TFW got bored of FF XIV after beating the base story

>TFW got bored of FF XIV after beating the base story.
>Didn't even make it to Heavensward content
>Everyone and their brother is jizzing on their computer screen about Shadowbringers.

Should I try to get back into the game? I'm so far behind though, like I'd probably take forever to catch up.

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No, it's a shitty MMO and it still has shitty cutscenes with 90% without voice acting

Why didn't you use the catalogue and not make this thread.

Because I wanted to be special and have my own thread, faggot.

Yeah, heavensward is miles way better than ARR. Stormblood is okay and Shadowbringers is 9/10 minimum.

>Shadowbringers is 9/10 minimum.
1. Recency bias
2. Sunk cost fallacy
3. Fuck's sake dude it's a fucking MMO

Well, you got further than I did.
I couldn't even get past the base RR story because it was so uninteresting.


I want to start out by saying I like FF14 and am still an active subscriber.
However I simply can not get on board the hype wagon and try to trick my fellow anons. All the cunts you see saying "Its better than Stormblood" or "Its better than Heavensward", disregard those fucks and their rubbish opinion. It is the exact same game, always has been, always will be. I think these douche nozzles are saying the story is better than SB (yes) and HW (maybe), but if it is story you are after then do yourself a favor and watch it on Youtube.

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I heard Dancer is garbage and Gunbreaker is boring.

No, Gunbreaker is ok. I haven't tried Dancer as I have too much testosterone in my system.

Yes, but be warned seventh astral era is REAAAAAAALY boring up to the end (much like ARR, but this time all hell brakes loose)

HW has been very good so far, currently in the middle of it.

fuck you soi faggo. my rl dancer buddy gets way more pussy than i do chicks love that shit

>My chad friend plays a female character and feminine class

Kek, alright.

I'd like to give it another go after stopping after Stormblood
Everybody appears to have fun, but at the same time
>Everyone also appears to be more or less finished with the expansion's core content within half a week and have begun levelling secondary classes
>Fights are mostly focused on reacting/anticipating enemy abilities and the actual classes are still 100% braindead
>Most of the game's fights are still completely redundant due to shitty outdated loot, the presence of echo and unsynced parties
>As a result of the aforementioned the game's 'content' is mostly just whatever the current patch added
I really want to enjoy the game but it just never struck me as the kind of MMO you continuously play

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>Been out for two days
>"it's at least a 9/10, Kiiiiinooooooo!"
How about you wait for the dust to settle before you chomp down on that cock, buckaroo?

>HW has been very good so far, currently in the middle of it.
This is a lie, I played the beginning of HW and it's the same fetch quest bullshit as always. What's "very good" about it?

Doesn't the official patch come out on July 2nd? I know people can play it early, but I figured the big patch came out in a few days.

Fuck if I know, I haven't kept track of most things related to the expansion except what I see whenever there's an XIV thread on the first page of Yea Forums

I'm thinking of buying a complete version with all the DLC, but I don't know anybody who plays the game. Is it worth it?

I've chomped on a few cocks in my time so I know whats what. This is one cock I'm willing to bite on and not let go of..

Genuine question, do people at large actually care about the story in mmos?
I have like 2 friends who are really into WoW lore, but I've always just skipped through all the text in mmos.
Am I in the minority?

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No, it isn't. The story is bad, the combat is monotonous, the only thing with any challenge is endgame dungeons which you have no motivation to do.


>My girl likes to dance and I'm learning bachata and salsa to dance with her
>Hate dancing
>Find it easier to fuck her so raw it's physically impossible for her to enjoy sex with anyone else for a few days.
>She goes out to dance and I sleep like a fucking baby.
>Your friend is a faggot and so are you

I dunno, there are some who I enjoyed and some I didn't.

XIV and XI really care for their story, since.. you know they are a Final Fantasy and all that. But if you are just looking for a mindless grind I am sure there is a fun Korean game out there.

Dude it's a modern Final Fantasy where 90% of the story has no voice acting. It has cutscenes which look WORSE than cutscenes from Guild Wars 1 (2005).

Well do you enjoy a good fantasy story?

They made classes even easier.
It's going the WoW route, stripping out complexity in favor of appealing to people who want to press two or three buttons and maybe move their character around every now and then.

It's fucking horrendous but people like to pretend it's good to justify them spending 50-100 hours watching cutscenes with anime-tier writing. Keep in mind MMO players generally tend to be mentally impaired and since FFXIV already draws in the FF/weeb crowd there's a frequent overlap between actual retardation, autism and shit taste
One of the biggest offender is the one hour WOAAAHHHH BACKSTAB DRAMA SO COOL ITS LIKE A MOVIE cutscene at the end of A Realm Reborn that makes people forget they literally spent days doing shitty fetch quests.
>this is it.... I must.... sacrifice.... myself
>everyone survives anyway

A woman's hole is ready to go again within minutes of finishing. She is probably just telling you she can't fuck any more because she finds it repulsive to have sex with you. She is definitely getting her hole worked out when she is out dancing. Its the only reason women like dancing in the first place.

World of warcraft is dead bro classichads are your only hope now

What in teh goddamn fuck are you people talking about
XIV does NOT have a good story. I don't care how much you try to fucking lie to people about this. It's worse than fucking FFXIII in terms of cliche, boring, tedious shit

Fucking seething, I never mentioned WoW

Not after literally 14 hours of sex with water breaks and a nap. Seethe harder.

I started playing FFXIV around the release of heavensward because I heard it was good.
I found the game super comfy desu. But my PC died at like 70% of the game I think.
Now there's too much shit that has been added for me to start all over again, feels bad man.


Shadowbringers is objectively the greatest story ever told in an MMO. Its so far above and beyond anything else the genre has attempted that it's unbelievable.

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>Shadowbringers is objectively the greatest story ever told in an MMO
You say that as if it's an achievement
It's still shit

Actually seething.

I care about WoW story kinda. I played WC 1-3 for ages. So, mostly just nostalgia and wanting to see where characters I liked end up

Just wanted to watch some DNC footage on jewtube and the streamer cried about the same thing: missing voice acting.
Immediately closed the window. You and him are retarded by judging a game by something so incredibly useless. Please kill yourself.
I'm not even a XIV player. Was incredibly disappointed what they did in ARR and the game might indeed be shit. But you are still a flaming homosexual.

How the fuck do you get AF gear
I have done the 80 rolequest and I cant for the life of me find it

Talk to the not-baldy-this-time armorsmith Gerolt in the final area

I see nothing like that on the map, where abouts is it?

The 1st Crystal, go to south in the little house
It's the same guy that gives you the lantern and wanted you to finish the role quest at level 80 before going on with MSQ.