Why are american gamers obsessed with overweight female characters?

why are american gamers obsessed with overweight female characters?

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shut the fuck retard
nu tifa is literally anorexic

Because it's the difference between American women and other women (except EU)

Ninja Theory is British.

Nobody's calling the thing on the right THICC or good looking.
That being said nobody's really going crazy for Tifa's censored California-approved redesign either.

muh realism and normal people. Like imagine the type of retard that plays games for ordinary (american perspective ordinary) people

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alot of Americans shop at Walmart with those mobility carts
I think they're that is the target audience

I don't think most American gamers think buttercup is hot. Hell i'm pretty sure most American gamers don't even know that game buttercup is in. Including me.

Does this creature at least drop good loot?


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At least the right one has personality instead of that generic anime shit. The worst kind of personality, granted

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Give it to me straight, anons. Is it wrong to have a chubby fetish. I'm a chubby chaser and I'm a bit ashamed about it, granted I have low self esteem and confidence.

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>At least the right one has personality
'character is fat' is not a personality

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As someone with a major fat fetish, I can tell you the image on the right is dead wrong. That character does not appeal to men who are sexually attracted to "thicc", but to the types of people who want ugly women in games.
It's like when Wolfenstein had that black female character, nobody was posting "delicious brown".

Yes. Faggot

if you think that game looks realistic at all you might be mentally handicapped

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there's chubby and then there's "chubby"
what do you mean by 'chubby'?

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like full on fat or thicc , like thicc in all the right places


As long as she's not fat. There's a difference between chubby and thicc and just being a disgusting fatass.

I guess I'd have to see what you anons consider chubby, like a picture.

Nah man. I mean, I like all kinds of girls but I've liked chubby ones too. Girls with just a little extra. It's just that the definition of that is so blurred since obese/fat fetishists incorrectly use it and that retarded 'THICC' since saying "I love fat as fuck whales/type 2 diabetes/obese women" probably doesn't sound as good.

Based jew.

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>whale noises intensify

Because developers know they can get goodie points from journos if they have "plus size representation" regardless if they care about them or not.

The internet exploded when Tifa was revealed and I haven't heard anything about the right character outside of here (ironically)

The fuck are you on about

It's really weird to me. They're like caricatures, but they don't seem to stem from anything.

Modern Aerith is by an Italian though.

Alright, this is fat. Disgusting, there's no shape, she's just round with some folds like Jabba the Hutt.


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What if I like the girl's face but not her body?

Because that's what *real* men prefer, not bony stick insects from anime games.

Because western women are all fat and ugly.

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Chubby means slightly fat. If you're attracted to morbidly obese "people" you're not a chubby chaser.

I'd still fuck her, it would be like having sex with a bowl of jello which would be neat.

the goth girl, i guess i understand why you like the face

I'm american. The whale on the right is hideous.

imagine if she somehow lost all that fat. Her thighs must be incredibly muscular in order to hold all that weight.

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America doesn't deserve Jon.


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But is it okay to be attracted to slightly fat girls? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm talking about. I don't like morbidly obese women.

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i wonder what type of people help design that character,

hmm it's such a mystery

Me and the boys in the bottom right

She's a joke character like Roadhog cmon.
Also her tits are bigger than Tifa's and hanging out so there's that.

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Has the G ever been photoshopped to look like a C?


If it's literally just a bit chubby it could be worse. However getting a hardon from somoene suffering malnutrition is literally a conservative scheme to kill off middle class Americans by making them soft and infertile.

I'd take one for the team

>No western studio jumped on the fan service vacuum


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Underrated post



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fat people are disgusting

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Gotta be honest. I'd rather fuck and Than momokun

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>She's a joke character like Roadhog cmon.
Road hog is pretty buff and doesn't have a fuck ugly face.

Roadhog is like
but a dude.

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How would you even know if Roadhog has an ugly face?

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It never ceases to amaze me how hard Momokun photoshops her shit to make it look like she’s not as fat as she really is

i think they're both ugly

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he doesn't have an ugly face by virtue of lacking a face.

That's more than okay, that's entirely natural. Women are supposed to be slightly fat. Big boobs, slim waist and wide hips is the winning combo of evolution for women.


That mask is pretty ugly.

They are really fucking ripped under all that fat, one of my best mates lost over 100kg and after the tuck he was already ripped.

>Orders two of them
>Drinks both of them at the same time.

Fucking fat bitch. Bet she does the same with soda. She can't drink just one.

More like why is Yea Forums obsessed with the character on the right? It's not even like she's the only female in the game that they showed, yet there's constant threads about the design.

