What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's a commies play the same games for 7 years episode

ray left

Trump derangement syndrome.

they made stuff beyond blood gulch chronicles and then a bunch of fags started watching that stuff to the point that they're not even the rvb guys anymore

"dude let's make an anime"

Moving everyone to California

turbo cringe

Post girls.

wait, they're liberals?

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Was originally a company run by people with a passion for developing a funny series.
Which they quickly ran out of ideas for, the plot was non-existent so it went nowhere, and the development of the game as a whole didn't match the tone, of "Bored ass soldiers sitting in an empty gulch doing jack shit all day"

Then their lets plays got worse by hiring new boring staff and playing the same fucking shit over and over

They forgot you need to pay your employees for their work.

>Based in Austin, Texas

Remember when they worked their animator to death?

Burnie giving the company to some Indian for the sake of diversity

Whenever I see an eceleb logo and "what went wrong?" I go into the thread to see people crying about having to drop something they enjoyed because they said something left leaning.
And you retards never disappoint.

Shit went wrong when they decided to make RvB serious, and then it all spiraled down from there. Now the only thing they’re known for is weebshit and let’s plays.

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Has Barbara banged everyone in the company at this point? Even disgusting weirdos like Andy and soilords like Jon Risinger?

They aren’t Mega64, that’s the problem

No one said that though.

>Literal better version of Achievement Hunter
>Quality has steadily gone down as they've gotten more and more successful

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You tell Gavin, that British FUCK, he doesn’t deserve the achievement for the Minecraft videos

Post Geoff's kid that now hates him

Good day fellow DigitalPh33r Chads

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Whenever i've watched their videos i felt this undercurrent of hostility among them.

Simple, they were never that original or creative to begin with. For starters, the original Red vs Blue was nothing more than a bunch of faggots doing something in Halo for shits and giggles after getting bored of just killing each other over and over, and you can see this by how once they started adding a narrative structure the whole thing started falling apart at the seams. how shit that made no sense started happening, like the whole deal with Wyoming, how the characters started to lean more and more into their stereotypes (Simmons becoming even more of a bootlicker, Caboose becoming more stupid to the point of retardation, Griff getting even lazier, etc)

The one smart thing they did is fleece morons out of their cash early on with the subscription model they had, it's the reason why they became such a multimedia youtube powerhouse early on, but now everyone has caught up, the original funny faggots have left and are being replaced by unoriginal zoomers, etc.

Monty died

they definitely peaked in late 2017 with pic related, but most of their stuff is still good. any time it's the core bruce/adam/james, you know it will be good.

adding alanah was definitely a step backwards. her humor just isn't the same.

their drunk streams also got worse somehow since they've started the greenscreen setup.

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Nah, he wasn't that big a loss considering he was a horrible at animating things. Oh sure, he could do fights like nobody's business, but that was because fights don't really require movement animations that are fluid, once he started animating things like walking characters then you could see he was nothing more than a hack that got popular because of Dead Fantasy.

They get really fucking snipey for no real reason. Like either it's just an in-character thing or they just have an innate urge to find a way to talk shit about something.

Full screen and Funhaus.

literally their entire existence

Name a worse podcast. You literally can't

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>They aren’t Mega64
You're right. They actually make stuff.

Nathan left

Don't worry, that's just the Trump Derangement syndrome acting up. These lefties are getting really paranoid and will blame literally anything and everything on the big bad orange man and you know what? I'm loving every minute of it.

they were consolefags who chocked on Microsoft's dick

Boomstick hasn’t been castrated.


*pic of e-celeb logo*
"What went wrong?"

SO fucking original

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I'm really glad Jon managed to flourish and get out of his rut. He truly suffered for his art.

Also, was there ever a proper ending to the Deus Ex Machina machinima, I know Lyle McDouchebag made a gag ending, but was that really it?

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fuck off Burnie you fat uninteresting Casey Neistat wannabe

No one except you mentioned trump user

Funhaus still has some pretty damn good moments.

Alanah ruined "Google Trends" though don't @ me

Well that and all of RWBY was literally cliches found in popular anime. Literally the attack sequence while they were out having tea/eating was an idea taken from various anime.

Actually I mentioned Trump, and its the reason I stopped watching AH Offtopic, still watch Lets plays.

Cliche shounenshit RWBY is somehow miles better than current RWBY

Honestly their GTA gameplays are pretty comfy. Sometimes I'll put on their livestream to have as background noise while I chill

Sold their souls for fuck tons of money, which eh america right?

You don’t want infinite podcasts and flame war theatre?

Did Jon finally un-JUST himself?

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>RWBY was literally cliches found in popular anime
Well cliche shonen shit is what happens when one of the writers of the show says that he watches other anime for "research" I stopped watching once one of the seasons started off with a fighting tournament

they lost passion and ran out of ideas

His animation fundamentals are actually poor, especially in 3D. If I remember, he pursued 3D because he couldn't draw. While it is true that there are some 3D artist who can't draw, that percentage is very small compared to the other 3D professionals who needed to learn how to draw in order to master 3D.

One of the biggest flaws in his animations (including his older/personal works) was that there was no sense of gravity in his motions. There is no weight on the character's feet when he/she walks or moves. Everything looks like its floating all of the time.

I guess he has an audience because they've never heard of 3D anime or seen it. Mind you that Ars Nova and BRS was released before RWBY, even mecha anime in the early 2000's used cel shading that was much better than RWBY.

Also I heard he couldn't take criticism well. I glanced at his twitter that mostly had "fuck critics they dumb" which is telling. I would have sympathy for him passing on early but seeing that he made his magnum opuses in 2008 and had years to improve when making RWBY, is gay

Christ on a cracker he hasn't aged well

>mexican in texas
Ha, funny


Reminder that Michael is our guy

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I literally never seen the podcast, but I believe you.

Unironically political correctness. When I stopped listening to the podcast it always felt that the Guys wanted to make more jokes but they could for fear of their audience getting offended. Its a shame too because I think Burnie and Gavin are genuinely funny guys.


what is confusing you user

My Little Pony x Rooster Teeth rule 34. Is it as epic as it sounds? Let's find out.

Becca is okay, and lindsay is just boring. There are way worse podcasts like the one with Blaine, Barb, Chris, and some new fourth guy and they had nothing to say to each other. Also that podcast where they clickbaited The Rock in the thumbnail because Jon's personality is bleach.

Phil was the better machinima series, anyways.

Watch the video, retard

No thank you.

>2 former roosterteeth employees have killed themselves

Knuckles Dawson and who else? (Also knuckles wasn't an employee)

the guy who did mocap for RWBY

tried to make an """""anime""""
tried to ruin vic mignognas life

And Gaving was almost murdered by a psycho with a gun who broke into his house to kill him so that he could steal his girlfriend.

Fake animu

this stuff came up in Elyse compilations. They somehow managed to make her unfunny, which is quite the achievement

what? Bullshit.

Monty didn't kill himself, he died from anaphylactic shock.

Rooster Teeth never should have lasted this long but they managed to keep themselves alive after Achievement Hunter exploded for some reason and the main company just started being Achievement Hunter

>guy didn’t check the closets and just anherod instead
What a cuck, he could have raped meg before killing himself.



happened a while ago

Shoot yourself, fuck ass

So far, only Jack, Gus, and Jon Risinger have been open in their support of violence not just towards Neo-nazis, but republicans in general. I’m sure everyone else at the company feels the same, but isn’t dumb enough to announce it out loud.

Their reddit also went into a shortest when Matt Peake likes a Jordan Peterson tweet.


what the fug

This is what happens when you make content that is essentially friend simulation, though. Guy was very clearly unstable to begin with.

its a retarded podcast about videogames. Literally worthless.

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I refuse to believe they approve of just beating up random Republicans.

