When was the last time blizzard did something right?

When was the last time blizzard did something right?

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When they added cute panda girls.


when they paid people to make overwatch porn

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Wotlk was the last thing they did right though it could've been a fluke.

last time?

>imply that a race can only be effective as casters or hunters
>one of the best warrior races in the actual game
Why do developers do this?

Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty campaign was genuinely fun. That was the last time they did something right.

They make good trailers and cinematics.

when half their staff wasn't sjw diversity hire bullshit

Isn't it all outsourced?

I know why people are mad but the archer looks way better like that.

No in fact the nelves of reforge are outsourced.

The worst thing is how covering her up like that doesn't fit the theme at all. 100% of the NE males in WC3 never wore shirts. Covering up their females in this society lower than muslim-tier.

Not as far as I know.

whenever warcraft 3 was released

It wasn’t a fluke. It was smack dab in the middle of a corporate merger/ takeover and we all got to see it happen

Blizzard has had their own cinematics team since 1995

WoW Classic
Let me explain why, big post incoming
>phases into new shard



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When they decided to bend the knee to FFXIV and now we're picking up the pieces to fix BFA.

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>Wow versions of the actors
You know, WC3 doesn't need that disservice.

Can I get a rundown? People want to play with Asmon in his "layer" but what exactly is it? Is it just a different word for sharding?

Warcraft the movie was a cinematic masterpiece and really delved into the characters, world and lore. I can’t wait for a sequel where they add all the great story from the new xpacs.

Yes, they changed the name of sharding to layering because is not the same but it actually is.

Oh great, more Jaina. Just what the franchise needed!

WotLK was complete garbage you subhuman ape.

You're upset that the game that introduced Jaina has Jaina?


Borean Tundra? Howling Fjord? Grizzly Hills?
These are vanilla worthy zones.


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Literally all they had to do was make an hour and a half long cinematic and it would have been killer.

Pandaren are Chinese, though, not Japanese.

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WC3 remaster's graphics were directed by someone who loves the cinematics more than the gameplay.
It shows. The graphics are designed to look good in screenshots, but make it damn near impossible to tell how many footmen or archers are in an army with a quick glance.

Exactly. Isometric games require distinct designs and often monkey-long arms.
Specially, overdesigned armor doesn't fit with this perspective. The simpler the better.

No. The writing still would have been absolute shit tier. It always is and nobody tries to deny it.

Baldi's basics of streaming and zooming kited a dragon to Stormwind.
People wanted to see the dragon.

There are only two thing Blizzturd ever did right:
1. Asymmetrical races design in Starcraft (which could've made RTS last longer if other devs were more willing to heavily diversify playable factions).
2. Saving Diablo 1 from being turn-based snoozefest.

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>All games now have that generic look so we're doing it too!
At least the concept art looks great.

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They already confirmed that archer is not the nelf archer but a dark ranger, fuck off

Two questions: Where and why is the dark ranger with the nelves display?

Probably because the people in charge of the pic knows nothing about warcraft

Make sense now we just need the source

archer figure is a hero

There are a massive sect of WoW players who hate WotLK for introducing a lot of the streamlining and casualization that plagues the game today.

when they made Junkrat

But there's a long time to the next point where they did something right

Did you like him better when he could or could not commit explosive suicide?

It's especially weird considering pic related was added to WoW not too long ago

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The World Tree War.

Is a mistake

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Piss off zoomer
noone gives a shit about your waifubait game

that's a good question. I think now I might actually prefer him getting damaged, I've acquired a good enough feel for the grenades to not get hit. But for starting out him not getting damaged is definitely preferable.
Overall I think the state he's in now (or at least the last time I played) is good, but I wouldn't really mind if they changed it back

I don't know what it is about this model but I think it looks really fucking sweet

StarCraft remastered was a solid choice

it's ok user, no one judges you for being bad at Overwatch

Overwatch had the possibility of being another Blizzard great, but they shot they've completely fucked that game

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The one month I played I got to master, coming close to GM. What are you? Hardstuck in dia?

I always had the idea overwatch would´ve been SOOOO much better if it was a starcraft shooter rather than the thing we got.

I'm sure you did.
We are very proud of you user


I'm still upset they absorbed Swingin' Ape Studios and killed any hope for Metal Arms 2 when they binned Ghost.


hory shit

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The "Why-Wrath-is-Trash" Pasta

>Leveling is alright, objectively the best part of the Xpac, but multiple zones just suck.
>Mountains of cut content
>Dungeons are pathetic cake-walks from day 1. Only a true mongoloid could claim to enjoy them.
>First raid tier is a pathetic rehash where bosses in Naxx deal less damage than their level 60 versions
>Ulduar is decent, but literally the only good raid in the expac and vastly overhyped because it's surrounded by
trash (the pretty girl effect)
>ToC is the most embarassing pile of shit ever put in the game, makes trash heaps like Dragon Soul look good.
>ICC is a lame, drab raid that is visually inferior in every way to Naxx. Can't even tell it's Scourge themed
>Also it has maybe five good fights while the rest suck
>LFG begins slaughtering server communities, and starts the "play the patch, not the expansion" slide

B-but the PvP was good..

>S5 is a degenarate shit show with DKs one-shotting people
>S6 is a degenrate shit show with comps like Beastcleave one-shotting people
>S7 is a degenerate shit show where RMP is the only comp you can play
>S8 is a degernate shit show where Arpen stacking warriors one-shot everything
>SotA is considered so universally terrible it is the only BG ever removed from the game.
>IoC is a heap which isn't much better
>WG is a shitty, unbalanced mess where you fight walls instead of players
>Northrend has no Quel'danas/TimelessIsle, so there's no great open-world PvP zone

Diablo was the last time blizzard did something right. Yes I'm saying diablo 2 was wrong.

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No chance we're getting Arthas' old va back, is there. Just give him the fucking money, Blizzard. I can't stand Patrick Seltz doing his not-Garrosh impersonations anymore.

>he doesn't believe me
that means you actually think master is impressive, which means you are not even diamond
holy shit

user, please promise me that you'll never become a detective. With your logical deductions I'm scared you might end up putting murder victims in prison



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absolutely based. but what was the last time before that?

I really do wish WoW would just fucking end already.

Were you expecting a bra?

Cute sorceress girls. Before that, Norse By Norsewest.

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How so?

Legacy of the Void was alright.

>heritage armor ends up being the best male slutmog

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