I've worked with someone like this.
They've bitch about health problems, and laugh when I say to just get a liposuction. They also grope other young guys, which is kind of creepy.

isn't that Fat character from Ninja Theory (the fucks who nearly killed DMC), meaning that she is British?

this goth shit, I die for this

makes the rest of him hot in comparison.
It also helps with the gimp crowd.
Hes pretty much dad-bod or bara.

I'm American and I fucking despise lard-asses of both genders. There's no excuse to let yourself get to that point. Having a beer gut because you're over 40 and are well past the point in life where you have to give a shit is one thing. Getting to the point where you look like a god damn half-melted marshmallow is another. That shit should be an actual felony, on the grounds that such a disgusting creature is an embarrassment to society and terrifies children.

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I get tired of reposting these so here's everything.

Right seems like an interesting antagonist, left seems like typical white anime girl.

Absolutely based and thursdaypilled

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Why do eurocucks make retarded statements like this and show that they clearly know nothing about America despite obsessing over it constantly?

They should just lose health care.



Thank you brother

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they should just gain a bullet to the head

God bless you for years to come oh my lord.

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We aren't?
I mean, Americans prefer slim girls just as much as everyone else.
The whole SJW movement in video games is being driven by liberals in California. They worship Europe, you see, and think that America should become more European. Basically, this is your fault.

Waste of lead.

Can't help your fetishes, user. You like what you like, regardless of what anyone here tells you about how disgusting or retarded it is. Simply accept it and you'll be a far happier person.

>implying it isn't Americans false-flagging as tradition

true they are probably going to die from heart disease or their bones will break under their weight

goddamnit why am i like this

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I've a weight gain fetish, but to a point.

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at that point they don't even walk anymore

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I do too, when it's all in the ass and titties, know what i'm sayin eh eh eh eh??

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While I have always attributed these kinds of shows to the degradation of humanity, I gotta say that they are entertainment gold.

She is peak fat girl. Imagine how soft she would be lying on you if only she wasn't a dyke

>[Hyper - Spoiler]

>don't even know what a sidewalk is


I still prefer tifa

>you can see him becoming happier in every pic
Man's living his dream.

His smile is the widest at the right

thats even worse...

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Because she attracts two opposite sides, fatfags and FPHfags. How these threads play out is almost always a coin toss because of this.

American devs think everyone being ugly, brown, and obese is "realistic" because they haven't left their country before.

who doesn't tho

tifa is the bomb

What about Tifa with Buttercup's body?

No, it's because they are trying to appease a phantom audience.

Whats actually quite upsetting about this is that they have children, a brother hit that.

the kids exist in case the blob gets hungry.

"Fat acceptance", easier to normalize a disease of gluttony instead of putting down the fork

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Well now I just feel bad for the kids.

do you feel bad for the food in your fridge?

Unbelievably and powerfully based

I prefer Aeris because of my superior taste

the left is like a 40 year old character design people are fatter nowadays get with the times grandpa

she is like a fucking bean bag, has her bones just given up on her

no also it resists physical attacks and you have limited mp

>Cyberpunk 2077

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take it away.

I dont try to eat things that wear shoes.

what kind of chaser are you. do you like the girls who chafe a lot and have dark areas around their groin or the nice soft type who have very supple skin and are chubby. there's chubby but then there's obese. I think chubby chasing is fine but if you are into morbidly obese girls then you are a desperate sad person who should literally drink poison

Anything past 35(40 with architecture)% BMI is too fat, which disqualifies you as a chubby chaser; Bronson would scoff at you.

a true artist

Is there truth to this? Been wondering how the girl I'm seeing who used to be a 200 pound blob but has slimmed down has fucking calves and legs of steel

Gyms haven't closed, but many are giving free pizza and have "lunk alarms" now.

>implying she can even stand up

in the wrong ways though, most of them are severely outwardly bow legged too.

I wanna glaze Aerith's face

How did it get to the bench? There's no way that thing can walk.

Obesity is not attractive and it never will be. Don't kid yourself into thinking it's a good thing. Do some god damn exercise for once in your life and maybe people will actually accept you rather than pity you.

whenever she's in the car it's like

the whole thicc shit is basically just a psyops for fat acceptance
prove me wrong

>How did it get to the bench?
it was born there.

Fat little girls are so good

they don't even fit on the sidewalk anymore. that's a king size sheet

Probably grandchildren or nieces

lowering the standards of a generation was easier than losing weight.

What the hell is wrong with wanting pretty girls in my video games? What the fuck. I see ugly people all the time, why do I have to see them in my spare time when trying to relax and have fun.

