Watch a review of a game

>watch a review of a game
>Reviewer says the story is great
>Buy it and play it
>It completely falls apart halfway in

Why do so many fucking reviewers do this to me? It's not even Zero Escape that did this to me with. Persona 5, Ni No Kuni 2.

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Did you play just ZTD or 999 and VLR first?

999 and VLR first.
I was hyped for it too but I always get cautious so i always look for reviews for any redflags. Sadly...nothing.

Good, I was worried you thought ZTD was the only entry in the series. Yes, 999 and VLR are god tier, but if you had made a thread on here for ZTD, you would've gotten a dozen memes and several dozen more butthurt anons like myself who hated the hell out of that abomination.

You should've asked around on Yea Forums, a lot of anons went through the same thing when it first released. It gave us some great memes though.

>this was Uchi's most recent game going into AI Somnium
>AI drops in 3 months
I want to hype, I want to believe he shook it off, but I can't shake this feeling of dread that I'm going to be disappointed yet again.

I wanted to talk about reviewers in general. Most of the games I've seen reviewers on mention on how great the story is. But they never say how many plot holes or pacing issues or complete bullshit it has even though the initial premise is great.

Always see people talking about ZE, sometimes about Ever some number, but no one talks about Punchline, is it bad? Or is it too much generic anime bullshit?

>Why do so many fucking reviewers do this to me?
Reviewers are not magically good at critiquing things. They're just one more asshole on the internet giving their opinion, and are no more qualified than you to do so - they just get paid for it.

I wish this game never came out. The discussions regarding possibilities and the whole Snake is Brother thing were all way better than anything that came out of this.

I will never buy another Uchi game again, I don’t care how good AI is.

Honestly, is there anything like ZTD without the Sci Fi bullshit? Just a death game VN with multiple timelines. Something like Umineko if the meta part didn't exist. Actually I guess something more like Higurashi where the same events happen over and over with different variables.

I know there's Death Game: Killer Queen but you'd think there would be more death game VNs out there.
yes I've seen euphoria and danganronpa

That's because all the reviewers who played it were newfags to the series that had never played the others. Everyone I knew that was hyped for this and played it was horribly disappointed by it when they finished. Go look up the steam reviews if you want a laugh. 95% of people sucking off that giant piece of shit.

OP just stop playing it, you're better off.

Danganronpa is death game stuff but without the time fuckery. If you want more timeline shit, play Uchikoshi's older works like the Infinity series.

999 was good but vlr is a fucking pile of trash that borrows almost every single twist from uchi's magnum opus ever17

Check the spoiler.

I already read his older works. I unironically liked never7 better than ever17. Ever17 only really did the twist better. Tsugumi's backstory felt a bit too hammed in and (You) being her daughter was a bit too much for me to wave. and honestly Remember11 was a cluster fuck. An utter clusterfuck. I don't care if that was suppose to be the "idea" it's still a clusterfuck.

>uchi's magnum opus ever17
If that was his best I'm not bothering with his other shit. A decent twist wasn't worth fucking 20+ hours of chicken sandwiches.

Good thing I didn't play Ever 17, because I loved ever second of it. Especially playing as the best boy of all time, Sigma Klim! I've never liked a protagonist as much as Siggy. Several of his lines got an audible laugh out of me and his buff physique actually got my autistic ass to go to the gym a little.

They're all retards, the most I'll listen to is metacritic user scores, which even then get filtered with crap.

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>all the fan theories
>all the hype
>fizzling out into disappointment and shattered hopes
I'll support Uchi in hopes he'll bounce back, but that stung. Especially after how all the fans rallied together to get the damn game greenlit in the first place.

Remember11 has way better pacing and it's honestly almost as good but it's a mindfuck and not for everyone

Sorry but even though yes I get it. Remember11 just spits in your face in the ending.
It's not a good aftertaste.

God, I remember all the genuine excitement in the threads before release.
When it came out someone spoiled the alien fax machine and I thought it was just shitposting.

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You lucked out. VLR is much better paced and actually manages to be interesting for most of its length.

I remember taking a few vacation days right when it came out just so I'd be able to enjoy the whole thing. I wasted a whole weekend and my $40.

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>The inspirations for the change in format were Telltale Games' adventure game series The Walking Dead

Most people that play games have 0 exposure to other forms of media. That's why people think TLoU has a great story when it's actually B tier at best compared to a lot films. VLR at least has an interesting presentation

I'll be honest, I liked the models and the camera work and stuff.It's ugly but it has that charm you have when you play a gore horror edgy rpg maker game. It just feels unsettling. The headless corpses part made it just feel really spooky.


I unironically liked the game, I only hated the cutscenes instead of an actual visual novel like the original games.

ZTD fucking wishes it could be as edgy as something like corpse party. I was pretty disappointed with the violence overall.

>Why do so many fucking reviewers do this to me?
Because reviewers play for two hours at most and make their judgments based off of that

>ship siggy and phi
>uchi says don't do that
>hold breath
>cold ass phi cries over siggy when he gets shot in the head
>want them together more than ever
>can see the twist coming
>it happens
>it's the most retarded asspull twist in vidya history
>mfw my ship was destroyed by an alien fax machine
>mfw the events of VLR and ZTD are stuck in an infinite time paradox where one shouldn't exist because the other was resolved

I hate that goddamn game so much.

I felt nothing when a character died. The fear of death was gone in the first quarter when you realized everyone could shift.

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It was less fear of death more uncanny.
It's just weird seeing dead bodies of yourself.
Shifting was a good concept but the only way you can continue from that is disabiling it. NOT GIVING IT OUT LIKE A SUPER SHIFT BARGAIN SALE

I hope to god the fear of death is back in AI Somnium, it's gonna be boring as fuck if characters are just rising from the dead all over the place again. Take a note from the 9 man, when you die, stay dead.

I think Higurashi was a nice way to do it.

>reset loop?
No different from 999. Hell there's another VN out that uses a similar mechanic, that's getting high reviews. World End Syndrome.

Yes. it's a bit different because Rika actually feels her death every single time. And that's why she becomes a jaded witch asshole in Umineko.

>that spoiler
>know all about higurashi
>don't know anything about umineko
Accursed luck...

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It's not really a spoiler.
She's essentially a different character in Umineko. Her origin isn't too important .

No she doesn't. It was stated multiple times that she doesn't remember her death that's why she never caught the culprit. Also bernkastel is not exactly rika, read sakoroshi

Siggy is hot!

She doesn't remember, but I swear she still "feels" it.

Just watch the anime. Also, check out Ever 17. You can tell in a few hours if you'd like it or not.

999 itself is borrowing twists from ever17, I don't know what you expected from a sequel

Please stop reminding me ztd exists.

Reviewers only play 2 hours of the game

Just look at the positive reviews for MGSV

Not as bad as having A SINGLE SNAIL being the cause of the entire series.

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I liked the first half.

yeah the last 30% are shit but fuck me that whole chapter with sigma and the bitch stuck inside the base is the best thing they ever wrote

Why do you still listen to reviews. It's 2019 for fucks sake.

Why didnt sigma just blew up the base wall like he did on the universe he lost his arms?

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Whats wrong user? Too complex for your little brain?