Paid only is bullshit and can't be justified

Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't

Attached: GibYensGaijin.png (1610x2603, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine paying to use your own internet that you already pay your ISP for.

itt poorfags

I spent $20 on lunch today when I could've made it at home for $5, does that upset you too

Servers cost money to run and manage, you absolute fucking clod.

Common knowledge.

>too poor to afford 20 dollars a year

They cost pennies. Nintendo didn't charge for online for years. You fucking mog.

Nobody cared when Snoy charged for LBP

>someone ACTUALLY put time into drawing a Wario happy merchant that ten people at most are gonna see
Not even once.

i make $20 in less than an hour. i work 40 hours per week. they're only asking for $20 every 52nd week

>happy merchant is /pol/
>making OC is bad

im not even going to bother finding the pic for your ass

Steam doesn't charge
Worst, in a lot of games, like CoD, the games on PC have 100% dedicated servers while on console they pay for shitty hybrid or even p2p.

big lunch for a big boy eh

I wouldn’t mind paying for dedicated servers. Not this peer to peer bullshit. It makes the multiplayer co-op/versus they’ve advertised completely unplayable.

switch uses p2p lmfao
underage reddit in

Why would I complain about 20 dollars a YEAR though?
Heck, if you play ANY multiplayer games on Switch, your complaint is completely invalid since we knew two years ago.

Why do faggots always use the argument that Nintendo switch online only exists for the 1 game they are shitposting

You've done this shit like 5 times already, your just proving that there's more games coming for that $20

Depends on the game.

You can not buy it, but realize that isn't going to change anything and you aren't going to be able to drum up a movement to get other people to stop either.

It's an unfortunate outcome, but if you wanna play online you have to pay. At least it isn't as bad as Sony/Xbox(though Sony/Xbox subs have much more features and free games)

>happy merchant isn't /pol/

For something that is basically free for the person selling it to you?

I don't care. It's unironically okay when Nintendo does it. I wish they charged $40 just so there was double the seethe.

absolutely not
people called each other jews before then

I'm mainly a PC gamer and I've owned the N64-Gamecube-Nintendo Gameboy-Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii and bought a lot of games.
Sorry, but I can't participate in paid online ever, against my principles, gonna use this game freely on Yuzu in a few years with free online and free dedicated servers.
Fuck them.

Based Clawario

Ninty makes more than enough money to run all their servers from fire emblem gatcha alone

>20 bucks a year
Taxes take nearly 100 times this amount every year. Why is 20 a year a problem?

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Then just buy it for 4-8 bucks, you fucking whiny bitch.
Anyone shitposting this is probably not gonna play Mario for more than three months straight.


>He doesn't know

jew jokes have been around for years user. /pol/ doesn't have a monopoly on that.

>he pays taxes

majority of nintendofags are neets

This can't be real. Is Yea Forums really this poor?

Majority of Yea Forums are neets

>"If you don't let your money be stolen for absolutely no reason at all except their pure greediness, then you must be pure
In one of the best countries in the world in terms of salary and even then, I won't pay this and support this scam. I have principles.

Play Mario Maker 1 "online"
>Shitty "Art" levels (It's a Mario GAME, not Mario Paint FFS)
>Don't do anything levels
>Literally everything is going to kill you because OMGSOHARD DARKSOULSIO!!
>"Hi I'm 4 and I need to post 500 levels of fucking nothing" levels
>1% actually good levels
Now I gotta pay 20$/Arbitrary Time Unit to access this garbage now that it's got like 5-10 "new" features?

No thanks. I'll just play the MM1 content thats still free on the previous disappointing nintendo console I still regret buying.

>Buy $300 console
>Buy $60 game
>Have to pay extra monthly online fee so you can host the games yourself via P2P
>But since the console is Wi-Fi only, please also buy an Ethernet adapter if you actually want to play the games
>And hope everyone you are going to play with did the same
>All meaningful game content is locked behind the service fee in some cases
>No offline save backup so you're forced to buy into the monthly service to protect your save files
>Can't opt out of the extra """"""features"""""", so they (you) can justify selling the online in the service

>BUT WAIT, you get free NES roms as long as you keep paying for it, so it's all good! :)
>It's so cheap also! So who the fuck cares if it is an actual scam? Disregard everything here, what are you, poor? xD
>Also Sone and Microsoft charge more and do some of the s-same! T-Totally this excuses Nintendo!
Of course, a good chunk of the other common "points" cucks make in defense of paid online can be debunked just by connecting some of the dots from the points above mentioned, not that I expect anyone who buys online (or worse, tries to defend it) to be capable to do so.
I mean, just imagine living in a world where the publishers have to provide servers for their ONLINE game, right? How absurd!

