How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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Why didn't she just run


you can't run in high heels and look at the shit behind her. she would stab delicious... bare feet on that stuff and wouldn't be able to run very far. plus he probably had a car and would run her o ver.

Add trannies.

Unnerving monster designs

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thousands of years of female instinct making her act like a prey animal

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>those heels
>that dress

Best unknown horror game you've played and why is it?

Bugs are so robotic that i know robots like these will be part of reality pretty soon. They already had that gay police robot at some park as a test. I really hope bugs don't feel pain the same way we do, if they do, their existence is hell.

she's a degenerate. she had it coming

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Even if they did feel pain they don't have consciousness like humans do


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It worked for Evil Within 2

*dispenses spores on you*

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ive been playing darkwood and it has some good atmosphere and the limited vision adds to it
if new horror games focused more on atmosphere and not jumpscares i think it would make a difference

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Since when moths have tentacles?

It's how those FUCKING CUNTS spread their FAGGOTTY ASS PHEROMONES around


Silent Hill 4 The Room was pretty good. Weird direction they took the series in though.

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what is this?

Ded roastie that deserved it

Never had a doujin give me mental blueballs as hard as this one, I still really want to see the story develop into a non-porn seinen series about him trying to get away or a police investigation of the apartment complex or something.

how who? is that picture real?

Yeah it is, it'll probably get deleted soon since it's actually not supposed to be on here.

She looks like a boy. Where is her hair?

last picture of a 15 year old runaway before she was killed.

Are women literally made of glass? Why are they so easy to kill?

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>boss attacks other enemies instead of you

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Regura never makes sequels. It hurts but it's best to just drop any hopes of a continuation.

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That's 15? She looks 32. Bet she was American.

The picture was found on a serial killer's camera after he was caught. He kidnapped this girl, cut her hair, dressed her up like this and killed her. The story is like 19 years old how new are you


Her hands always makes me scream

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>serial killer
how serial we talking here?

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super serial

29 years old actually. Robert ben rhoads aka the truck stop killer. Convicted of 3, accused of at least 2 more. Apprehended in 1990.

He based then.

Yet I'd like a mommy moth gf to cuddle with in winter but those hands and being touched with terrorises me

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Suspected of 50+ since the 70s. And a rapist.

hands are my favorite woman's part too


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>mommy moth gf
>not a daughter moth gf

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But does it hurt? I have seen a lot of bug fights, and they are brutal as hell. Hopefully they don't feel as much pain as we do because of their brains, but it's proven that fish feel pain. Hopefully it's not as bad as ours, and i' m not talking about existential pain here.

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>But does it hurt?
Of course it hurts. Pain is a chemical reactions that triggers your defense mechanism.

Literally just cut a bug's leg and see if he got a chemical reaction out of it.

This. More games need body and existential horror.

He had two seasons with a third planned but the second didn't sold enough dvds.

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This just confirms, huge tits, DANGER! I take healthy amount of flat and actually be fine afterwards thank you very much.

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based house centipede poster

this is what happens if you become a whore and stray away from Jesus

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this but unironically

What horror games are you playing? I just got Corpse Party for the 3ds but haven't started, I got a little disappointed that the version with the 3d chibi models is vita only.
I'm also playing FEAR and STALKER SoC on pc, they're pretty good.

I have to admit, the look looks good on her. He had taste.

Everybody always says how real this looks and omi good! To me it just looks like Winona Ryder acting like she's uncomfortable. It honestly looks like she's posing, look at her right leg. Put it's possible that the killer made her pose like that, which makes sense.

Put the jump scares in a game that is otherwise not scary at all.

Imagine dropping a cinder block on that.

jump scare fags should just die

They're clothies that are meant for healing/support/casting

The hair ruins it.

Eh, short hair is one of those subjective things. I think she looks nice.

He was a serial killer not a hair stylist faggot

You should wach some Hatomugi then. He hands are really cute.