Apparently cavemen were victims of the psyop as well

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back then, being fat meant you had reliable access to food, so it kind of made sense

that's just pregnant exaggerated women
fat people did not exist back then

As long as you're not actively encouraging or feeding actual people into obesity, you're fine dude. Just practice it safely and make sure your partner's okay with it. Or just keep it in fantasy, I don't care how you get your rocks off.

I mean, I totally would.

she doesn't have a mobility device nearby so unless she levitated to where she's sitting, she must be able to walk. probably not very fast though

I'm fine with everything except hyper and feeding those are mental illnesses


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>why do I have to see them in my spare time when trying to relax and have fun.
Because people can make what the fuck they want. You sound like a triggered snowflake straight from Tumblr.

>low tier
Chubby, BBW.

>mid tier
Normal girls.

>high tier
Healthy girls, who go out to run and bike, and go to gym just to have thick legs.

>elder god tier
Girls who can do more pull ups than 98% of Yea Forums, and have a well defined six pack.

There's nothing more based than being attracted by one's healthiness.

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I hope some day in the far far future, they excavate weeb figures and put them in museums.

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Lipstick on a pig.


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Fat people deserve no love nor respect.

how come blizard is the only major western dev who knows how to pander to people?
>lets simplify the rts genre to reach a wider audience
>lets simplify the mmo genre to reach a wider audience
>lets simplify the shooter genre to reach a wider audience
>lets remember to not make characters super ugly to reach a wider audience

More like why don't they look like this or

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It's easier to get buff when you're fat, even obese, than when you're thin.

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So this is what the bond burgers was about.

Or this. At least make them easy on the eyes.

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That's called being gay faggot

The blob

stuff like these really weathers one's beliefs in modern science. how can these beings even alive and not suffering a heart attack every five minutes?

I think there's somebody in their high positions of power who still know how the world trully works, instead of looking at everything with SJW lenses. From all the bullshit they do and said, at least one thing is certain: They do make pretty characters for their games.

Still, I will never buy anything from then, because of their fame of banning you for little shit. My money is not grass.

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>t. ugly person
No one wants to see ugly people in their movies or their video games. The audience is supposed to sympathize and has to spend hours with the characters. Why would want them to gross, fat, and disgusting that throws people off from your product? Having them attractive eases the transition and appeals to people. I bet you're one those "triggered snowflakes" that suggest making a White character into an ethnic minority, then whines when people question your motives. It's your suggestions that has to be justified when you promote them. Don't whine when people don't see why you would to include ugly people in a visual medium.

>200 lb
I'm scared to think about what you consider thin.

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I'm 170 lbs and already looking chubby. What the fuck do YOU consider fat?

200 pounds is fat as fuck for a woman unless they have an abnormal amount of muscle

because feminism is a cancer in the west now
and they won't stop there, they want to attack every single piece of entertainment

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>200lb is not a blob
What the fuck kind of planet are you from??

It's fat but not fucking blob levels like he's suggesting, not even close.

t. Tyrone or a chubby chaser

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I think the Americans' usage of the imperial system only contributes to their obesity epidemic. They hear "100 lbs" and they think, "Man, you're a skeleton!" But if they would hear "100kg" instead, they'd be alarmed.

t. Low test

Aeris looks like my high school sweetheart so my heart twinges a bit whenever the new models get posted.

Look I like fat chicks, but this takes it too far. She needs help, desperately.
2D is the only way extreme obesity like that can even begin to look remotely attractive.

There's a pretty noticeable gap between fat and blob, user. 200 does not a blob make, that's at least over 300.

me too

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i forgot that this mancubus was still on some people's list of cunts willing to fuck.thanks for sadly reminding me user

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Own up to your defects, you fence-sitter.

>I bet you're one those "triggered snowflakes" that suggest making a White character into an ethnic minority, then whines when people question your motives.
Not even close, I just think you're a moron.

>Because people can make what the fuck they want. You sound like a triggered snowflake straight from Tumblr.
And you faggots wonder why more Western audiences are more into anime and Jap video games now than cartoons and Western video games. Most men and women aren't into fat chicks or guys. If they're forced to play or interact with characters for the entire game, most are going to gravitate towards good looking, fit men or women. It's the same principle that applies in real life. I don't understand how so many don't get this simple concept.


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>If they're forced to play or interact with characters for the entire game, most are going to gravitate towards good looking, fit men or women.
The fact that pic related is the most popular video game character of all time says otherwise.

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>American Gamers
>implying we had a fucking thing to do with that abomination on the right


200lbs is peak male weight, if you are chubby at 200lbs you either need to hit the gym and turn it into muscle mass or you are a manlet

6 foot+
200 lbs
Cut not ripped is peak male

Fit Asian girls are better.

