Breen was right, and so is this bloke.
As much as you hate to admit it, the Combine are unstopable. Seeking out a deal with them is the only solution and a way for humanity's survival.
With Combine technology, we might achieve immortality or something even greater, things we can't possibly imagine. If the rebelion "succeeds" in taking back the earth, the combine are going to strike again, it's going to take them less than 7 hours to nuke this planet and just mine the natural resources. Only reason they took 7 hours was because they wanted humanity to surrender instead of ending us all. We must prove we're of use to them if we want humanity to survive at all. The cost doesn't matter, our survival is at hand.
Breen was right.
Breen was right
breen was right
breen was a grub
Counterpoint. GladOS and Aperture Science terrified the combine so much they walled the place off and never went back.
The combine as a force of unsurmontable power is a lot harder to buy in a world where a semicompetent engineering firm made the laws of time and space their bitch.
i mean, i wouldnt fuck around with what is essentially a box filled with mousetraps on sticks controlled by a robot either, theyve got more important things to do and i dont see anything in Aperture being worth it to the Combine
>If the rebelion "succeeds" in taking back the earth, the combine are going to strike again, it's going to take them less than 7 hours to nuke this planet and just mine the natural resources.
This is wrong though. Combine came from another dimension. They had zero capability to reach Earth. The only reason they could come at all was because they piggybacked off the Xen portalstorms the Xen races were using to invade Earth (which they did to flee the Combine). Once the Combine used the Xen portal storms to attack Earth, they set up a teleportation beacon. The ONLY way Combine can teleport is if they use beacons that already exist at the location they want to teleport to. They cannot teleport to earth otherwise.
Portal 2 is not canon to Half Life 2
So? As long as they have one working teleporter, it's hopeless. And you won't destroy them all at once, there is just no way.
Don't bother, Combine dicksuckers would rather be enslaved than stick their necks out for a chance to thrive instead of merely survive.
This isn't even 2. Portal 1 takes place after the seven hour war, it's canon that GladOS singlehandedly slaughtered any combine that were sent to Aperture.
and where's humanity in that future? gone
therefor combine is better than glados
Thats the thing. They don't, the satellite that the eggheads sent up is blocking the portal beacon from working, plus the citadel is fucked too- all thats left is remnant forces and what scraps of arpature tech they took off world with them.
They did destroy or block all teleportation devices though. The Combine had no way to ever reach Earth again.
Aperture is like Switzerland, not necessarily unconquerable, just not worth the trouble.
who would invent teleportation first?
>super advanced interdimensional alien conquers
>some old dudes in the desert
It is, though. You even find the Borealis dry dock where it was built.
Agreed. Let's see: black mesa managed to rip a portal to another dimension, made some neat weapons like the tau cannon and gluon gun, while Aperture Science made:
>Robot workforce
>Intelligent AI with human memories
>Portal Gun which can slip user through space
>gels while have zero friction and negative friction
>pocket universes
>Borealis which can teleport to anywhere they want it to
>Test chamber where they broke time and made a paradox
>best shower curtains
>humanity's survival
>either die fighting, or end up enslaved as mindless stalkers working for the Combine forever
You're a beta
>GladOS and Aperture Science terrified the combine so much they walled the place off and never went back.
Uh, wait, what? I don't remember this. I'm guessing it's implied by some dialogue in Portal 2.
Based on what I know of the story, I don't know why the FUCK the Combine would wall it off and not go back. Aperture Science's capability for local teleportation vastly exceeds that of the Combine, so there's value in looting the place, and at worst they'd encounter a snarky AI with access to nerve gas. I'm sure she could kill some of them, but if all the power of the Combine can't tear up some human-built underground lab... I mean, come on. Well, if true, the Combine are a bunch of sissy bitches, and maybe that was the point of your post. Even so, you'd think they would try to get that portal technology at all costs.
Anyway... fuck Valve for ending the franchise on a cliffhanger just to spite the fans. That's what they did, by the way. It's hilariously obvious that they hate us.
Black mesa had functional teleporters, the borealis was in no way controlable and vanished almost instantly.
Sorry, but did you even play the games? They blocked the portal with the satellite
It was the shower curtains that scared the combine the most. They never expected such high quality shower curtains to come out of what they considered a primitive planet.
>and where's humanity in that future? gone
>therefor combine is better than glados
I'm pretty sure GLaDOS wasn't trying to save humankind.
Black mesa teleporters: *whirring noise for five minutes* end up in a random place on xen
Aperture teleporters: *bing* *blap* you are now on the moon
Well she did unfreeze those people at the end of the COOP campaign. She needs people to test. Its in her programming,
True, that is the edge Black Mesa had over them. They punch incoords and they will always reach their destination.
The portal gun needs to have a line of sight and the beam travels at the speed of light too, spot does have some limitations.
>tfw cave's mercury shower curtains were a trial run for when the combine would demand curtains as well.
Was playing through Xcom 2 and wondered which would win in a war, the Combine or Advent. Advent has psionic power, mutated aliens, cyborg and all other cool shit. Combine has the Strider I guess?
I saw your earlier thread. I don't know anything about XCOM but epistle 3 demonstrated just how powerful the combine are, and that humanities' plight was hopeless
The combine are multi universal. Advent isn't even outside the milky way.
>Advent has psionic power, mutated aliens, cyborg
the combine have those too
I wish I was a hound eye.
That being said, if Advent decide to attack a combine held earth, which is only occupied by a meager amount of occupying force, I think they can succeed. So long as they can keep the portal to the homeworld closed,they are fine.
They don't use much of them for combat. Do they even have psychic combatants?
We have no idea what the combine have, the forces we've seen were basically advance scouts which apparently was all they deemed necessary to take over the earth.
We've never encountered any of their serious shit.
They never wanted to find Aperture, hence why it was never found. They were looking for the Borealis because it was actually useful for them and wouldn't need chance to find new races to enslave.
how do you know?
the combine only remained involved with earth because breen kept promising to deliver something he couldn't (instantaneous travel). Once they had eli's brain, they fucked off. If breen had been up front with the fact he couldn't deliver instantaneous travel, they would've fucked off after the seven hour war.
malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium