
Team Chaos or Order?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Team cunny

Team cute or funny?

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Who won anyway?

Splatfest has not happened yet.

LOL damn what if my favorite children's game characters swore and said the f word and talked about edgey shit goddamn lmfao

Pearl literally curses in the game

Pearl swears in the Octopath expansion

What's your problem? The image is a reference.

Chaos. Fuck predictability
>agent 3 and 8 are Order

>Octopath expansion

Chaos of course.

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#混沌派 here and I'm getting better internet next week, I will DESTROY anyone who opposes Hime-sama

roflmao FUCKing so damn funny and edgey. see its funny cus its a childresn game but they curse XD

I know, best agent is on the other team.

>tfw not home for the final splatfest
>wasn't home for Squid vs Octo
>most likely won't have time or wi-fi to play
It sucks

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Geez, what teams did you decide on anyway?

But Octos are the cute ones.

Fuck anarkiddies. Team Order.

I voted Chaos, so at least there's that

Not according to the devs.

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Question for you SMT guys, just out of curiosity
How many of you
>Don't play splatoon and have minimal/no interest
>Don't play, but are interested b/c of the splatfest
>Play some Splatoon occasionally
>Play it regularly and relish the opportunity to post SMT memes

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What's your favourite weapon?

I've never played splatoon but I like callie, marie and Marina. I also like the chance to funpost.

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Carbon roller



Dualies or Splattershot.
I used to love the .52 gal in Splatoon 1, but can't really seem to play well with it in 2

would buy desu

Dualies cuz they can't ink if they're dead

Why the Blaster of course.

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Gee, I wonder...

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All chaos fags need to be executed.

Think about it, Marina.
All the power.
All the control.

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Chaos here

This is what orderfags wants

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Chaos is the natural state of things.

Team Harmony or Discord?

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Do you want Mad Max Splatoon 3 or Logan's Run Splatoon 3

Order= Reddit
Chaos= 4channel

Pretty sure its a game full of pedos and teens.

Mad Max

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Why Marie sad?

No Pepsi

That's just her usual look

What's your favorite song from the series?

I'd rather have Splatoon 3: Splat Megami Tensei

Calamari Incantation
Fly Octo Fly

Order, only shit skins pick chaos

ebb and flow

Chaos vermin must be crushed like eggshells under iron hard steamroller of ORDER.

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>You know nothing fool!

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this is fucking rad I'd fuck it

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I got a switch and bought the game cause I wanted to play it before funposting cute squidgirls, but then I heard about the input lag so I didn't even try it.

I hope Agent 4 wins and Callie gets her redemption.

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Are you saying you actually bought the system and game and didn't even try it for some minor retarded reason?


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Max comfy.



We all know how this is going to effect the plot.
>Chaos wins
>Everything goes off the deep end, total anarchy
>Pearl didn't intend things to go quite this far
>Marina steps in and starts a counter attack to bring balance to the chaos
>Pearl sees that there are times where chaos and order have their places but neither should the one rule above them all
>Order wins
>Marina uses her engineering skills to brainwash everyone with helmets or something
>The world is a boring if not efficient world, free of conflict
>Everything is safe and protected
>However its also stagnant and nothing changes
>Pearl starts a revolution
>Frees the masses of their mind control and gives them their free will back
>Marina learns that everyone being mindless drones is a bad thing and that sometimes chaos isnt such a bad thing even if people sometimes might get hurt
There, I just spoiled the major plot points of splatoon 3

Chaos all the way bros

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Marina bringing balance to the force sounds good to me.

>either team wins and grizz somehow takes over
There. I just spoiled the main plot points of splatoon 3

Grizz doesnt do shit besides eat eggs. He doesnt care about anything else.


She should bring back her sexy Octo outfit.

>there are actual chaosniggers itt

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Sure thing grizz, I’m onto you

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Did Agent 4 go Team Squid during the race war?

Order, because my baby girl deserves to keep her new comfy life. Why did last thread get deleted?

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Why do we have recurring Splatoon threads? If you have to make more than three threads about a subject in a week, it doesn't belong on Yea Forums.

Mods are racists. They hate Inklings and Octolings.

Go tell that to the smash autists. And says who? Show me the rule that says that.

I have never played splatoon but I'm up for cute/lewd woomies/veemos

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Splattershot Jr. You just can't beat Old Faithful.


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I have no clue. I honestly think it might be because of posts like this but you never know. So I just made a new thread since I was tired of waiting

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>don't talk about video games on the video games board
Fuck off.

People stopped that about 20 posts in. Whoever deleted it obviously didn't bother to check it, the dunce.

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Isn't there some screenshot explaining how autists whine to the mods and get shit banned from Yea Forums?

Well some people associate this game with pedos and some of the behavior of others doesn't help either. Maybe it's a deletion on sight by mods due to that.

Foil Squeezer

Squiddy vs. Octty

I wish I played that Splatfest (had the NSO kicked in at that point?).