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I have none. I'll take a chubby girl over a stick any day.
Also , how short are you? I was 170 lbs at 6'0" and was thin, but granted I worked out a lot (now I'm down to 150 since I don't lift, just run)

>Is a literal plank

i'll take a nigress over fish tits here

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fuck the other anons, where's the sauce my brother

hell yes

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my man

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>I don't understand how so many don't get this simple concept.
Because it's objectively wrong. It's the literal opposite end of Tumblr logic, where instead of everything must be [insert minority here] to "relate", you think everything must be perfect Adonis-looking motherfuckers in order to project onto them. Neither logic takes into account the exceptions that prove otherwise, or the popular shit that has nothing to do with humans at all. It's horseshoe theory at its finest.

american AAA studios don't understand that good character designs can carry games

>Using a children's cartoon-inspired video game character as an example that doesn't at all resemble real-life humans
Are you honestly autistic?

This makes me hard and I do want to colonise her, but, uh, yeah. I can't fault you for having your preference.

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>conservatives in the wild

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Depends on amount of fat, distribution, face and skin quality, but at the end of the day, You'd thing she'd would be so cute if she lost weight.

That's only true for Planet Fitness and no one in the fitness community takes those places seriously.

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>Because it's objectively wrong
>Tries to argue that Beauty standards are relative and that people can't determine attraction as a universal measure
Beauty standards by your definition don't exist, because you believe it's all subjective. Why on Earth are you trying to pretend that it's consistent with your worldview? You faggots aren't even consistent with your own beliefs.

>Knowing what he's talking about
Pick one(1)

you didn't watched Portland liberals last protest right?

Easier for them to identify with. Pretty sure more 2/3 of US adults have high blood pressure

I think you replied to the wrong post, friend.

I was agreeing with you though. Only Planet Fitness does that. The other guy is a culture warrior whose information comes from half remembered Yea Forums memes

>Tries to argue that Beauty standards are relative and that people can't determine attraction as a universal measure
WHAT. Where the FUCK did you get ANY of that from my post? Are you actually insane?

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Why is fitness gear and workout shit only marketed to people who are already fit instead of the people who need it? If I saw a fat guy that looked like me on TV exercising I'd be more motivated to get up and do it.

Did my best

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I see that now. My bad

Gosh I sure love video games

>diversity and inclusion
>but also, a stubborn insistence on photorealistic visual design and intentional ugliness because traditional beauty standards are the devil
Giving neurotic roasties dead-weight consultancy positions was a mistake.

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Kirby, Mario, etc are considered "cute" because they emulate the features commonly found in toddlers: big eyes, stubby arms and legs, short stature, round face etc. Mario isn't ugly by anyone familiar with character design. He's obviously based on Western animation, particularly Disney era, and it shows.

You heard it here first folks, everyone hates Wario games.

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Unfortunately I don't have it. But I may post more if you would like.

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Then what about this motherfucker ? He looks like he came straight from an NTR doujin, regardless of how familiar you are with them.

I want to bully this fat demon before passionate sex.

An actually smart sataniaposter

I would prefer a tubby Raph.

>Go out walking my dog earlier.
>There are a shitload of froglets all over the sidewalks.
>like jesus fuck it's like an ant colony and i can't take a single step anywhere without almost stepping on at least a dozen of them.
>Some obese women drive by on a GOLF CART ON THE SIDEWALK mowing them all down and turning the path into a trail of amphibian gore.

Fuck fat people, and thank you for reading my shitty blogpost.

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legit loled, thanks man.

Consider the following: could it be that you are seeking the warmth and appreciation that a chubby girl might provide you with?
I always had a thing for tall girls but also for sweet pure girls too. Im lucky enough to say that I actually got myself a woman that is both. So, dont settle for less if that's what you subconsciously are aiming to

would fuck but not be seen with in public/10

what's more upsetting is that those children are going to end up like them

This, I don't give a damn how fat a girl is so long as she's cute.

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>Goes to the bitch
>Doesn't want to be on the sun

>Mario isn't ugly by anyone familiar with character design.
But he is by the logic in this thread, that's kind of the point.

based architect

hair extensions ruin it. she should get a hot dyke cut like captain marvel in endgame. then, she walks into my bathroom as I'm taking a shit, stands over me and says

>hey user, got something for me?

Fat people are so disgusting. They don't even know what dignity is


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absolutely based, and dare I say, redpilled

It's simply that they think pandering to men is vile and immoral but that pandering to women is progressive and caring.
That's it, no more thought required, it's that simple.
>things men like=bad
>things women like=good
They'll pretend otherwise but that's it, with this you can pretty much predict exactly where they'll stand on any issue.

