Which one is objectively the superior game?
Which one is objectively the superior game?
chrono trigger by ten trillion fucking years
gameplay is better, story is better (fucking meme villain in VI), art is better, side content is better
CT. This isn't even a question.
Shitroid, LTTP and SMW aren't even the same genre you nigger
Between those two, Chrono Trigger.
But Final Fantasy 5, Dragon Quest 5, Shin Megami Tensei 2, Secret of Mana, Fire Emblem 4, etc. are all superior to both.
I almost answered as if it was III and not VI. The real III's appeal is the job system which is a whole different animal. Chrono Trigger's seamless battle transition alone puts it above VI in my opinion. Time travel and the multiple endings are also a plus.
Fuck off contrarian
FF6 is superior in every regard
CT and I am LMAO@your life right now
Chrono Trigger by far. World of Ruin isn't half as interesting as World of Balance but CT is solid the whole way through.
lol no
Chrono Trigger, FF6 is actually one of the worst RPGs on the SNES
Why is this game so good bros?
>better than SMW
literally exactly backwards
Bahamut Lagoon > all
>shit like Paladin's Quest keeps FF3 from being the worst of it's genre
Not even a question, the first one's a masterpiece, the other is fucking garbage. Nigga FF6 isn't even top 5 in its own shitty franchise.
Watch your mouth nerd, Earthbound is one of my favorite games of all time.
The one without random encounters.
CT, Mario RPG and Earthbound are all extremely overrated.
You're right on two of those.
CT is a masterpiece though
I will admit that CT is superior to the others.
FF6 has Terra, it's better by default
6 was a great, platform defining game. Trigger is genre defining.
Chrono Trigger has Ayla, it's better by default
Favorite characters from each game? Because damn if there weren't some good ones.
For me, it's Frog and the Figaro bros.
Gameplay, CT
Techa are fun and encourage you to use differnt party members and positioning maters with aoe attacks. ff6 just feels pretty bad in compairison where you can just auto attack 90% of the game.
Characters, CT
Smaller party means they have more focus on them and their story makes sense for them to be there. in ff6 outside the main 4/6 characters most of them can be broken down to airship guy, ninja guy with dark past, beast boy
Music, Tie
Both have really good tracks
Story, CT
I just think a lighthearted time travel story is just far more interesting than the normal ff story
>Ayla like strong people
>Her boyfriend is a twink that she beats publicly
Chrono Trigger is all the best bits of FF without having to adhere to the FF formula. Not only is CT one of the finest JRPGs ever made, but 24 years later it is still just as subversive. CT blew the gates open for successors that never even attempted to follow up.
FF6 just has some forced memes about Shadow and Kefka
FF6 - Ultros, Edgar and Relm
CT - Ayla, Robo and Ozzie
The whole role Ozzie played during the game was really interesting to me. Going to finish off the snake as Magus is some kino shit
I'm gonna say FF VI. CT is full of charm and has a nice story, but in the end the story is only about 10-12 hours for a blind playthrough. The real thing about the game was it's massive replayability, but let's be real here, the changes in each playthrough were so incredibly minor that it really isn't worth the time when you have a choice.
Give a choice I would rather play FF VI, which takes 20+ hours of unique experiences for a blind playthrough than play through CT 4 times to get the same amount of playtime with actually less (or rather much copy pasted) content.
smt is superior to absolutely nothing
>gameplay is better
It's literally the exact same gameplay, but with 6 skills on each character instead of a hundread.
The whole positionning gimmick could have been nice but it's only used at the very beginning of the game, before all your skills just hit everyone on the screen.
FF6 is the best FF, objectively.
While FF5 is my personal favorite.
Even so, CT is superior.
>massive replayability
>changes each playthrough are incredibly minor and not worth the time
Because of New Game+ and party combinations? Not that user, btw
FF5 is better than CT though
He's absolutely right though
He's probably talking about all the different endings the game has
Look, I love FF5. It's on my top 10 vidya of all time. But it's not as technically and as emotionally captivating as Chrono Trigger. You gotta be honest.
Literally plays only like 4 times and they're not that sad or interesting moments.
6. Better characters and world.
CT is just the cutting room floor of SoM (also superior when put in context) after the Famicom upgrade was axed. Take away the time travel/ multi-ending gimmick and the characters and world aren't really that great.