Can't be all of them, threads happen often enough to completion and people still talk plenty about the game. Just a few bad apples her and there.

>hold the trigger, mediocre range and fire rate
>tap it repeatedly, amazing range and power
I know the game tells you that but it takes a while for it to sink in. I love it.

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You are right. it'd just be nice to know why certain threads are deleted exactly because they don't make sense sometimes

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Was the last thread a green squid image with the word WOOMY? If so, that's why.

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>when I join a match and one of my teammates is barefoot

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Luck of the draw, it would seem.

Kind of a dumb reason, there's hundreds of good threads that start with a single word.

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Mods consider it spam if you keep creating the same OP.

What's your average opponent like? Do they techs like bunny hopping and momentum cancelling?

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My opponents are. My teammates on the other hand...

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I still can't believe we lost to reddit.

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I can see why, but a thread should at least be checked. If there's over 300 replies then it's worth a look before hitting delete.

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Nasty Majesty

>Here’s the art shown during the announcement of the final Splatfest. If you look carefully, you’ll see the Splatoon 2 characters are divided into Team Chaos, Team Order, and neutral. Let’s dig into why they want their vision of the world to come true!

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Maybe some mods are just lazy

>Callie: Team Chaos
>“I might be a pop star, but even I want to pop off every now and then!” She can be a handful for Marie with her carefree and adventurous attitude, but it’s that same free spirit that qualifies her to be a resident of the world of Chaos.

Attached: splatoonus.tumblr tumblr_pttow3N1vk1u3akyno1_1280.jpg (1280x1810, 486K)

>Marie: Team Order
>“Someone around here has to keep it together…” Even though Callie’s free spirit has been a good influence on her, Marie still like things to be nice and neat. Even a bit of idle chit-chat needs a solid one-liner to stitch things up, which is why she’s a solid candidate for the world of Order.

Attached: splatoonus.tumblr tumblr_ptu6ebZvg51u3akyno1_1280.jpg (1280x1810, 377K)

>Sheldon is neutral so he can cash in on both sides
The madman.

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As is Mr Grizz. Fucking egg-eating bastard.

My man.

Never could git gud with this weapon

Love that silly little squid

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Hes not eating the eggs it's selective breeding to create an army of grizzlings. Ravenous fish/bear hybrids that can become cute girls armed with grizz co weapons for the upcoming end times


Is this from twitter or something?

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That's from tumblr but I have seen it on twitter.

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Damn, I used to check the tumblr at least once or twice a week. I guess soon there won't be much reason to.
>they're selling actual Chaos vs. Order shirts

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Big Boy Brella

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fucking where

Buy buy buy!

>T-shirts celebrating the Final Splatfest's Team Chaos and Team Order will be coming to the real, human world too! They’ll be available for purchase starting mid-July at store.nintendo.com. Stay tuned for more details!


probably nintendovs
still stupid they never made a western splatoon twitter

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>inb4 japan only

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inkbrush or splattershot

Scroll up, my dude.

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I played the first one a bit but fall into category 2.
I have looked at a fair amount of woomy porn if that counts for anything

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My heart grows larger.

You should play more, game's fun as hell and 2 adds in a great co-op mode. It's also got the first legitimate expansion campaign to come out and be worth the money in a really long time.

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since this is the last splatfest I'll wait for the inevitable Splatoon 3 to get back into the series. I've watched streams of 2 anyway so I know the plot

Worst hairstyle.

Probably won't be for a while. The only reason 2 came out so fast after 1 was to get their hit new series onto a console people actually bought. I would say the odds are we won't get 3 for a decent while. More than likely a spinoff sometime in the near future. It's not like anything is going to change about the game, splatfests are just once a month race wars. Playerbase grows larger by the day.

I didn't say anything about the yebby skrillex hair.

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People are still playing 1 on Wii U.
Believe me, just because it's the last splatfest doesn't mean the game is gonna die.

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Order you idiot, seen Marie there only made it easier.
Has there been any SMT/Splatoon fanart?, seeing Marina's costume kinda reminded me of Zelenin.

Fine. Second worst.

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I'm an N-ZAP man and nothing else feels quite so right.

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Why not team both?

Anyone who picks order is a retarded bootlicker. Splatoon's entire design philosophy is based on counterculture not to mention the order clothing is literally named Hivemind Antenna and Eye of Justice.

Octobrush. Please don't make fun of me.

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I'm a Marina girl but I've gotta go with Pearl on this one. I'm a sucker for chaos gods

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Pearl literally says she doesn't want absolute anarchy though she just wants variety in day to day life

I played splatoon quite a bit with 1, but I kinda bought 2 and ignored it. Now I'm gonna play because of SMT memes


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Chaos, trust me, I'm from the future.

Ay girl what’s your discord let’s league n lewd

slosher and undercover brella because i generally love shotguns in video games

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Sorry hun I think league is dumb.