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They aren't, you're just a cherrypicking weeaboo who actually took time out of his life to make that image.

Also Ninja Theory is in the UK, you retard.

That post had nothing to do with subjective beauty though, more so beauty is pretty irrelevant for a piece of media in general unless you're explicitly trying to sell people on it through sex appeal.

The Japanese can design some fine muscle girls.

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i don't know what game shes in but i think shes hot. but thats also because videogame fat chicks don't have cellulite or smell

As a weak prison gay beta male with a small penis, this appeals to me.

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I want to snu snu with this asian girl


Multiple political organizations have been astroturfing all major forms of media for the past decade, and it's been recently revealed by whistle blowers that the FBI has been operating psy-ops on Yea Forums and other social media sites, and Google has been recently outed for trying to control information flow to push political agendas.

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Will those girls even have a mother at their 10th birthday?
Why even have children if you are intending to kill yourself? What a shitty thing to do.

Stop living in France

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theres nothing attractive about pec-tits user

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>that doesn't at all resemble real-life humans
And anime characters do?

I want to impregnate that chocolate goddess with my white cock.

Just post more cute fatties already.


You should be fine, current social climate makes it more acceptable and the amount of artists making decent fap material is increasing. If you're talking irl girls the key points are, as always, communication. If she's fine with gaining a bit of weight or finds it to be a relief, that's fine. I would encourage to still keep up with exercise, if she gets or is particularly heavy swimming is a great way to do this.

Also depends how big. If you're fucked like me I'd have a girl the size of a small warehouse if it was practical and not a horrific impossible nightmare. If she balloons over a weight your comfortable with just communicate and encourage her to reduce, don't be too forceful or preachy but be stern in your reason.
As for gaining there's plenty of sources online but ironically the key points to healthy gaining are balanced calorie intake though the day, getting good fats like omega-3 or from things like olive oil and nuts, make foods at home and make things she likes avoid a lot of sugars and carbs if you're aiming for even healthy gains. If you and your girl don't give a fuck you can go the hamburgers and pasta for every meal but you'll be encouraging more complications down the line.

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The absolute urge to bleach right now.

predictive programming


Too masculine.


that one's from a British developer tho

i fucking loved fat princess. that shit was the best ps3 exclusive until the pirates vs ninjas update absolutely ruined it

What I don't get is how are you can get this fat and still able to afford a house a car and living expenses


I hate the thicc meme.
I fear some zoomer fat-ass retards will actually took this meme too seriously and thought that being obese is fine.
And those creature is terrifying tbqh, I felt sad for their offspring.

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What I'd I like fit and fat, fagola?


Got you covered.

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A certain amount of muscle is sexy on a woman. Especially on the legs, abdomen and back. Arms should be left alone unless they are needed for exercising the aforementioned.

Attached: Cutesexyrobutts-666848-mina_ashido_my_hero_academia.png (1000x1507, 916K)

>chunky goth
Oh and I just done beating my meat

Attached: NUT MON.png (450x333, 265K)

Sincerely, thank you

who is girl on the right?

I'd fuck both left and right.

Attached: shann.jpg (768x1024, 82K)

Brits are getting fat too

Fuck off tranny.

that's a man

There is an acceptable limit user.

Attached: morgana_mou_65131365_467779257128906_5829385616472327855_n.webm (480x852, 2.56M)

>not liking fat arms

Attached: 1527987417520.jpg (1190x2240, 191K)

Attached: morgana_mou_65412499_407032676690255_6999667694001205215_n.webm (480x852, 2.11M)

Post the rest of the sequence.

Underappreciated post.

Attached: morgana_mou_65427149_628507957663051_5965574965773806446_n.webm (480x852, 1.31M)

For me this is thicc.

Attached: iskra lawrence 🍆💦.jpg (1080x1282, 393K)

I want her to be my mommy!

Can't remember exactly, I know she's from a scrapped Doujin fighting game. She has a skinny form and her fat form as two separate characters, her fat form seems to have played a bit like Sin from Xrd, having a hunger meter to let her perform stronger specials or something.

I'm not a tranny but I'd fuck one no homo

Attached: oof.jpg (1200x800, 615K)

>that little string coming from her lips extending off screen


Attached: sniff anime.gif (498x272, 1.09M)

Same, I'm at that point as well where I'd creampie a tranny.

What source? It's only a screenshot edit…

Attached: 1554097195417.jpg (768x1024, 129K)

I hate fat, batwing arms. I also hate cannonball shoulders and large biceps. Women do not need to target their arms in any way to look good. In fact I would say it makes them look worse. The toning they get from using their arms in leg, back and abs exercise is plenty.

