What went wrong?
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
It managed to be a worse game than BB.
And i don't say this lightly, as BB is quite a horrible game.
But goddamn i'd rather sit down and play 10 hours of BB straight than even play 1 minute of this piece of trash.
>as BB is quite a horrible game.
You mean you're just a shitter?
blazblue is cool
For being a budget mugen fighter I think it succeeded where it needed to. A neat experimental clusterfuck
Gonna sit your ass down and play you money in GG and make you humble, you little shits.
It will be once the Nazis apparently save this shit game.
CF is fun
I hate all the other ones though
you're allowed to like more than one game
You know its possible to like both right?
nice trash talking, old man, but I'm a ggfag despite my good opinion of white haired sol's game
I love anime game like it, but I passed because of the inclusion of RWBY trash.
Arc Sys sucks dick Marketing, Updates, and keeping their games alive. Besides that it's a solid game mechanically. Just wish the new DLC had interactions and we got more than one update every 8 months.
Fun game, but ArcSys is historically shit at maintaining a game long-term. It was the Gordeau & Ruby Show for the longest time, and then the community just kind of ran out of steam; it’s like how Dragon Ball ended up, but that game at least had all the raging Dragon Ball maniacs to suck its cock before they found out it was garbage, BlazBlue doesn’t nearly have as big of a fanbase to support it.
I don't get it. Yeah it's a shit show but it lends itself to games pretty well.
It's a fun game to be honest though I have a bias for tag fighters since MvC2 is my favorite game of all time.
Would love to get the rest of the roster of characters from the games represented even though that'd probably be a nightmare to get every character working together with one another.
Then again Bandai Namco were able to make it happen with Smash Bros so it's definitely possible, especially since they don't have to make new models.
DLC is the reason I didn't buy this. Also RWBY shit.
What's funny is the rwby characters look straight out of fucking blazblue
Oh please. Like you play GG.
No senran kagura
Collaborating with shit = me boycotting blazblue.
no litchi/rise
>liking GG in the garbage state it is in with Xturd
Good jokes
They added Teddie
I hate that bear and playing against him
>No consistent updates or meaningful character changes
>Retarded balancing choices when they finally do have a balance patch, which is every 8 months to a year
>Completely ignored
>ArcSys cannot be consistent for any of their games
>Ruby's fucking hitboxes
>Practically dead community
>DLC characters take ages to come out
>ArcSys is clearly winging it, BBTAG is blatantly just an experimental side project rather than a real game for them
I can go on. I have no idea why this game even exists at this point.
not enough RWBY
They made akihiko and azrael good in this game so it's alright in my book
>What went wrong?
right there
Are you from a decade ago or something? BB started out shit and turned good eventually
same thing as GG actually, the first GG game was garbage
No 4-player 2v2 matches is what went wrong
what a fucking waste of potential, that shit would be so much fun
RWBY scared off the weebs
RWBYfags didn't buy the game
They did actually, they're just not competitive.
you know how people like the developers to care about their game?
well arcsys didn't care about this one
I feel the reason why there was such a big delay with the update was because the whole uncertainty over the SK franchise forced ASW to delay everything and work in Heart as a replacement.
>no reveals in the Akihabara livestream nor CEO
>but there were plenty of great fights
I can’t say I’m ever really disappointed. Can’t wait until the next major event.
I keep on saying this! An party mode up to four-players kinda like what DBFZ has ould be the best!
with how constant switch is in this game it would be too chaotic and not fun.
They let the game stagnate for a year before any meaningful updates, said "update" was 3 characters that should've been in the base roster, and a guest character from a series nobody fucking cares about anymore.
The game itself is good, and still fun to play, but ASW completely mismanaged it.
They took too long to update shit. Also I don't think the game has an Arcade mode even. It's got an enormous cast but there's a lot of features missing that are in most standard fighting games.
Gameplay itself is a lot of fun and a lot of the shit characters were buffed like crazy, but there's no telling how much longer they'll support this one for. They also snuck even more character select audio files for extra characters from not only the series currently represented, but new ones as well. I guess we'll see where it goes.