Terrible controls and balance. Same lame ass overworld song played over and over. Also you have to grind to beat the first boss
FFVI Literally every character
CT Magus... I guess?
Far more memorable than a gay clown
SMRPG was okay, EB sucked, CT is basically the best RPG on SNES
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
If you did not have these games for SNES you're either a zoomer or had parents that didnt love you.
Super Metroid is objectively trash and does not belong in that list.
secret of mana is shit
>objectively trash
>in the top 10 of congregate best of lists
cope, only CT is higher. DKC2 is objectively the worst there
Dragon Quest III/V
>ake away the time travel/ multi-ending gimmick and the characters and world aren't really that great.
But the characters are world are entirely built around the time travel. The world is interesting because you see it in so many incarnations and can influence it. The characters are interesting because they all come from extremely different walks of life, yet are united by the same goal. This is like saying the only reason the World of Ruin's setting is interesting is because its destroyed. No fucking shit user
Lufia 2.
>good action action controls and ring system was pretty much universally lauded
>there are two overworld songs and the game has one of the best soundtracks for a videogame to date
>you get infinite lives for the first boss
SM is the best game there
protag is the mute cliche
big bad is basically just an animal
"time travel makes that good!"
Frog and Magus were the only two with any interesting dynamics and it's such a small section of the game.
VI wins in that category hands down.
>as populum bullshit
Classic Metroid shit eater
They are all on the same system and I'd agree with that list for being the best games on that system, except I'd put SMW above Earthbound.
6 and 7 are the peak of the series.
> Other people like it so that means it’s bad
Cope more hipster faggot
How is the SNES Classic version of this game?
Also, anything I should know going in? I've only finished Final Fantasy 7, 9, 10, and 15. I'd like to try a sprite based one.
well, you said objectively you stupid faggot
that aside, SM grandfathered a subgenre of action adventure, none of the other ones did anything as close in impact
Back when those of us that were alive played them when they came out, such questions were not important, and they still aren't.
Chrono trigger, not even close nigger.
This, if a game manages to stay critically acclaimed among both journalists & gamers for over 5 years then it’s objectively a good game. Most games are forgotten after a month now
neither, i fucking hate jrpg's
6 and 7 are the high-point of the franchise, so I doubt you will be disappointed.
CT. Hands down.
>ring system was pretty much universally lauded
It's a fucking pause menu dude.
Go back to your literal who CRPGs
Super Metroid can be completed by an orangutan. It’s such a low IQ game it hurts. Chrono Trigger is also a button masher, like Super Metroid it can easily be beaten by spamming basic attacks with no concern for timing, reflexes or strategy, but at least Chrono Trigger has actual characters, a story and good music to go along with the garbage gameplay.
Super Metroid is a rehash of the original, it didn’t grandfather jackshit. All credit goes to the original Metroid, of which Super Metroid is a dumbed down and more linear rehash.
Terra, Shadow and Kefka
Magus, Lucca and Slash
>SM can be completed by an orangutan
nah, would get stuck in the first area after the ship landing. The other 4 games listed are lower IQ so I don't know what you're on about
I prefer FFVI but coincide that CT is the objectively better game.
may I ask why?
Metroid and Metroid II did not establish metroidvania's base, super did
i think you could make arguments for both without much issue. but chrono trigger is more innovative overall and is remembered because of that.
>6 and 7 are peak
Naw man that's Tactics.
>big bad is basically just an animal
This is literally the best thing about the game. Kefka's just some crazy person. From concept alone, there's already intrigue in the fact Lavos has no malicious intent (CC doesn't matter to CT). Defeating Lavos blew me away as a kid. Lavos' many forms are there to reinforce the fact its some unknowable entity. The increasingly smaller forms of Lavos convey the feeling you're fighting a scared and confused animal that's only trying to protect itself, and without any text or dialogue, has more emotion and weight behind Lavos' role as a villain than some stupid clown. Its no wonder you think FF6 is better if you didn't even get this basic of a grasp from Lavos, one of the best villains of that gaming era
>heavily expanded skillset from previous games
>dumbed down
That makes no sense.
samefag nigger asshurt that metroid has multiple games still revered decades after launch while no one gives a shit about his series
FF 6 only retards think Chronotrigger is better
So should I get Chrono Trigger on steam?
