It's sunday, the best day, the day where Yea Forums plays OpenTTD
Look on the multiplayer tab for Party Yea Forumsan
Password is the usual
Starting Year is 1980
god I hope this works
It's sunday, the best day, the day where Yea Forums plays OpenTTD
Look on the multiplayer tab for Party Yea Forumsan
Password is the usual
Starting Year is 1980
god I hope this works
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw Yea Forums is too casual for openTTD
Is it actually "the usual" or is it something else?
What the fuck is this game, I've never even heard of it. Is it rollercoaster tycoon but making a town instead of a amusement park?
It's rollercoaster tycoon, except you transport shit.
>except you transport shit.
can you also transport other things or just feces
lil bit of both
>tfw only 2 other people playing
shaking my head
It's good shit, check it out.
The game is also free to play, just sayin
I would play but I've only put a dozen hours into the game, and am still learning to play properly.
For a long while, years ago, Yea Forums would play OpenTTD regularly. That was before people would bitch and moan about "flavor of the month shit".
Sorry, but my autism isn't strong enough for this game.
Damn, by the time I'll join it'll be too late to do anything :(
i want to spectate but idk password
i only recently got into the game while using linux
God, I wish there was a way in this game to copy a busses orders, then randomize them.
Making a bus line is fucking terrible
Doesn't two lines running in opposite directions achieve close enough to the same thing
Yeah but for big cities and to grow your city you need at least 4 stops, and for passenger and money output you need more. Otherwise you get 700 people in one stop with a bus that can only carry 50 of them
I mean you can clone orders, so just clone each line so it's not completely limited to being a huge convoy travelling one way or the other
Idk it's the way I do it unless I download stuff for trams and it works alright
This and Hell on Wheels unironically got me into the game
I'll play but what the fuck is the password
>spoonfeeding in 2019
Enjoy your dead game when nobody wants to trawl the archive for the password, I guess
i can't find the server
Select advertised server then click clients and it's the second one after reddit
i am gonna be honest i had never heard of this game and i dont have shekels for vidya
It's free dude.
openttd is free, no shekels required
literally free
>its free
well sing me on goyim , where d i get this?
wait never mind i got it
Finally joined, what the hell do i do?
i will shit myeslf because i dont know what the hell to do
It's been so long.
>so many people who dont know how to even play openTTD
Turn advertising on
>tfw making 200k off my trains every 5 years
You're moving goods and people between locations. Super basic for anything you decide to transport:
>Build stops
>Connect them if there isn't already a network available
>Build a depot near where you're starting
>Make a schedule
>Buy vehicles
>Apply the schedule
>Send them on their way
Easiest is scooting passengers around. Starting a goods chain is easy but finishing it so you can continue to make shit is more difficult.
Also stops can be made larger by placing more stop tiles next to each other.
looks like shit dog
I just wanted an image to bump with.
lads help, im getting comfy
Anyone play Transport Fever? Who excited for 2?
Here's my pride, I call it the Coaldrop Octagon because the stations and their enty/exit lines look like it from afar. Took over 20 years to build because more than half of the space was covered in water and took a shitload of money to even out. And I had to start like 50 games until I got a suitable power station nearly in the middle of the map with enough space around it.
Too bad those cool looking networks with mainlines and huge stations just aren't as effective as simple and separate A to B lines for each individual cargo producer. I'm wasting roughtly 20-30% of my coal because the stations and lines just can't handle more traffic, so I'm just sending 1 or 2 trains to the closer Coal Mines even if they produce a shitload of coal, so they don't slow down the fat moneymakers that come from the other end of the map.
That's some high dedicated autism right there.
Thanks, it took quite a while and lots of trial&error to learn how to make station entries and junctions that don't suck.
