The Playstation 4 saved Sony from Bankrupcy

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Based Playstation 4

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wouldn't be surprised at all considering that the previous gen underperformed badly and all of sony's other divisions have been bleeding money for almost a decade as well.

I mean yes, that's obvious.
But will their shift towards cinematic, wester "experiences" while Nintendo takes over the indie base + slowly takes over the weeb base with their Nintendo Vita 2.0, truly take off?

I'm not like the average retard here, i'm fully aware that Yea Forums doesn't count shit and no matter how many angry threads they make here about how sony is cucked, it really doesn't make any difference and they're screaming into the void.
But even if you take Yea Forums out of the equation, the question still remains: sony is pushing away the indie and weeb base, two strong platforms that helped the PS4 a lot during the start to the middle of it's lifespan, can they truly do this and push only for cinematic games and VR?
Is this viable long term?
It's a genuine question, i don't know if it's actually gonna work.

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Kek, so does this mean if the PS5 flops Sony will finally die? I hope so. If Sony was out of the picture Nintendo might finally try to make a high speced x86-64 box to compete with Xbox and fill the void left by Sony

>no replies
Your silence is gold.

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Slow ass nigga.

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I mean, Sony videogame department is probably the only thing profitable on that company

Considering how things have turned out, it would have been better if they had gone bankrupt.

t. weeb

Get a switch already you fag.

> No replies
> Fourth reply
Is this the intelligence of the average Snoy drinker?

Name an indie or weeb game on Switch that's not on PS4

Inconsequential, the Switch has become the de facto platform for indies.
Even over PC, especially for the high profile ones.
You can disagree (you'd be wrong, but i'm sure you'll try because you're a stubborn brainlet), the sales numbers speak for themselves.

You'd figure something that disaterous would tumble those pretentious twats but apparently not. Here's to hoping they fold soon. Cheers.

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I have a long memory. I know damn well Nintendo has censored a ton of stuff. Don't trust em' at all. Don't see any reason to do anything besides PC any more.

It will probably soon.

Do Sony fanboys just browse this board to console war?

>PS4 saved Sony from bankruptcy

Ehhh, hardly doubt it, Sony is too big to go down, I do admit that PS4 helped them after though times

Sooner or later you little quivering weeb hole will open up and it'll be too late.
You'll give in, eventually.
You all do.

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They should probably thank third world countries for being so obsessed with snoy, and buying ps4's as fifa machines.

You're right, but that was only NoA.
They said after the release of the switch that they were changing the way that they were localising their games and NoA no longer has free reign to make changes without contacting the devs.
Based on the lack of stuff that has been censored compared to the Wii U and 3DS era, I believe them. I can only hope that uncensored versions of the games in the past will make their way over one day

Isn't it funny how it is usually a spic with yellow fever on Yea Forums?

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I love the PlayStation, but honestly, Sony as a whole is a shit company. They always tried (or at least try, I wouldn't know) to make their own peripherals and standards, like the memory stick for digital cameras or the betamax, PSP UMDs, etc. That's the thing that pisses me off about this company. Apple does the same, but at least they got their drones to eat anything they shit and it won't fail.. but thats not the case with Sony, yet they kept trying it. Almost going bankrupt was their own fault.
And Sony Pictures is the worst movie company in Hollywood. All their movies are garbage.

Sony did their own fair share of fucking up, but a lot of damage was gone by Samsung which specifically has a policy of "fuck Sony"

Honestly it's amazing Samsung haven't created a console division and brokered "we don't care if it's on Xbox or Switch, just don't put it on Playstation" type deals with studios/publishers.

UMDs were an act of necessity at the time, but the Vita memory cards were pretty unforgivable.

But yes it's no secret that PS4 turned into instant cash cow that Sony has been milking as hard as they can.

This. When PSP came around, no one had memory cards big enough to even fit games on for a while because flash memory was ridiculously expensive.
Vita memory cards were a direct result of PSP with its standard media getting hacked wide open. Without the confidence of protection from most obvious methods of piracy Vita would have probably been way worse as publishers would run from the system completely.

lol that's just grasphing at straws

liking asians is pedophilia nice one man

>Another awful company that should have died just doesn’t