>Their reddit also went into a shortest when Matt Peake likes a Jordan Peterson tweet.
I'm always surprised how Peake gets away with it. Seems like Funhaus is genuinely non judgemental

you're incapable of clicking a link retard

Minecraft Let's Plays at the height of Let's Plays and Minecraft kept them afloat until RWBY was a smash hit, then they sold their company to Maker and now Otter (I think). They're not going away any time soon at the rate they consume and extinguish other smaller game entertainment channels.

*Shitfest not shortest

>steal your girlfriend

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No u

Cock biters? Sounds like it was doomed from the start

rvb season 6

Also Joel is not an onscreen personality anymore because he’s a republican

Gus is a puerto rican, of course he hates white people. Always has. He was always a bitch, even when I knew him 15 years ago. If you watched the show, there's a joke where Gus' character is getting reamed for not wanting to go to the vegas quadrant, which is based off a true story of shit Gus used to pull which was basically take his toys and go home to pout because he didn't get his way.

Hate that guy. Rest of them were alright people. Back then. Can't speak for what they're like these days, I stopped being involved in that horseshit in 06.

Michael had a creepy encounter with a fan. The dude moved into the apartment next to him and pretended not to know him while also trying to force interaction (like Oh hey neighbor just taking out my trash btw do you like video games? haha okay see ya) then Michael ended up spotting him at RTX and had to move.


Alannah is good for the podcast and not much else. White Jon and Jacob are the best newcomers. Omar needs to stay behind the fucking scenes forever.

>When I knew him


>Group of friends making funny little halo machinima
>Around 2007 social media makes young adults all over the world into unlikable narcissistic hipster queers, but especially in hipster meccas like Austin Texas
>They fake scream at videogames because that is what makes kids laugh and kids online are a bigger demographic
>Their fagmo boss turns the funny little machinima series into some full blown gay Halo fanfic
>They shill games even when they're total garbage
>Some Asian weeb that made FF/DOA slash fiction fight scenes get hired to make a Soul Eater ripoff
>Gets killed by his girlfriend because her cat was more important to her than his life

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Monty Oum? He didn't do mocap, he was an animator. And he died from an allergy. Shame either way though, he had the most potential out of any of the hack frauds at RT.

>take his toys and go home to pout because he didn't get his way.
I really got that feeling as a viewer whenever he would shut shit down on the podcast because he didn't like it.

>Gus is a puerto rican
No he's mexican and his family moved to puerto rico.

I'm gonna plant my ass on your face.
I clicked the link and it's just shit, like you user.

He did both

>Old RT used to make silly content an was pretty apolitical
>New RT makes shitty web series and are now super serious, to the point of dicking around with gay politics

I used to listen to their podcast and watch their stuff regularly, along with other projects their employees were apart of like the Internet Box. It was around before the new Xbone was getting released. Their content started dipping in quality as new people were brought on board. They wouldn't say anything bad about M$ and started acting kinda hostile towards people who were rightfully shitting on it at the time. Also this . When there's no entertainment left to be had and any practical reason to watch them, like for gaming news, was skewed and full of fanboy bullshit there simply wasn't a good reason to continue watching them.
[spoilers]I miss RvB, I miss the fun experimental stuff they used to do, I miss Joel[/spoilers]

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>of course he hates white people
Ray was BORN in Puerto Rico and he doesn't hate white people.
Also you can;'t just say you were involved and then not elaborate.

You goddamn fucking buffoon
It has a timestamp so you can just click the link, listen to the sentence and close it again you useless ape

Peakes the best editor they have. They'd be fucked if he left

>it’s revealed RT straight up treats their employees like shit and doesn’t even pay them for constant crunch
>everyone gets mad at them
>they make a bland “will do better” post that’s like 2 paragraphs
>suddenly all is forgiven and any mention of it is attacked
It must be nice to have a built in audience of sheep

This story?

That just seems like random chance.

They literally buy out the competition to sink them. (Cowchop, Sugar pine 7, soon to be Matt and Woolie)
They're the EA of gaming channels.

Give it to me straight bros, how long before one of the main trio of Funhaus eventually leaves? Bonus points on the day it happens if you manage to guess who it will be.

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I wonder if Vic will absolutely destroy them

Their shorts turned to garbage. Their employees are obvious zoomers and the shorts are riddled with cringey zoomer liberal jokes and blatant over-acting. Shorts like Secret Door, Severance Snackage, Catch and whatever, the acting looked very natural and weren't memetic. They were just good-natured, organic comedy. It's definitely forced now. It hurts to watch.

>That episode of off topic where mika was spouting bullshit about blacks suffering all the meanwhile ryan wanted to call out on her shit but you can see him physically holding back for the sake of the podcast
Poor ryan being the only sane one sometimes

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>SP7 dies due to the creator hating it after getting burned out
>it’s then revealed RT are always in constant crunch mode and are super demanding

>(soon to be Matt and Woolie)
Do you mean Pat and Woolie? I thought Pat was going to RTX with Woolie, not Matt.

You know that whiny bitch in your circle of friends who constantly throws shit fits because he gets outvoted on what to do? You all wanna see Bloodsport IV: Return of the Dammed but he wants to see A Walk To Remember so he tags along bitching the whole time about how stupid Bloodsport is and how it's a shitty series and then bails when you get to the movie theater.
He's fucking rican, he's lost all mexico privileges. If you ever bump into him, remind him of that. He'll get pissed and I'll laugh.
I didn't make "machinima" shit, I'm from Texas and ran in similar circles. All there is to it. We used to hang out and I went on to do other things.
That's painting a very favorable picture of the shit Gus used to pull all the goddamn time.

This is a very good summary.

They'll leave together

If he wins the Funimation suit I don’t see why not

Vic has no power after everybody found out he raped those girls.

They talk shit but the big thing you gotta remember about Funhaus is they're actual professionals. They were working on actual television channels like G4 and shit for years while most of the RT guys were trying to figure out what the fuck a Machinima was.

He has no interest with them. He's suing Funanimation.

>They'll leave together
Best case scenario right here, if it happens any other way the funhaus brand will become soulless.

this x1000, what the FUCK were the thinking

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>Alannah is good for the podcast and not much else. White Jon and Jacob are the best newcomers
very true, though in "B-team" let's plays Alanah is quite good in filling Adam's role I feel. Also I like one of the other editors (Ryan?)

shame bout the whole cowchop thing
also joel is the best

There's no proof that he raped them. And there has been no charges. You are the reason why he is going after Funanimation and will likely win.

>he doesn't know
It ended up being mostly bullshit and hearsay. Iirc a lot of people have apologized TO HIM.

let's play is controlled opposition. they are funded indirectly by the cia to pretend to be unfunny obnoxious commies and also be bad at videogames. our hero jack sacrificed his prior life in special forces killing terrorists to get fat and complain on tumblr.

I was one of the first ~300 forum members during drunk tank days. From a pure oldfag approach:

-Heavy handed moderation starting in 2007 to exclude long term members
-Hiring of suck-up community members, eventually blawndee, who are vapid and self-absorbed. Their content blows.
-The dilution of content to include every fucking "cast" member's pet project. Now the brand is essentially meaningless with a mess of different shows, podcasts, communities within communities, etc.
-The adoption of facebook features began as early as 06 or 07... by 09 it was a full-blown "GAMER" Facebook.
-The over-inclusion of political content.
-Banning 90% of the BAR crew.

he's suing funi because that's his best choice right now his lawyers have already stated that if things go smoothly with the shit they're doing now and they find more shit in discovery they'll go for more people

While we're on the topic of discussing the inevitable nu-haus crew, make a tierlist right now
Jacob > Omar >= Alannah >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the dude in the beard

>Sugar pine 7
it was just three guys dicking around producing snl-tier garbage

i feel like this is why Joel isn't on the podcast as much anymore

If there's any parting, it'll be like Inside Gaming where they all leave at once and start up their own group so that they can bring back Spoole and Joel. Joel specifically said he left Funhaus because he was more of a manager and business type whose goals were built around building up brands and moving onto new projects - if they started anew then /ourgoblin/ would be all over it. So basically: Pray that it happens soon.

