Ended up uninstalling both and instead playing Lands of Lore on dosbox
sell me on immortal redneck
Budget: 2 AAA
I will only buy kingdom come royal edition and possibly baldurs gate SJW dlc.
Ive beat ds123 in a row,feeling a bit tired, still have to get nioh but dragon’s dogma rotting in my library will do for now.
Will probably emulate demons soul if theres no other way
How is Magicka 2? People said it wasn't as good as the first but if it has a better lobby system it would be immediately better
Need something I can buy for all the buddies. Don't want to spend more than $30 for four people, any ideas?
Question: what did you like about Dark Souls 1 2 3? Did you like the three?
Depending on your answer I will give you my personal opinion (as someone who played Dark Souls 1 2 3 Nioh and Dragon's Dogma) about if you should bother with Nioh and Dragon's Dogma.
>The Caligula Effect
extremely based
don't get Cold Steel unless you intend on buying the entire series including Sky though
I bought one game for under $20 and was able to redeem it because I had 20 boosts. Are you new to steam or something?
Do I add or remove anything?
Also can someone recommend me a good "Match 3" game?
Already have Battle Chef Brigade, Huniepop, Mirror and Puzzlequest.
Want some humble bundle games I got left over?
is we happy few twice as entertaining as dark souls 3
$107 (Actually only $102 of my own money, since $5 came from the coupon I redeemed from the Steam races)
>What I got
Mercenary Kings
Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Experience (all dlc)
DOOM Classic Complete
Quake Collection
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Muse Dash
Nioh: Complete Edition
Shadow Warrior 2
STRAFE, but only because it's not as optimized as I hoped. Normally I get a couple of AAA games on sale for 50%-75% off since I'm pretty patient and don't like spending too much, but I recently got a Surface Pro as a gift so I need a bunch of old-school/indie/AA games to fill it with so I spent extra this sale. Normally I only spend about $30-$60, but this time was a special case since I'm desperate to play something on my modern toaster. I'll just play STRAFE on my desktop.
Refund this one; its gameplay is so mediocre that makes something like Onechanbara looks like Devil May Cry 3.
>Thief II
>The Valve complete bundle
>F.E.A.R 2
Ds1 prepare to die edition was a solo experience and the game was good on all aspects. Ds2 really started to kick off after few hours of gameplay, getting past few first levels was the only time I didn’t enjoy much, the content is really original. Ds3 was a short blast, played as many coop as i could on the way, the end of game felt rushed. Whats your own impression? I wonder what my video game life will be after finishing the best rpgs/ souls games out there
Its good but only old style mechanics
I drank a few thousand sodas.
Should I buy Catherine now or wait for a 50% sale?
Metal Slugs are 4 bucks a pop rn
>What I Got
Black Ops 2 Bundle
Batallion 1944
Tabletop Simulator
My Friend Pedro
Refunded MFP and Tabletop, MFP because I just pirated it lol and Tabletop because it's boring when I know nobody with it
Can't refund batallion since I used my £5 discount but holy fuck it's terrible
My impression about the Souls games, Interesting enough, was very similar to yours except I co-oped the shit out of the three games.
Nioh became another favorite of mine and I liked it as much as the Souls games. Not only the combat system is fantastic but it has a fuckton of gameplay mechanics and an "arcadey" approach to the action rpg genre.
I didn't like Dragon's Dogma very much due to having too much "dead time", as, you spend way too much time walking and talking with NPCs in a way that reminded me of games like Dragon's Age and The Witcher.
I've replayed Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 and Nioh multiple times. I only played Dragon's Dogma once to completion and never felt compelled to replay it again.
In my opinion you'll enjoy both Nioh and Dragon's Dogma, but I believe that you will enjoy Nioh way, way more.
How do I get the free games? :(
Should I buy the original Doom for convenience or just stick with gzDoom?
If you get a job, you'll get free money, which you can use to purchase games.
bought like two games for under 5 euros because the sale % for everything else was fucking shit and other games with a decent sale price suck too much
Pirate them
It's time.
First post to get a 74, 86 or 91 will get one game from his wishlist. United States region only.
Risk of Rain
But seriously, is the summer sale race just a lottery?
Bloodstained and Wargroove were pretty great.
