This is a 20-year old college dropout punk with skitzophrenia. Say something rad about her.
This is a 20-year old college dropout punk with skitzophrenia. Say something rad about her
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No that's a cat
if she was a real girl and was averagely cute she would be my ideal gf
This game described what depersonalization panic is like better than I've ever been able to in my whole life and the most understood I've ever felt in my life was reading text from a fictional cartoon video game cat
I know there are a lot of reasons to not care for NITW but it holds a special place in my heart
schizophrenia, its basic english you retard
I'm so fuckin lonely
there is nothing rad about her. she's the worst character in the game.
it's so hard to know if you're just deprssed, panic, anxious or actually schizo
She's not a punk, if anything she talks in tumblrspeak.
tumblrspeak is the new punk
The animal aspects are never really mentioned, are they? Also there are actual animals like cats, racoons, pigeons wandering around, they are referenced explicitly as animals. Heck the character eat meat products. They don't have animal tails, except I remember Mae scratching the wall with her claws. So the animal heads must be art style.
dude tacos lmao xD
I have no time to play all these meme games.
she is a burden and a dissapoitment to her parents
she should just kill herself to stop draining thier parents wallets
>I only play "games" that have animals in them because I'm a taseless furfag with zero personality
Kill yourself, posthaste.
This game is fucking garbage and people only gravitate towards it because “ugh that’s totally me I’m such trash”
Who are you quoting?
>romanticizing girls with mental illness
back to /r9k/ with you
That's not what he said at all?
What is the name of this angst + spooky + cute animals genre of indiedev games
I want to impregnate her.
she batted a ball of string around
and there was cut dialogue where the old alligator neighbor expressed racism towards cats
Acting like a 12 year old isnt rad.
Is it worth playing?
>Say something rad about her.
I dunno, she's kind of a cunt. Hoepfully she'll grow out of it one day, but definitely not in that dead-end town.
Kind of. It's not really a videogame, it's exactly like reading a webcomic. Only play it if you like zoomer angst characters.
It's mostly story, there's not really any gameplay. The story is actually really well told, surprisingly, but you can't take it too literally. Most of the main characters are not very likable, but I think that's what makes the story work so well.
Pick it up whenever it's on sale and save it for a nice cozy fall day with the window open
The game has the perfect dreary autumn day aesthetic
I want to fug the lizard
the word schizophrenia is not basic english fucktard
her game has nice music
shit game that is only popular because there's alot of shitty people who relate to it
the atmosphere and soundtrack are really nice but that's about as good as it gets. the story is pretty shit and the only good character is beau
Someone had to do it!
Get off my lawn!
friend simulator
Fuck off back to twitter you dumb cat.
how low is your self esteem to want friends like this
Ugh. Trash. Shapes.
*roll credits*
>using a "platformer" engine to make a "visual novel" where word bubbles
>are only about [X]
>three words [X]
>at a time. [X]
Night in the Woods my nigger !
It's not a gameplay game, it's characters are the main draw to it also; so if you don't like character focused stories or angst teens as protagonists don't get/pirate it, the atmosphere is pretty good as well!
They're in their twenties.
>It's not a gameplay game, it's characters are the main draw
But the characters are shit as well, so really the draw is just Alex Holokwa's music, which you don't need the game for.
I she... dare I say... Our girl?
I hate the way she faggots speak. "Rad y'all" "totally icky" "big gay" "that's a mood", christ all of that shit is so annoying
Cool blog post faggot. Go back to wherever you came from
i pirated it because the dev is an anarcho communist who supports shoplifting, so it's what he'd want.
>trying this hard to fit into le edgy Yea Forums culture loool I saw it on /r/Yea Forums
Take your own advice
>102 matches
>that pic set of mae and that bear with bea joining at the end
Shitty game only trannies and dykes like
I don't know. Between her friends moving on around her and the web being there to show life outside of nowhere she has a chance to grow.
I just know I can't do better unless I went with a very ugly girl.
Link me, my dude.
No. It'a terrible and only gets propped up by furries and "story" faggots
Show me the truth and justice of our culture user.
If I like Undertale, Shin Megami Tensei, Fire Emblem, Smash, Guild Wars and Runescape will like this game?
You'll only like it if you grew up in the midwest US or have a very open mind/mental illness.
thats 3 for 3. I'll play it, thanks.
It somehow got me to relate heavily to a socialist cartoon alligator despite being as far away from socialist as it gets. I commend it for that. Also that in-game roguelike was neat.
he was being pretty condescending but the does have a point that not everyone goes to college for the money
My bf (who I even called him 'my bear' )is basically Angus and I'm pretty much like Gregg, when I found this game it was really surreal. Its kinda sad how this game mirrored our lives.
why is gregg so based?
He doesn't give a fuck and knows to only do cool crimes like trespassing
Bea's not a socialist, she just wants to have some sort of social/economic mobility without getting fucked over.
ok this is epic
Your life seems rather unfortunate.
because vandalism
>tfw no bear bf
I'm so fucking triggered by gay furry relationships that I almost couldn't get through the game
Would getting knocked up finally tame Mae or would the hormones and stress of pregnancy just break her for good?
>tfw working on the nitw fan dating sim
>team sucks so I go off and make my own shit
>old team accuses me of stealing their assets
>when they licensed them so that anybody could use them freely
>when it's a fan game and nobody gives a shit regardless
Unfortunately boring sure.
But its still I think it's good compared to the alternatives of Africa, Europe, Upside down Spider land and China
Postpartum depression the likes of which the world has never seen.
>unironically making a VN dating sim based on a furry indieshit game
Fucking sort your life out.
You'll meet someone some day, all you can do till then is work on yourself
I liked Germ and Angus best
are you implying that making a VN dating sim based on a furry indieshit game isn't one of the most Yea Forums things you've ever heard?
Yes, how dare I do fun things I enjoy because someone on Yea Forums has a bone to pick with furries and indie games.
>look at autistic child on ground.
>not even responding
did it say she was part of a group called young socialists or something?
>actually doing something
Not Yea Forums at all.
You can't take the moral highground in this situation.
Your game is fucking boring
>You can't take the moral highground in this situation.
I don't care.
oh no no no
I'm pretty sure it's me, I want to want a relationship but I don't actually want a relationship
I'm too independent and I can't ignore anyone's flaws
Underrated post
I torrented it because a russian furfag on our discord told me I should play it
I had a good time with it.