Is this worth £8?

Is this worth £8?

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Yes with the furry mod installed. I'm not joking, the art is better.

Harvest Moon games are better. If you want a good indie game, get either Crypt of the NecroDancer, Rain World, or Lisa.

If you enjoy playing a faggot game, yes

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Yeah just turn the chat portraits off

Yes. It's 9/10. Some things in it can be a little repetitive, and some people argue the characters are too "obvious trope-ish", but it's a very good casual comfy relaxing farming sim that's easily worth that price.

I like it a lot, even though I always overwork my little guy for no reason.

Your character or are you fucking everyone?

If you like farming sim games like harvest moon, yes. It's worth full price desu.
There are a ton of secrets in the game, which makes it better than HM imo

yes but buy the sound track and mute it in game because it doesn't loop for whatever fucking retarded reason and no one ever bothered to make a mod that makes it loop which is even more retarded

once the pointlessness hits you, you will probably drop it within an hour unless you have a mental problem
it is also (without mods) a surprisingly-frantic experience for what ostensibly is a relaxing, comfy game
the time progression is just too fast. this is probably my problem, though, because there is no point in rushing because it's entirely pointless

it's a weird thing. £8? yes, i'd say so. unless you have money issues. otherwise no. it's a useless experience by design and in the end provides zero payoff

> useless experience .... provides zero payoff.
Are you autistic user? We are talking about video games, not a liberal arts degree. Video games are for having fun. All video games are inherently "useless with no payoff" outside of having fun.

the point is to fuck the daily time limit into your submission and make it your bitch by accomplishing goals

Yeah its alright. I have the cheat menu mod and use it to pause time while I'm inside buildings and the caves. There are already enough resources to manage while cave diving that time isn't another one I want to deal with.

What is anything worth these day really?

It's a more complicated cookie clicker.
Decide for yourself based on that.

It's an excessively comfy game. Absolutely stress-free, to the point where I remember browsing and seeing how some modders actually tried to add stress mechanics, like having to pay taxes to the village, to give some sort of sense of "purpose"

yeah that was the first part of my disclaimer. me feeling rushed to get all sorts of shit done in such a limited window did feel like it was frantic enough - dare i say stressful - to warrant some sort of payoff. any sort of payoff. but there literally isn't one. it's not even like playing freecell. i can't think of a good comparison. i do chores and that's a huge payoff. i expect something, even if it's just a videogame. i need something out of it, even if i know the whole thing is ultimately worth nothing
this game gives you nothing. very few games do this

The game doesn't give you anything, it's about you putting in and seeing the results

got it
i did say the problem could be me. but you admit it gives you nothing. no payoff for what is essentially a daily-chore simulator. honestly i don't appreciate that. even when i was a kid if i mowed my parents lawn for that week and made my bed each day, they'd get me a sega game
it feels unnatural to just toil away for nothing, so i do not like stardew valley at all. you have to admit the game feels like work, moreso than other games. you already agree that there is no payoff
there is payoff in winning a match in call of duty. the match itself is just as meaningless. we're talking videogames here. but i need a payoff, personally. if you don't, then hell yeah get stardew. the fishing is good, and going through the mines is ok if you can mod enough time to really progress

>ton of secrets
Now this interests me.

my emo husband is so cute

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Sure. If you want to level up your steam badge

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getting rain world, thanks bro