Post videogame girls that would be into you.
Post videogame girls that would be into you
>implying Karin would give your commoner ass even more then a glance
I love old 2d sprites. Much sexier than 3d stuff
They would treat me all like I'm their own child.
Here's my ranking of Castlevanias as proof:
>Post videogame girls that would be into you.
I'm rich and from a noble family though. The noble family doesn't mean shit, but the money does.
They aren't real user.
No way sherlock.
Spoiler this spooky shit, user
she would just because i play the piano and don't mind loud sounds (and also because i'm a goddamn dork)
I'd gladly let her experiment on me everyday.
Ming Yue from Fantasy Heroes.
Which girls unironically like black guys?
>Wanna buy a flower?
Poison haha get it? :D
Because she has a peanus weenus! :DD
No. The correct term is a:
Is this a trick question op? Absolutely fucking no one.
Every Asian American chick because they're disgusting thots who just want to rebel against their parents.
Only true answer for everyone here.
im playing this right now
she is such a bully
Like that google ad?
Let's r8 our tastes, m8's
wtf same
None of them would be into anyone here. Quit deluding yourselves.
>girls that would be into you.
Why are you doing this to me OP? why do you hate me so much?
but a qt
>girls absolutely cant like guys because they are too pretty and every Yea Forums user is a slob
>t-they are fictional!
Yes we know, this is just for fun
>ywn lick karin's delicious stomach and deep dive tongue into navel to elicit more intense moans and gasps
Marisa from Touhou
I could probably pass a lot of modern knowledge off as being a form of magic.
Why even live
yeah, this is the only option
either 2 things could happen
A) you die of poisoning due to her experiments with forest mushrooms
B) Yukari tells her the truth about your "magic" and you get yelled at
to at least live life through sakura doing it
yeah, she's pretty cute. too bad she deserves to die
Bitch would be all over my dick
>too bad she deserves to die
disagree, she needs a hug and sex
In both cases she is clearly just being a total tsundere, which I see as a total win.
>In both cases she is clearly just being a total tsundere
in the first one, no, she would either test poisons with you, or you would die by accident whenever she meets with Patche & Alice to try new magic/potions
in the second one, maybe
She'd be all over you alright
>be me, NEET, manlet
>going to EDD tomorrow to get on a career path
>want to invest in real estate and manage my own properties
I don't know a video game character that would be into a guy transitioning from being a bum to being a conscientious man with an investment hobby and trucker gig.
I'm posting pic related because her hobby is homemaking.
Hell yeah
Imagine all the kinky shit you could do with her
What Google ad? I just want to say as an Asian male. I like my black bros. But you gotta know, Asian girls are just using you so they can float over having a "black" boyfriend. It can be any black guy, she doesn't really care for you.
She'll later ditch you for a boring rich white guy later.
T. Had a cousin who did this
Karin is top tier wife material, she should have had appeared more if Capcûck was smarter.
Is she into skinny guys? Then i'm up for it.
Are there videogame girls interested in depressed retards that do nothing all day but are at least 6'3 with a deep voice?
user, she'll probably kill you.
Is there any vidya girl that loves lazy bastards with highly inflated ego?
Like I give a shit
I'm hard to kill
>implying you wouldn't anyway
Seems about right
her, but probably just finds you amusing as a "dumb human"
Built for fucked up crazy sex
She likes humans but no humans like her
Literally the only one that would be into me is Nyx from infamous 2.
Who is that?
Basically she is tsundere?
women aren't into me unless they're fat and ugly so I'm not sure.
no, she'll see you as a play thing
she literally tricks humans into doing some terrible shit for fun (that's why her title is "the wicked hermit")
Top kek
At least we have eachother
that guy is based
pretty safe bet
Miriam all the way
But she's a lot like my wife, so does this count?
My meido
Does your wife have dark hair and blue eyes
Oh fuck, well better than nothing...
Best girl
Post pics.
Matter of fact, she does
She has a somewhat different complexion that Miriam, but is still amazing none the less
Would you believe me if I told you that she loves Castlevania?
It looks like she's throating a dick on the back of her hand.
Hell no, I don't want you to track her down
Fuck off, get your own
As long as I pay
I don't remember if Jill was into Carlos or not, if so then her.
>she has nudes
>big tits with inverted nips
you can even barely see them right there in that pic.
All of them, I'm really cool.
She would be onto me
And into me
All over me
The only girl from Souls that I have a gut feeling would be attracted to me
>tall angry nun lady
>I go to church with her every day
>always singles me out for coming unprepared or not studying
>she has to pray every day for forgiveness because my pants are in tatters and my bulge haunts her
>I'm 24 but I look half that
Just because she is lonely and would fall for anyone who gave her attention just like me, assuming I could get to her before Joker
i think bayo
Can't think of anyone, maybe i'm just that unlikeable.
You're also probably a fat/weak nerd though. How many hundreds if not thousands of rich men do you think Karin has met in her life? Why would you stand out apart from being yet another spoiled brat?
at least i fuckin hope so
>moderately successful in life but 400 lbs
So basically need a chubby chaser (female). Any of those around?
Wow, you're an asshole, user.
>amazon position
Lap pillows and affection from Io.
black girls?
Just stop eating Christ do you have any idea how many calories you need to constantly intake to sustain that much mass without keeling over
The fact you think FOUR HUNDRED FUCKING POUNDS is just "chubby" might be a reflection of how warped your mental state is, the only women interested at that point are those waiting a few years to pick your estate clean once you're fucking dead
>Hard to kill
Tell me more
Who dis
My intelligence is far superior
That one Borderlands chick that Yea Forums got into a tiffy about when it was revealed she hooked up with the black guy.
I wish i was in her