How I wish

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Robert Ben Rhoades (born November 22, 1945), also known as The Truck Stop Killer, is an American serial killer and rapist. He was convicted for three murders, and slated to be tried for two more before charges were dropped due to the wishes of victims' families. He is additionally suspected of torturing, raping, and killing more than 50 women between 1975 and 1990, based on data about his truck routes and women who went missing during those years and who met the profile of his preferred victims. At the time he was caught, he claimed to have engaged in these activities for 15 years.[1][2] Rhoades took photos of some of his victims, the best known being his last victim, Regina Kay Walters, whom he took photos of moments before her murder in an abandoned barn in Illinois. 14-year old Regina Kay Walters and her boyfriend, Ricky Lee Jones, both runaway teenagers from the Houston suburb of Pasadena, Texas,[6] disappeared. Like with Zyskowski, it is believed that after being picked up by Rhoades, Jones was killed and disposed of while Walters was kept. Photos seized during a search of Rhoades' home confirmed that he held Walters for a long time, based on the degree of hair growth and bruising. Jones' body was found on March 3, 1991, in Lamar County, Mississippi. He was not identified until July 2008. In Bond County, Illinois, Jones had been charged in absentia with Walters' murder.[7]

she didnt run because she had been kidnapped and abused to the point of exhaustion. Even if she did she was in the middle of nowhere and he would have either shot her or chased her down

I know, but how badly? can bug feel same amount of pain as human can? I hope not.

I want her yoshi yoshi me but my boner makes me feel undeserving. Thanks user

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Maybe originally but modern feminism has turn women into the equivalent of using a hammer to unclog a toilet.

>using a hammer to unclog a toilet.
Haven't you?

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No problem, happy to help another patrician. Those videos she has have perfect balance of intimacy and lewd. We hand anons are truly blessed.

bruh you can see building the background, it's like she wanted to get raped and murdered.

I would start by abandoning super natural horror. It comes off as really cheap with too many jump scares, they dont have to explain anything beyond saying it was ghosts/demons and attempts to give existential dread get old fast. Give me a basic monster or serial killer and leave it at that, focus more on the story making sure its interesting and the game play to make sure everything is smooth. Hide and seek simulators get old, but if you have too many weapons or abilities it becomes an arcade shooter so try to find a balance. Spend more time on world building too, the map and the music can give more tension and dread that lame jump scares.
Honestly we just need somebody willing to stick their neck out and take the first hit, the sales wont be stellar and it could get backlash but if it gets a cult following it could kick start the genre, and more devs would be willing to try different concepts. I think rockstar should do it, make manhunt 3 and goes balls out this time. They definitely have the money and capability to withstand it

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abandoned buildings. the midwest if full of them along with open farmland. Thats at least a few hundred acres away and an emancipated 14 year old kidnapped child isnt outrunning a grown serial killer with bodies in the double digits

make it so an AI constantly follows you from behind and the level map constantly changes putting the player in a maze.

Make it bonerable and spooki at the same time. SH3 did this. So did SH2 too. Alien movie did this too. Boners and spooki, best combo.

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Because their bodies and minds are optimised towards making babies and giving birth above all other things.

Men's bodies are minds are optimised towards pretty much everything else.

This single truth is the source of every single difference between men and women both physical and cultural.

introduce serial killers or true crime. As evident by this thread (and the hundreds of tv shows and documentaries) its an insanely popular genre. Theres a few team death match style games out right now or being made like dead by daylight, Friday the 13th or final year but thats just scratching the surface of a potential goldmine. It baffles me that nobody has tried to cash in on this, maybe its just hard to make a detective game interesting aside from point and click walking simulators with an occasional puzzle, but im sure you could balance out action and investigations. Devs just need to try and experiment until they find their groove

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This is kino. Making this video is even more kino. I like to watch this to relax. Capture this to your game and we are talking. Someone said this is like Siren games, but i have yet to play them.

There’s literally a level just like this in the first siren

What is the best way to play those games? I would like to emulate them to get that resolution boost, so those sexy dolls and ghost are as high res as possible, is emulation good?

I think the problem is detective games lean too far in one direction or the other. either its all about solving puzzles that honestly arent that difficult, such as Heavy Rain or one of those sherlock Holmes games, or its a 'detective" game where the detective is the punisher and shoots everyone like max payne or the second condemned criminal origins. You need a proper balance, you can use guns but theyre not very powerful or you have limited ammo, you can gather clues but it takes you all over the map and doesnt hold your hand. The homicide section of LA noire was the closest ive played to this

