>If this game is not on Steam, I'll just pirate it!
Tell me, what does Valve's semen taste like?
If this game is not on Steam, I'll just pirate it!
>what does Valve's semen taste like?
>a company offers ease of access to legit get a product
only broke bitches cry and hide behind the piracy flag
Literally nobody says that though, they say "if it's exclusive to EGS I'll just pirate it". How does Jinping's semen taste?
If you purchase any software you're eating cock. Think of all the brainlets who didn't pirate Windows 7/10. We live in an age of easy accessible software but the populace are too stupid to handle computers. Steamturds can't even figure out how to install something.
I've stopped buying shit on Steam.
I literally only buy from GOG now.
basedsauce flavor
Like freedom, you chink shill whore.
Show even one case of this happening, EGS shill.
Away with ye, bugman!
Im actually an Origin shill
Just look at Yea Forums for everyone saying this lol.
Why can’t 5he mods just delete EGS shill threads? They are either made by trolls or literal shills
>Can't do it
Didn't think so, fag.
I'm not installing any more launchers. I'm currently in the process of removing EA's games because apparently the launchers don't uninstall the games with them. What's the god damn point of the launcher if I still have to go in and remove everything manually. Fuck that shit. I'll keep the one launcher I've had for this long, use GOG and pirate everything else.
I want epic shills to go
>Buy game on Steam
>Automagically set up with Proton to just work
>Don't even have to install WINE for most shit anymore
>Buy game anywhere else
>Have to set up shit in a brand new prefix and rerun winetricks every time it bitches until shit works
>Pirate game
>Same shit as above except I didn't spend any money
Piracy is a service problem and Windows 10 is a retard problem.
see Thanks for giving me an easy example in my own thread by the way. It's almost like you wanted me to look like a samefag.
That is one ugly ass Midna
Based linuxchad
I only buy games if I like the developer, like Obsidian or the guy who draws Sam & Max.
>See a guy who buys games on GOG
What a fucking retard. Maybe you should stop while you're behind.
>See a guy who buys games on GOG
>"I'll keep the one launcher I've had for this long"
>Maybe you should stop while you're behind.
That doesn't even make any sense
Come aboard m80's. Yer all welcome.
>If this game is not on Steam, I'll just pirate it!
>He doesn't pirate games automatically if they're not on Steam
Is that clear enough for you? Need me to dumb it down even more? Maybe get some crayons for you while I'm at it?
It sure doesn't taste like Loli, that's for sure.
Fuck Valve. No Loli no buy.
>loli in todays climate
people are too sensitive for that
specifically the epic store is the issue, you flaming retard. No one cares if something's on normal stores.
>If this game is no Epic, I'll pirate it!
FTFY, but nice try epic shill. Maybe next time, though.
That's a good idea to get even with valve fartsniffers. Good idea.
last time i pirated a game i got a trojan
too afraid to do it again
just delete the Trojan you retard
it is literally a physical file in your computer.
>my drm is better than your drm
most autistic kind of thread on Yea Forums
It was actually Blizzard's launcher too. I still like to play wow from time to time and I got some cracks for the two games on there I still played.
And I mean steam when I say there.
See? There's some steam succ there
>Only Launcher still on system in blizzard launcher.
>Admitted to cracking the two games on steam that are still played.
Chinamen everyone.