>3 characters that should've been in the base roster
Not really. The ones added definitely needed some mroe time to see how they'd work in these systems. Mai should've had more time too.
by themselves characters are boring and have very limited combo paths and tools in neutral
all the fun comes from the team mechanics but that also gets old after awhile
that's literally just so people don't guess any upcoming characters.
Right, but it's fun to guess right?
>a game must get updates all the time or it's dead
Fucking zoomers.
Those datamined CSS announcements mean jack squat.
They already struggled with the amount of new sprites they had to draw for the RWBY girls, and I'm really supposed to believe they are adding a bunch more RWBY, Senran, En-Eins, and Arcana Heart characters?
Forget it.
NO TAO and everybody spamming! No thought processing going on in that tag shit game.
If Japan doesn't care about an anime game, then you know you fucked up.
I fucking hate this mentality
But Xrd is the best one
Curious to hear what others thoughts are. Keeping the Cyan colour and how the Fifth Fate turned out to be Arcana Heart, what do you think the Sixth Fate is? Some of my guesses are:
>Chaos Code (cyan is a predominant colour scheme, 2D sprite fighter published by ASW)
>P4AU (if they wanted to go maximum jew, cyan/light blue is the main theme colour for the game, and Ultimax is barely represented even now)
>Akatsuki Blitzkampf/En-Eins Perfektewelt (announcer “leak”, cyan is featured in the second game’s logo)
One RWBY character literally is just a Murakamo unit copy paste
All she has in common are the floating swords and that shit is a repurposed idea from Dead Fantasy.
Chaos Code easy.
Yeah I have a feeling it’ll be Chaos Code as well lol. And while I personally find it to be a great, fun fighter, I already have a feeling it will be a massively underwhelming, maybe even disappointing, reveal for many others.
Just give me Roman and Neo.
i want another blazblue game not this shit
Arcana Heart should have been one of the main franchises
8 months is a long ass time
It should have been more like striking vipers x
CF2.0 is more than enough. Any more and you go from AC to Xrd.
Under Night was just right when it came to accessibility vs depth.
Cross Tag tries to be casual friendly with autocombos and not having to do DP/charge motions but the actual fun parts of the game serve to push them away.
God same here. Just hearing their names said by the game’s announcer was gratifying.
Outside of BlazBlue, which of the original four fates would you have replaced with Arcana Heart?
It'll be actual literal Fate, but it'll be just Eltnum.
The devs retarded boner for RWBY assured it was going to be a shit game
why did arcana heart get only one character? what the fuck?
I will tell you what went wrong with it, lets compare it to capcom vs snk 2
>capcom goes out of their way to RE-DRAW ALL THE SNK CAST
>even remake some capcom characters from scratch like birdie and chun-li
>2 villains representing each side, akuma and rugal
>unique system changes to keep thing funs in ratio and 6 grooves system
>unique stages with unique music
>all the snk characters are re-purposed to adapt to capcom style, getting not 4 but 6 attack buttons, they dont feel like their old selves but instead feel like completely new characters, essentially 50% of the cast is something new to lookfward to, yet capcom chars do feel pretty loyal to their original forms like ryu, cammy and blanka.
now lets look at CROSS TAG
>every character is a BUTCHERED version of their original version with LESS buttons and less moves, not a single character is re-drawn except for 4 RWBY ones, the part of the game that is actually new
>stages are just old stages from old games
do I have to repeat that EVERY CHARACTER is a dumbed down version of themselves? ALL OF THEM
>only 1 system because arcsys lazy and it sucks shit
>no true boss.
you know what fuck this game Im replaying capcom vs snk 2 or even MvC2
Huh... Eltnum does technically count as Fate/, doesn’t she?
Considering Saki and Weiss are profile icons within the “sub characters” tab of the game’s shop, things aren’t looking very promising. I do hope they were placed in there just so they “wouldn’t spoil the surprise” when they’re eventually revealed.