Beth Doe is the name given to an unidentified young European-American woman who was found murdered on December 20, 1976, in White Haven, Pennsylvania. When discovered, Beth Doe, who was carrying a nine-month female fetus, had been sexually assaulted, strangled and shot in the neck by an unknown person.[3] Her body was then dismembered with a serrated blade.[4] Her nose, breasts, and ears had been severed and have never been found.[5][6] The dismemberment was described to be unlike that of a surgeon, but not "haphazard." To dispose of the body, the suitcases had been thrown off a bridge over the Lehigh River in White Haven, Pennsylvania along Interstate 80.[13][14] It is believed that the suitcases had been thrown out of a vehicle traveling west.[15][16][17] The killer had most likely intended to have the suitcases land in the water below, to lessen the chance of their being found.[18] Two of the suitcases had landed in the woods, 20 feet from the river; the third, containing the head and fetus, was found on the river bank.[10][11] Having fallen approximately 300 feet, two of the suitcases had opened and parts of the body had emerged. The head, fetus, and the two halves of the torso were exposed.

jesus fuck

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Dude, I was eating


Only ever played them on PS2. The second is apparently impossible to emulate due to European copyright protection on the ps2 but I’ve never heard anything negative about the first.

man imagine being a human and having that done to you

Well, one way or other, i will get those sexy ghost's.

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I still don't believe this is real. I've never heard anyone isolate exactly which parasite/fungus it is.

>does a bug share the same nervous system we do.

this, whens the last time sombody came up with a good monster design?

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But pain is in your brain, we might have more bullshit nerves telling this leg is fucked, but it all will be conversed pain in our brain in the end. Bug might have one nerve that tells it's brain " this hurts, and this hurts more than those human can comprehend" It's not as simple as you think.

Something smells weird in my apartment. Like metal on empty oven.

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Bigger their brain is about the size of a quarter of a pea.

It's just as simple as I think.


>peanus weanus

>Sex crazed perverted girlfriend moth lets you fuck her/your loli daughter moth who is also a sex crazed pervert.

Hot af desu

You obviously did not understand. Let's say all your brain power went towards you being able to feel horrific pain.

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This is something I don't understand in nature. So often prey let predators get so god damn close to them and just not give a fuck. How the hell is that evolutionary smart? Zebras go and hang out with lions laying around, mice let snakes get point blank with them, and some animals let predators just up and touch and play with them and not run away.

Can't recall what particular kind of moth it is, but those are just scent glands it uses to attract mates.

utilize cults or conspiracies, like true detective or the wicker man. Have it be about one crime that spirals out of control and everyone seems shady and you dont know who to trust while you press further. Set it in an idealistic small town that has its dark underbelly exposed. Or, approach it from a different angle, your the gangster that gets caught up in something similar so youre not a good person to start with. Not the gangsters of the latest GTA that make it seem silly, but really dark and fucked up that show how bad that lifestyle is.
I think the key overall is to not go into it making a horror game, but a game with elements of horror and dread around the story

Then how does it fly?

They dont have enough brain power to generate "soo much pain". Instead it just generates a simple message. Fight or flight.

>imagine being a human
just what are you user

Animals identify threat a lot through body language - rapid movements or running triggers an instinctual desire in predators to hunt whatever it is that's moving, for example. Laying around is seen as an indicator of being docile, although animals can sometimes just be stupid all around. Bugs are especially dumb since their one-track minds can only really focus on reproducing and eating, so most just confront death pretty passively, especially small flying insects.

Bugs are literally biological robots operating at about the same level as our current mechanical ones. You just happen to be a much more complex robot.

normal game with slight horror things too it i'm down. not just jump scares, just unnerving stuff.

they shloop right back into its body.

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Replace the zombies and the cultists with trannies and voilà.
The best horror vidya ever created.

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Because evolution is a scam. It makes things "just barely good enough to survive in this place." The problem with all animals is, they can't speak. The ability to speak and show monkey see monkey do actions is why we are here. No animal has ever asked a question and likely never will. We did,concept of question is what makes us different.

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shame condemned 2 had to go super natural because i enjoyed that for a bit

but they are on their way. Dolphins and Parrots have their own language that is good enough to name themselves and their children

This is what i think and hope too.

sentience is the ultimate failure of an animal.

Is this what they have in hell, but giant sized?

>They are on their way
Evolution isn't magic, user

womp womp

Says who? We are doing pretty good, and i rather take high glory as a species than what ever you are having.

What would you do if you see this walking towards you in the night and no one is near

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no were not. the human species is the only one to ever put an expiration date on ourselves. sentience leads to advanced thought, and advanced thought leads to straying from animal needs.

What the fuck is that, I saw something like that in the wood, I was hoping I was just too drunk.

the first was top tier horror, exactly what OP is looking for
the sequel was just awful and exactly why the genre is shit

But they will never have abstract concept's or philosophy. They wont ever have the concept of good and evil. If they can make animation, then i listen.

It's not really unknown or horror, but I think Snatcher had a good horror atmosphere

Explain what you are saying and how it's bad. You read that somewhere, i want to know if you know what you are saying.

We have video games and anime

>parrots evolve to the point where they can make animation
>parrotchan is made
>there will be faggots arguing that parrot anime reaction images don't belong in the parrot video games board

>dude just turn your brain off!

Gondola are peaceful.
Just don't act like a Finnish dickhead.

Publish P.T. on PC.

Revive Kojima's Silent Hills.

id's Spurdo Spärde
t. Spurdo Spärde

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It's fake, we now have these things called KOMPUTERS.

Everybody should watch this guys videos to get basic understanding how powerful video editing is nowadays.

she's a comfy kind of spooky

what's this?

the second game is casualized, it's the blair witch 2 of the series.

>dude global warming and unsustainable resources is fine!

>maybe its just hard to make a detective game

nah id says people are too dumb for deductive reasoning

We need more jumpscares
like all of the jumpscares

>human species starts winning so badly the game can't keep up with them
Not our fault the Earth is a basic bitch.

Also Coco was completely scam. That fucking ape knew less about sight language than my dead dog.
That dog was based tough, it didn't give a fuck about some nigger ape.

>global warming

Non-issue, it's been 30 years away for the last 40 years.


>it didn't give a fuck about some nigger ape.
How could he if he's dead?

I didn't know Winona Ryder was in a horror movie

So a typical white guy

They are not fine, but both are not that big of a deal. That's how we have always rolled, on the edge.

Take away the ability to save game progress, to make the player frightened to die.

Threats are not constant. Most of the game is somewhat harmless. When the actual threat appears, the player should be unprepared and surprised by it.

The player will be waiting an watching for things to appear. You can tease them harmlessly, so that the real thing can better sneak in among the harmless teasing.

Sometimes running away is the only way to survive. The path to escape may not be an easy one to follow.

Can you read?
as in "did not when it was a live. Imperfects and such.

But you had already established the dog was dead.

Think about it why would male black widows
Willingly allow themselves to be cannibalized by their mate?

We aren't even nearly capable of fully simulating a fruit fly connectome yet. They seem very simple but there's a ton going on under the hood. Nothing macroscopic functions identically to a computer saying "int pain = 32;", even if it looks that way from the outside.
I don't think insects feel existential dread or even nocioception, I just think that user's just saying he feels like the bar for what should be considered pain or cruelty may need to be lowered a bit. Just because an animal doesn't feel dread from being harmed doesn't mean it doesn't mind being repeatedly subjected to harm. If a creature is capable of showing a sense of pain, even if it doesn't guard its wounds or scream, maybe more care should be considered in minimizing pain inflicted just in case anywhere in their still surprisingly complex brains there's some odd alien semblance of memory or feeling.

I Already made this joke. But i wonder, you are first person i see to say she looks like her, either it's so obvious that nobody ever says it, or we are niggers. Also think this in reserve. Say this was picture of the killer, Winona Rider would be in prison.

I legit thought it was her until I read the thread a bit

So the dog is now dead, but when it wasn't, it didn't give a fuck about apes.

>But you had already established the dog was dead.
So where is the confusion?

>it didn't give a fuck about some nigger ape.
How could he if he's dead?

Don't use my dead dog to shitpost, only i can do that.

>Claustrophobic areas for the most part of the game
>eerie ambiance sounds, music only to build up tension in some parts.
>Low count, unexpected jump scares
>Simple but customizable combat system
>And obviously good level/enemy design.

Find a time machine and go back to being a kid or accept growing up and being a man means made up shit like video games aren’t scary.

We have a badass over here. Just don't shoot up the school, alright?