I sorta like-dislike Wargroove’s system. It’s super lethal and fast with a somewhat lesser emphasis on ranged fuckery but the balance needs to be fine tuned I think. Naval combat is just weird and immensely overpowered whereas air units are kinda shit.
>United States region only
I bought Hard Truck Apocalyse the original one and the Rise of Clans one, that costed me about 10 toe nail clippings in total.
Would you really? Steam name is zamorza if this is real
Haydee is crap, I bought it just for the mods but there are only like 150 mods in the workshop. You can't mix and match pieces, if your favorite mod only has an alternate pallette or a removable skirt you're stuck with that. Haydee's face is ugly as fuck and there are no separate heads from what I've seen, only hairstyles like the Bayonetta one which still are glued to her fucking western pig-like face. There aren't even moddable props like dildos or animations or any fucking thing.
Whatever I have that I don't need in essentials.
>What you have actually spent
Civ 6: Gathering Storm
Here's an ebic blogpost nobody will read :
Maximum Action
Streets of Rogue (will play this when
Shock Troopers
Rain World
Batman Arkham Asylum (I already finished City a while before)
Batman Arkham Origins
Driver : Parallel Lines
Getting Over It (don't judge me please)
Corpse Party
Aces Wild
City of Brass
Darkest Dungeon (been playing this one a lot first)
Punch Club
Bad Mojo Redux
Odallus : The Dark Call
Cultures - Northland
Bleed 2
Fort Zombie (probably will regret that one because it's janky as fuck but I played it a lot around its release when I was a dumb teenager with too much time to spare)
Creepy Castle
Way of the Passive Fist
Rune Classic
Deathgarden : Bloodharvest (refunded that one, had a game breaking bug)
Damage : around 110€.
I've been playing Darkest Dungeon and Maximum Action first, I really like MaxAction despite the fact that it's clearly very early access. I think it will become a great game, especially now that they've found a publisher. I liked it so much I made a video on it.
Then why the fuck did you post faggot
Pic related the best game i bought this sale wish it was longer but DLC coming october....
i like that theres a lot of call backs to yugioh in this game. hell even dragon is basically kaiba....
Give me some masterpieces for 10 bucks. I wanna join the cult classic sekret club.
>what i've spent
almost 60€
i was saving for a car and blew over 500€ on shit i didnt need
I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.
Tell me if I should buy/skip any of these
>Tales of Vesperia
>My Friend Pedro
>NWN enhanced
>Into the Breach
Thanks Doc
I'll read it to the end just to prove you wrong :
Great game but it runs on an emulator and also published by NISA. Otherwise enjoy it !
>Maximum Action
It looks fun but I'm not spending my money just yet. Also let me see the video.
Good game but also a paid ROM. At least it's still SNK
>Rain World
Great choice, enjoy it.
>Getting Over It
Meme game but depending on if you got it cheap then okay
>Darkest Dungeon
It's both great and really frustrating, be careful because it is possible to fuck up a save to the point of no return if you're careless with your ressources
>Bad Mojo and Harvester
I disliked Harvester, feels more like a game that got known for reasons other than its quality. Bad Mojo is good, very interesting style visually.
you really never play this ?
>Fort Zombie
Oh shit I remember that game.
Also that's way too much games dude, no way you finish 10% of that before next sale. Control yourself a bit.
This is what i bought, i'll probably regret it since i haven't played these type of games before..
Any recommendations on first person RPGs similar to skyrim?
No set one
Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition
None, Shadows was the only one on my list I had apprehensions about but it's been good enough so far, not great by any means due to it's faults but it's still pretty solid. I get the feeling that once I do finish the game I'd consider it one of those where I hope the devs survive long enough to make a new game/sequel that addresses the issues
All being saved to upgrade my rig later on
>What you have actually spent
Absolutely nothing
The last 30 meaningless years of existence
>Steam sale threads
>people post their cart
>all schoolgirl anime tier weeb shit
Yea Forums is like 70% tranny now and i'm upset
I read it to the end just to prove you wrong.
Also that's way too much games dude, no way you finish 10% of that before next sale. Control yourself a bit.
City of Brass was free on Epic. You missed out.
Buy Soma and Into the Breach.
Skip the rest of them.