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user, there is not goddamn timestamp you mouth breathing retard.
You better go live and show me or it's gonna get bad for you, you hear me??

SP7 died because FunHaus purposefully sabotaged them and Suptic is getting his house in order before he sues Roosterteeth for breach of contract

Sounds like Ray saved RT

Did anyone see the garbage film they made? Friend asked me if I wanted to see it and I had never heard of it before. Don't think I had ever been so bored watching a film.


Won't that kill dub and anime being bought over to the us?

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No idea why the fuck you're so upset but
>no timestamp
You are clearly retarded.

to be fair it is like 40 minutes long

What happened to Mica?

Vic is based

>Now the brand is essentially meaningless with a mess of different shows, podcasts, communities within communities, etc.
very true. I only really care about Funhaus and their occasional guests and everytime there's a cossover I get absolutely confused. Especially with the whole Screwattack, Death Battle, Game Attack thing.
And quite frankly I also don't care about those groups

who fucking cares most officials dubs/subs fucking suck ass not to mention amazon and netflix are slowly picking up more and more anmie

what the FUCK do you think the t=1748 in the url is for, decoration?The timestamp is very clearly visible you PIECE of SHIT.

Go to 29:08 user :)

It was the fastest growing new channel on YouTube in 2017 and it was apparently stealing views from Funhaus according to Suptic which is why they were initially approached

I would replace Michael with Jeremy and Trevor with Alfredo, but otherwise pretty accurate

She was unironically racist, so they replaced her with another black girl

The mexican documentary or lazer team?

Joel coming back would be amazing
But he also said he'd like to take more of a writing role, so I don't know if he'd be in 100%


Omar's not nu-haus, he's been there since IG. Anyways
Jon Smith with a good bit > Jacob >= Rahul > John Holland = Jon Smith with a shit bit > Big Bogan Milkies > That meth-head looking white guy who had one bit in the comments show

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Jon is such a cuck.

Vic is gonna single handedly save anime

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Lazer Team.

Dude Netflix sucks for anime.

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The fucking link has a timestamp that puts you right where the thing you want to see is

Here is a better question, why is Austin such a leftist shithole? Why does the rest of Texas tolerates such faggotry?

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I forgot about Jon Smith
yeah he has potential.
I think a trio of Jon Smith, Jacob, and Alannah might be able to carry itself real well.

funi isn't any better seven deadly sins, baki and soon kengan ashura are good

He'd probably definitely be in it for, if nothing else, the ability to write the non-gaming skits. They clearly want to get into actual comedy writing that isn't just playing video games as seen by the mess that was Arizona Circle, someone like Joel on board could make it actually decent.

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>it was apparently stealing views from Funhaus
I find that fascinating, I don't really feel like they have the same target groups. Though to be fair I haven't seen any of SP7's early stuff which is said to be better, but I also have no interest based on the stuff I've seen.

wasn't it revealed that the woman who accused him because she was jealous of how popular he was?

Are you telling me Ow My Balls: The Movie didn't have you rotflol? Maybe you should see the sequel.

Is joel still around?

>That's painting a very favorable picture
I figured as much, I member before they told that particular story on the podcast it had be written about somewhere on a blog or something. I remember thinking "what a child." From my understanding, Gus has always been a whiny bitch at best and a full on prick at worst.
>Banning 90% of the BAR crew.
wait, what was that all about? I don't even remember that.

Lindsay is the worse thing in the entire company, i dont understand why they keep putting her ogre face on camera

>I think a trio of Jon Smith, Jacob, and Alannah might be able to carry itself real well.
Good news, that happened, and it had Rahul too. It was by and large the funniest Funhaus video that didn't have any of the main four in it.

desu i thought Cuck Police was a good sketch.

that's all speculation but wouldn't be surprised the actual "documented" things that are being used in court is no joke the stupidest shit
>Monica rial has jelly beans
>vic asks for one
>monica signs it and gives it to him
>vic eats it
>vic says ha now i can say i've eaten monica rial

>by the mess that was Arizona Circle
was it bad? I only saw the free stuff and didn't like it (almost as bad as sex swing imo), but people seemed to love it.
But that's true, they've expressed their desire to do more scripted stuff and Joel would fit in perfectly for that

He appears rarely I think. Haven't seen him in a while on any videos or podcasts myself.

It honestly caused me to have an epiphany sitting in a theatre hearing people laugh at it.


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>I think a trio of Jon Smith, Jacob, and Alannah might be able to carry itself real well.
definitely, those are good vids. They just perfectly mirror the "main cast" setup with Alanah playing and Jacob and Jon making jokes. And just good chemistry

Cuck Police and Ghostbusters were funny, the problem is everything else just wasn't. It wasn't even a case of lackluster talent, the weakest link was Blaine and even he did okay. They just aren't good at written, planned comedy, they're good at improv.
It was just fucking bland for the most part. I dug the idea of it being an ongoing plot interrupted by skits (The Shivering Truth by the guy behind Xavier: Renegade Angel did something similar), but most of the actual skits just didn't stand out.

>When Jacob and Rahul just start watching Hentai in front of everyone
holy shit yeah this won me over.

does burnie do those gay vlogs still?

How? It was just one idea without any jokes or punchline stretched out far too long

But that don't even put individual episodes on weekly you have to wait in till it's over cause that want you to binge watch it.

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Elyse clearly wants to do something else

Nobody knows. If you're not familiar with some of these names, it wont make sense... But in December of 06 some of the bigger names in THE BAR crew (Show, Kami, Bread) were abruptly banned by show crew. There was no explanation. Anyone who was online and posting in the BAR thread was banned as well. It was on an evening, so a lot of users were banned. There was no reason given. My account surprised because I was AFK/not online. Came back to skype notifications that there had been a giant purge. Probably 30-50 people banned without a reason given (BAR had like 70 people who were really active).

THE BAR was a fast-moving thread that hit the bump limit at 200 pages almost every day or two. It had a "crew" who were infamous for being... rowdy... on the site. But really, we were just a large group of friends within the website.

We migrated to a website run by other RT community members, called The New Gamer... It was an independent game journalism site that created a forum JUST for us.

Also fuck Gus.

I haven't kept up with RT but they used to be really good. I wasn't watching them consistently way back when Drunk Tank existed, but I remember really enjoying the RT Podcast and a lot of the older RT Shorts. Some of the shenanigans were pretty funny as well.
Shame to hear they aren't as good any more. But I guess that's bound to happen with such a personality-based repertoire, when the original personalities start getting replaced by new, different ones.

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it ain't perfect but honestly i usually just watch fansubs also after what funi did with the broly movie release they can suck my dick

Go figure, a company founded on making voiced over halo machinma with college tier jokes are really shit at doing anything else.

Good. He's the only one I care about.

If Roosterteeth/Funhaus can't give her that opportunity, I'm sure easy allies would be open to it. They've got less budget but a lot more freedom

is there a man more punished than Geoff Ramsey ?

If you can get your hands on the "commentary track" of the RvB Season One original DVD you'll get a bit more insight and they way they talk about that particular event. They were extremely fucking pissed off about it since it threw everyone's shit into disarray and Gus was on the outs for a bit after he did it.

Elyse is basically Lawrence except instead of pushing weeb games he knows he's the only one really enjoying, she's pushing mediocre plot-driven walking simulators and justifications for shitty accents and gets pissy when people don't play along with her shit. I don't get why people find her funny. People like to point out her interactions with Joel, but that wasn't Elyse being funny, that was Elyse giving Joel material to be funny with.

That's called divorce

Yes, absolutely.

Geoff's life is still fucked though.


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What'd they do to the broly movie?

Geoff at least got to separate from his awful ex wife. Michael's still deluded into loving his hamplanet wife.