Soo that’s a maybe to the lewd then ahh yeahhh

I don't think my wife would appreciate that

Thanks for reminding me that this incredible song exists

How is she not murdering that slug?

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She is a kind soul

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>have always resonated with marie
>pokemon blue
>night owl

>shes team order
>friends are going chaos

Do I betray my friends and stay with Marie or go obvious popular vote for chaos?

Betray your friends, and fight twice as hard. Even though the forces of order are outnumbered massively, there's still a chance at victory!

She's a better person than I am, I guess. I'm proud of her.

I like this kid, though.

Listen to your heart, user. Your heart says Marie.

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he is immortal trying to kill him would probably anger him more

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RIP weyyo, you will be missed. Kind of.

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Doesn't mean she hasn't thought of it

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>anarcho-syndicalism vs. state Socialism
the age old question

No one's perfect.

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Inkopolis was much better when it wasn't contaminated by Octo slime

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>Splatoon 3 plot is making Order out of Chaos if Chaos wins.
Fella, I'm just picking Order for the ability to cause Chaos at a later date. Not my fault all the kiddos want to blow their load now by picking "le epic chaos xD"


Good to see the mainstayers stayed true to taking a break, and the attempts at splatoon threads the last few days died quickly.

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Okay, but which side has the best girls I can date with

Why you guys hating on my boy C.Q. Cumber he was just doing his job

Dunno about anyone else, but Chaos has at least one girl who would date you

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Marie would fucking sabotage the date and then dump my corpse in a trash bin

Both of them pale in comparison to the Grizzco.'s Suck and Fuck.

Anything goes on the weekend, mate. Last time didn't die, it got killed off by some jerk.

But why, though.

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I want to kill friends and fuck squids/octo lolis.

Marie's not THAT mean
Either way, I'd gladly date Callie

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4 is on Chaos

I don’t mean today, I mean the past few days, as it was relatively agreed upon that the threads needed a break after the last main one

Just imagine all the squids in sci-fi bodysuits if Order wins.

We agreed upon a break some time ago.

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Are the campaign modes in splatoon games any good? I’m not really into playing online multiplayer with strangers and none of my friends own it, but I think the ink mechanics seem interesting and I generally enjoy first party Nintendo games. Is it worth picking up just for the single player mode or not?

Fuck why didn't I get Splatoon 2 sooner? Now my first Splatfest will also be the last.

Can a human impregnate a squid?

Splatoon and SMT are polar opposites but also my two favourite IPs

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It's an okay shooter-platformer.
The Octo Expansion is where the really good stuff is, though.

no scope


They can also impregnate Octos, too

True, but it's not like you can control when someone else makes one. Then you just make the best of it.

Basic single-player mode is just a glorified tutorial. The Octo Expansion is where they put the good shit. There's co-op mode too, if you like that sort of thing.

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Team Chaos: Killer Wail /Giant Stingray
Team Order: Giant Suction Bomb

1's is pretty alright.
2's normal campaign is a slog.
2's Octo Expansion is great.

I played the game for a while, but stopped after a while. It's fun, but not enough to make me keep playing after a few months.
However, the fact that this splatfest is having this kind of splatfest, along with the smt memes, has been just beautiful.
I'd even consider picking it back up for a bit, but i've been gone for too long and would only hinder my teams chances. Plus I'm knee-deep in Shadowbringers and am behind everyone else.

>still no VEEMO Plush on Sale

We know that. We just decided to abstain from these threads for a bit

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Why you gotta remind me.

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A little weird for him to have a doll of his partner

It's like finding a unicorn!

You wouldn't get it. It's a love thing.

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says you

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>gets to cuddle the real Pearl
>has a tinier Pearl to cuddle
Is Marina living the dream?

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I want to rest my head on a soft woomy/veemo asschecks

I’m just glad we got an extension of m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze-Gilw09F8 I’ve been wanting this since OE

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Really wish I didn't have my volume down when I saw the thing.

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You'll get it...Once Splatoon 4 drops

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FUCK YOU. I never realized how much I wanted actual mem cakes, they're cute. Smash woomy's amiibo looks pretty great.

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Damn sorry to hear that fren, that sucks

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Bamboozler all the way

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Sup niggers

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Hello, have this

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Don't mind if I do


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Compiled all of the Pearlina week stuff just for you.

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Appreciated. I have been so fucking busy and I'm still not even done, just taking a bit of a break for the rest of the evening.

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He needs to take it down a notch.


>ive been so fucking busy
i feel you there, tons of fucks calling in so i have to pick up their hours, finally got off work so im enjoying my free time while i can in here. hope things get less busy for you soon

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Well it's good busy been playing the new FFXIV expansion for 10-12 hours a day the past three days. I took a week of vacation of actual work for this, still off till Thursday.

