Game has wild animals

>Game has wild animals
>They are all suicidal and attack the player, never withdrawing when hurt

Attached: 1ksLN1s.jpg (4013x2866, 3.01M)

>Game has human enemies
>They are all suicidal and attack the player, never withdrawing when hurt

Attached: Guy-Eating-Cereal.jpg (1000x577, 144K)

Because then it would be boring for the player as well as not a challenge.

Because animals don't have feelings

Neither do you, Li Wang

>the last mook thinks he can somehow beat you solo after you kill his entire team

Attached: ojo-169726406.jpg (427x680, 40K)

>human enemies plead and beg for mercy when their health gets low
>relenting does nothing and the enemy eventually gets back up to continue the attack

Attached: 1511462408388.jpg (1152x871, 78K)


>Game has animal companions
>They can kill whole squads and never die

Attached: 1556390570587.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

he does and i aint even mad

Attached: 1540680578264.png (493x276, 34K)

>game has wolves
>firing warning shots cause them to flee

>90% of wild animals are large carnivores living in harsh environments

>they all apparently live off of the handful of rabbits and deer running around

Attached: 1510900565695.jpg (360x325, 25K)

>game has wild animals
>they never react to your presence or actions in any way except when you damage them

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 11.39.11 PM.png (1678x1408, 593K)


>video game doesn't 100% represent reality in order to maintain playability

did he died?

>in order to maintain playability

how does having suicidal animals achieve that exactly

>implying passively observing AI animals kill eachother and navigate the environment isn't kickass

Attached: rain world vulture.webm (640x538, 972K)

This is even more egregious. Remember halflife 1? What happened to AI after that?

Post more games about passively observing AI animals kill eachother and navigate the environment

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-08-04-18h11m00s595.png (1200x692, 315K)


How are kids supposed to have fun when enemies run away and actually pose a threat to them?

so you've played on the new reserve in The Hunter CotW too huh... fuck those wolves, you need a fucking anti-materiel rifle to take them down

I've got another one, but there's very few games that actively try to simulate real-world environments. I suggest taking a look at MarphitimusBlackimus's Half-Life videos, though.

Attached: 1550360202092.webm (960x540, 1.12M)

>game has wild animals
>they attack on sight and retreat when damaged
>it's fucking annoying

just drop the difficulty

who the fuck eats that much cereal
it's not even the "healthy" ones, that's the all sugar shit

all scripted my friend

in MGSV, if you kill every guard at an outpost but one without being spotted, the last guy will run away

>What is rabies

Farcry actually had animals that run away and all people did was bitch.

No shit, skippy; it's a game, ALL of it is scripted. The interesting part comes from the complexity of the scripts being engaged and the efforts the developer went to to make the scripts feel 'real'.

Finally someone gets what scripting means.

he's doing it entirely wrong but any standard unless he likes soggy cereal half way through.