Not unknown but the suffering 1 and 2 because its fucking amazing

It only scares me if it attacks me in real life. No other form of fear exists in my simple, simple locust brain.

they dont

Under normal circumstances, anyone is easy to kill. The person that survives a confrontation is the one that has the will to kill, and if someone wants to kill you - unless you've seriously trained yourself- they will kill you. The only real question is whether or not they'll get caught.

This is why cops can seem to have such hairpin triggers, because they are well aware of this fact and have trained not to take potential threats lightly.
And the ones that don't apply that training usually just fucking die.

Graduated 05 son and jump scares and school shooting jokes were played out even back then. Hey get fucked while you’re at it though.

I know, it's so obliviously her doppelganger, but nobody ever says she looks exactly like her. Even in podcast's that go through this case they NEVER SAY SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE WINONA RYDER. This is the spookiest shit on this case. And how come this connection is never brought up?

But they literally do. Red backs at least

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Thank god insects are small in size. They would absolutely destroy the human race if they were bigger

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psychological horror > grotesque horror > Jumpscare xD

>And how come this connection is never brought up?

Because nobody but autists like you give an actual shit.

They don't do it willingly, they di it because their dick's told them to.

Sause or artist name?

Cockroachs use to had a size of a cat 64 million years ago

imagine it roam the world today

Nevermind found it

Multiplayer survival horror game where one player is a serial killer and the other is the victim trying to escape

You sure are a mature individual, we could learn so much from you.

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Imagine she looked like Cilnt Eastwood and nobody ever pointed out she looks like Clint Eastwood, it would be weird. I'm not saying there are aliens and shit but She is obviously Winona Ryder look a like.

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Are you saying the power of dick is more powerful than the brain?

I think we're studying the wrong organ

we used to ride those babies for miles

Between this and the first Hunter for shit that actually spooked me in this game.

Nice puzzle room you've got there

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sexually appealing monsters will never truly be scary and you know it

I loved the colors of OG mansion, why'd they make everything almost monochromatic in Remake!?

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Life is badly written multi quest. Sometimes you choose pure dick, sometimes just dick.
Bug there had very few choices, but we have multi choices up our asses, that's why so many is so confused nowadays.

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You're crazy, sex and horror go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

>sex and horror go together like peanut butter and chocolate
maybe in real life

>we were born too early to see dolphin devs unveil their first underwater mmo at e3

Or sex and chocolate.
Or horror and peanut butter.

In fiction too. One enhances the other. Sexual arousal makes you more susceptible to fear, fear makes you more susceptible to arousal.

>imagine faggot arguing that the soulless english dub is superior to the original dolphin one

Underwater creatures will probably never make any advances in technology because they can't use fire, electricity, gases or just about any kind of chemicals.

More important than all of that is simply that they don't have free hands. Monkeys have handish things, but need them for locomotion.
Octopi are probably the best candidates for this kind of development.


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winona ryder is so hot.


I thought this was a HL2 screenshot for a sec.

Youll only get jump scares at worst and unsettling creepy which only works on dark nights. Most horror games are a ton less spooky if you play 12 noon on a sunny day.

Yet if you were able to get Nightmare levels. I mean has anyone not had a dream where you can't explain why but something is unsettling in it. Something in the dream you could never say what or why

Real fear to me is from actual danger. Which is why jump scares do work for awhile. Also explains why playing 2 am alone with a window behind you is horrific but playing in clear daylight you usually won't.

>Play horror gsmes alone. At night. Near windows. Yet not windows you can directly see out of. Like a bit off. So when you play you are always thinking of glancing over and seeing a face or figure


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what's happening in that webm?

this is the kind of shit I think of when I say the universe doesn't give a single fuck about life in any way

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I want to fuck that mommy.

the layabout zebras seem to be able to pass on their genes for whatever reason, so there you go.

Set the games in Chicago at night.

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high as all fuck

Meh, think what you want but there's all kinds of beauty and horror in it. It's on us to choose what to focus on.

Is that actually what happens in Chicago? That'd genuinely make for a horrifying game, if only Watch Dogs was like that

>running around hacking atms and beating the shit out naked crackheads on the street.

chill, gregor

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>Her hands always makes me cream

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That explains all the spooky little girls then.

Imagine we never let rich Jews import niggers into America

More shooting, less hiding.

To think some spiders were the size of wild mutts.

You are saying things that are no good! European here, it's known fact here that those cottons became very expensive for you.

