What are some fun games on this sytem that aren't recommended constantly?

What are some fun games on this sytem that aren't recommended constantly?

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Mario maker

Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure
Gotta Protectors
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Beyond the Labyrinth (fanTL)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Pocket Card Jockey?

Get a flash cart.

Fire Emblem Echoes

I liked Shift.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Liberation Maiden
Tokyo Mob Attack

Crimson Shroud.

>Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure
My negro. Also, try LBX. It's a pretty good action RPG where you fight using fully customizable miniature robots.

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Thank you everyone for your generous posts.

Club Nintendo Picross Plus
Taiko Drum Master Dokodon Mystery Adventure

LBX scratches some of my Custom Robo/Armored Core itch. It's grindy as fuck if you want specific parts, though.

>Gotta Protectors

inazuma eleven

Gotta Protectors is so good and so obscure that isn't even on lists of good and obscure games.

It has a decent copy of Myst if you've never played that.

Not to come across as a hipster, but I played it when it was still JP only. One of the first things I bought off the eShop on my JP N3DS.

The Yuzo Koshiro music was enough to sell me, alone. Even ponied up for the extra arrangement pack.

well I played 360 ver first

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Ah, good old Protect Me Knight!

any good non-JRPGs?

Kunio kun

The 3DS Taiko games are alright, as well as the Theatrhythm series.

Other than that, uuuuh. Shit.

Pushmo / Crashmo / Stretchmo

There were threads about it on Yea Forums though, so it's not absolutely unknown.

Tom Clancy Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

It's so fucking good

I see you're a man with taste and an eye for quality

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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Is there a non-hack non-flashcart way to play A Link to the Past on the 3DS?

EX troopers

Yes actually

Hack your 3DS using the Steeldiver method, get the FBI launcher and then get some Virtual Console CIA's to the root of your SD card and then install

Have fun

>non-hack non-flashcart way
Well, there's the virtual console

Shit I misread

Sorry :(

Final Fantasy Explorers
Liberator Maiden

Iron Combat: War in the Air

Code of Princess.
Bravely Default and Bravely Second.
Strange Journey and the Devil Survivor series.

Came here to post this

Easily one of the more esoteric 3DS games, but it's super fun if you like crunchy RPGs

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see OP? you ask for games nobody recommends and now they recommend you bad games

Any good ARPGs?
Already played Kid Icarus

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What is a "Crunchy" RPG?

Codename Steam & Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

Lot's of stats and mechanics

Basically, if a weapon that gives you
>+2% effectiveness against Minotaurs
sounds cool to you, get this game.

Mario Golf is unironically 10/10 kino

Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy

The other SMT games get recommended more but Soul Hackers is great too.

seconding Soul Hackers.
SMT IV gets recommended the most, but I found both Soul Hackers and the Devil Survivor series to be much more enjoyable with more interesting narratives.

Any reason for a flash cart over Twilight? From what I understand compatibility is about the same

Steel Diver

>he still thinks you need a flash cart