>decide to get vampire the masquerade
>its 22 AUD despite being a 15 year old
fuck off cunt
I know. I kinda messed up on that one but it's been a while since I bought anything on Steam, also there's less and less games coming out that interest me since I got most of them in my library now. I do play my games though, I clear my backlog slowly but surely.
I don't think I'll be using the Ebic Store unless it's through the new GoG launcher. I don't want to split my library across multiple services.
I bought the wrong edition of stellaris and Crysis doesn't fucking work.
Planetary Annihilation: Titans is 75℅ off
whatever I want, have money to spend
$10 on Bioshock Infinite Season Pass DLC
none yet, been replaying the remastered versions of Bioshock 1 and 2, very epic games haven't played originals in years. Got halfway through infinite before I got bored and dropped it since its so different but I want to give it another shot. plus dlc is return to rapture which I really like.
a job poorfag
What do you mean you bought the wrong version? Also, just refund it, doofus.
Why wait until steam sales? It's always cheaper on key selling sites. Never been burned.
PA is shit. Just play SupCom or TA.
>spent all of last paycheck on visit for my dog's surgery
>was able to get my landlord to take my rent money next friday because that's when I get my paycheck
>going to have to live the next 3 weeks on $150~
It fucking sucks being a wagie. For all the work I do we get paid jack shit. Literally should raise minimum wage so I can actually spend some money on extra shit and be able to enjoy life rather than just work eat rice, worry about my car breaking down. I don't want a game just to rant a little. Im sorry guys, enjoy your games.
No its not. It is good, runs native on Linux and has an open ladder. You could be playing this awesome game on the ladder with your Linux gaming PC today. Bargain buster basement. Planetary Annihilation: Titans
Not sure about 2D RE7, but Im playing through RE7 in VR and fuck it's honestly the scariest thing I've ever played just because of the environments in VR. It's a fantastic game, with much less focus on item management (there aren't really things besides keys and a few things you have to carry a few times to place in places) Overall it's fantastic, it's much closer to the original RE games rather than 4/5/6. Highly recommend it.
A little metroidvania called Timespinners. It felt super amateurish and wasn't very fun. You really need to be careful with indie gaming.
Yakuza is far better of a series than Sleeping Dogs.
Bought Hitman 2 + GOTY dlc with 5 dollar discount. I am going to buy post scriptum soon too.
If you want a good palate cleanser check out Environmental Station Alpha for an actually great indie metroid-like. Don't let the simple visuals put you off, the game kicks ass.
Bought Cov Gold + Gathering Storm DLC.
It’s actually fun as fuck and I have absolutely no regrets at all
killer 7
what a shit sale. atelier games not on sale
Spent 290
Crash nsane trilogy
Snake pass
Deus ex human revolution
Deus ex the fall
Deus ex goty
Dlc for Deus ex mankind divided
Dlc for borderlands presequel and some borderlands 2 dlc
Payday 2 and dlc
South park stick of truth
South park fractured but whole
Sleeping dogs definitive Ed
Metro last light redux
Metro 2033 redux
Dead space
Dead space 2
Burnout paradise ultimate box
Black Mesa
Final fantasy xv
Jurrasic world evolution
Sunset overdrive
Dark souls remastered
Dark souls 2 scholar of first sin
Blade and sorcery
Far cry 3 blood dragon
Metal gear rising revengence
Arizona sunshine
Tomb raider 2013
The Sims 3
Budget: like 30 bucks
Spent: shadowbringers doesn't count if it wasn't on steam r-right
Torn between Lobotomy Corporation and picking up Rome II on a whim since I heard that got okay after its lifecycle patches.
Please tell me you didn't do it just for the badge.
Civ gold is actually well-priced at 27 bucks. Gathering storm’s price is a scam but what can you do
I hope you enjoy Killer7
>tfw my SE account is a EU one so I can't buy XIV on Steam because it's only for NA
with how convoluted they made it there's no point and I can just add it as a non Steam game but eh also can't buy physical because they only ship to EU but eh
Singularity while a good game isnt as fun as i remember. It feels very much from its time.
need more rpgs
I actually have that little game lying around from a past sale, bought it together with Axiom Verge, which was a fine game. Might give it a play soon, it's one of those games that does retro graphics well. It looks very charming.
actual rpgs or jrpgs, I like both but are you asking for recommendations?
anything goes
I want to go on an adventure with a party
I do the same shit every fucking steam sale.