I dont know, but i will pay you 1M rubles if you manage to outrun a bullet

KKK gondola

>played through Vampire the masquerade multiple times
>still get spooked by Ocean House hotel each time despite there being no real enemies
>mfw using auspex in the hotel

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Sounds like someone's ready to join the EDF!

Good atomsphere, plot, and creature design

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See the piece of paper on the right? Fellow cast member from Stranger Things was giving a rambling, self-aggrandizing speech about how much Hollywood hates Trump. It was completely ridiculous, and only the most dyed-in-the-wool partisan smoothbrain would think anything else.
But popular reception was, for some insane reason, this Here's the actual video:

Yes, she was. That video is from like 10 years ago.

love death and robots on netflix

I always thought she looked more like Natalie Portman *shrug*

>2017 was 10 years ago
Timetravelanon, tell us stories! Does Drumpf really gain total dictatorial control of America and end term limits?!

That shadow play was fucking kino.

She's clearly not emancipated m8

>Does Drumpf really gain total dictatorial control of America and end term limits?!

No, Google sucessfully manipulated 2020's elections.
>no game based on the life of this guy
>only story that comes close is Dexter
>tracking down and murdering criminals and drug lords but not as a "punisher"

>Jaime pull that shit up

Short hair is OBJECTIVELY the cutest

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The only time you really see Zebras relatively close to a Lion pride is during the middle of the day when its so hot that Lions wont hunt. They soon fuck off to their hiding spots when its late evening/night time and the Lions decide they're hungry.

I'm not into men, sorry.

Part of why the dogs were so effective is because the glass break sound is so loud in the PSX versions. The Saturn and PC ports both lowered the audio quality and volume of that sound and it's way less startling as a result.

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Pixie haircut is very cute, you might be suffering from homosexis. It can be cured by watching cute girls, 2d is more effective.

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Jesus Chris, what the actual lovecraftian fuck is this?

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not the long hair in this image and how it isn't short hair

Nice coping mechanism there homo.

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>Lion pride

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You 3d niggers and your thots' are funny.

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>like 19 years old

try 29

Why don't we have insect based horror games with nowadays graphics? Even REmake 2 didn't include the spider/moth enemies.

Real talk, playing through RE7 in PSVR was the most unnerved and frightened I've ever felt.

So they just need to do that game again with a new coat of paint.

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Go back to old school tank controls fixed angle stuff (RE1-3, SH 1-3) That IS survival horror. Anything else is a shitty wannabe horror.

Anne Hathaway after Riley Stearns found her

>whites were just completely helpless against these slaves that they clamored to buy in the millions

How can some human be this vile

>almost killed his cousin at thirteen by pushing him into a sugar cane press
>killed the mayor for firing his father
>later went on to kill 47 people, including his father
>killed his mother with 22 machete blows
>sentenced to 400 years
>is now free and has his own successful YouTube channel

What the fuck?

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literally a teenage boy
I'm down

He didn't kill his mother, idiot.

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Create Dead Space 4. Fuck EA for killing the series and the studio, best IP they made in the last decade.

Dagon was great.

Would love a Darkest dungeon type setting but not done in 2d or something like the cunt showdown as a SP experience

The opposite really

NatGEO already found spiders in the Amazon the size of a small dog.

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I want one as a pet desu

Well now I feel bad for spraying roaches and squishing spiders. It's my house God damnit just stay out and I won't need to hurt them .

Good post tho user it got me thinking

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Cops are fags.

Children as main antagonists.

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Pretty sure animals are just dumber than we think.

Go bakc to using fixed camera angles.

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Big ups liquid richard

Maybe their brains are wired a certain way, a biological fuck up. Or maybe evil is real, demons are real, and this their way of manifesting in the world

brazil is a shithole

bug eyes are really shitty. They're more for light detection than light resolution.

>Or maybe evil is real, demons are real, and this their way of manifesting in the world

I seriously don't want to think about this, so I will stick with fucked up brain.

>almost killed his cousin at thirteen by pushing him into a sugar cane press

He actually killed his cousin.

>killed his mother with 22 machete blows

His father did, crazy runs in the blood.