>tfw hetero pairings are too rare in Splatoon

Brella/Tentabrella. I'm a really aggressive player, so I like to balance it out by playing defensive weapons. In this way I can play safe but still go apeshit when it counts.
Of course I still get far better results with rollers, I just really like to protecc my frens.

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oh right you told me about that last thread, never mind then have fun with the business

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fuck me. busyness*

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Thanks friendo. I need to get a new mousepad though cause my wrist is getting blistered up pretty bad. I don't usually spend quite this much time at my PC.

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i mean hey at this rate you'll get the sought after gaming wrist callus, so you wont have to worry about that for too long

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I have been using my computer more and more and now my wrists is starting to hurt as well.

I can't tell if that smile is supposed to be cute or sinister.

Yeah it's starting to get distracting, not like shooting pain or anything but just enough to annoy the piss out of me.

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who knows

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Squids are mysterious creatures

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That's a smile that says "I'm doing something to you in your sleep"

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Definitely looks devious


Go to bed Octavio

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You are my squigga

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>Constant losing streak on SR
>Deranked the entire month
>Can't even win Turf War
This month was pretty shit.

It's nice seeing someone so passionate about his game find success

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he even cried on stage, dude loves what he does

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Hey bitch

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Damn, I somehow hadn't seen that video before and it suddenly started raining in my room

Fookin cunt

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I'll deck you m8, fokkin' swear on me mum.

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how strange, it's raining here as well

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It's actually raining where I am at too. I am not lying.

Get fucked ya tosser

My biggest dream would be to create something that as many people enjoy as squids.

Attached: hoodiepearl.png (1403x992, 1.05M)

That's actually really sweet, I'm glad that the guy's ambition and hard work have been met with overwhelming success. Not that the entire team don't deserve praise, but you can tell this guy really had his heart set on it. It paid off in the best way possible.

Attached: 1529230884985.jpg (413x1041, 104K)

honestly, and that was just the first game, imagine how he feels knowing the sequel did even better, cementing the IP as a mainstay and not just a one hit wonder

thats a nice dream, wish i had one as noble as that

Attached: 1550620388499.png (1200x1417, 931K)

I'm actually a Splatling main and consider myself semi-decent. This is the only weapon i use except when i play Clamb Blitz (I use the Brella with the bomb rush to instant reload)

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-002113.png (720x996, 176K)

And I'm sure Splatoon 3 will do even better.

Yeah, now I just need to get off my ass and start creating.

Attached: sleepypearl.jpg (512x512, 19K)

That's a good dream to have. I don't tend to dream that big these days anymore but I am rooting for you

Attached: 1529494250407.gif (595x472, 295K)

good luck with your dream. as for me im gonna head off, have a good one frens

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I'm not too good at creating things. I think my dream would just be to be able to make a living just doing something I really like.

It must've been a hell of a thing that Splatoon was one of the main franchises they decided to ride into Switch launch territory with. It only keeps getting bigger, too.

Good night.

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>my dream would just be to be able to make a living just doing something I really like

Attached: 1554764243567.png (599x514, 238K)

Well when I say that I don't think it's likely, it's just one of those "if I won the lottery" style what if dreams. I'd settle for being able to make a living creating stuff.

See ya Calliefriend

Attached: pearlchoker.png (830x1024, 301K)

You could just invite both of them or flip a coin so they don't take it personal.


>invite both
>me and Marie fall in love with each other

Still, if you have the dream then you've got the drive at least a little bit. I couldn't create something original to save my life. In the end, I think we all just want a comfy life. An occasional hardship or two to shake things up, perhaps. Life's no fun without a good scare.

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Most horror films these days are no fun. I want a return to good old fashioned slasher flicks.

Attached: agentshorrorflick.jpg (1280x995, 176K)

I got too many food related images. Making me hungry.
They rely way too much on jump scares

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I occasionally play the original and look at the porn since I don't have a Switch. I hope my chaos brothers win the war

Attached: jimenez.png (1200x899, 887K)

It's jump scares and "freaky looking monster crawls on the ceiling and moves in fast forward" type shit. Where are the modern Jasons and Freddys?

I keep watching new ones out of an obligation to the genre I love so much that gets so little respect. Still, there's a lot to be desired these days. At least I'll always have my classics. I heard Hereditary was good, but then people said The Conjuring was SCARIEST MOVIE EVER. I liked it but it wasn't anything close to revolutionary.

Agreed. We need more disturbing, atmospheric shit.

Attached: 1526440198861.png (1280x1507, 1.2M)

I just want to make something fun, something people can come together over, and serve as a spring to make their own content.

If I had created something popular enough to spawn fan creations I'm not sure if I'd be amused or disturbed by Matt the Hedgehog style autism.

I think it's just because the conjuring was a step above most horror movies now. Though that isn't saying much.

At least with Splatoon, that's kind of the point. The player character is your own guy, do what you want. By default, it's dodged one of the worst pitfalls of hedgehog fandom.

I appreciated the build up and everything but it was still extremely by-the-numbers. I heard good things about Us, but I didn't watch Get Out either and for whatever reason I'm not too motivated.

Attached: 1529818538449.png (904x1600, 1.83M)

>cute conservative black girl
>white, bluepilled gremlin

GEE, i dunno user


You fuckin what

Attached: metalpearl.jpg (2160x2160, 452K)

Order to see things become a further cyber dystopia. It seems like the natural progression of their society and seems like it would put Grizz in a better position to become an antagonist which would be fun. If Marina's outfit and the Eye of Justice are any indication, the Order gear will be much better too.

>he hasn't seen it yet

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Attached: 1560054382531.jpg (1200x675, 139K)

Cunt looks like one of those antifa larpers, all she's missing is a stupid mask

I wanna shove my dick in pearls squidhole

Course I've seen it, I just said the official name of that helmet. I was saying it looks like the clothing and armor in Splatoon 3 will be cooler if Order wins.

My bad, then.

>it feels like forever
>it's only been 3 fucking years
I call bullshit on time.


Attached: 1436016833456.png (600x800, 633K)

Time flies when you are having fun.

That hot topic bike helmet is a damn shame.

>This wasn't Callie in a straitjacket and diaper as I thought from the thumbnail.




Attached: shmmp.jpg (722x713, 82K)

>prefer the idea of chaos
>the aesthetic on order equipment is way better
>and will probably lead to a cooler looking world if order wins

wat do?

We both know it's typical for the chaos group.

Attached: 1555563852490.png (1500x1668, 847K)

Fuck main fags
playing various weapons to improve your general skill is the patrician choice
locking yourself with one weapon makes you suck if you ever were to pick anything else
this shows in salmon run

Attached: 1529846434038.gif (320x240, 747K)

Splat dualies
I only got the game a few days ago and I'm only level 13 right now, so that could be subject to change

Well fuck me for hating chargers

That'd explain a lot of the assholes I see in SR. I'm not in any way perfect but I can use specific weapons for what they're good at. Almost no one else seems to get it. I can't remember the last time I saw a dynamo roller that wasn't me one-shot a steelhead. I'm still amazed at this one guy a month ago who knew to use it during the geysers to kill the goldie in like 4 hits.

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Was nice seeing you faggots again, but I gotta split. Later.

Attached: marinasnuggle.jpg (901x849, 118K)

Best have good dreams, or else.

Attached: 1554872534020.jpg (1380x1741, 282K)

See you on another thread.

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Sometimes I feel like people in salmon run have trouble with anything that doesn't have instant automatic fire and requires any kind of thought to use other than simply pressing ZR.

Even that isn't the absolute worst of it. I've seen people die repeatedly without killing any bosses. Splattershots, dualies, sloshers, you name it.

Attached: 1561454334311.jpg (1304x750, 678K)

When I see someone who's splatted less than 100 orange eggs over the course of 3 waves and brought less than 10 golden eggs, I wonder, how are these people able to function in real life? Are they even able to breathe and eat by themselves?

But I'm great at Salmon Run and just use Splatlings and Explosher 99% of the time.

Attached: D7Caw1YW0AAvVx5.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

>tfw no more comfy quirky urban Japanese sea life fusion setting anymore
This is trash

The obvious answer would be that we're playing with children, and that obviously happens from time to time. All the same, I'm pretty sure most children these days could barely even get to profreshional, much less keep it enough to stay in the same pool of players and annoy me this relentlessly.

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Acid Hues and Fly Octo Fly

I can see them staying in the 0-100 range just from being carried enough.

>pretending to be polite to raise your Octosocial credit score

Attached: 1561252696453.jpg (750x691, 38K)

One day I'm going to die of an octo cute-induced heart attack.

Guess it comes down to the individual kid, but I just don't have enough faith in kids these days for even carrying to do all that much for em.

Attached: 1561282930660.jpg (1700x2200, 440K)

Damn I wish I played splatoon more. I love it and yet I barely play it. To be fair I don't really play anything else and just sleep most of my days away but I'm trying to get out of that.
I'm trying to play a ton before the final splashfest and I'd appreciate if anyone could help me out with a simple question. Are joycons the best way to play this game (using motion controls ofc) or should I use a pro controller or the joycon dock controller thing?
also is pixiv the best place to find cute splatoon pics? asking for a friend

Attached: 1522013725409.png (800x533, 334K)

Have at it.

I'm going to have you arrested and charged for attempted murder.

I think the controller thing is mostly personal preference, everyone seems comfortable with whatever. It's all kind of pointless when the gyro isn't as good as 1's, though.

Attached: 75468243_p0.jpg (1270x1448, 748K)

i'm chaos 1000% because if everything's predictable it's boring as fuck and NOT a place i wanna be in desu

Attached: 62394384_2389551974593058_844638336009362925_n.jpg (640x640, 49K)

Datamines shows that the final shifty station will play right next to NILS ruins, with all the copters and Off the hook in the background, giant suction bombs will appear in a total of 3 waves, each team will get to explode the bombs in the enemy side, the last minute will feature Off the hook copter going to the center of the stage and pearl dropping down with a charged special, the first squid to get to her will be able to aim a the giant killer wail.
They really put a lot of effort in splatfest in this game

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hey, pixiv provides the best stuff.