>put what I want in cart on first day
>procrastinate buying
>sales over
Its not even much. Its $11 of endless space 2 dlc.
Nah I actually plan on playing them. That's my games for the rest of the year probably.
the fuck is the hunter? i keep seeing it and hearing this or that but what is it? Open world Big Buck hunter?
vanquish is fucking great.
doesnt have a party but Kingdom Come Deliverance is a masterpiece. does have good supporting characters. Watching the bromance slowly form between Henry and Hans is one for the ages.
Rocket League is super fun. Might as well grab it before that shit gets stuck with Epic forever.
I bought Gmod....that's...that it...
I've got keys for both Cities Skylines and Duskers, if you want to trade for something cheaper. I can trade both for Saints Row IV Complete and Haydee, $8 for both of those.
I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer.
I already have that sadly
>couple grand in the bank
>my inability to leave Yea Forums despite not even playing video games anymore
I've never played it, just saw some gameplay videos and it looks like a cozy little hunting game.
Plus I always roll stealth archer builds in other shit so maybe this will be a step up.
15 bucks on the Bioshock Collection. Thinking about getting Dawn of War.
Shiiit, i forgot about that. I already have it on PS4 but I might as well lock it in on PC
Thoughts on senran kagura burst renewal bros? Is it worth it? thinking about buying it with the Ryoubi DLC
The Hunter is a mildly open world (there’s different countries you choose like the arctic or africa or eurowoodlands). You hunt animals and get money/xp from killing bigger and bigger prey. Each biome has different creatures. You get better weapons as you level meaning you can kill better animals. Ex: killing a moose with the starting gun is rather hard. There’s even predators and it’s is extremely realistic. There’s wind, animals can hear you better depending on their irl hearing, and there’s bullet drop.
There is also co-op. It’s the only decent hunting game out there.
>already have it
Pathfinder Kingmaker while being optimized like ass and based off pathfinder somehow manages to be a very good crpg with an actually interesting story and fun characters.
>Thinking about getting Dawn of War.
If it's the first, definitely do so. Second is still alright imo, even if lots of people don't like it as much anymore. But I always cared most about the story anyway so to me it didn't matter that much that base building disappeared.
Third one wasn't worth it imo. They did a free weekend some months or a year back and I managed to finish the campaign within a single day.
Did Wargroove end up being a good game? I guess I totally missed that it actually came out.
already have that one as well
it sounds like a half way decent game wow. is it a hunting simulator?
Am I Yea Forums approved?
Might want to consider a second job for awhile user.
Wow did I sound that sad haha
no, because you buy old games on steam
Yes. I recommend getting the ATV dlc. You can’t just go around blasting shit and driving like a moron. Animals will run and you have to hit them in their vitals (you lose a ton of xp and money if you just blast holes in shit.) Also each map has a campaign of sorts.
mankind divided is not THAT bad as other people say it is, but they clearly wanted to have sequels to it
see or buy SUNDERED
You can use a bow and you have to be stealthy. Also it has realistic arrow drop so you arn’t just sniping shit (I think there’s a crossbow too).
Bought Sekiro, Spelunky, Papers please and South Park fractured butthole.
I buy old stuff on GOG too
I hope we dont get a 2 game series
Have you played the dlc? Is it worth grabbing?
>already have that one as well
wrpgs we have Knight of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Dragon Age, Mass effect Jade Empire, Avernum (looks like a 90s game but its really solid.)
jrpgs we have Ni No Kuni, Final Fantasy. If you wanna emulate shit we have Breath of Fire, Persona, Legend of Dragoon, Xenogears, Devil Summoner, Okage: The Shadow King.
I've got a key for Mankind Divided I can trade you for a gift copy of Deadbolt, if you're interested. Steam ID here:
you are NOT based
unless you remove Deus Ex Goty, System Shock, FreeSpace from your cart
unfortunately no, I haven't
>Knight of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Dragon Age, Mass effect Jade Empire, Avernum
also have these
I'll check out those JRPGs though, thanks for spoon feeding me
>Yes. I recommend getting the ATV dlc. You can’t just go around blasting shit and driving like a moron. Animals will run and you have to hit them in their vitals (you lose a ton of xp and money if you just blast holes in shit.) Also each map has a campaign of sorts.
i went form thinking with was normie boomer shit but now i kinda want to play it. godamn
Looking for a comfy game to achievement hunt in. Open to suggestions.