After fighterz Acsys went full lazy, and they will keep being lazy for awhile.
Maybe the casualised gameplay and reused assets really sell
i would agree with you but it took them a year to show the 5th fate which they announced earlier
>sixth fate and a corresponding BB/P4A/UNiB/Sixth pack revealed at EVO in August
>won’t be released until EVO Japan 2020
Yeah, she does. She's more relevant in Fate now than Saber herself.
It probably won't be that long.
Reused assets: The game in the most literal sense.
Selling even more reused assets as DLC
I still don't understand how RWBY is popular.
Needs more Pyrrha
>resurrection is canon in RWBY
>when the gods inevitably come back in the final volume they're gonna revive Pyrrha for some reason
I can smell this shit from a hundred miles away, I have zero faith the hack writers won't do it
How would she play? Like a mix between Wagner/Mai?
Has she really? Wasn’t Saber the face and mascot of Fate? Sorry, I really don’t know much about the franchise.
Haha, probably not. Contrary to my previous post, I’m actually quite hopeful about BBTAG at this year’s EVO. Considering how massive the finale of 2018’s was, from the huge, nine character trailer and release shortly afterwards, to the teaser about the fifth fate, I have a suspicion that this year’s will be a stellar blowout.
They may not all be released at the same time, but I’m imagining a fair amount of additions from the five current fates, the reveal of the sixth, and even a teaser featuring a seventh keystone. It’s not often I let myself get this excited for something, but I just have a good feeling about it all.
That guy is basing things off FGO and he's saying that because OG Saber isn't all that relevant in the plot as a servant while Sion's self in the FGO universe is currently a lot more involved than Saber is.
But that doesn't mean she's anywhere near as popular or as marketable as Saber.
stop fucking crying
>RWBY scared off the weebs
you you are that retarded kid
i dont understand how dick girls are is popular but here we are
>Cool ideas strung together with a weak plot that only serves to connect said cool ideas and another cool concept
It's a lot like Blazblue
Not for a shitter like you maybe not.
Saber is the mascot and face but it's the main writer's official policy to completely kick out her of the gacha game, which is what ninety nine percent of the franchise is now. Sion/Eltnum has shown up in the gacha game as one of those suspiciously convenient new allies that might as well wear a sign that says "I am going to betray you".
They’re in a licensed fighter phase right now. I just want real info on the next GG already.
Granblue Versus is probably gonna carry the fuck out of ASW the same way BB did.
Nothing. It was the only good fightan of 2018, and it is the best tag game since TvC that actually captures the spirit and degeneracy of that subgenre. In an era where fighting games are stagnating and pandering to a casual audience that doesn’t even play games, Babytag is unironically saving the genre.
>ib4 HOWLING UNIggers and shitters that are too garbage to even play the baby 2 button fighting game
>RWBY only got 4 characters
This is fucking retarded since 99% of the characters are just reused assets, same case with the stages. Can Arcsys incapable of making sprites now? Fucking Ragna still has his dusty ass sprite.
retarded preteen weeaboos
So basically even though Sion is gaining more prevalence throughout the plot of FGO, Sabre’s definitely not leaving her place as the franchise’s MVP? Which would also ultimately mean that Saber would rep Fate if said franchise made it into BBTAG, which would obviously make the most sense.
>Sabre’s definitely not leaving her place as the franchise’s MVP
There is simply no way in hell one of the OG heroines would ever be overshadowed when she's present in so many of the material, even if she's not a prominent figure or relevant othe plot.
>Saber would rep Fate
Yes. She's still the face of the franchise and has enough characters with her face to make a fighting game itself out of.
The only reason I don't play it is that everyone says the online is dead.
If I go online on the weekends or evenings there's always like 10-15+ people in the first lobby. This is on Steam too, and I hear PS4 is more alive.
Every fighting game is dead on anything other than PS4.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult Sion’s legacy or anything. But I do think I’m finally understanding what everyone was trying to tell me, so thank you!
The simplified controls and movesets made it fucking boring