I'm not going to read what's underneath those spoilers, but I'm going to assume it's super fucking rad.

Attached: 75468243_p4.jpg (606x649, 101K)

>pretty much exclusively play woomy in Smash

I barely even have fun on my old main Puff. Figuring out angles for big brain offstage Splat Bomb snipes is all play for now.

I love this weird japanese site.

I mix it up a lot. You can't pry me away from K. Rool. I don't give a fuck if he's low tier, smashing people around like it's nothing never gets old.

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Attached: 75468243_p6.jpg (768x673, 145K)

Judging by female 3's face, that must really hurt

just found my new favorite splat drawing.
thanks for linking that pixiv :]

Attached: 1 best 75468243_p24.jpg (1300x986, 260K)

The Scrub Bucket

Attached: weapon_056.png (296x228, 60K)

you sound 12

Man, what a sucker.

Attached: 75468243_p7.jpg (900x700, 196K)

i can't be bothered to do the splatfest
just so bored of splatoon at this point

Attached: 75468243_p9.jpg (400x467, 115K)

It's a best platform for art as far as I know. Tagging system like Tumblr and allows porn (albeit you have to censor it. There's a way around it but not everyone knows). And fairly popular that even western artists use it.

Attached: f8f4ea93-3ba7-4d13-a188-6bb3168adb35.png (541x576, 218K)

Tumblr had pretty shit tags, though. They were really unreliable a lot of the time, I mostly just went by artist's specific pages. Pixiv and the various boorus still have the best systems for art searches. Pinterest is surprisingly great for finding new shit, though. Every time I open a link, 20 others become available.

Attached: 75468243_p10.jpg (666x718, 164K)

Attached: 75468243_p11.jpg (794x940, 266K)

Nerf this more.

Attached: ea7ecaa63c9a76372fa955f77f24ca37762c42cfr1-1051-657v2_hq.jpg (1024x640, 66K)

>Splattershot Jr. You just can't beat Old Faithful.
it's so boring but so effective

I guess I should have said it has a tagging system unlike twitter. Pinterest is obviously good in finding new stuff but clearly bad at providing source which sucks since it pops up the most often when using reverse image search.

Attached: fd9981af-f3df-4068-90c7-11e0594a062d.jpg (1703x1204, 185K)

name good feels
>place ink mine
>randomly get a kill some time later

Attached: KILLAH QUEEN.gif (480x267, 293K)

You say boring, I say reliable.

Still, new stuff is new stuff. I'd rather dig through pinterest and a couple dead end links than sift through twitter.

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Attached: 75468243_p14.jpg (655x719, 177K)

>using Tenta Missiles 8 times in 3 minutes
It didn't kill that many of them, but I know it annoyed them.

>3 or 4 enemy players have tenta missiles
>There is not a single second in the whole match where I am not targeted

Attached: 7675.jpg (947x774, 71K)

You are right on it is better than finding stuff on twitter. That site makes image searching such a chore. Plus preserves images that were lost due to the artist deleting images or the entire account itself (happens a lot)

>enemy uses bomb rush
>throw one splat bomb and kills him
that shit always put a smile on my face

>I know it annoyed them
Sure did, you son of a bitch.

I just wish I knew why fucking twitter, of all places. Literally the worst possible place to store your art and so many idiots flocked to it once tumblr went full retard.

Attached: 75468243_p15.jpg (778x620, 146K)

>ywn babysit little squid sisters

Attached: 75468243_p16.jpg (700x697, 149K)

I've had that happen before, it's such a pain in the ass.

Because it's popular.

>half the time it's a 10 missile barrage on you
>you're also using a heavyweight weapon like the Hydra

Attached: 1556145368116.jpg (421x750, 103K)

Fuck that noise.

Fuck that noise.

Attached: 75468243_p17.jpg (900x723, 150K)

God damn it Soccer guy, give me my playable octos.

Attached: 75468243_p18.jpg (780x670, 177K)

I remember playing against 4 tenta missile team in the last splatfest. And yeah, I had Hydra in that match. Terrible feeling.

Also because it has the means to make yourself more well known which a lot of artists want. You got retweets and likes, both of which will be seen by the followers of whoever has done either of those things.

They should be doing both, at the very least. Twitter for the exposure and a specific site or booru for storage and safekeeping. This just seems like common sense but no one cares.