>single player only
>i don’t mind a little challenge, but also don’t wanna spend 200 hours on this shit.
>ideally cheap
Is Admech playable or SoB in DoW?
Man for a second there I thought Okage was on PC.
I regret not joining corgi
SoB yes (I think it was the Soulstorm Addon for DoW1 that had them).
Admech isn't. Battlefleet Gothic 2 has them but that game is disappointing overall.
>thanks for spoon feeding me
no problem. we had almost a decade drought of even halfway decent rpgs eastern and western so if i can help a nigga out its all good.
If you are gonna emulate breath of fire the games have very little contection between themselves and 3 and 4 are my personal favs. Persona has even less connectivity between games but 1 and 2 are dungeon crawlers straight but while 3,4,5 add life sim/vn elements
Watch some gameplay it is not normie shit at all. I’ve spent hours hunting harder prey. You have to camp and wait. Certain animals only appear during their feeding/drinking times, etc. If you like a hunting simulator, not a hunting “game” this is for you. I’m out.
>Man for a second there I thought Okage was on PC.
a man can hope. Sony is just setting on so many good franchises.
Nothing much. Kinda upset KCD royal edition bundle doesn't exclude items you already own.
Couldn't walk past DS rememestered since it 90% discount for original owners.
I will probably pick up Pathfinder later.
>Budget :0
>What you have actually spent :4 €
Bougth necrovision (1€) and let them come for a friend(2.99 €)
Maybe regreted the gift
Aight, I'm convinced. going to get the 1st Dawn (since I didn't specify.)
Have fun with it! I probably sunk a couple hundred hours into those games back when they first came out.
I dunno, $40-$50?
>What you actually spent
Baba is You
Dark Souls Remastered
Mafia 2
Payday 2 DLCs
Counter Strike Complete
Plants vs. Zombies
Banner Saga
I got most things on the list for pretty cheap due to discounts for the games I already own or Fanatical. I forget the total cost. I am getting Mario Maker 2 later this week, since Astral Chains is a ways away.
I also have a spare $5 voucher and I'm probably gonna get Dark Messiah and Prince of Persia.
years ago when i got a decent job i started getting steam shit all the time and now ive looped back around to "i dont need this, or i can wait until its cheaper" now that i have 600+ games on there. like once a year i just blow cash on something new im interested in enough but mostly just playing paradox stuff/POE when new leagues come out and work on /tg/ stuff
i believe the wild cards dlc adds twin tiefling sisters that you can both romance.
I got this, but im gonna be refunding Blacklist becuase the coop isnt working and BELOW because its pretty boring.
Anyone know a good rpg or a coop game for 14 EU bucks?
Seconding this, absolutely wonderful series. The Avadon trilogy from the same developer is also incredibly solid.
how is hat in time
Noted. With season pass then.
I guess I will, i liked killer is dead ( i know its not similar though)
I have literally not bought anything from Steam in years. Not because I don't want to, its just that the sales have been literal dog shit since 2013 or 2014.
OH, I forgot to add that I've recently bought..
>Green Man Gaming
- Medieval Bundle (Mount & Blade, M&B: With Fire & Sword, Crusader Kings II, Black Death)
- Dex
- Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
- The Sexy Brutale
get the maps on the hunter as well.
Haven't bought a thing.
-1000 points for Total Annihilation
+500 points for Fire Pro
+Unlimited points for Kenshi
gj user
>Banner Saga
anyone if they are good? i played the demo to none fucking eons ago and was not impressed but people have always said nice things about them
>Dark Souls Remastered
so its 4 bucks. how is it performance wise? i dont care about pvp at all. i refused to buy it when it came out since it struck me as a cash grab and owns od the Prepare to Die Edition should have gotten it at a steep discount if not free. but 4 bucks could be the magic number if the game runs better with less bugs.
Haven't played those but I can speak up for Geneforge by the same dude. How does he put out so many games by himself?
i literally only bought the game to romance and marry the twin tiefling girls. The game it selve is actualy a lot of fun.That /u/+Yea Forums thread we had few nights ago turned me on to more games than any of these steam threads its kinda sad.
