Play Yugioh GX game

>play Yugioh GX game
>it's full of bugs, bad animation and the AI is complete shit
Thanks god they fixed the bugs and AI in 5Ds and Zexal.

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If it's trying to emulate this grade of playing: having retard AI is 100% accurate.

which game? the gba one?

>-4 to summon level 7 normal monster with 2500 attack
Imagine being such a shit duelist.

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God, I want to play Yugioh, especially because of the anime, but I just can't get into it. Does anyone know this feel?

It sucks because there isn't a game that captures the feeling of duels in the anime, or the flow of the story, especially the 8000lp rule.

Are any of the children's card games anime worth watching? I'm just now getting into the game for the first time. I don't have any nostalgia for the original and it didn't really grab me when I tried it recently.

GX was legitimately so much worse than the original it's the reason I grew out of the yugioh games and anime and never got back into it, I've never even watched any of the other seasons after it. Still enjoy the card game after all these years though.

This, exactly.

Don't. Get your own deck. Get a friend that also plays, or multiple. Give all of them their own decks and whenever you duel explain in detail what every card does and pretend you're in the anime. It's more fun than you think.

Fuck off boomer the original wasn't that good
GX and 5ds are the ultimate pleb filters

All the children's card games anime are mediocre. They had good and even great moments but most of them is mediocre.

The original has the best cast of characters but the later series definitely have better duels

Zexal is the pleb filter of the franchise. 5Ds was great from the beginning.

Not even Konami cares about GX LOL

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OG has a ton of baggage shitters though, like Anzu, Mai, and Mokuba.
Really the only entertaining characters are the arthritic dragon fucker and Pegasus.

Chazz got three completely unrelated archetypes mashed together for the sake of fanservice instead of a shitty character insert monster

>Thanks god they fixed the bugs and AI in 5Ds and Zexal.
Sure, but gameplay only got worse from there and they never HANGING OUT WITH THEIR FRIENDS IN THE SCHOOLYARD

>5Ds meta
>worse than GX
SWhat a garbage opinion, GX had the most uninteresting, boring, stale meta of any season, including OG which at least had goat control.

The Chazz is above that

Kaiba, Jack and Kaito got good cards. That is better.

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GX gets way better in the second half

Chazz jobbed to fucking Bastion.

>Chazz got three completely unrelated archetypes mashed together
And the deck was extreme ass, both individually and together, what's your point?

I'd feel self-conscious doing that.

>arthritic dragon fucker

Who? Do you mean Kaiba?

Who else?

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It was a -1 because he got Bubbleman to go off

No he didn't. Even anime bubbleman requires you to have nothing on field.

I'm kind of expecting his fingers to start moving.

They need to develop an AI that can rig your deck for you to make the duels feel more anime. Put you in desperate situations, but then give you the cards to pull your ass out of the situations.

Why didn't he summon bubleman to draw two cards?

Because he had to save his summon for Neos, did you even watch the video?

You can special summon Bubleman if your field is empty.

No, you special summon Bubbleman if he's the only card in your hand, retard.

What would you do in that situation if you were in that situation with that hand?

Summon Absolute Zero, obviously.
If I don't have Absolute Zero, then forfeit and remake the complete jank deck I have into something better and hope he didn't fuck off.

Summon bubbleman, draw 2, work from there

>Summon bubbleman, draw 2
You clearly don't know how bubbleman works.

Surrender and hang myself, imagine actually having to play with Jaden's deck
>1 of every elemental hero
>1 of every neo spacian
>1 of every neo spacian coccoon
>winged kuriboh
>all support cards of heroes
>all support cards of neo spacians
>all support cards of neo spacian coccoons
>all support cards of winged kuriboh

100 card deck, absolute clusterfuck, Jaden was the worst duelist of the entire school and he only got by because of absolutely unbelievable luck.

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That's how he works in the anime. If we were talking about real life I would fuse bubbleman and avian into Absolute Zero

>That's how he works in the anime
>When this is the only card in your hand, you can treat this card's Summon as a Special Summon. When it is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, if there are no other cards on your side of the field, draw 2 cards from your Deck.

Was absolute zero even a thing back then?

GX dub is the pinnacle of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Yeah, and it would work. unless you want me to go full retard and set a card before I summon him like Jaden.

Yes. Jaden used it in the manga

*Last quarter
Season 3 isn't that great, just edgier.


You draw two cards

The GX cast has a whole archetype, dude.
Not that it matters, because if you're going by "number of times character shows up in card", Yuma is probably right behind Atem, if not #1.

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Better than Yugi's fiend/spellcaster/kuriboh/god card hybrid abomination.

>tfw played Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest competitive level back in the day, before Synchro Shit was a thing


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Because back then the concept of archetypes wasn't really a thing, Jaden has no excuse.

Besides even as unfocused was Yugi's deck was, it still had some sort of plan on getting monsters for tribute fodder.