What happened? Haven't checked in on them in a long time but I thought they had a close relationship.

is the Punished Geoff arc still going? Does Millie love him again?

Liberals != commies

A large portion of their company are communists.

american release has this weird green tinge over it and in the special features they completely removed any sign of vic mignogna after advertising on amazon and other places that it'd be on there plus funi were scrubbing everything of theres that had vics name on it and said it was all a big misunderstanding

We grew up

>justifications for shitty accents
I mean, she's absolutely not the only one doing that. But I guess it's all subjective, I find her quite funny.
She can definitely get pissy though, which really brings the mood down. And her cracking under pressure get's really old.

She got older and is in the teen angst phase.

Millie seems super fond of him now, she was just this month in a video with him and the AH crew playing GMod Murder.

I guess to expand a little bit... THE BAR were some of the earliest backers, financially, of the website. We were all from the original 500 users, many were in the original 100 from 2002. Several were moderators, and even a few of them were purged. It was bizarre.

Keep in mind in 2003/2004 NOBODY was willing to have a "supporting member" thing for users unless it had some real benefit (like, supporting a game server or something). RT was the first community of it's kind to kind of put things behind a paywall - and many of the BAR were core, longterm, financial supporters. Many of us were there from the earliest days, many of us were at the first meetups, etc.

The slamming of the door was abrupt and weird. I'm 90% Gus did it out of spite because we'd recently created yet another headache of spam and wall of texts on Blawndee (Barbara's) profile.

Here's the thing, the other two who do it are James and Bruce. James and Bruce can get away with the shitty accents because they say some genuinely funny shit during it, and the accent heightens the delivery. She just fucking quotes the characters she's doing awful impressions of.

>Millie seems super fond of him now

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>Michael's still deluded into loving his hamplanet wife.
Not deluded at all. He simply embraces the Brosnian school of thought.

You better tone down on that behavior user.
Next time you better make a twitch stream and show me, you hear me??

There's a difference between being a student of The Architect and entering some kind of psychosis due to having two babies chained to your ankle preventing you from getting a divorce from your fat, lazy wife. He'd probably kick her ass to the curb if he didn't see what happened to Geoff.

im not 12 anymore

suptic said he ran out of ideas and was getting burnt out. bruce had nothing to do with it. RT probably heavily nudged them to move to the Fullscreen office, but that was it. SP7's quality fell off a cliff after their season 1 stuff, everyone knows it.

>MFW they don't do Rage Quit or Play Pals anymore

Those were the best ones RT made. Seeing Michael getting pissed off in Rage Quit always made me laugh. Play Pals was entertaining seeing Michael, Gavin, and others playing differenct games was comfy.

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>wall of texts on Blawndee (Barbara's) profile
I'm glad people weren't falling for her shit back then either. It's upsetting how large of a role she's been given inside the company given how unfunny and untalented she is.

Play Pals is still going

And Blawndee kind of was important for the growth of the site, IMO, and it's social media features. She started on the website around 14/15 years old, was young, attractive, and in the early days of 04/05 there really were not many young hot girls on the internet. So she had a legion of supporters. Beta orbiters - only there was no word for them back then. And so we routinely raided the FUCK out of her profile. Comments. Blogs. Karma raiding...

The fact that she stuck with the site despite this is neither here nor there. I grew up - I don't bear much ill-will towards her. But she was a suck-up to the staff, and I honestly think someone on cast banged her when she was underage. Probably Joel. Joel's a scumfuck.

I haven't followed RT in years. Is Gavin still around? Does he do any solo stuff? He was the only one I liked.

Is Jeff Williams still cool?

Rage Quit no longer being a thing was based, though. Micheal realized that he had no spark for it, so instead of milking it he decided to do something of higher quality.

Which of the Funhaus full playthroughs was the best and can any of them compete with Chaser? Maybe Babyhunter

Go away, gavin.

Have you met Joel in person? Is he Jim Carrey levels of insane?

It's because she's got a fat ass and probably fucks like a tiger. They don't give a shit about how "funny" she is, they just know she'll give a free blowie-joey if they let her get her podcasts and VA roles.
I'm unironically enjoying their Fugitive Hunter and Indiana Jones playthroughs right now. Pretty much any playthrough where they're just playing a fucking awful game is a fun watch.

Blood Money was constantly good except for the Wedding level.
And the same can be said about the actual game itself.
the Sniper Elite saga is pretty good but they never beat any of them.

most recently: heroes of might and magic
alekhine's gun

>heroes of might and magic
based, Dark Messiah was great

They said they're remaking the play pals room.

rage quit was more forced towards the end

>you will never plow barbara
only reason i even watch always open, or at least used to, when they talked more sexual stuff and listening to the shit she's into

I went to one meetup at PAX and he found out who I was and left. So honestly, I have not met him in person. I've met most of the others, however.

They're not on the site anymore, but there used to be a section on user profiles for badges awarded by cast. I had a red x through my Joel one, and if you hovered over it it said "This user cannot be awarded by Joel"

I used to troll comments/threads about early episodes begging for Church to be killed off, written off... I was a teenager with too much time on my hands, and he had a fragile ego. He's kind of a failure - he boomaranged as a shit actor in the late 90s and couldn't cut it or get any bits.

tl;dr I trolled Joel really hard as a teenager.

> the shit she's into
Go on

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i meant more of her kinks, but she aint dating that guy anymore, there was a long while she was single

who is that leprechaun?

Eww, what are ou fools doing posting outside your containment board?

Stay gone and stay go, vic is gonna destroy this company anyway

>some 1990s looking redhead retard is fucking her
t-there's still hope for me...

Isn't she with Trevor?

vic is too busy with funimation right now.

I miss Rage Quit a lot but whenever Michael tries to do a new episode, he can't get legitimately angry anymore.

She's really into getting tied up and pissed on


Is Joel dead? What the fuck has he been doing over there for the past 10 years?

Unironically had better.

Given how his retirement plan was a shotgun I'd say he's doing well.

i'm pretty sure, she jumps around

I think that's some heavily speculation there

Has Gavin's gf done nudes yet?

RWBY happened.
Being perpetually trash since inception is perfectly fine but getting popular with Tumblr followed by being skewed towards them marked a dark era.

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>those sideburns
>those eyebrows
>that beard
what the actual fuck

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>Makes unfunny "jokes"
>People laugh to not leave her hanging
>Now she actually thinks she's funny
She's not even that good looking

She hasn't. Probably won't until she's over the hill.


Also Nascar spelled backwards is Nascar

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And her feet are boring as FUCK

The absolute STATE of Achievement Hunter in 2019
>Livestream videos with terrible audio make up the majority of their content now
>The core members all have their own shit and barely appear together, let alone at all (Gavin, Geoff)
>It's an "Alfredo, Trevor, Lindsey, and Jeremy" episode
>No natural banter like they used to have in the earlier 2013/2014 LP's
>GTA videos have been downright awful for years now;RDR2 was a failure
>Minecraft videos have significantly dwindled in quality, albeit Skyfactory was aboslutely based

I'm glad everyone in AH seems to be living life to it's fullest. Geoff is sober and loving life, Michael's got another kid on the way, Ryan's well, Jack somehow got married, and Gavin is Gavin, but they ought to just bury the channel while it's still clinging to life. Just fucking end it.

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What was the true reason Spoole left? I always felt like he was kicked out


how has geoff been taking the divorce?

>Michael's got another kid on the way
2nd kid is already out

He's come back multiple times since leaving, he just left to become a streamer full-time. Shame, by this point we could've been on season five of 1 Dollar 1 Hour.

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Uhm, got any pics to prove that? Asking for myself

Friendly reminder that Monty literally killed himself because he was too much of a cuck to tell his e-thot gf no when she brought a cat home. You can't make this shit up. I cannot imagine being a bigger pushover.