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This is my first level, plz give feedback

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>le poor
is Nintendo so poor they can't foot the non-existent bill for their servers? The "bonuses" that come with Switch Online are also puny as hell. They don't even have SNES games yet.

20 dollars a year is nothing. That is piss money. Literally, you could probably piss in bottles and sell them for 20 bucks over a year. Fuck, forget the piss, just the bottles. Gather a few bottles every week like a homeless man and sell them to recycling plants. 20 bucks is fucking nothing. A good meal at a decent restaurant is easily 20 bucks with drinks and a tip. How the fuck can you not afford that in a year, are you 14? Even a 16 year old can afford that with a 6 hour a week shitter job.

Let's not mention the Pokemon (((Bank))), which is literally a few MB of storage to keep the mons hostage until they can be used again. Only 5 bucks a year, goy! People who have transferred them can't take it back anymore, only on the new game (if they are available). If not, keep paying or Nintendo will delete your bros.

Sony and Microsoft have this subscription done monthly not yearly, and I'm not defending the practice, but I am saying there is a lot of hypocrisy, you wouldn't even bother saying this on any of the other threads.

For you.

Epic post user!
Did you make it for free?

Pay for games that the value of what I pay is far shy of the cost of the games. Access to online included free .. not sure what the problem is here

Hack your Switch, you can share levels without paying.

>He thinks servers pay for themselves.
You really think someone will save your shit for free?

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Nintendo is the best console so you have to pay a premium fee for it's features. It's simple. We're not talking about a Sportsbox One or a literal blueray player here.

>muh principles
Your loss

see Literally last line.
And how much do you think servers even cost? Compared to what their gachas and whatnot make, on top of that. How much of a fucking cuck can you be to defend this?

>Sony and Microsoft have this subscription done monthly not yearly
But they have functional online services, unlike Nintendon't

Huh, weird, not a single platform that hosts servers on PC charges customers.
Weird how that works.

You are a trash person

That said SMM multi is laggy AS FUCK

>Nintendo AND Sony didn't have paid online for the longest time with literally no problem
>PC games have never charged




No my friend, I am at work right now so I made it for approximately 2 dollars. Worry not, there is no cost to you.

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that wario merchant is very abstract looking

>With literally no problem
Except the consistently inferior input delay and the fact Sony doxxed everyone TWICE.

>Working on sunday night
Sorry to hear that, user.

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I wish I was a neet.

YOU are the reason this board went to shit. People used to make OC for fun, not to get more invisible internet points you fucktard. /pol/ or not it's something this entire website used to do years ago until retards swarmed by.

Yeah, but since they've been paid they're still not any better at that.

I bet some of you fags would be ok if game companies started charging you $1 each time you turned on the console.

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I mean, I make OC as well (pic related is mine), but my work is mostly intended to deliver a message, not fish for (You)s.

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>I wish I was a neet.
I am a neet...It's hell and evil.
Now I truly believe that arbeit macht frei.

Find a lucrative career loser.

have sex

>Dude, just waste your money on poor products/services!

Do you get neetbux or no?

>paying so the company lifts the ban on your machine
wtf consolebros

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I still find it weird how Yea Forums of all places became full of shills and cucks like this. It's just sad, really.

emulators prove its only P2P connection
nintendie child BTFO

I do, go be bored somewhere else.

even 1c would be a problem

You don’t get any ban lifted by paying them.
Bans are their own category which you can only bypass by buying a new console entirely.

>bought enough stuff on the Nintendo store that I got the online features for free using Nintendo tokens or whatever they are

happy merchant transcends history you little zoomer

But I find lifting the ban to be worth the price, so it's OK.