Attached: 1543273151328.jpg (794x1200, 264K)

Why do people order multiple burgers and large frappucinos for themselves?
The calories are listed right there on the menu.

Attached: AkechiZoom.png (872x632, 216K)

>tons of guys who like fat chicks
>very few chicks who like fat guys
ever since my spiral into depression I've gained 60 pounds. I gotta get out of this or I'll never get a bitch.

Nigger, that's a ditto

Because they're hungry. Why do you keep feeding that one fetish you know you shouldn't? Because your sexual hunger needs it.

Attached: 1551595038554.gif (300x300, 1.49M)


Attached: 1.jpg (1080x1323, 468K)

>american gamers
only cucks and niggers are obsessed with landwhales

But the only move it knows is rollout.

How much do you wanna bet she's a single mother now lmao


> cucks and niggers
aka, americans

Too much ESL and 3DPD faggotry, not enough 2DQT fatties

Not entirely true, user

Attached: tumblr_nygogoDlMT1usgjswo1_1280.gif (750x405, 1.25M)

Attention all gamers
Your hank hill assed asians and white girls aren't liked by anyone except the most desperate incels.
A real woman has an ass that extends past her back.

Attached: baddie.jpg (1080x1162, 193K)

>tfw no asian gf

Attached: 1560243864333.jpg (1236x1915, 400K)

>enjoys healthy and tasty food

Attached: 1560634733439.gif (400x371, 1.28M)

Go pick some cotton

Street Fighter 4 and Vanquish? How old is that image?

>3dpd faggotry
Imagine having this low testosterone
Some extreme cope going on from flat assed roasties ITT

Attached: 1839402.jpg (1080x1042, 292K)

She has fun on the beach but wants to keep her skin pale?

Why is Japan obsessed with only making female characters that they want to fuck?

Soft like pillows, great for sleeping on.

Nobody wants a plank. Asian girls have no body. Just lumpy awkward people.

Attached: jazzma.webm (640x1136, 2.97M)

Yeah this Yea Forums has weird body issue

and asian waifus will KILL YOU

Attached: oof.jpg (1142x1188, 328K)

Attached: plus_size_ultra__mina_ashido_by_jeetdoh_dbrq3bn-fullview-1.jpg (319x443, 66K)


Attached: MfIUcp2.jpg (1920x1920, 1.83M)

>western characters doesn't reach weeb incel's expectations
>gets made fun of and ignored a week later
>eastern characters doesn't reach weeb incel's exceptions
>constant sperging over it being the western SJWs fault and hundreds of threads
anime was a mistake, go outside.

what would be called if I a native american (inca) wanted to Fugg a Niggress??

What's wrong with Jap """men"""? Too much sòy and anime?

It's a bit bad, but at least you aren't into men who look like girls (futa, dickgirls, trannies, """traps""")

That's fine, but I personally love the hell out of them. They just look so soft on a woman and it makes me want to play with them nonstop.

Attached: plus_size_ultra__mina_ashido_by_jeetdoh_dbrq3bn-fullview-2.jpg (300x443, 88K)

You can't gain muscle without eating a lot user.

>Bossu, please stop piling work onto me I want to go home and enjoy 20 shows on my watchlist as well as 10 new games on my shelf like 2Chan and the west do.


Attached: 1561630450926.jpg (736x677, 89K)

You don't know what she looked like BEFORE.

Happy Thursday everyone

Attached: 8eea9e874561593a2076f3d094cd52bd.jpg (600x900, 92K)

She's even fatter now

>most American gamers don't even know that game buttercup is in. Including me.
Me neither but from the art style I bet it's a Bethesda or Blizzard game.

Is this thicc or fit?

Attached: 1547941664328.webm (640x800, 2.72M)

Misinformation is my pet peeve so i took the liberty of fixing this mess.

Attached: fixed.png (1236x1915, 1.17M)

Too much work causes this

"the character is american" is not a personality.

Would you let a girl beat you at video games?

Attached: 1556082495051.webm (1000x563, 1.79M)

Redpilled. If I wanted to fuck something that just lies there I'd buy an onahole.

Attached: .png (1080x1246, 563K)


Why are there so many anti-white medsages lately? Is it the excessive presence of Americans?

Attached: 1521473397473.png (800x800, 626K)

you forgot to add that asian women value your money/social status over you, much more than any other race, and are incapable of love or empathy

How is that antiwhite? It's a joke kek

>hates blowjobs, won't do anal, missionary only

I need you to go to pornhub or any porn streaming site and search up black blowjobs. No person that hates blowjobs does it like that! After that go watch some boring japanese blowjobs.