Jeremy is good fuck you

Yea I agree with Alannah taking Adams role of playing the games. The days gone was good proof of that.
Ryan seems to be hit or miss at the moment, but he has potential

>Gets killed by his girlfriend because her cat was more important to her than his life
Holy shit, can I get a bit more context on that?

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>>It's an "Alfredo, Trevor, Lindsey, and Jeremy" episode
Jeremy's the least of a problem in any of those episodes. Alfredo if it's a shooter and he doesn't feel like being a jackass. But fuck Trevor and Lindsey. Oh and fuck that fat neckbeard Jack too.

I'm mad as fuck they just up and quit Galacticraft for fucking "Get all the Minecraft achievements, complete with all the people no one wants to fucking watch!" after an awful season 2 of YDYD.

monty wanted a cat too and he died because his eating/sleeping habits were so shit that his immune system could barely handle allergy shots

Omar is bottom always, he's an insufferable unfunny cunt with great behind the scenes talent. He should never be on camera

Creative burnout. RvB is on it's 3rd time travel plot, RWBY has God knows what happening, Nomad and gen:LOCK are becoming more and more predictable, Camp Camp is still running off le crude an edgy humor, AH and Funhaus are making the same vids of them playing the same games or making a podcast, all with the same dynamics and banter

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To be fair he kinda wanted the cat too and Sheena was his wife not gf.

Not that user but from what I have seen in videos he seems a bit more cheery, as much as he can anyway. He has a girlfriend currently too. Not too sure on anything else, so someone correct me if I am wrong on anything.

>he wanted the cat
that's called cope

>rooster teeth's logo is a rooster and a fake teeth joke toy
>not a rooster with teeth
stupidest shit i've ever seen

Really? I found them really fucking anoying and I enjoy funhaus

He's good when he's with the old members, but put all the new ones together and he can't save it

he underwent a surgery to alleviate his cat allergy that had risks, and fucking died

Monty was severely allergic to cats but did want a cat, his gf at the time kept handling some outdoor cat and wanted to adopt it, he agreed and went to get allergy shots for it but got put into a coma and died.
Sheena is a golddigging whore but he wasnt murdered

No,she makes too much money just teasing her orbiters,also she legit thinks she's super good looking with that face.

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he's a fucking weeb of course he wanted a cat

bullshit, he was pussy whipped into getting a cat.

could be one of those cases where he's just putting on a good mood in public but yeah hope he's doing well, i've always liked geoff

Imagine dying because of a cat. Next level onions cuckery

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Based funhaus killing a bunch of numale "Humor" videos

jeremy is the definition of a manlet

Jesus fuck, he must of had some other conditions and shit wrong with him if he just up and died right? You can’t just die from something as simple as an allergy shot r...right guys?

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It's even better when you realize Funhaus' boss is officially and openly banging one of SP7's editors.

He's hit and miss for me. I feel like he tries to hard sometimes; aims to be the center of every video. That's great when he explains to the crew a game they've never played before, but sometimes I think it takes away from the natural chemistry the OG core group had.

>You can’t just die from something as simple as an allergy shot r...right guys?
no, but you can get autism

He wanted a cat and liked pussy so of course he fucking tried to get a cat to make his gf/secret wife happy

Yeah whatever fag keep talkin

I think he did, yeah. It was a medical risk to begin with. I wasn't the biggest fan of Monty but that's not a good way to go at all, man v

>someone almost killed gavin for her

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It's even worse than what everyone else is letting on

He was a workaholic and had a terrible diet, his sleep schedule was fucked to hell, his immune system was probably barely holding itself together

Not really, he stated on the RT podcast when they got rid of joe the cat how he actually loved joe and cats and had one of his own. He'd regularly take allergy shots but because he was another one of those quirky weebs with no real diet or circadian rhythm the shot killed him shortly into making rwby. His wife was a gold digger though, she tried to sell monty oum signed shit on ebay for cash - a practice monty despised.

>Season 2 of YDYD
> that obvious killing themselves even after alfredo said they can being back Jeremy.

I dunno why they even bothered when they clearly were not having fun. They keep doing that with all the interesting procedural shit, like with Galacticraft and Satisfactory.

>ynr the stalker

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>You can’t just die from something as simple as an allergy shot r...right guys?
You know that allergy shots contain the thing that kills you right?


Seems like he's honestly doing well, or at least better. He's visibly looking a lot healthier and younger since he quit drinking and started doing keto.

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I'm still impressed his wife pissed herself on camera for a video

>GTA LP with Fiona
>whines that she doesn't know what to do
>complains she is stuck when she isn't
>respawns but can't get to Jack in time to help because she is running to him, past like 5 cars, in fucking Grand Theft Auto

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Well I wouldn’t know since I don’t have allergies but it’s still a scary ass thing to think about.

She's retarded but like a hot kind of retarded so I wanna fuck her while calling her a braindead moron.

I thought that was just vaccines.

>I have cats in my bloodstream RIGHT. NOW

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My favorite thing is that old and busted blonde from Austin that Bruce was dating getting butt hurt that his new girlfriend is super young.

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Cowards, both of you.

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Monty was a hack.

He poached both of their editors and upped their release mandatory release schedule. In what world is that not sabotage?

Imagine being in fear of being black and going outside while living in a super progressive state. How do these people function?

who's the second one? I only know about Autumn

Is living with cognitive dissonance really living?

did she get publically butthurt?

Honestly he dodge a bullet
>The ex-wife said that she didn't believe in monogamy
>Also said that she was going to transition to male in her early twenties

their drunk streams got worse because there's now the undercurrent of lawrence probably on the verge of actual kidney failure and constant severe alcoholism

I still like them, any company that gives me 40 Richie Branson tracks and is transparent as fuck can't be that bad

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Some Vietnamese lesbian.

Damn Bruce is based as fuck what a chad.

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Not directly,a few weeks after they broke up she went to that girls podcast and a question came up about what did she think about age gaps in relationships,after a awkward pause they laughed and she didn't answer.

when the fuck did ryan get /fit/?

that dude seems to have a severe alcoholism problem. He was almost completely gone during the E3 stream and came back the next day to drink more

oh, the one with the square face?
Didn't know she continued working there

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>Ray left
>Gavin left
>Ryan lost his complexity
>Geoff lost his drive for video games
>Michael gets married
>As soon as she gets married Lindsey gets fat
It was hard watching the end. I don't regret watching their content, but i wish i never got invested.

How does that make any sense why would commies work and support capitalism ?

She was always a fat ogre

it all started when ray left

im more of a square titty person
round shit on minecraft girls look odd

The same thing that fucked over a lot of other early content creators from the pre/early youtube days: they tried to turn a passion and a hobby into a serious business.

that's not 100% true, I don't have the pictures but young lisndey was alright

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Youtube, in general, started going to shit late 2013-2014

Youtube became total trash when Trump got elected.

sad but true
well maybe 2015

>always open
whos idea was that

it's where people who don't like texas go when they move to texas

>children of immigrants
Rooster teeth promoting child labour?

>Imagine killing yourself because of this

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that's fucking hilarious, you can tell they've bitched about it in private because of that. bruce is an absolute CHAD

Hush child

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Her tits are slowly winning me over

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should've just ended RvB at the end of Season 3 with the canon "exit to the game lobby and ready up for another match" ending.
every season since then has been unfunny and tried too hard to be edgy, serious drama.
Also no sequels to Strangerhood.
Also they snapped up Monty Oum, distracting him from ever finishing Dead Fantasy before he died.

> austin
Literally the third bluest region in the state, aside behind Houston and Dallas.

>Michael married and put a baby in that

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Expansion, they turned from a group of friends doing stupid shit to an actual company.

As for AchievementHunter they moved more and more towards live action stuff rather than games over time, with only a handful of them even still being interested in playing games anymore.