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Here's the worst part: Switch online services are objectively inferior to Wii U online services, which were free. Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U had dedicated servers. As far as I'm aware, those servers are still running and you can play Mario Kart 8 online, right now, with no fee. Mario Kart 8 """Deluxe""" for the Switch does not have servers: it's peer-to-peer and suffers from horrible latency problems as a result. And you have to pay $20 just to enjoy the game you already bought. For a year. Then you have to pay again. So the next time a fanboy tries to defend paying for something that was free a couple of years ago, remind him that he isn't doing that at all. He's paying for something worse.

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I'm a boomer.

I;'d be more in favor of the $20 a month if the service wasn't shit.
Will not renew for next year.

Is $1 really too much money for you? Get a fucking job.

Don't worry. Nintendo fans have low standards and will buy it anyway, then defend Nintendo's attacks on fan projects.

Fucking this. But it's not like they would listen to reason, so there is no point to it really. They are either completely blinded or just merely pretending. Hell, maybe even both.

>He keeps thinking it's about the price/value
Try reading the thread or something. At least prove you can do at least that.

I don't think user was being serious

I don't like the change either, but don't pretend that the whole game is locked behind 20 dollars a year. If you have anyone to blame, blame the kikes who made the shit in the first place, Nintendo was against it until very recently.

Can't afford 20$ a year poorfag?

Granted the service is shit, but it's not like your whiny ass thread is going to do anything lmao

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Nobody forced Nintendo to make the change. Sony and Microsoft aren't to blame here. I don't like them either for that, but this decision is entirely on nintendo.

Imagine paying to use your own house you already paid the construction team for.


Stop defending their sorry asses, they had as much control to not follow in the footsteps of Sony and Microsoft.

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I love how corporate cucks' only reasoning is "b-b-b-but it's cheap!"

It's literally 20 bucks a year. Fuck off brs

Just looking at some SMM2 levels, it looks much better. Plus, now you can filter out shitty auto garbage. Even day one levels actually feel really fun to play.


Oh, so you can play online without paying?

Get above the poverty line faggot.

>Unironically thinking that people are angry with the price and not what you get for it compared to the Wii and Wii U
Read and again

>don't pretend that the whole game is locked behind 20 dollars a year
Yeah, everyone bought Mario Kart 8 for its fantastic single-player campaign, I'm sure.
>If you have anyone to blame, blame the kikes who made the shit in the first place,
Yes, I do blame Nintendo.


There seems to be no backlash against this, though.


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I am, because I don't make a habit of paying for things that should be free. If I did, maybe I would be a poorfag.

I'm not looking to defend but merely satisfy my curiosity as I have an anecdote concerning exactly that. I have a group of people who I get together with on a regular basis (at least twice a month if not more) to play MK8 and other games. We started doing it with this frequency on the Wii U and continued on the Switch.

On Wii U we would with some regularity have the night spoiled by the infamous communication errors that would stop one or two of us connecting to the lobby, until someone else tried creating a new lobby. Since moving to MK8 Deluxe on Switch, it's almost never happened.

So what's the deal there? There's no other variables that changed in the interim, everyone involved still lives in the same regions as before, on the same ISPs, maybe someone got a new router but it was never consistent who had trouble at which times anyways.

20 a year is not the problem. That's a steal compared to other consoles. The problem is that what they give you isn't worth $20. It's worth $0. Outside of online play everything Nintendo online has is free on Xbox live (excluding shit like the nes online controllers which have no equivalent, but those are a scam anyways since you can just get an 8bitdo)

Nintendo should just give up on the online infrastructure and rent Xbox live servers from Microsoft instead. It would be so much better

I stopped buying consoles because of this shit

shame considering I loved playing Gran Turismo 5/6 online and all pc racing games are pretty much dead (unless you join super secret clubs and do scheduled events)

The thing is that now you are on p2p connection, so one of you guys are hosting. I mean, paying to host.
It is great that you think the service is worth paying for and all, but even if we disregard all the arguments, you are but one end user case. I think it would be safe to say that the majority of people don't have this same scenario as yours, meaning they have to play with randoms with terrible connection and get fucked for this.
Just look at all the complaints.

literally nobody can defend it aside from saying it's cheap which isn't a defense it's just a coping mechanism

If you're stressing over $20 then you probably shouldn't be playing video games

kek, well put

No. You have the right to spend your money however you please. Why aren't you for you fellow consumer's rights and why are you a champion of Israel though?

>Not a new IP
Keep trying, user. Wonder how many falseflagging posts you made in this thread already.

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Servers don't cost shit. That was a Blizzard lie meant to make people pay subscriptions that crept up to this day.

you'll be first against the wall when the workers RISE UP

Mario Maker is easily worth $20 a year, look how much a normal Mario game costs and how this is basically unlimited mario games

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Why is it whenever we have one of these threads it always only goes after one console? All consoles have paid online, why do we never just argue it all as a whole, why does it always come down to console war shit.

What the fuck is that pic even trying to convey? Are you complaining about things costing money? I seriously hope you're 14.

>Who could be behind this post.

Attached: WarioVey.png (617x708, 166K)

they ain't servers they the cloud homes

So if someone defends Tifa's redesign, does that mean they are just coping?

Yeah okay I get it, Nintendo has never charged for online before. But I want to fucking play online so I'm gonna pay 20 dollars for a year. What do you propose I do, not pay and then not be able to play my games online?

Almost nobody is talking about console wars per say. Also SMM2 is the latest example and the only I care for.

Hack your console, pirate the games, then buy the online and pretend that money is going towards one of the games you downloaded for free :)
It's what I did.

Is hacking the Switch actually safe now? I'm gonna be buying another since I gave my old one as a gift. If I can use it with online then I'm all in on that shit.

>lol it's only 20 dollars dude
wii online was 0 dollars
ds online was 0 dollars
wii u online was 0 dollars
3ds online as 0 dollars

Yes. Emunand has been a thing for months now, so you can hack games on it and play online on sysnand without getting banned.
Just don't taint your sysnand and you're golden.
Also get that old switch back, newer units can't be hacked.

>buy collector edition
>get the game+1 year online for $10 more than the regular game
>problem solved

Attached: 1510577582736.png (466x327, 159K)

Temporarily partially solved*

Getting the old switch back isn't an option unfortunately. It's fine honestly, i've hacked literally every other console I own and I can afford to buy games anyway. I'll try hacking if something changes in the future.

You can always look up for older units on e-bay and whatnot. Maybe your local store also has one, who knows. Just look up a S/N table and see.

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>buy it digitally
>use gold coins
>game+online is now only $40 with 1 year online included
>buy another year for the remaining $20
>you now have game + 2 years of online for $60
>problem solved

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Why the fuck does Yea Forums keep flipping this picture whenever I post it, ffs.

Still temporarily solved.
Even under a "sale" you're still paying for a shitty service that should be free, but you did make the situation a bit less shitty, so good on you user.

Okay, but what happens when they shut down the servers eventually?

I'm assuming it's going to be either:
>You're screwed
>Just buy MM3, it's only $2.99/Month!

Considering how quickly Nintendo gets tired of supporting their consoles nowadays and standard practice of
>Release console
>PERIPHERALS+Shovelware+The same damn virtual-console games you already bought on the last 2 consoles
>Oh wait! Our hardware was weak-sauce from the start, we need something more powerful!
>+15% Design Improvement
>Announcing the NEW Nintendo Shit-Box that we're TOTALLY going to support long-term THIS time!

Doesn't make me want to buy their consoles let alone start paying for Nintendo "Subscriptions" because it's too "expensive" for them to host their abysmal services for the limited time they even do.

I don't really want the hassle, I was just gonna play some other shit for now and then buy a switch when FE Three Houses launches.

Fuck off Yoshi

>play fightcade for literally free on PC
>GGPO netcode,can play with people literally 8,000 miles away with minimal felt lag.
>pay $20 to play smash online on the switch
>barely fucking works with people in my own country

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nintendo fans have astoundingly low standards, its a lost cause

>but don't pretend that the whole game is locked behind 20 dollars a year.
Mario Maker certainly is.

You can always tell who's poor by seeing who thinks rich people can just throw money away.

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I was just about to make this exact post, wow.