America was a mistake

Attached: absolutely samus.webm (357x238, 354K)

>start throwing matches because you're trouncing her
>she realizes that you're a puny pushover and reverse-rapes you
It's just not worth it, user!

Attached: the weak should fear the strong.webm (540x360, 2.02M)

I used to never see fat people and wondered where all the statistics and amerifat memes came from. Then i moved outside a college town and took a trip to the midwest and found they're all congregating in rural areas and small towns, it's genuinely disgusting

No prisoners
No mercy

that's hot

It's a couple days early, but sure, why not.

Attached: doodle__see_that_ice__you_can_climb_it_by_superspoe_dcev9vc-fullview.jpg (1024x679, 58K)

I have never seen a person this fat live. Not even the one sitting in the wheelchair.

Just what is going on in America?

I'll just get an eastern european girl and ensure my kid doesnt look like a racemixed abomination like Americans

>incapable of love and empathy

Now you just know that isn't true after you watch some anime. Even their manga. In fact the last time I cried was reading the end of Girls Last Tour.

>capable of feeling anything

Ok, good thread and all, but when are my brothers dumping images?

Man she is so cool.

God I wish that was me.

>this real life thing isnt true because of anime
Weebshits are mentally ill.

>Not wanting to conquer and breed a fit girl as a test to your manhood
Cease existing plebeians

Attached: 1557720493860.png (575x767, 239K)

>you just know that isn't true after you watch some anime. Even their manga.
i don't doubt that they can care for something that's cute and small. but when it comes to human beings, especially significant others, their hearts are as cold as ice

Attached: what the fuck am i reading.png (209x201, 63K)


That's a big bubble gum

Attached: Unova Ditto.png (768x1024, 827K)

You don't care about people you don't know either. Maybe you even fantasize about "removing" entire races of people from earth.


yeah i'm thinking about removing you from these boards and chucking you in the garbage

the man knows his craft

>Ninja Theory

Attached: 1349909715883.jpg (566x480, 54K)

Yes, niggers and americans.


Attached: Disappointment.gif (280x210, 1.41M)

let's not get crazy.... being fat will ruin your knees and body forever. after that.... working out will be a huge problem to any former fattie.
You need your knees and elbows to fucking do excercise.

user I....yeah haha, sure totally not into futa. That's gay, user. haha

Then Europe can get taken over by Pajeets and DuneCoons


Do you really believe 200lbs is close to thin? I'm embarrassed for you, please at least say you're not American.

The real battle here is against the boner

anyone still interested in the ff7 remake are only sheep. how do you replace the main gameplay mechanic of panic type turnbase to bullettime button mashing and still support the release of the game? people reacted more vileontly over the size if some girl's breast rather then not showing a single bit of gameplay 6 years in the making.

Attached: New Starfire.jpg (700x559, 77K)

Go ahead, im from New Zealand.

I'd take niggers over flat asians.

I'll just take whites.


Attached: 1545023724226.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)


Attached: 22788653_1442502545864136_1911749721842453429_n.jpg (532x706, 24K)

Disgusting fat.


The perfect amount of softness.


fucking fat chicks > fucking skinny chicks

>not spoiling the shit out of a fit girl so she can be a fat hedonistic butterball

Attached: com___mina_ashido__1_3__by_magicstraw_dbvz0mh-pre.jpg (816x979, 61K)

Ireland pls.

>thread slowly devolves into a inflation/thicc thread
What the fuck?

>americans don't actually like overweight wo-



Attached: more_morrigan_purumpuu_by_theamericandream_d1h52zj-fullview.jpg (600x829, 110K)


Welcome to Yea Forums.

Attached: c1c.jpg (461x1600, 140K)

The figure of an anime "chubby" character.

Rockstar and CD Projekt Red have that angle covered and they're western devs. Also, THQ Nordic will likely be doing some stuff with fanservice in it too eventually.


Attached: 1559947886177.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

Inflation hyperfat thread you mean

God damn

women need to understand that having muscles all over is retarded and they should only do heavy exercises that mainly targets the buttox and light exercises that mainly target the core. that's it, nothing else.

Ok, that's based. I concede.

>heavy corset abuse
will likely die due to organ failure

>say you're not American
lying is bad, telling someone to lie is even worse

Attached: 1547844787945.png (1484x1260, 603K)

>trying to get a cute girl off him
why is todd so gay?

Have a (you)

black girls actually hate anal and it's much more prevalent with asians

Why are people in this board so obsessed with Americans!? Is this something they're taught in school?

If I told you there were people making this happen you'd agree but if I told you who you'd tell me to go back to /pol/

Doggy style with a fat chick cannot be beat.