I hope Chazz was able to get over Alexis when he became a pro duelist and she was stuck in a teaching job.

>he played competitive during the GX era
I am sorry.

For what nigga? The community was based as fuck, kind, dueling was fun. I had a good time.

>but u dont know how to link summon pendulum faggotry

Yep, and fuck that

>sacrifice monsters in yugioh
>they kinda sparkly disappear
>sacrifice creatures in Mtg
>90% chance they get brutally murdered to preform some kind of ritual or got launched out of a catapult
I'm not sure which i prefer

GX got this one haha

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>Cyber dragon, honest and Chaos dominating

>Jaden's gay lover got his card before Chazz
Chazz is such a cuck

>-4 just to summon fucking neos

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5Ds was the ultimate pleb filter. Scare casuals away with Card games on motorcycles. Rewarded hardcore loyal ygo fans with Pure Kino.

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GX era meta was the absolute lowpoint of the series.

>These are the people who go to this shit, I gotta quit

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Oh, I quit playing before that Booster Pack released. I played before the heavy, heavy, Cyber Support. I'm talking that time period between old classic Yu-Gi-Oh and the begging of Gx. Right in that little gap. Some staples I remember are Magic Cylinder, Gravity Bind, Mirror Force, Bottomless, MST, Dust Tornado, Metamorphis wasn't banned, Compulsive Evac Device, Draining Shield, Ring of Destruction before it was banned, Solemn, Negate Attack, Jinzo was slightly dying, Neo Spacian Grand Mole, just to name a few. I played a mill deck and a fun little burn deck. Top decks at the time were... fuck I don't remember. TELEDAD? Maybe some Armed Dragon LV shit too? Chaos Sorcerer BS too.

Grand Mole was pure cancer

>it's full of bugs, bad animation and the AI is complete shit
that's what you get for playing anything except world championship 2006

>played Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest competitive level back in the day
>I played a mill deck

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empty jar was a massive threat at the time, but i think morphin jar 1 and cyber jar were limited

I didn't play that in tourneys, that was more for fun with friends. For Regionals I played a Warrior Beatdown deck with some Monarchs tossed on the side. Sadly didn't make it to Nats.

>played Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest competitive level back in the day
>Sadly didn't make it to Nats.

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Fun with friends isn't "competitive" Yugioh

Bastion was literally the third best duelist in S1, behind Jaden.

GX Dub is mad funny. I can't believe they slipped in a Hard Sexual Innuendo.

I did this with my best pal in the past, with a little RP too hype things, it was pretty fun. I want to go back to those times

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Bastion has a whopping win record of 3.

Win rate don't mean much. He was literally established as the 3rd best and sandbang a bunch of his important duels after losing to Jaden.

If winrate was an indication of how good a character is, then Aster would be considered terrible lol.

Doesn't Tea the best duel record of any character

>He was literally established as the 3rd best and sandbang a bunch of his important duels after losing to Jaden.
This is the exact definition of a jobber.

>played Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest competitive level back in the day
>Sadly didn't make it to Nats

last time I checked they are still making HERO, Ojama, and Cyber Dragon cards

I can't get over his stupid funnel sleves, who thought that was a good design

>partnered with Chazz in Tag Force 3
>never use the Fusion Sage that I gave him even though he can summon Ojama King otherwise
>never set any of his Ojamagic even though opponents keep using Heavy Storm
Man, fuck that guy.

>first day
>what great/cool event, based 5ds saving duel links
>second day
>What a shit fuckimg event fuck that piece of shit Kalin
I find it hilarious how fast people turned on this event.
Is this the power of THE TUNER MONSTER?

>not having at least two signer dragons

Tag Force 7 when?
World Championship 2019 when?

>Implying I am a synchrolet
That said I actually like the event, 2 weeks of it is bit too much though.

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What are you playing for Special Duels?

Well I am a filthy blue-eyesfag so logic would dicate that I would just run that; but I want to try switching it up this time around.
I am really tempted to waste all my gemmies on some other user's cool Yusei deck.
I also have a lot of good Aki cards so maybe I'll just run her.
Although Chazzing it up sounds fun as well.
Eitherway I want to do something with fusion or synchro monsters, because I like extra deck memes

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Plants > cuck eyes

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>white spirits your Equips
>proceed to swammrn the fiekd with a bunch 2.5k+ beaters.
>activate beatdown


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5Ds went to shit after Dark Signers

Crash town was great though.



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Why isn't Chazz as popular as the rest of the rivals? He was based.

The Grand Prix was tolerable. And Arc Cradle was pure Kino.

This whole 5Ds sucked after S2 meme needs to stop.

He's a rival but he mostly stays as a goofball

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Calm down.

I'm god damned sick and tired of seeing the only thing against S2 of 5Ds outside of filler hell being the end your turn jean fight. For fucking YEARS people haven't been able to scrap anything else together.