Although I've chosen to do some things in a sub-optimal way so it looks better.
set up a group of some sort so we can play again
>setting up a group
yo thats pretty unbased
Still plenty of unclaimed land
i leave to drink tea and this happens
The best part of the game is going afk and just looking at how good/bad things are.
post them CEOs
It is the same password every Yea Forums server uses. If you dont remember it, you dont come here enough
good bey
Host here, internet cut out and died. But now that I know I can host this shit, I might try to do rollercoaster tycoon 2 sometime
Host again nigga
i was doing good and now i will beat chuck
I can't, my internet is out. I'm phone posting right now
Pizza gonna autism OpenTTD until next game and steamroll everyone then.
Nah , i got exams
i just want to enjoy this day till i do them and see if i fail or pass
How does this work in multiplayer? Is it turn based?
No. real-time.
Everyone fucking each other over with train blockades.
That was a pleasantly good game, hope I catch the next one, if there's a next one
use roaming on your phone to host it again for a second so someone can save and rehost it
or just upload it to mediafire or some shit
If you had autosave on you should have it there, but it only saves once every month.
nah I got here 20 minutes too late, I'll leave it up to whether or not the other anons who were playing to decide what to do. I'll host for a bit if wanted though.
on my defense , it was my first time and the second company did way better
Don't worry about it pizza.
Everyone fucks up on their first time.
At least you figured out on your second try.
but i never had trains
Graph at the time of the shutdown plus manager
Yellow is a madman
I had started to understand this
I will surpass you lads whit y new autism powers next time
Planes and airports are easy mode because they generate so much money with so little effort.
Trains is peak autism, and enjoyable once you've gotten the hang of the tracks and signals.
>Yea Forums plays openTTD
what era is this? can we make these zoomers play quake next?
Too brainlet for that
Also give Simutrans a try, it's a far more advanced simulation, but it's kind of ugly.
There's also Open Loco which features significantly enhanced graphics, better terrain manipulation, and better track building, but it's missing all the neat advanced features from OpenTTD
Planes are the most overpowered thing in the fucking game. Seriously, fuck planes. Once you unlock them in like 1972 every year is a new plane until your in the fucking 80's with god tier planes that generate 50k per flight.
Meanwhile a train needs to fucking do a cross continent trip to make that revenue.
trains are more fun autism though and look nice when you have like 6 of them in a line going to a mega station
Would it be possible to disable planes?
Tried this game for the first time, and my bus got lost every time it encountered a 4-way intersection. Is the pathing just that bad, or am I supposed to somehow guide it between stations beyond ordering it to go there?
Didn't notice any traffic controllers at first glance, and sending it back to the depot didn't fix the pathing once I sent it back out.
that means the road/depot is inaccessible. If it continues to do it, then it can't be reached.
Otherwise, sometimes the pathing fucks up, sometimes planes will say, "X HAS A RUNWAY THATS TOO SHORT" despite it landing perfectly fine
When the plane says that, you need to build a bigger airport.
what people usually do is restrict the number of planes you can make to like 4 or something to keep them a niche.
>train fags
>plane fags
Trucks are the only correct answer
That would make sense too. They were just so good, I made some Concordes and didn't have to worry about money after that.
already posted
Any GOOD tutorials?
find industry that wants good
find industry that makes good
make vehicle
pickup at a, dropoff at b
clone the vehicle and the route (ctrl+click clone vehicle in depot)
Find Unrefined Resource
Give to Refinery
and remember that trains are the life blood of industry in the game, while Trucks, Busses, and Planes are the life blood of cities and growth
first for boats
failures are the best teacher user
You could watch some videos about train signals.
At least those are easy to get when they're done visually and practically.
Can Grug smash industry?
>E3 2020
>Nintendo Conference
>Screen goes to black
>You hear a train whistle and steam train going
>Train is prominent
>Then a plane flies over head
>Then it pans to a boat on the sea before zooming in and revealing a bus
>Zooms out and reveals a continent inhabited by trains, planes, and automobiles
Where are boats in all of this?
>tfw openTTD for smash never