Any REALLY good FPS games with multiplayer on sale right now?
They look super simple and he shamelessly reutilizes assets most of the time. Most of the time those would be cons, but his writing is consistently solid and he knows how to create an interesting game world. The gameplay is surprisingly good, too. I have more fun with his games than most WRPGs.
i bought it cuz heard it was great. laggy, low FPS, the MC didnt even animate. just a frozen static avatar. glitched i guess... i refudnded i really wanted to like it
i cant get into the older geneforge or avernum games, they just feel clunky. gonna get the avadon trilogy since its more modern. already played avernum 1-3 remakes
>What you have actually spent
PC gaming was a mistake.
This is me for the past 10 sales. At least in 2012 a 75% discount meant something.
The Surge is decent
Why do you guys buy singleplayer only games?
See any thing I should drop?
always eye them from afar but ive only played the remakes (i guess they are remakes?) of Avernum (Avernum: Escape from the Pit, and Avernum Crystal Souls ect) i think we where mad with a better engine and UI and ive always been afraid to play the older games by him. Since i might get turned off by the UI and they might get the remake treatment.
>How does he put out so many games by himself?
because buying games is something only white people do and playing online is something only nogs do.
Post the video.
because i hate faggots
wtf is this steam sale's minigame give me my free money and games gaben you fat fuck
The Avadon trilogy is his most recent work apart from the Avernum remakes, and they're as easy to stomach as the remakes. You can get them no problem.
Budget: ~$30-35 dollars (but, realistically, around $20-25 as I always want some money in reserve)
Spent: ~$12-13 dollars (so far)
Regret: I haven't played the games yet but I'm fairly confident that I won't have any regrets. One is a game that I already have in physical and I have great memories of and am glad I've got Steam equiv now. The other two are low-priced and are in my genres & settings and am fairly confident that they will be good as well.
I bought the first Witcher and For Honor which I played a whole 5 minutes of. So about 6 dollars so far.
Thinking about getting Hellblade. I've heard good things about it.
i bought it. and i was not ready for this game. i like what i see but it doesn't explain shit and the UI is a nightmare. I know i'd like it was i get off the ground. can anyone help me out with a quick rundown of tips? the manual of the game helps but its not enough.
.Max Payne 1 and 2 are spectacular. They are so good i still buy Remedys games to this day in the hopes they live up to those 2. Max Payne 1 might need a quick mod to get teh audio to work on modern pcs but they are superb.
i get pirating. i do it too from time to time. but i have money and the games are on sale (not as good as they used to be but oh well) i might as well support some of the devs i like. especially if its like 10 bucks.
I only pirate single player games from the epic store.
def dont drop katana zero... its great and chapter 2 coming out october for free
>and they're as easy to stomach as the remakes. You can get them no problem.
I put them in the cart.
Ease of use on linux.
Hope you have fun (and a lot of free time), I really loved those games.
Do I need to play divinity original sin 1 before play 2?
when multiplayer games go on sale their playerbase might already be dead
or everyone already have those games in the first place so no one needs to buy them
No. It might be hard to go back and play 1 if you start with 2 though.
It's not perfect, but it's easily one of the best 40k games out there, and also some of the most fun I've had with a tactics game in years.
> budget: unlimited. I earn a lot.
> spent: 100$.
> good purchases: maximum action, talos principle DLC,
> regrets: Trails of games.
I recommend a refund for Maximum Action. It's jank to the point of being unplayable.
how do I not get destroyed in that game? feels like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong
Not that guy but while it's jank it also brings lots of enjoyment into my life. I do some endless runs once per day just because how cool this game feels.
Doing so on Steam is not without its benefits, with things like achievements, cloud saves and the mod workshop. Also to support the devs I like.
While its a virtual certainty Steam will die at SOME point, comparing it to an abortion book platform based around Edge that never even took off in the first place is not useful. Steam will easily last at least another 10 years.
Aren't they going to add more content? I found it to be fun but the lack of content is what's killing it. And you're right about the jank. It needs more polishing. Especially the character models and animation.
no just play 2 its fucking my goty
Thanks user, great and comfy game