2 babies

im not easily unnerved but watching him was genuinely uncomfortable. seeing adam and bruce looking constantly worried didn't help either

The moment they started working at rooster teeth i knew things where gonna go downhill and was absolutely sure when they started adding these nobodies from rooster teeth to the cast, especially that soulless no personality silver haired cunt

oh wow cool she can turkey neck

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Well it's pretty clear that Geoff was the one that got custody over Griffon.

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How many days until her instagram stalker gives her the old meg turney?

Ryan is a lot better on his streams, go watch those.

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AH was doomed when ray left.
RT was doomed when they got bought by fullscreen
The creatures were doomed when they moved into the office and hired interns
Cowchop was doomed when they moved to LA
SP7 was doomed when they finished their first "season" and started making cringe tier drama
RWBY was doomed when monty died
RvB was in danger after miles took over, absolutely DOOMED when miles left
Funhaus was doo- Actually they're still pretty alright, they obviously peaked in the past but they still put out quality stuff on occasion

you cannot refute this

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There's another pic of her even younger, she was put into a lot of sports so she was a skinny prep girl, and a bully

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Barb going from weird dumpy average dork to "I'm hot as fuck, everyone wants to bang me" basic was the saddest choice.
Depends whether she's with Blaine or not I suppose.

I don't want to intrude in on your fun here but do you guys actually actively keep up with Rooster Teeth just for ammunition? Even I had to drop Dobson and WingsofRedemption out of sheer boredem and monoitny

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AH is fine depending on the crew and game still, Ray was clearly not into it anymore. FH just spends their days getting drunk as fuck and not giving two fucks, really not too much different than the IG days.

Nah I watch FunHaus and AchievementHunter most of the time, good podcast/background noise.


There's a picture of her before she joined AH that she looks like a solid 8,I think is from high school she was actually skinny

What the fuck happened? Is this shopped, or did she really used to be a qt redhead?

Blaine is one (1) pride month away from coming out. Screenshot this

Damn she actually looks pretty good there. I guess she realized Michael was gonna love her regardless so she just went to shit. Which means she settled and Michael was desperate. Those tables are turning as Michael is slowly getting buff.

I haven't watched any of their stuff for months now but I actively search for RT threads on v/b/co to see what the thoughts are on their latest content.

You know him and Chris banged in the past, it's pretty obvious. I'd feel like if he came out, James would probably drop Elyse to bang him too.

I actually like watching Funhaus' videos for background noise or to see weird-ass games they discover after hauling through hundreds of shitty demos. A lot of shit is just sort of gleaned via osmosis.

missing the part where she kept that had around monty against his wishes, which is likely why he died from an overdose of whatever that cat produces when he got the shot.

I found it

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Or it was thanks to his body already being as unhealthy as it was thanks to his poor workplace habits

>drunk stream
>Don't get drunk
Law dog is doing the right thing.

You can actually thank Michael for it all, that Jersey in him got the better of him, Lindsay has tried to lose weight and he went and put a baby in her

which, ironically would still be roosterteeths fault for allowing and encouraging that type of behavior from it's employee

Monty told her to keep it because it made her happy and he was going to get an immunization shot to help against the allergies, which the doctors fucked up completely and basically gave him a worse allergy which shut his brain down.

What's worse is all the animation shit that followed, with the higher ups such as Burnie and them in the Hospital Halls talking about what they were gonna do with RWBY afterwards and generally treating those that helped create it like shit and that they were only interested in money and crunch time.

Good lord what happened to her.
He takes it a tad too far, we love drunk assholes, but not when they're black out drunk and can't even hold a bottle, trust me most of us have probably been there. At least Alanah is a good mom to him and helped out. I find her and Adam's love of Halo to be insanely cute.

I actually like Camp Camp. Jokes are funny and I love how it pisses off Tumblr just because the punchline is Hitler

>what happened to her.
Jersey man happened

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he is, but the question is how long he will still be able to

Her ass was was great around this time.

That's her in high school playing softball

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This is something I wish I had never seen.

>Depends whether she's with Blaine or not I suppose.
They aren't dating anymore

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I cannot imagine how awful it must be to work there in a non camera facing position. they seem like the most entitled cunts on the planet

Found it

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They were all drunk. There is a difference between being drunk and belligerent blacked out.
Depends on the person, he could go another 10-15 years, he could go another 2. Depends on how his brain and liver wanna hold out.

picture your job being funny internet men for 7 years
at some point , you stop being funny

Knowing michael that's just a joke, but this

Only the first episode of Rage Quit was funny.

that's too bad

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Because they still need to eat.

I have always really hated Michael. I wouldn't hesitate to beat him to death at all.
I wonder why that is.

Probably because the two had like two interactions their entire relationship and Blaine was too busy sucking cock instead.
Friend worked there as a Janitor for some time, he said the animation side was full of assholes and constant screaming and bitching across the halls, whereas AH's side was mostly them getting bitched at by higher-ups for destroying shit constantly. He said Ryan and Jeremy were chill as fuck to talk to though.


Imagine being a Funhaus peeon when Lawrence has an off camera drunken meltdown because the comments shat on him again

The söy is strong in this one

i don't really understand the Lindsay hate.

See with Gus and Bruce, it's meant to be comedy, with Michael it's just, something unsettling about it, because it's somehow too sexual rather than just "hairy naked man".
He still references Nigga Claus on occasion too.

He's one of the best in the channel m8, the one of the few able to make some videos entertaining now

One of the happy hour videos, starts around 3:15. Not very gratuitous.

Lawrence is a Yea Forumsirgin, so it's basically like just dealing with one of us drunk.

I do it entirely out of nostalgia and self loathing. I refuse to give them views but I'll ask about them occasionally when these threads come up.

They were a friend simulator which fucked me up considerably, but even hearing about what happened to simulated friends is sometimes interesting

She tries too hard to be weird and random and is ultimately unfunny, never has anything to contribute to conversations, is borderline retarded and somehow dumber than the whole group, and is just disgusting to look at.

Most of the people working there are fans.

Depends which Lindsay you get. You can get the Lindsay that is trying too hard to be funny, then you get the tired apathetic Lindsay where she sounds like a valley girl (which honestly sounds far more natural and her just not caring at all).

Basically her on-camera personality sucks because she tries too hard and just needs to actually be herself.

didn't he lose it to a fat chick at long last

I keep tabs on Rooster Teeth through these threads. Thanks anons!
You know what never mind fuck you

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>Castle Super Beast takes over
>RWBY finishes
>The Death Battle coalition takes over
>Rooster Teeth buys Blur studios so they can make Red Vs Blue season infinity with that cinematic tech
>And Funhaus disband only to rebrand and band together again for the 5th time this week
Get dabbed on E-Celeb board

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She just doesn't have any good chemistry with anyone other than occasionally Michael. She seems outright bored most of the time.

I wonder how bad Millie got in trouble after Geoff found out she had went skinny dipping. Bet you anything it was Griffon's idea and he flipped shit.

Lawrence has had a gf for ages and he wasn't an actual virgin even before that. He's just depressed it's not one of his waifus.

>And Funhaus disband only to rebrand and band together again for the 5th time this week
If it means no more RT fuckery and the return of Joel and Spoole, I'm all for it. The only real loss would be their connection to Rahul.

The chemistry between these guys suck and they don't take video games seriously enough for me to care about them

Don't forget R A C E W A R


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Pat shaved his head, he's evolving into Plague slowly. Besides, CSB isn't gonna last, it's clear him and Woolie are slowly drifting apart too due to their differences.

Honestly I'd rather have Matt back, some of his streams haven't been too bad at all. It's a weird world we live in.

One of their JackBox vids recently, she accidentally answered one of the questions basically about skinny dipping. You could tell Geoff was visibly annoyed and Ryan was basically like "Oh man, glad it's not my kid."

They keep putting her in videos where you actually need some modicum of skill at video games.
There's a GTA video where they just let her win because she's so bad at video games and it's the most unintentionally misogynistic video they've done.