Shirley. Akiza. Terrible Norse duels

Because ppl like the stereotypical badass rival. Chazz definitely has a cult fanbase tho.

Chazz is honestly one of the most charismatic characters in Ygo imo.

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Too be fair in their defense despite the fact that the second half of 5ds had some peak yugioh hyoe moments the writing as a whole was noticably worse than the first season.
I personally wouldn't call the second hakf shit, but I do think the first arc was way better.
Now the second hald of Arc-V is what I would call an absolute travesty of a shitshow

>Crash town
>Aki went from main character to a literal cheerleader
>the twins never did a fucking thing
>Yusei's friends, Carly and other characters just disappeared
>THAT plot twist
And more. There were great duels and shit but 5Ds post dark signers feels like a different show. Even the animation got worse.

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Cause Chazz sorta became a friend faster he also was kinda a joke since they made him use Ojamas

I believe him using a weak deck as a rival made him stand out not all rivals need some bullshit god ultimate dragon of doom all the time

He was a rich prick who had multiple chances to get a rare deck but he didn’t use them. Frankly he has better character development than Jaden before he got depressed

what a beautiful animation

Is the yugioh game for switch out? With updates I think

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>who had multiple chances to get a rare deck but he didn’t use them.
But he did and got his ass kicked.

>I believe him using a weak deck as a rival made him stand out not all rivals need some bullshit god ultimate dragon of doom all the time
>there are people who think Mangajoume is better than Animanjoume.

Well, Mangajoume actually beat Jaden, so there's that.

Manga Chazz is literally a generic rival, and Kaiba copy, but none of the shit that made him cool.

They only fixed one bad aspect of him and made him a plot relevant character. He honestly doesn't have much charm to him at all.

Manga Jaden was a jobber
>loses against Mangajoume
>Creates a sick new deck for his return match.
>jobs in the debut match of his new deck.
>has one win against Adrian Gecko
>then proceeds to job again and get his cards stolen before teaming up with Mangajoume to beat the final boss.
What an embarresment.

>not all rivals need some bullshit god ultimate dragon of doom all the time
But people like big numbers!

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>Manga Chazz literally gets a big dragon boss monster

So apparently duel links is adding season 4 Judai has depressed Jaden ever been dubbed?

Neo Galaxy Eyes was pure cash.
>Waga Tamashi!

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Does Bonds Beyond Time count?

Only "smile and optimism restored" Jaden after his duel with Yugi in the bonds beyond time movie

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It's like GX Mangaka watched the Anime, and tried to vigorously "fix" Chazz and shit onJaden for being too much of a Mary Sue. Although, Jadens backstory was a nice touch in the manga

Completely nuking Jack and Carlys relationship which may or may not be becasue of cult stuff is still bullshit

You dont make a 2 part duel,Jack plan to kamikaze his attack to be with her in death, and this scene only for him to fucking ditch her in the end

Photon manlet was just fucking cash.
That guy really knew how to ham shit up.
>summons Prime photon dragon
>takes 1 full minute of chuuni poses and lines to place the card on the field in the most bombastic way possible.

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It was a great duel

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Also the fact Carly talked sense into Jack. People have been showing evidence of how the cult stuff did not ruin 5Ds but you cannot deny some shit went down behind the scenes over it.

From the manga omake he just say that he's glad that the higher ups told him that he can change up the presonalities from the anime, because he's not good at writing goofy characters.

Post this version 4 more FANSERVICE.

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Season 0 was the only good part of Yugioh.

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Why was Zexal's soundtrack so good? This was easily my favorite song.

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Is Vrains the series that treat its characters the worst?
It seems nobody except Playmaker and whoever the villains are at the time matter.

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Can't wait to play as IV in Duel Links

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You know they easily could have fixed this by not bringing Carly back to life.
It would make more sense for him to go full volcel MGTOW, because he only has 1 woman in his heart and there is no room for the common thot.

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Kreiger,Misty, and the other dark signers never came back and yu gi oh has left characters dead before so bringing her back was such an odd choice

>my dad's face when me and my little brother tried to get him to give us a rules clarification about Yu-Gi-Oh and he had no fucking clue what was going on

Good times, I miss being a kid

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>Kaiba is your average /biz/ user


>dad i borelsworded his beatrice and his farfa died but then he uses farfa's effect to banish beatrice
>whose side of the field does she come back to and does she get destroyed

>dad i attacked daigusto sphreez with amazoness warrior who takes the damage
>dad catastor attacks ground mole does ground mole get destoyed or does catastor get bounced

>dad what does inspector boarder do

>Yugioh thread
>no Candy Shota sighted
Color me surprised.

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This hurts still

This explains a lot.

>dad I have a question about Pole Position

>tfw run Silent Swordsman and can unga bunga harder than ever before and still maintain a respectable win rate
Feels great