All Super did was make the game easier and more linear. It didn’t establish garbage. Super Metroid’s supposed influence is a lie and the most egregious example of revisionism.
The original Metroid sold twice as more as Super, no one gave a fuck about Super Metroid, Super Metroid autists and their revisionism need to be purged.
>berates me for "ad populum"
>brings up sales figures
you're a joke who doesn't know what he's talking about. The metroidvania genre is not non-linear, it is semi-linear which was established by, guess who, super metroid
This one
Just emulate the original.
Just because something didn't do well at release doesn't mean it wasn't influential later down the line. Bladerunner tanked like a motherfucker, and if you used that as an excuse for why it wasn't influential you'd rightfully be called out for being the stupid faggot that you are. Don't try to act smart and say you think Bladerunner is shit either; quality has nothing to do with how influential something is
>All Super did was make the game easier
Oh christ you're one of those "Metroid 1 is hard" memers. The only fangs the game has is starting you with a measly 30 health and that completely falls apart once you nab your first energy tank. and god have mercy on the game when you find the varia suit and screw attack
If Metroid influenced anything, it was the original, not the shitty rehash.
no one has ever made a metroidvania like the original metroid you retard, even axiom verge which tried to have aesthetics like metroid 1 has level structure like super
I prefer CT, but both are seriously overrated.
You forgot to rank mario kart there, faggot
I like it, except for the part where Byuu gets cucked. Yeah, pic is the part where he gets cucked. Like daggers to my heart, man. They make you fall for Yoyo (as Byuu), then some enemy general steals her away from you. You're supposed to go with her to that special place so you'd end up together! My only consolation was that general with that Greek-sounding name died in the end, but not really a consolation because that whore probably got knocked up by that fucker! When that shit happened, I had to stop playing for like a week to deal with it, then continued hoping to find a way to kill the general and maybe that fucking whore. Anyways, CT > Bahamut Lagoon; but BL is still good though for the dragon-raising mechanics, turned based strategy aspect, and art of the dragons both unit and summon dragons.
>Nigga FF6 isn't even top 5 in its own shitty franchise.
He’s right though.
FF1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are all better than 6.
And those are just the odd numbered ones I’ve played.
CT's only major flaw is being too easy and lacking some character building and lore for the endgame.
Most of the older FFs have too many small problems.
>Shadow and Kefka
Somehow it makes me think of Hattori Hanzo and Amakusa.
Is Chrono Trigger on the Switch at all?
It was essentially cobbled together from everything that didn't make the cut in Secret of Mana, and still ended up as one of the best SNES RPGs of all time.
>tfw FF3 is a great game and will forever be overshadowed by FF"3"
How does it feel to have a opinion so horrible that not even the contrarian faggots on Yea Forums agree with it?
>Posters on Yea Forums think of FF6 as an older FF
No replies proves that everyone else in this thread is an eternal pleb. SD3 is the best SNES game.
The Steam one I think is a port of the mobile version or some shit. It's fucking shit, for the lack of better words.
"Pleb' is just a buzzword that contrarians use to justify nobody caring about their literal who garbage
>ad populum bullshit
I guess FIFA and Call of Duty are GOAT then.
Both games require more intelligence/reflexes than Super Metroid anyway.
If it qualifies to be discussed on /vr/ it's old.
> Seething so bad that he references two games that weren't on any of those lists
It is an older FF by virtue of being 2D
ff6 it's not even close
He's correct though. I think it is pretty obvious that the "average" opinion is pretty shit, i mean consider that all those lists have a fucking zelda game at the top lmao.
They patches the shit out of it so it's pretty decent now
Only because they’re successful and get rehashed every year.
Unlike Super Metroid which was a flop and they never bothered making more after Fusion.
how does anybody put Earthbound on any of these list its a shit game that only got ppopular through hipster faggots and dumb kids who dont know any better. Its story is interesting but that's not enough to save it
where the fuck is DKC2
Nice samefag, go back to crying about your piece of shit games that will never ever be relevant in any corner of the world
It's not Japanese.
>1 and 3 better than 6
meme opinion
I like it for its simplicity and its music. It's basically a Dragon Quest game with a modern era aesthetic, and I think that's enough to make it good.