>not cowgirl
That's how I know you're gay

Attached: tumblr_oolw7nlUMi1vxafqvo1_400.gif (278x209, 1.95M)

Most of them us aren't, it's mainly the fat girls themselves and us black guys that are

no one needed to see beyond 0:02.

Attached: you imbecile.png (851x1006, 894K)

You gay

No American Gamers like the one on the right. SJW Journalists do though, they have more control than most gamers do though because the industry listens to them so they can get higher reviews.

Tina from E's Laf++ or E's Laf 2.

It's not scrapped, it just got updated this week even.

toned bodies are hot. Some black chicks are hot too. Put 2 and 2 together and you might get one of some millionaire ball throwing niggas for children

Attached: 1541643793928.jpg (1280x1280, 221K)

Imagine not liking a girl with thick arms

Attached: Cheng Lu.png (438x490, 384K)

Oh, great, now everybody know Qimmah. Thanks, spoonfeeder

Attached: 1163574.jpg (884x1103, 48K)

>tfw you're into both fit and fat girls
Good thread.

That's an ayyyyyyylien

Attached: 1561499482300.jpg (921x1000, 134K)

>This muscular fit girl should get her hair cut short like a boy
Fucking faggot

Attached: 1555334183015.jpg (540x516, 38K)

Team Peep represent

Holy fucking shit. Name?

>Not wanting to fuck alien bugs

Thank you for reminding me to lose weight, never give up!

Cheap food that is high in fat and drenched in corn syrup

Because society is based first and foremost around female insecurity. Laws are based around it. Culture is based around it. Entertainment is based around it.

I did, it was pretty hot.

Attached: 57611182_p0.png (890x870, 543K)

>timeless classics

Nigger wat?

>They like exclusively muscle
>They like exclusively fat
People need to get on your level, user

No she isn't


Attached: fat ass is good.jpg (980x571, 206K)

You people need to post more webms and less jpegs

>Settling for anything less than the pefect combination of fit and thicc


Attached: 1480815108001.jpg (1126x1212, 365K)

For what purpose?

Attached: 1560256982566.gif (368x340, 3.65M)

Attached: 1539563806490.webm (400x500, 2.32M)

Canadians and British need to shot.

because somehow people who are fat how made it into the media and are able to influence things now and they themselves are f***** obese even though being obese is the most unhealthy thing ever but okay whatever

>implying you wouldn't worship this daily

Attached: tumblr_psnfuiHoAS1t6c4bw_1280.jpg (1131x1280, 294K)

I remember seeing a Ditto edit of this

>Fake hair
>Fake eyelashes

Not even with your dick.


For me to fap, of course, you dumbass

>been eating better and losing weight
>feel like a damn god
>swelled head makes me laugh at and mock fatties even though i'm still one too
They can enjoy their egos and funerals at 45. Doesn't bother me at all.

My wife.

Attached: 1539632904741.webm (270x480, 2.09M)

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.


Yikes on the faggotry hair, get away from that shit

Just kill yourself already, faggot.

Attached: 1530034850460.jpg (1080x1350, 109K)

Attached: 1550352014100.png (428x583, 648K)

>rejecting that body for the hair
>calling anyone else a faggot

Attached: 1545809870611.jpg (959x531, 213K)

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What do you think?

Attached: 1487371230901.jpg (1125x2001, 240K)

Attached: 2.jpg (467x700, 73K)

>thought it was delicious innie
>pierced instead

Attached: 1547457698607.jpg (1552x1476, 212K)

Attached: 1533445603845.png (520x685, 301K)

This is the girl who inspired Zarya's hair, btw

they really know how to have their cake and eat it too

What's her name so i can do private research

Attached: tumblr_navh7p4tpw1subk3mo3_400.gif (306x225, 999K)


You mean the russian 3d artist that works at Blizzard?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (413x600, 36K)

Her skin would be like a tent

God damn fat girls are fucking gross

is it just me, or did fast food places increase their portion sizes?

It's kinda funny how Job Stewart used to be the competent voice on the left, but his own staff started to go SJW and within a year he fucking called it quits on television

Too bad they didn't copy everything else.

Attached: 6818f49ad39c93fe8e64284493f6b2e7cdb59a4064d88310054ce424f279db02.jpg (1080x1920, 294K)

i want to snu snu with her until i die

Attached: 1553416329975.jpg (1024x768, 69K)


Attached: 1480727583004.jpg (960x1200, 113K)


Tamara Bakhlycheva
>pink bush

Attached: 1546852347914.jpg (960x1280, 164K)

Attached: fat (3).jpg (1280x960, 327K)

HOLY SHIT! I want her to crush my head between her thighs

>you will never be with her
oh...its raining.....

Attached: 1559188791556.jpg (478x599, 104K)