Imagine being Lawrence working with Alanah the entire day them going home to his hambeast gf

I hope not, they seem cool due to the fact they legit have a great time on each other's streams and are willing to fly to Texas to just do their bullshit.

It was Lindsay's idea actually, which is why she still fucks around in it just to fuck with them.

it existed

>They literally buy out the competition to sink them. (Cowchop, Sugar pine 7, soon to be Matt and Woolie)
oh shit, matt and woolie are part of that shitshow now, aren't they?
fuck it's machinima all over again
I hope the pajama cowboy is smart enough to not sign for 15 years like last time.

Man some of the shit she does and stuff she wears on videos. She's definitely not subtle about what she's doing

>she's so bad at video games and it's the most unintentionally misogynistic video they've done
May I see it?

They know he's going to collapse one day on camera and it'll cause heaps of problems

That's what you get for marrying a dyke, and worse, having children. Geoff doesn't deserve it, but he was dumb not to see it coming

Well it's pretty clear he has a thing for Elyse, there are some vids where it's clear he's doing a bit to be clumsy but trying to fill her up. Hell I remember one where he pretended to fall, felt her up, and the next cut was her and James having switched seats to put her further away from Lawrence and James being a tad annoyed.

It's more Pat's personality that is grating everyone. Woolie himself has state it's why they didn't just make a channel because Woolie wanted to do things on his own rather than have Pat in his ear constantly shouting with his ego. Pat has gotten worse over time with that shit hardcore.

>you will never have the ability to make roasties seethe like chad greene

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It's called GTA V - Lindsay Wins

It's funny as well because he actually has really great chemistry with Alanah.

When they tried to make a movie, asked fans for funding, then asked them again only to sell out to Fullscreen.

Dudes always drunk. Look at his Livestreams. He wonders why he isn't getting a better body like the others then goes home and drinks a full bottle of hard liquor

To be fair on Geoff, he tries to be an actual good father despite his faults, so mad props, and he does have custody of her clearly and she seems to slowly be realizing that maybe it was Griffon that was the shit one as she gets older.

No, even if he wins his suit against Funimation he'll just get money. People acting like this will bankrupt Funimation are morons when they're owned by a massive media conglomerate.

>Hell I remember one where he pretended to fall, felt her up
please link. I have to see this. Of course mister proto sjw would do that

>whereas AH's side was mostly them getting bitched at by higher-ups for destroying shit constantly.

>the shit ton of knives, sword, axe etc. They have.
Kinda scary when you think about.

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Woolie can't even pretend how uninterested he is whenever Pat talks, it's kinda sad to be honest. I can't even listen to CSB now because of it

I legit need to know how bad that fight between Mat and Pat were that they had to split the channel and not just do LPs with eachother

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Not speculation, it's why Vic has a case in the first place. There were literal texts leaked that had them discussing how to set Vic up and what to set him up for exactly.

I've never seen the appeal myself. their just yelling meme men group #1000

Mica left after some kerfuffle to do hosting crap for Overwatch League and was replaced by Fiona, who ironically previously did Overwatch League stuff only to leave to do Rooster Teeth shit.

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I'm convinced Lawrence isn't actually a weeaboo. He didn't even know who Saber was.

I couldn't even tell you at this point, it was one of the vids of him doing a stunt with just those 3 in it though, older vid from like last year or so.
I feel like it was probably Pat that instigated it knowing his personality. It is strange that the timing coincided with RoosterTeeth. My guess is that Pat/Woolie wanted to go under RT and Matt wanted to just keep it between the three of them, and then Pat probably exploded and shit dissolved from there.

For me personally I like their comedy, like Adam and James play really well off each other


A snotty girl born into insane wealth from no effort on her own part talking about inequality against her demographic on a podcast by a company that she only got involved with because of familial connections basically exemplifies modern RT perfectly. what a cunt

>tfw they sound so identicaly and even look similar that you just assumed they were the same person and she came back

It's kind of sad that Mica had so little of an impact (which is partly due to fan hate) that you could just find a different black girl, and you kind of just think they're the same person and don't even realize it despite Mica's father.
James and Adam are more weebs than he is, especially James. They just hide it way better. Lawrence is like the guy that watches flavor of the month or only really popular shit.

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This is the moment I started to dislike her. I had no problems with them bringing in new people and still don't, I actually liked Matt/Jeremy when they started, I like Fiona, etc. But this moment with Mica made me realize she just isn't fit to be with them, she's your typical valley girl, only she's black and has a bigger complex because of it. She's insanely entitled and if it wasn't for her father she'd go nowhere in life or likely be some hood rat's trophy wife in his drug den.

She was the previous host for IGN's Daily Fix show, where they get a nice looking girl to read poorly written articles. Sydnee Goodman, who hosts it now that Alannah is gone, always wears some weird hot getup.

>t's kind of sad that Mica had so little of an impact
When your whole personality is based around the most boring shit imaginable, you'll find that no one will care or notice if you're not there.

Proof of texts.

Wasn't Blaine th one that obviously had a thing for Elyse?

To be fair, if people are gonna flip their shit over some cleavage and legs, then they need help. It's like if a woman flipped her shit because a guy wasn't wearing sleeves and was buff and started stalking him. Fucking bizarre really and not the person's fault people are crazy as fuck. Besides she'd probably get stalked regardless because she's a dorky weeb who plays games who happens to be hot as fuck.

>When she starts talking about the Deep South at 1:16
>Michael and Ryan share a look before Michael does just the subtlest of gestures to go "Don't say a fucking word."
>She doesn't even notice she's already so far up her own ass

Especially when the rest of them were basically dirt ass poor random people that just happened to luck the fuck out. You basically got a bunch of Jersey/Boston and Southerners in the room dealing with a rich snotty young black girl. Definitely not a good dichotomy.

whelp we're finally almost at the bump limit or until somebody wakes up the one mod who overlooks Yea Forums. Been a decent time here's to you Monty, you deserved alot better and I actually liked all your stuff from Haloids to Dead Fantasy to RWBY to that one death battle you animated

didnt he have a saber nendo? Its in a few vids from a year or two back

she's australian, every single aussie girl is exactly like that. Demeanor, wearing next to nothing, the way they talk. it's always the same

The funny part is watching him try and pretend he was never like that. His gf doesn't seem to help

>the world that we live in is not good
she's literally a fucking millionaire at birth, it doesnt get that much fucking better

>wearing next to nothing, the way they talk
People from the same region sound and dress the same? How strange

She seems bad for lawrence

Nick Rekieta

>James and Adam are more weebs than he is, especially James.
>That recent Mech City Brawl episode where he made everyone fulfill his Super Sentai fantasies including photoshopping their fucking heads onto Yellow Lion and ChangePegasus
I never thought I'd see anyone flash their power level that hard past the 1M subscriber count.

Probably, it's likely why they broke up, hell James probably asked Blaine to double team Elyse with him.
I feel bad for Monty's legacy with RWBY getting raped as bad as it has been. Dude was always super chill in replies and I did love his old Dead Fantasy and Haloid stuff way back when during High School. He seemed like a legit kind dude that wanted to help people and just create, much respect for that.

Nah. I don't know much about his life to be jealous of it.

>Get hired to make Soul Eater knock-off on a $50 budget
>Use software not meant for intensive animation
>Pack in cliches out the ass and just get people in the office to do voices
Monty was a total hack and his entire body of work is just floaty fights and lesbians.

i just checked her twitter because I wanted to see what she looked like, and there is like 1 mention of lawrence in the last 6 months that I saw.

The funny part is shell then complain about people oogling her. She constantly complains about deepfakes

it was one of the beginning stunts from the trend show
pretty sure it was accidental though

Don't forget that Adam tries really hard to hide his Kingdom Hearts fanboyism, which he brings up with surprising accuracy at random times out of nowhere and then stifles it pretty quickly.