>not even 20 seconds apart
You are an actual fucking retard.
> Implying the contrarian faggots in this thread actually play games & aren't just shitting on objectively good games to make themselves feel special
>Super Metroid autist bringing up relevancy
Super Metroid is more irrelevant than F-Zero. Fucking F-Zero. Let that sink in.
>B-but it created a genre
No it didn’t. As stated before, the original Metroid did. Super did absolutely nothing original.
And even the originals Metroid is not that influential. I believe the original Metroid is the only “Metroidvania” ever to sell more than 2 million copies. Every other “Metroidvania” is irrelevant, niche trash only played by a small group of virgins who jackoff to Samus such as yourself.
Your shitty subgenre will never be relevant like MOBAs, Battle Royales, etc. I’m still waiting for a single Metroid game to outsell the original F-Zero.
super metroid has sold more than the highest selling F-zero. Metroid Prime has sold more than the entire F-zero series combined
> Salesfags
> Ignoring that Journalists are solely responsible for affecting what normalfags believe & remember as a masterpiece.
CT fucking nerds.
No one gives a fuck about journalists.
Metroid autists think voting for their game on every online poll will make their backtracking simulator relevant. Then when Nintendo releases a Metroid game, it sells less than Fire Emblem. Pathetic, really. Your series is dead because it sells like shit because it’s irrelevant. End of story.
TLOU literally only became popular because Critics constantly circlejerked about how much of a masterpiece it was.
> Your series is dead because it sells like shit because it’s irrelevant. End of story.
Nintendo Executives & Fellow Developers themselves named Super Metroid the 8th best Nintendo game ever, ahead of Pokemon, Mario 64 & RE4
>no one cares about metroid, but it somehow tops lists with multiple games in the series
very embarrassing post
The less sales & more best game lists it tops, the better the overall quality of the game is. This is objectively & irrefutably correct
I agree, though modern emulation can skew results. SM/Prime still deserve to top lists nonetheless
That’s all Metroid virgins cling to.
>n-muh lists!
But no one actually plays their shitty games. Metroid is trash and the general public knows it. Metroid 2 remake sold less than Fire Emblem 2 remake. The sequel to the original Fire Emblem is more relevant than the sequel to the original Metroid. That’s how influential the legacy of Metroid is.
Please, continue waving your top 10 lists while Fire Emblem Heroes continues being more relevant than the entire Metroid franchise combined.
As with everything else in life, left.
No, it just means Metroidfags are autistic enough to rally online polls instead of actually playing vidya.
If you weren't such a contrarian faggot you would know that every gamer has played Metroid, but people would rather emulate the games then actually buy them. Same is true with Zelda
imagine being this upset at a video game, especially over one you think no one cares about. Get laid virgin
So if the entire internet universally agrees on Metroid being a masterpiece, and is a "Metroidfag". How is Metroid not popular?
Objectively correct.
Remember when the mute self insert died? Truly emotionally captivating.
No it wasn't. Even normalfags have good taste every once in awhile.
No, no one considers Super Metroid to be a masterpiece, you virgins just rally online polls to validate your shitty opinion.
The entire internet is too busy playing Fortnite and League of Legends or whatever instead of participating in top 10 lists.
user are you okay? It's a 30 year old game you know.
Yeah. 1994 isn't that long ago.
25 years is longer or just as long as you've been alive friend.
You don't know me.
Yes I do. You're 25 or under.
What makes you so sure?
Because that's the age of most people here except for a few pathetic hangerons who should really grow up?
>no one considers Super Metroid to be a masterpiece, you virgins just rally online polls to validate your shitty opinion
actually they do, i don't consider it a flawless game, but it's a great game
nintenbros pretty much only rally online polls to validate their shitty opinion when there's a "Zelda" in the title, see OoT being rated the game with the "best story", "best OST" and "best protagonist (Link)"
CT has better presentation and story since it was made by dream team (both DQ and FF people)
It's still a fucking port of a port of an Snes game. Just emulate either the SNES version or the DS version.
this thread is the perfect example of why metroid is cancer and nintendo should just sell off the IP.
>Chrono Trigger vs Final Fantasy VI
>which one is better
>that's not even the same genre