Attached: 75468243_p20.jpg (918x659, 150K)

>The Reef
>using Explosher
>enemy team has two Aerospray PG camping bridge area and they're using voice chat
>can't see over bridge to hit them accurately
>get burst bomb spammed for getting close to bridge at all
>get booyeah bomb spammed for not approaching
>my team is too dumb to use their own bombs or charge their specials

Attached: 75468243_p23.jpg (831x861, 240K)

Attached: 75468243_p29.jpg (1300x1062, 463K)

Some do, some don't. Some are rather stubborn about it. I have seen people suggest the idea quite a few times but the person will says it's pointless or act like it's a hard task to accomplish

team cunny

Attached: __aori_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_puchiman__5b82f050074e779d9bb33a23b941bed0.png (1428x1680, 1.24M)

Those are the ones we cull first.

Attached: 1560946108633.png (2048x2048, 943K)

Played Splatoon regularly kind of dropped off a little bit, enjoying the SMT memes but knowing that the true patrician alignment is Neutral, reject the false dichotomy of Law and Chaos.
Splattershot Jr and Bamboozler 14 Mk III in both games.

How would that in any way be difficult?

Attached: B8AF778D-3B3A-46FA-BAE8-0919B7A33C66.jpg (1154x831, 641K)

>tfw going Order in hopes that if Order wins we'll get rebel against it in Splatoon 3
Playing the long game here fully aware that it might blow up in my face.

It isn't, they're just lazy cunts.

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please give me your best octoboys

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Anyone else come into Splat threads just to save all the art and pictures that get posted?

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>give me afros
You got it, user.

Attached: 1527903296947.jpg (1148x768, 119K)

need more afros, thanks user

Attached: 1541304106886.png (700x757, 246K)

I'd be a terrible babysitter

We could all use a little more afro.

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I just have this on hand.

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We haven't actually seen any sharks yet in Splatoon, have we? Wondering if they're saving that for 3.

I saw an afro boy wearing the fish bones in my lobby and bust a gut. I love these guys sometimes, even with all the faults AC has.

Master Cuttlefish leading a new team in Splatoon 3, with Agent (You) as its leader, is happening right?

The squoosh hairstyle.

Attached: 1552763303789.jpg (720x954, 184K)

I'm pretty sure only things with spines we saw were salmonids, cats and urchins.

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>5 o clock now
Man, I need to do some stretches

Attached: 45050e65-ae9f-4818-be15-474dd6b87e44 11.01.25 AM.jpg (1015x1353, 159K)

You should probably go sleep or something. I've got more than my fill of best little octo. I'll probably sleep soon before I start my day.

Attached: 1560577499589.gif (960x798, 646K)

Good idea, see ya later

See you likely near the end of the week.

Attached: 1557283276823.png (1668x1668, 856K)

Why must Marina be taller than me?

She wouldn't mind, so why do you?

Don't forget to do your squats.

Attached: 1439370967018.gif (294x233, 1.36M)

>not being 5'11

Attached: Comedians laughing.gif (480x320, 2.99M)

Reminder if your a law nigger, You hate freedom and freewill. You love having life be boring and never changing

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No, it means I am supporting Marina till the end

She seems like the kind of girl that finds short things cute. Probably the reason Pearl is her best friend.
Reminder that if you are chaos faggot, you support anarchism and violence, people who take advantage of others would be even more rampant in a world of Chaos. There is no love and peace in Chaos.

Attached: C8RpgcFUMAIuET3.jpg (900x1200, 164K)

Team futa or cunny?

In world of complete order you're under constant control and surveillance. People would be stuck in their "proper places" entire lives without being able to rebel and fight for a better world. There is no freedom and individuality in Order.

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For me, it's the Carbon Roller, the best fastfood sandwich.


Attached: AE50BDFE-167A-49DD-809B-C74DDF68BCF0.gif (1280x720, 1.76M)

Ms Calimari, your opening statement.


>He isnt willing to make sacrifices for the greater good

Attached: greater-good.gif (540x229, 869K)

>Ms Hime, your opening statement

Attached: pearl9.jpg (768x1024, 159K)

Attached: happy beeb.jpg (1498x2048, 457K)

Your honor...
This is a squid thing isn’t it?

I actually wish I could pick Neutralchads, they're the real winners. There must be balance.

Attached: 1560054883482.png (223x572, 94K)

>I don't have a big BUTT like my worthy adversary Callie Calamari.

Attached: muffinbutte.jpg (615x800, 51K)

This is most of these threads. Horny weebs who don't actually play video games. Any and all discussion about these games is 90% lewd posting underage humanoid squids. Fucking kill yourself.


Attached: 1558995989851.png (822x1100, 642K)

hey cuttlefish canyoumakemeasandwich


Attached: hey sean would you make me a sandwich.png (643x542, 248K)

I’m gonna start making some rules

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I did it

Attached: swimmin.jpg (1200x1183, 221K)

Nigga how small are you


Attached: 75503948_p0.png (800x1200, 428K)

>There is no love and peace in Chaos.
No shit, Lawfag, that's the point.