Games need to sell user.

imagine if it start flying towards you

For anyone that doesn't know (it's a well-known British case from the 90s, but yanks probably haven't heard of it)

> James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 – 12 February 1993) was a 2-year-old boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was abducted, tortured and killed by two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables. Bulger was led away from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle as his mother had taken her eyes off him momentarily. His mutilated body was found on a railway line 2.5 miles (4 km) away in Walton, Liverpool, two days after his abduction. Thompson and Venables were charged on 20 February 1993 with Bulger's abduction and murder.

> They were found guilty on 24 November 1993, making them the youngest convicted murderers in modern British history. They were sentenced to detention during Her Majesty's pleasure until a Parole Board decision in June 2001 recommended their release on a lifelong licence aged 18. In 2010, Venables was sent to prison for breaching the terms of his licence, and was released on parole again in 2013. In November 2017, Venables was again sent to prison for possessing child abuse images on his computer.

They're adults now, but they'vs repeatedly had to be given new identities, because if they were publically known, the police fear they would be killed by vigilantes.

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>no more scripting
>AI only

In fact, use all the CPU power to make the smartest AI possible, then set it off to hunt you

Homosexual pedophile in a closet: the story of you.

Making AI "smart" is actually very hard. The problem is the AI actually has access to perfect information about the game. They know exactly where you are, can hit you with perfect accuracy, and can often navigate to you in the most efficient way possible. The challenge is making ai that act like smart humans.

Also very smart AI often isn't all that fun to fight against, and unlike humans AI won't improvise. They'll simply use the most efficient method possible every single time, leading to a boring game in which the AI is perfectly predictable, and 100% successful.

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>sentenced to detention during Her Majesty's pleasure

>AI actually has access to perfect information about the game
No it doesn't, not unless you give him that information.

So is she going to eat him later or is he just trapped?

Shit like this really makes you wonder what was going on inside their mind.

This mc was kind of a bitch.

How do you think an AI "sees" in a game? Usually an AI will raytrace and check whether or not there is an unobstructed line between the enemy and the player. In order to check whether or not it sees the player, it has to know where the player is.

It's a carryover from old english law, but it basically means "for an indeterminate amount of time", in other words the only thing that'll get you out is a pardon from the Queen.

>Making AI "smart" is actually very hard.
That's why you dedicate resources to it because no one has done it before.

>AI won't improvise
Good AI will

stop making pure horror games and instead have games that occasionally scare the shit out of you because you aren't just constantly priming yourself for it


No justice in this rotten world.

To add to the story, one of the kids, who is now like 40, has been arrested several times for child pornography. Some people are just fucked in the head, man.

they're all sentient retard, you're talking about sapience

> Good AI will
Okay but again it's a matter of defining "good" AI. If the AI can perform perfectly, it won't ever need to improvise, even if it has the capacity to, because its tactics will be perfectly succesful. For example, say you're playing a shooter against a perfect AI. The AI will walk in the room and immediately headshot you. It does not matter where you are, how far away you are, or how good quick your reflexes are, because the AI can respond in 1ms and assuming you're a fighter jet pilot, you can respond in about 190ms.

You'd have to impose limits on the AI, such as making it take time to aim, or letting it make mistakes or miss, at which point it's technically not as 'good' as it was before.

According to them they just decided to kill him for no real reason

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short hair is superior, because it takes very effeminate features to pull it off as a girl
therefore you are gay and want to suck off men with long hair

This. Children are kino villains.

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>9S in the background

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Remove any ability to defend against the enemies in the game, and rather introduce interesting methods of survival

More waifus like

damn right

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Not being able to defend yourself is a stupid thing.
>monster touches you you're ded :^)
is a shit way to design a game.
Let players escape at least, make the feeling of impending doom, impending instead of sudden.
Oh and don't allow saving, what kind of shit horror game lets you continue after you die. Lazy ass game design.

What the fuck is going on in that picture.

Based and redpilled

How to remove fear in a horror game

1) Give the player a means by which to easily dispatch enemies
2) There is no step two

Being able to defend yourself but having to sacrifice and manage resources in order to do it is the right way.

nightcrawlers are spooky

We make a game based on current political and cultural reality.

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What a fucking pussy. Missed opportunity imo.

What's the most just country in existence?

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fug :DDdDXDD

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IRL Yandere


>If the AI can perform perfectly, it won't ever need to improvise
Then don't let it perform perfectly.
You said it yourself, give it limits. "Good" is defined as "ability to improvise" or "creativity in any limitation"

>why did you mass driver the clown