I'm glad he's getting more Halo though, dude is always dead inside outside of a few things that seem to perk him up, Halo and KH seem to be ones where he genuinely perks up and seems to have fun.

were they ever really funny or were they just funny when they were coo in 2003 and we were fucking 12 year olds

I'm pretty sure he GOT a Saber nendo from a fan and didn't know who it was

old RvB still holds up imo

I mean if you can't get past a girl's cleavage and oggling her, you probably need help and she'd get oggled anyways.

Now with the deepfakes, that probably is taking it a tad too far, I mean I'd be flattered as fuck personally, but that's just me. I'm also a guy and don't give any flying fucks.

And yet the people that used that software got more done faster than your crunch time employees by far.
There was one demo disk like that too, and I think one of the weeb vids as well.

I would say lawrence is less of a weeb and more of a hentai fiend, what with his dragon ogre of a gf

I think about this a lot and I'm still not sure. I'd argue they were less corporate and obnoxious back then, but good?

2-5 of RvB is still alright, if only because it's a time capsule. If you judged it on artistic merit...

The first five seasons give me a hearty chuckle, but I wear cargo shorts and have shit taste in everything so take my opinion with a grain of salt

Because you can tell Geoff and Burnie and all of them still had a good relationship with each other and were just friends dicking around for fun.

Hell do Geoff and Burnie even talk anymore, I know they had some falling out and there was talking of Griffon/Burnie having a thing years ago.

there are none, thats whats goofy. She has next to no "deepfakes" compared to most other youtube girls. Just a bunch of half baked shops

But cargo shorts are based

She looks like that hambeast from kotaku. I think Lawrence is just desperate for anybody at this point


The only worthwhile dub from Funi I ever gave a damn about was for Drifters, and I'm willing to go back to subs for that if it means based Vic can give those pieces of shit whats coming.

>>you will never have the ability to make roasties seethe like chad greene
context? what did he mean by this?
is it because he's late 30 something with a 21yo gf?

And MGS. I do wish they did the KH playthrough with Bruce

Man I'm 28, and still wear cargo shorts and gym shorts. Be proud of who you are, makes you more alpha than just being buff alone.
I know Elyse probably has tons by comparison I'd imagine at this point. I can see how it could make a girl uncomfortable though, especially with how often she gets stalked. Which is honestly just strange, nobody else gets that by any means. Makes you wonder if she doesn't actively talk to some of the people and they get the wrong impression, or she backs off after finding out their crazy. She does seem to like long distance relationships apparently. The only other person to get that hardcore stalked was Meg, and that dude was legit psycho.


Makes you wonder if she was trying to get more made

I'd imagine Autumn was the one that pushed for that. Adam would probably geek out over MGS, but I know Konami still gets anal about that shit at times, especially MGS4.

Bruce is going to get tired if not being able to fuck Alanah and finally give in and fuck elyse. James will find out and like all 3 will leave at different times

Sports ball

Opie Radio

James comes across as a cuck who would highfive Bruce

Who even cares about age gaps other than older women who are lonely. Shit I find people with 10-15 years apart live happier lives than those with 1-2.

i still like them i dont get the hate you guys have

I miss Joel, is he still alive? I hope he is. Those rants about gold and shit were amazing

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If anybody was to leave it'd be Adam just because he'd be burnt out, and even then Bruce and James would likely follow, as would Lawrence, which would cause all the rest to follow.

He shows up in vids once in a blue moon. He's just working on his own stuff anymore, so good for him. I do miss him and Spoole, which I haven't seen shit on Spoole in ages.

he's not a liberal so they keep him hidden away while he does multi-million dollar brand deals for them

>there was talking of Griffon/Burnie having a thing years ago
Don't be retarded

What would they even leave to though? It's obvious they are over the let's play shit and they aren't good enough to write comedy skits as shown by Arizona circle

some tattoos should be ilegal.

Joel is probably the weirdest person. He's super jewish, acts super gay, and yet he's the most right wing straightest dude there.

Based, let these boomers wallow in nostalgia, the new age has begun and Funhaus and Camp Camp will take their rightful place

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>So far, only Jack, Gus, and Jon Risinger have been open in their support of violence not just towards Neo-nazis, but republicans in general.
So-yims got a death wish, it seems. If they're based in Texas, they're surrounded by people who'd just disappear them in the vast wasteland that is Texas.

Elyse always tries to change subject as quickly as possible when her deep fakes are mentioned.To be fair she has a bunch of deep fakes.

>Ray leaves
>quality drops
>Ray replaced in Let's Plays by Jeremy/Lindsey/etc. who are significantly less funny than him
>quality drops
>resurgence in Funhaus/finding old IG content
>Spoole leaves
>Joel leaves
>quality tanks
>quality rises a bit with Elyse (eventually)
>drops again with Alanah
Fuck. Why can't things I enjoy last?

He ded, I checked on his stream a week or two ago and he was playing some weird game for like 30 viewers. I feel bad for him

wrong joel dude

Probably leave over RT's bs like they did with Machinima. They'd probably just go and do streams of their shit, they seem more into that than anything anymore.

Hell I've noticed the longer people work at RT the less interested they get in games, yet away from them they're all about it on their own streams.

Thats why he was one of the best parts of RT. Weirdness like Joel's is beautiful to watch.

Elyse just needs to start bringing her puppets to work and using them as the new Elyse instead.
Sad, but I suppose if he wasn't happy he'd just come back, I'm sure they'd hire him in a heartbeat again.

Nothing will compare to Adam finding a literal deepfake of himself while looking for Rule 34 on Demo Disk. Dude just had to laugh it off but I'm sure he was shook as fuck. If he can get over that Elyse can get over her porn
I'm sure they all just don't like to think about it in general


lmao I found it. Even the autistic kids in middle school knew that trick didn't work.

They'd probably just syndicate and make their own channel independently/under some other media company RT's parent company hasn't eaten yet.

Ray was funny, you could tell he stopped caring and tanked. Jeremy has gotten way fucking better though now that he's settled in. Alanah is fine, she has her moments when she's not half dead due to her weird fatigue condition.

have a rubes

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Alanah is just the new Adam. Constantly dead inside unless its something they enjoy, like Halo.

SP7 went to shit when Suptic started taking anti depressants.

I miss the old AH; Geoff, Ryan, Gavin, Micheal, Jack, and Ray. They all clicked and each where funny in there own way. I guess nothing last forever tho.

ruby is the sole exclusive property of the BWC (big weiss cock)

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I don't think Adam really cared. He was probably like "Wtf is wrong with people", but you also gotta realize Adam doesn't care about most things. Elyse on the other hand is basically that weird theater dork you knew in high school who had no friends but just happened to be hot and into some video games and weird shit and then became an e-celeb.

I fell out of Funhaus for a bit and haven't watched a lot of their stuff from the last year and a half-ish. Hopefully you're right

Ryan, Jeremy, Michael, and Gavin together still have their moments.

i love that they called him out on it too, good lord.

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this and i think i like her cosplay more than micka's

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Adam and Alanah have started playing Halo CE Legendary, they seem way perkier and into it, it's refreshing honestly.
They need to get back to doing Halo Legendary themselves, those were great vids to watch.

Oh man that's awkward as hell. I mean it's pretty obvious he has a crush on Elyse, but jesus man...oof.

Wait, what?

I would be too. Isn't she 14?

>hurrr Jeff Gerstmann is bad because he said Fallout 4 was a 7/10
Fuck this guy

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kys reddit

I went to the first RTX sydney and one of the things i remember the most was being on the show floor and watching geoff and his daughter walk up some stairs to get to the balcony the staff were using to get around, there were literally 50 people crowding them as they did this and screaming at them the entire time. That cannot be good for a kid, it's gotta mess them up right?

Hell I skinny dipped when I was like 10, wasn't with girls or guys, just wanted to see what it was like out of curiosity.

Not really a big deal.