Attached: 1453972183565.jpg (1197x756, 153K)

>chaotic evilfag trying to speak for all of us
Chaotic good does not approve of your edge.

Attached: rollermufn.png (1024x1024, 502K)

>The thread has been up this whole time

Attached: 1561053974751.jpg (728x550, 287K)

For a second there I tought you posted porn on our sacred Christian site, thank goodness for that censor bar.

Squelchers. They almost feels like cheating sometimes.

Attached: butterfly muffin.jpg (600x613, 53K)

>dualie squelchers
You're right, it is cheating

Anybody else planning on getting the new shirts?

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Attached: I CAN DO ANYTHING.gif (412x420, 3.14M)

Ballpoint Splatling, but traditional heavy and kensa splattershot are up there too.

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Attached: blasterfags.png (862x119, 26K)

Attached: BIG THINKS.png (857x1202, 1.14M)

I think you're confused, I literally just went to Grizzco's and it said Sneed and Feed


I'm an accountant. Order.



>Volleying your bullets over a wall and still killing the out of view sniper
>Placing a beacon in your special spot with nobody noticing
>Killing someone out of their special

Attached: 0af72c514245156c7eeca5ab9a4996271afd82ba.jpg (620x869, 233K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1503253476897.jpg (172x241, 21K)

Accounting is a profession that involves organization and order.

Am I still allowed to be team chaos if I wear the Eye of Justice? I thought it looked stupid as hell at first but then I fell in love with my robot shopkeep look. I don't think I'll ever take it off.
I-Is this how order gets you? You put it on as a joke and can't take it off?

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Paruko saves the thread!

Attached: __paruko_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_jtveemo__8091e45e8646a49d6e48a4582c537a89.jpg (1000x1333, 163K)

Thank you Paruko! Now PUT ON SOME UNDERWEAR!

user they already have a video of the map’s mechanics loaded in, just go to oatmealdome’s YouTube channel

>thread is still up

Oh shit, I might be tempted to give it a look.

It’s just the mechanics on a flat board since the map isn’t in the game files yet

Just stop being a manlet dude

Post comfy before the thread reaches image limit.

Attached: IMG_20170815_213556.jpg (1075x1518, 400K)

If you're team order, you are supporting tranny jannies.

Attached: go-be-chaos-somewhere-else-24846567_1.png (500x377, 230K)

I'm an N-Zap and Octobrush scrub. I feel like scum, but I get results.

N-Zap is an honorable weapon, don't feel bad about it.

Attached: 1558242787526.jpg (2350x1500, 266K)

Assuming they aren't sold out within 15 seconds

Attached: 1558987336017.png (1236x815, 725K)

fingers crossed, they offer them in all (relevant) territories now so they should be decently prepared.

Splatoon Amiibo haven't had shortages in ages now.

yet they never sent out another wave of squid sisters amiibo. buying them from japan wasn't hard but annoying

i want to bend over Marie and pound her pussy while the footage transmits to Inkopolis

Attached: marie.jpg (680x956, 54K)

chaos is gonna win , no one is gonna go for marina because she is black

Holy shit.

I want the same but replace "Marie" and "pussy", with "Pearl" and "asshole".

This but for me it’s “Marina” and instead of “pound her pussy” or “asshole” it’s “have a loving an obnoxiously long make out session while holding hands and talking about how much we love each other”



Team Chode

Dicks look good but I wouldn't want one anywhere near me.
Pussies look like shit but feel the best.

hot but also wholesome

The best kind of hot

Go to bed, Pearl.

indeed, which is why we need more wholesome splatoon doujins

Holy shit this. Why must they always be full blown degenerate fetishes?

I love gay cephalopods.

Attached: 967a769f0534ddff90fec036a52a2ac5.jpg (800x830, 85K)


cuteness attracts degeneracy, sadly.

I apologize for nothing.

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1812, 351K)


Attached: fanned.jpg (1920x1080, 632K)

Because autistic whales are the only people whose income is disposable enough, and since money talks, it's all artists ever listen to.

fuck i meant to reply to you enjoy your gay cephs


Last for lucky squid

Attached: luckymuffin.jpg (2048x1872, 473K)

No one scans sfw doujins.

Doesn't have to be sfw.
Just fucking tired of literally everything being rape, guro, torture, degradation etc.

Not subtle enough for me

The writing in the back or why?

not him but i'd buy the chaos one if it didnt have pearl on it, and it was just the symbol


Make a blacklist of tags for stuff you don't want to see. Be torough. Vanilla stuff is certain to lack futanari/rape/prostitution/etc.

While the thread is dying, I'm gonna share some decent ones from nhentai
265469 161519 213467 238577 262253 265469 267270 265469 268185 271048

thanks user

Well that's just it. I set my blacklist and there's literally only one page for splatoon
But thank you anyway.

Pretty much what the guy below said. I'd buy the Chaos one in a heartbeat if it was just the logo and nothing else.

I like Chaos one but I don't like the back print.